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To: fatidic; quidnunc
"Should he be reelected this fall, he will remain not only a controversial figure but possibly one of the most consequential Presidents we have had in the modern era."

Indeed. No President has ever accomplished so much for Conservatives. See below.

Presidency of George W. Bush -- the first 36 months


Banned Partial Birth Abortion

Reversed Clinton's move to strike Reagan's anti-abortion Mexico Policy

Killed the Kyoto Global Warming Treaty

Killed U.S. involvement in the International Criminal Court

Killed Clinton's CO2 rules that were choking off all of the electricity surplus to California.

Killed Clinton's "ergonomic" rules that OSHA was about to implement; rules that would have shut down every home business in America.

Killed the U.S. - CCCP ABM Treaty that was preventing the U.S. from deploying our ABM defenses

Has CONSTRUCTION in process on the first ten ABM silos in Alaska and California so that America has a defense against North Korean nukes


Pushed through THREE raises for our military.

Increased Defense Dept funding which had deteriorated during the previous 8 years


Stopped foreign aid that would be used to fund abortions.

Supported and upheld the ban on abortions at military hospitals

Signed E.O. reversing Clinton's policy of not requiring parental consent for abortions under the Medical Privacy Act

Signed TWO bills into law that arm our pilots with handguns in the cockpit

Currently pushing for full immunity from lawsuits for our national gun manufacturers

Ordered Attorney-General Ashcroft to formally notify the Supreme Court that the OFFICIAL U.S. government position on the 2nd Amendment is that it supports INDIVIDUAL rights to own firearms, NOT a leftist-imagined *collective* right

Told the United Nations we weren't interested in their plans for gun control (i.e. the International Ban on Small Arms Trafficking Treaty)

Signed the 2004 Omnibus Budget 1/26/2004 that now MANDATES that gun buyers' background check information be fully and permanently destroyed within 24 hours of the completion of the check, no matter what.

Disarmed Libya of its Chemical, Nuclear, and biological WMD's without bribes or bloodshed

Successfully executed 2 wars: Afghanistan and Iraq. 50 million people who had lived under tyrannical regimes now live in freedom


Executed a WAR ON TERROR by getting world-wide cooperation to track funds/terrorists (has cut off much of the terrorist's funding and captured or killed many key leaders of the al Qaeda network)


Brought back our EP-3 intel plane and crew from China without any bribes or bloodshed

Started withdrawing our troops from Bosnia and has announced withdrawal of our troops from Germany and the Korean DMZ.

Signed the LARGEST nuclear arms reduction in world history with Russia

Initiated comprehensive review of our military, which was completed just prior to 9/11/01, accurately reported that ASYMMETRICAL WARFARE was critical.

Changed the tone in the White House, restoring HONOR and DIGNITY to the Presidency

Reorganized bureaucracy...after 9/11, condensed 20+ overlapping agencies and their intelligence sectors into one agency: the Department of Homeland Security.

Initiated discussion on privatizing Social Security and individual investment accounts.

Improving govt. efficiency with .8 million jobs put up for bid...weakening unions and cutting undeserved pay raises. Wants merit based promotions/raises only.

Orchestrated Republican control of the White House, the House AND the Senate.

Killed the liberal ABA's role in vetting federal judges for Congress.

GWB signed an executive order enforcing the Supreme Court's Beck decision (re: union dues being used for political campaigns against individual's wishes)

Turned around an inherited economy that was in recession.

Passed tough new laws to hold corporate criminals to account as a result of corporate scandals.

Signed 2 income tax cuts ---- 1 of which was the largest Dollar value tax cut in world history

Reduced taxes on dividends and capital gains

In process of eliminating IRS marriage penalty.

Increased small business incentives to expand and to hire new people

Signed into law the No Child Left Behind legislation delivering the most dramatic education reforms in a generation (challenging the soft bigotry of low expectations)

Reorganized the INS in an attempt to safeguard the borders and ports of America and to eliminate bureaucratic redundancies and lack of accountability.

Signed trade promotion authority

Committed US funds to purchase medicine for millions of men and women and children now suffering with AIDS in Africa

Passed Medicare Reform (authorized $39.5 Billion per year for preventive medicine such as drugs and doctor visits as well as included a ten year Privatization option)

Urging federal liability reform to eliminate frivolous lawsuits

Supports class action reform bill which limits lawyer fees so that more settlement money goes to victims

Submitted comprehensive Energy Plan--awaits Congressional action (works to develop cleaner technology, produce more natural gas here at home, make America less dependent on foreign sources of energy, improve national grid, etc.)

Endorses and promotes The Responsibility Era ("In a compassionate society, people respect one another and take responsibility for the decisions they make in life. My hope is to change the culture from one that has said, if it feels good, do it; if you've got a problem, blame somebody else -- to one in which every single American understands that he or she are responsible for the decisions that you make; you're responsible for loving your children with all your heart and all your soul; you're responsible for being involved with the quality of the education of your children; you're responsible for making sure the community in which you live is safe; you're responsible for loving your neighbor, just like you would like to be loved yourself. " -----this quote was too good to leave out)

Started the USA Freedom Corps

Initiated review of all federal agencies with a goal to eliminate federal jobs (completed September 2003) in an effort to reduce the size of federal gov while increasing private sector jobs.

Part of coalition (Russia, Israel, EU, Palestine, USA) for Israeli/Palestinian "Roadmap to Peace"

Challenged the United Nations to live up to their responsibilities and not become The League of Nations ( in other words, completely irrelevant)

Nominated strong, conservative judges to the judiciary.

Changed parts of the Forestry Management Act to allow necessary clean-up of the national forests in order to reduce fire danger.

As part of the national forests clean-up, the President restricted judicial challenges (based on the Endangered Species Act and other challenges) and removed the need for an EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) before removing fuels/logging to reduce fire danger.

Significantly eased field-testing controls of genetically engineered crops.

President Bush signed the workplace verification bill to prevent hiring of illegal Aliens
S. 1685, the Basic Pilot Extension Act of 2003, was signed by President Bush on December 3, 2003.
It extends for five years the workplace employment eligibility authorization pilot programs created in 1996. It expands the pilot programs from the original five states to all 50 states.

4 posted on 02/02/2004 2:21:15 PM PST by Southack (Media bias means that Castro won't be punished for Cuban war crimes against Black Angolans in Africa)
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To: Southack
Thank you for posting that.
8 posted on 02/02/2004 2:27:11 PM PST by E. Pluribus Unum (Drug prohibition laws help fund terrorism.)
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To: Southack
Thank you.

I'm close to cooling some internet friendships over this. It's easier to be friends with a liberal than with a Republican who wants to send email after email bashing our President. It's wearing me out, because I feel so very strongly that the criticism is wrong. I don't agree with President Bush on everything he's done but the list you've presented should darn well trump the areas of disagreement, which are mostly proposals anyway and aren't going to make it to the status of law unbent by political compromise.

Jim Robinson's wonderful vanity about why we should still be supporting President Bush isn't coming to hand (grr) but I know someone will post the link here if I ask nicely. Please?
14 posted on 02/02/2004 2:32:39 PM PST by Triple Word Score
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To: Southack
Thanks for posting that.

Whether we agree with everything that President Bush does or not, it is important to keep our priorities straight.

Our country is at war.

This is a civilization war, and if we lose it, things like illeagals and Medicare will be the least of our concerns.

For the first time in a long time, we have a President who recognizes the deadly threat and is willing to put it to the bad guys.

We dare not let a Dem get the reins at this time.

President Bush has my vote.


18 posted on 02/02/2004 2:38:58 PM PST by tiamat ("Just a Bronze-Age Gal, Trapped in a Techno World!")
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To: Southack
Quick call GW's campaign coordinator and volunteer your services to get this comprhensive list out to us conservatives so we have something to VOTE for other than GW's success at protecting America from another attack.
23 posted on 02/02/2004 2:44:27 PM PST by PISANO (God Bless our Troops........They will not TIRE - They will not FALTER - They will not FAIL!!!!!)
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To: Southack
Presidency of George W. Bush -- the first 36 months

Let me add some things to your list:
Signed the Medicare drug benefit which will probably cost over $ one trillion before it collapses Medicare.
Signed the Campaign Reform act limiting everyone's first amendment rights.
Signed the Patriot act, limiting everyone's Fourth and Fifth amendment rights.
Invented the status of "enemy combatant" making all US citizens subject to arrest and indefinite detention without judicial intervention, charge or trial. This eliminates everyone's due process rights guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment.
Promised to sign a renewal of the Assault Weapons ban, thus limiting everyone's Second Amendment rights.
Imposed Federal rules further into education with "No Child Left Behind" in violation of the Tenth Amendment.

Is this enough to give you second thoughts about rating Bush 2 as a conservative? Maybe you need more! Or maybe you don't think that obeying the Bill of Rights is an important aspect of conservative thought.

31 posted on 02/02/2004 2:49:43 PM PST by Mike4Freedom (Freedom is the one thing that you cannot have unless you grant it to everyone else.)
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To: Southack
Very nice, listing all those things that so many conservatives forget. Hannity, Limbaugh and G. Gordon need to be reminded as well.
32 posted on 02/02/2004 2:49:49 PM PST by jstolarczyk (jstolarczyk)
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To: Southack
Return To Start
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  Kerry Bush
General Information
Party  Democrat Republican
Has Held Elected Office  Yes Yes
Served in the Military  Yes Yes
Appoint Judges Who Will Outlaw Abortions  Strongly Opposes Strongly Favor
Outlaw "Partial Birth" Abortions  Strongly Opposes Strongly Favor
Outlaw Abortions Except for Rape/Incest  Strongly Opposes Strongly Favor
Parental Notification for Minors Under 18  Strongly Opposes Strongly Favor
Gay Rights
Constitutional Gay Marriage Ban  Somewhat Opposes Strongly Favor
Equal Rights for Civil Unions  Strongly Favor Somewhat Opposes
Allow Gays to Openly Serve in the Military  Strongly Favor Strongly Opposes
Religion in Government
Organized Prayer in Public Schools  Strongly Opposes Strongly Favor
Commandments Displayed in Federal Buildings  Strongly Opposes Strongly Favor
Federal Funding of Religious Charities  Strongly Opposes Strongly Favor
Gun Control
Safety Devices on All New Guns  Strongly Favor Strongly Opposes
Background Checks on Gun Show Purchases  Strongly Favor Somewhat Opposes
Require Safety Course, License Before Gun Purchase  Somewhat Favor Strongly Opposes
Allow Lawsuits Against Gun Manufacturers  Somewhat Favor Strongly Opposes
Death Penalty
Abolish the Death Penalty  Strongly Opposes Strongly Opposes
National Review of Death Penalty Fairness  Strongly Favor Strongly Opposes
No Child Left Behind Act  Somewhat Favor Strongly Favor
Vouchers for Public, Private or Religious Schools  Strongly Opposes Strongly Favor
Increase Federal Funding for Higher Education  Somewhat Favor Somewhat Opposes
Homeland Security
The Patriot Act  Strongly Opposes Strongly Favor
Tighter Immigration Controls  Strongly Favor Strongly Favor
The War in Iraq  Somewhat Opposes Strongly Favor
Turning Over More Political Authority to U.N.  Somewhat Favor Strongly Opposes
Immediate Withdrawal of U.S. Troops  Strongly Opposes Strongly Opposes
Foreign Trade
Embargo on Cuba  Somewhat Favor Strongly Favor
U.S. Involvement in NAFTA  Strongly Favor Strongly Favor
Mandatory Labor/Environment Standards in Trade Agreements  Somewhat Favor Strongly Opposes
Health Care
Universal Government-Supervised Health Care  Somewhat Opposes Strongly Opposes
Medicare Prescription Drugs Coverage By Private Insurers  Strongly Opposes Strongly Favor
Expand Medicaid to Cover More Uninsured Americans  Strongly Favor No Opinion
Limit Malpractice Suits Against Doctors, Insurers  Somewhat Favor Strongly Favor
Welfare Reform
Hiring Welfare Workers Tax Incentive  No Opinion Somewhat Opposes
Welfare Benefits for Legal Immigrants  Strongly Favor Somewhat Opposes
Child Care Services for Getting Off Welfare  No Opinion Somewhat Opposes
Social Security
Raise Retirement Age  Strongly Opposes No Opinion
Privatize Social Security  Strongly Opposes Strongly Favor
Cap Payments to Wealthy  Somewhat Favor Strongly Opposes
Tax Cuts
Roll Back the Bush Administration Tax Cuts  Somewhat Opposes Strongly Opposes
Roll Back Cuts for People Making Over $100,000  Strongly Favor Strongly Opposes
Additional Tax Cuts for Businesses  Strongly Opposes Strongly Favor
Raise the Minimum Wage  Strongly Favor Strongly Opposes
Extend Unemployment Benefits  Strongly Favor Strongly Opposes
Oil Drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge  Strongly Opposes Strongly Favor
Mandatory Clean Air Emissions Standards  Strongly Favor Somewhat Opposes
Tougher Fuel Efficiency Standards  Strongly Favor Strongly Opposes
  Back to results

41 posted on 02/02/2004 2:55:07 PM PST by Hillary's Lovely Legs (Bush has won two wars, Kerry is French......'nuff said)
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To: Southack
Signed the 2004 Omnibus Budget 1/26/2004 that now MANDATES that gun buyers' background check information be fully and permanently destroyed within 24 hours of the completion of the check, no matter what.

Unfortunately, I have already heard news reports that the FBI intends to continue to keep these records for 90 days...... The law has no teeth to enforce this mandate, so it's meaningless.

62 posted on 02/02/2004 3:09:40 PM PST by TheBattman (Miserable failure =
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To: Southack
Excellent post..I feel better.
67 posted on 02/02/2004 3:10:48 PM PST by evad (There is only one Brit Hume)
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To: Southack
No fair carpet bombing us with facts in a political argument!!!
87 posted on 02/02/2004 3:26:56 PM PST by PeoplesRepublicOfWashington
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To: Southack
Impressive list. Thanks for posting it. Yes, I'm voting for George W. Bush!
90 posted on 02/02/2004 3:29:34 PM PST by Ditter
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To: Southack
Your overuse of the word, "Killed" in your list betrays your overactive imagination. Though your list is somewhat more attractive, I prefer Sir Gawain's emphasis on facts.
93 posted on 02/02/2004 3:41:17 PM PST by Nephi (Compassionate conservatism: Sure it's socialism, but what are you gonna do, vote for Nikita Dean?)
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To: Southack
I always smile when I see it's you posting, Southack! You pull together the important facts and present them in a cogent, rational manner. It is greatly appreciated.
99 posted on 02/02/2004 3:54:25 PM PST by alwaysconservative (Democrats recycle: bad ideas, bad policies, bad people.)
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To: Southack
Thanks for your post!
Some conservatives should take a second look at your list. Bush did accomplished so much. He made promises during his 2000 campaign which he has kept. I think Bush is very courageous doing something different and trying to break up liberal stronghold. I would like to see conserative judges to the judiciary without filibusters.
127 posted on 02/02/2004 6:46:14 PM PST by Milligan
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To: Southack
Let me add my thanks to the list.

I am sick to death of these whining crybabies who call themselves conservatives yet ignore Bush's numerous conservative accomplishments, just so they can nitpick over one or two issues they don't like.

Let's hope we don't have to depend on unbalanced personalities like these to reelect Bush in Nov.

169 posted on 02/06/2004 7:06:21 PM PST by Jorge
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To: Southack
Passed Medicare Reform (authorized $39.5 Billion per year for preventive medicine such as drugs and doctor visits as well as included a ten year Privatization option)

You need to update this item to $53.5 billion per year.

205 posted on 02/07/2004 11:10:06 AM PST by NittanyLion
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To: dwilli
Post #4
211 posted on 02/08/2004 6:23:40 AM PST by MEG33 (BUSH/CHENEY '04)
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To: Southack
Signed TWO bills into law that arm our pilots with handguns in the cockpit

This just makes me wonder how much ELSE of your long rant is BS or MISLEADING BS. THIS most certainly is.

The Rovians have done everything they can do to stonewall this commonsense move. It is no where close to being implemented and probably never will be!

223 posted on 02/09/2004 3:53:08 PM PST by iconoclast
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