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Southern CA fires - Live Thread 10/27
| Myself
Posted on 10/26/2003 9:52:12 PM PST by spectr17
Southern CA fires - Live Thread 10/27
Cal Fire Maps
Live online scanner feeds for fire, cops, CDF, air attack
FYI, this one gives pop ups if you use it.
No pop ups on this feed
Another live scanner feed.
Click on Big Bear Feed
another live feed for socal, Verdugo Fire Communications Center
CHP Dispatch
CDF AIR CHANNELS ---------------- Red - 151.220 - Air to ground units Blue - 151.280 - Air to air Green - 151.295 - Air to air Yellow - 151.310 - Air to air Victor - 122.925 AM - Air to air for contract helicopters
List of channels for SoCal
Get a copy of Police call for when you're mobile.
San Bernardino National Forest
171.475 mhz and 172.225
123.9750 National Air Tanker Base Freq. 135.9750 Air ops 151.2200 CDF Red Air to Ground 151.2650 CDF Region 151.3100 CDF Air Tactics 6 151.3550 CDF Command Net 1 154.2650 OES White Fire 2 154.2800 OES White Fire 1 154.2950 OES White Fire 3 164.1250 Fire Camp Service Net 166.6125 "Command" Fontana area 166.8500 Air attack 167.9500 BLM Air to Ground 168.0500 NIFC Tac 1 168.0750 NIFC Tac 3 168.200 NIFC Tac 2 (Crew Net) 168.2500 BLM? "Command" 168.4000 BLM "Command" 168.6000 NIFC Tac 3 168.6250 Air Guard 169.1250 Calif. Fire Travel Net 169.0625 vehicle mechanics? 170.0000 Air to Ground Region 5 173.9125 Region 5 Tac 4 173.9625 Region 5 Tac 5 173.9875 Region 5 Tac 6 415.5500 National Air channel
Los Angeles Area
San Diego
TOPICS: Breaking News; News/Current Events; US: California
KEYWORDS: fire; firestorm; socalfires
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Comment #1,921 Removed by Moderator
To: sf4dubya
W, this is freaking me out - all these reports of serial arson and yet news just refers to "wildfires" and "brushfires", or mentions the ONE fire accidently started by a hunter . . . HELLO MEDIA . . . something very scary is afoot . . .
posted on
10/27/2003 8:16:12 PM PST
To: per loin
Totally agree.
I have even been wishing all day that I would even be estatic to see Whorealtoego just to get some round the clock visuals and reports of needs down there.
To: sf4dubya; bonesmccoy
FF stuck in dozer powder, digging out since she won't go no mo, even with 4wd
To: sf4dubya
Are these creeps trying to light fires every hour or something?? WHY isn't anyone RUNNING THEM OFF THE ROAD??
posted on
10/27/2003 8:17:57 PM PST
(UN Resolutions = Very Expensive, Very SCRATCHY Toilet Paper)
To: nicmarlo
Nite, nic...THANKS for all.
posted on
10/27/2003 8:18:04 PM PST
Brad’s Gramma
(Logan's Home! Logan's Home! Logan's Home! Logan's Home! Logan's Home!)
To: PhiKapMom
Thanks, now am going to bed....had to post that arson fire on arson thread first. Night now.
To: South40
They may be committed totheir cause...but least they're getting large doses of bad air in the process. And they were probably among those supporting the (tobacco) smoking ban in california so they had clean air to breathe!!!
posted on
10/27/2003 8:18:59 PM PST
(Smoke-gnatzies - small minds buzzing in your business - SWAT'EM)
To: nicmarlo
Getting ready to evacuate Porter Ranch!
posted on
10/27/2003 8:19:11 PM PST
(AOII Mom -- Don't forget to Visit/donate at
To: dogbyte12
Baby Bart kept chanting, "Must not sleep,... the clown will eat me" I SO feel like that right now.
To: SCalGal
New Fire inside San Fernando Valley....
sesnon and neon way
To: Ladypixel
Oh, that's great news that you are out of harm's way!! Now you can sleep peacefully again thru the night.
I never figured I'd need it but I made a list of things to toss into the car "in case". And that was before I heard today that the authorities will take you away if you refuse a mandatory evacuation order, and will cite you. Most of us would follow orders, I think, don't you? They're the professionals.
To: Diddle E. Squat
Thank you for the fire map! I've been looking for something like that for 2 days!
To: Not now, Not ever!
Now if I can just establish a one mile clear space I will be safe. Of course the mud slide would kill you a few months later....
To: sandyeggo
>> Would he by chance also have an antique appliance collection, and about 14 classic cars, and live on a hill? They said Blossom Valley on the news, but Blossom Valley borders Alpine on the East side.
I have never seen his collection, but I don't believe he has that many. He has spoken of only two. I am not sure about appliances, but I believe he has a collection of very old radios, and a collection of old Texaco Fuel Truck toys (I understand they can have hefty price tags). He and my sister moved from Marin County to Victoria Drive in Alpine about 10 years ago. From the pictures it appears they live in a valley.
FIre Stategy meeting underway for tonight/tommorrow
Sorry, I don't have ears in fire strategy meeting.
To: Free Trapper
"Wish I knew what FReeper to credit "must not sleep...the clowns will eat me" but I thought it qualified as a first class FReeperism.Many heavy eyes watch these threads"I'm soon going to have to take my heavy eyes to bed and take my chances with the clowns (thank heaven hubby's asleep)
posted on
10/27/2003 8:22:40 PM PST
(UN Resolutions = Very Expensive, Very SCRATCHY Toilet Paper)
To: cake_crumb
Can you believe these people running around starting more fires tonight? That is beyond comprehension.
posted on
10/27/2003 8:22:55 PM PST
(AOII Mom -- Don't forget to Visit/donate at
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