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As the vice pres of the Catholic Family Association of America, I'd ask my fellow Freepers to help in this effort.


Dr. Brian Kopp [proud2brc]
Vice President, Catholic Family Association of America

1 posted on 02/11/2002 6:35:35 PM PST by Brian Kopp DPM
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To: *Catholic_list; *Christian_list; *Abortion_list; *Pro_life; patent; notwithstanding; JMJ333...
2 posted on 02/11/2002 6:36:31 PM PST by Brian Kopp DPM
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To: proud2bRC
You got it, doc. I'll call in the morning.
3 posted on 02/11/2002 6:40:40 PM PST by Petronski
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To: proud2bRC;khepera;argee;wwjdn;spookbrat;brad's gramma;harrison bergeron;rdb3;paul atreides...
Rumours of your retirement appear to have been greatly exaggerated.

"The Vagina Monologues", written by feminazi Eve Ensler, is male-bashing heterophobic twaddle. Valentine's Day celebrates all that is positive in romantic relationships between men and women; TVM chose Feb. 14 as their play date because of their disdain for caring, committed, long-term monogamous, heterosexual relationships.

4 posted on 02/11/2002 6:46:05 PM PST by J.R.R. Tolkien
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To: proud2bRC
I hear that a certain wonderful young man is writing "The Romantic Dialogues", which will be offered free of charge to campuses across America in 2003, with the sole pre-condition that it be performed on Valentine's Day.
5 posted on 02/11/2002 6:48:14 PM PST by J.R.R. Tolkien
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To: proud2bRC
Catholic Family Association of America


6 posted on 02/11/2002 6:49:01 PM PST by J.R.R. Tolkien
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To: proud2bRC
Even private universities are having runs of TVM...echoing the mantra of Kruschev: "We shall bury you...from within."
12 posted on 02/11/2002 6:57:12 PM PST by J.R.R. Tolkien
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To: proud2bRC
will do - thanks for informing us - God help us - what is wrong with our Catholic Leaders?
28 posted on 02/11/2002 7:56:25 PM PST by victim soul
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To: proud2bRC
Just what in the H*ll the College of the Holy Cross doing putting on Vagina Monologues on Tuesday and Ash Wednesday, or any other day for that matter.
33 posted on 02/11/2002 9:45:42 PM PST by Valin
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To: proud2bRC
I'm not Catholic but I love my Catholic friends. I'll call.
35 posted on 02/12/2002 4:16:25 AM PST by SpookBrat
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To: proud2bRC
As a non-Catholic, I will not add my voice to the protest. This appears to be a family matter and I trust the family to carry out its internal affairs.

But I will add my prayers to our common Father.


40 posted on 02/12/2002 5:14:23 AM PST by ArGee
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To: Aunt Polgara
Have you been pinging on this yet? I didn't see your name.
48 posted on 02/12/2002 6:43:00 AM PST by SpookBrat
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To: *Catholic_list; patent; notwithstanding; JMJ333; Aunt Polgara; AgThorn; IM2Phat4U; toenail...
Here's an update, pathetic response from the local bishop, not surprising...

Worcester, Mass.

Play will go on despite protests

Tuesday, February 12, 2002 By Emilie Astell

Telegram & Gazette Staff

WORCESTER-- The uproar over a production of "The Vagina Monologues" at the College of the Holy Cross is not stopping the play from being performed tonight and tomorrow night. Despite numerous calls to the Worcester Diocese and criticism from such groups as Students for Life and the Life Action League of Massachusetts, the play will be performed at 8 both nights at Hogan Campus Center.

Rumors that there would be student protests outside the campus center appeared to be dissipating last night, although some students who oppose the production may meet privately to recite the rosary. One student said the overall feeling on campus is that the production is a welcome event. The Rev. Michael C. McFarland, president of the college, said he supports the goal of the play, which is to raise consciousness about violence against women and to raise money for Abby's House, a local shelter for battered women. But the production is not the means he would choose, he said.

"It's meant to be provocative," he said last night. "That's not foreign to what we do as an intellectual and cultural institution. We have to do things that make people uncomfortable."

Rev. McFarland has not seen the play, but he has been told of its contents. He said he would find parts of it objectionable, but believes there is value in letting women tell their stories. The dialogue is drawn from conversations with women.

College administrators decided that the play was not so thoroughly wrong as to be unsuitable for a campus production, he said. "I understand that people are objecting to it," he said, "but it also has value. That's why we're going ahead with it."

Rev. McFarland and Bishop Daniel P. Reilly of the Worcester Diocese discussed the play after the diocese received numerous phone calls objecting to the production on the grounds that it contains obscene language and an assault on a minor, according to diocesan spokesman Raymond L. Delisle. The bishop is not planning to issue a statement about Holy Cross' role in presenting the play, Mr. Delisle said. "It's really a college issue," he said, "but because people are coming to us as well, we wanted the college to be aware of that."

Asked about the conversation with the bishop, Rev. McFarland said he was sure the bishop found parts of the production objectionable. The bishop did not endorse the play in any way, he said.

Traditional Catholic students are upset with the production, according to sophomore Travis J. Norton. Allowing the play on campus points out concerns about where Holy Cross is going in terms of its Catholic identity.

"I'm just a Catholic kid who's worried about what this is saying about our school," Mr. Norton said. "Holy Cross is implementing diversity at the expense of Catholicism."

He is concerned about some of the dialogue in the play that seems to approve lesbianism and masturbation, he said, neither of which are consistent with church teachings. In addition, the play is to be performed on Ash Wednesday, which is the beginning of Lent in the Christian calendar.

While he understands the college's desire to be diverse and show students different viewpoints, he questions whether that drive would mean going to an extreme, such as inviting to the campus members of the Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacy group.

Concerns that Holy Cross was becoming too secular were raised last year by some alumni. Mr. Norton said in light of that criticism, he was surprised that the play was allowed to be performed. "You'd think the administration would have a little more political sense than do something like the 'Vagina Monologues,' " he said. "I can't see their rationale."

Other students see the production as a chance to share new ideas. Senior Kristen J. Cortiglia, in charge of the production, said the play neither glorifies nor denigrates lesbianism and homosexuality. It does not take a stand on being gay or straight, she said. The play, which is being performed by students, also does not take a stand on such topics as abortion, she said, so it does not fly in the face of the Catholic Church. "To cancel the production would infringe on our academic freedom," she said.

Seniors Jerry Volpe and Melissa R. Murray, co-chairmen of the Student Government Association, said the organization supports the production and all the hard work put into it. Students were set to discuss the issue last night at a meeting of the student senate.

Ms. Murray said the play offers an opportunity to voice opinions, think critically and be challenged by new ideas. Mr. Volpe agreed.

"As a liberal arts college in the Jesuit tradition," he said, "this will enlighten students' minds and expand dialogue on campus."


"As a liberal arts college in the Jesuit tradition,"

Ahhh, there is the problem in a nutshell...not the Jesuit Tradition of its founder, but the Jesuit Tradition of the Jesuits of the last 4 decades.

Like the proverbial "spirit of Vatican II" this new Jesuit Spirit is not the Holy Spirit.


60 posted on 02/12/2002 9:10:01 AM PST by Brian Kopp DPM
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To: proud2bRC
E-mail sent. May God bless you during this Lenten season.
65 posted on 02/12/2002 10:00:21 AM PST by B-Chan
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To: proud2bRC

In light of the recent pedophile scandal in Massachusetts, it seems in very poor taste and somewhat insensitive to be flaunting perversion on a Catholic campus.

82 posted on 02/12/2002 3:28:20 PM PST by HowlinglyMind-BendingAbsurdity
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To: proud2bRC
Here's my email to Father McFarland; then his polite, but clueless, response; and finally my reply.

Subject: Re: The Vagina Monologues

Dear Father:

As a Catholic, I am greatly dismayed that you are permitting this anti-Christian, anti-male and anti-heterosexual garbage to be performed at Holy Cross. What are you thinking?

Very truly yours,

[Name omitted]

Dear [NAME],

While the play has some parts that are quite explicit and would be uncomfortable or offensive for many (including me, possibly) it is neither anti-Christian, anti-male nor anti-heterosexual. Those who have seen it, many of whom are committed Catholics, say it has a positive message about women and raises important issues regarding violence and abuse against women. I think it is appropriate to present it here.

Michael McFarland, SJ

Dear Father:

I received your email. Thank you for taking the time to respond to me. I respectfully submit that you are in error in your assessment of “The Vagina Monologues.”

The play is anti-Christian, because rape is anti-Christian. In the play, a thirteen-year-old girl is “seduced” by a twenty-four year old woman. At the end of the scene, the thirteen year old tells the audience: “Well, I say if it was rape, it was a good rape.”

Lesbianism is anti-Christian. The Catechism says:

2357. "Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents HOMOSEXUAL acts as acts of grave depravity,[Cf. Gen 191-29 ; Rom 124-27 ; 1 Cor 6:10 ; 1 Tim 1:10 .] tradition has always declared that 'HOMOSEXUAL acts are intrinsically disordered.'[CDF, Persona humana 8.] They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved."

St. Paul says to the Romans: "For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. Their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural, and men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in their own persons the due penalty for their error." Rom. 1:26-27.

The play is anti-heterosexual, because it glorifies lesbianism and belittles heterosexual relationships.

The play is anti-male. You deny this, but query whether such a title is appropriate to hang on a play that views male-female relationships as largely characterized by violence. Camille Paglia, Christina Hoff Summers, and a host of others—not exactly raging Catholic traditionalists—have called the play anti-male. If you have access to the web, a Google search of “Vagina Monologues” and “anti-male” will give you much to consider.

For your edification, and because you have not seen it, here’s the show’s contents, which largely speak for themselves:

2. Hair
3. If your vagina got dressed, what would it wear?
4. If your vagina could talk, what would it say?
5. The Flood
6.The Vagina Workshop
7.Vagina Fact – Clitoris
8.Because He liked to Look at It
9.Vagina Fact – Genital Mutilation
10.My Angry Vagina
11. My Vagina Was My Village
12.The Little Coochi Snorcher That Could
13.What does your vagina smell like?
14.Reclaiming Cunt
15.I Asked a Six Year Old Girl
16.The Women Who Loved to Make Vaginas Happy
17.I Was There In The Room

The objectification of female genitalia is demeaning to women. Would you let pornographer Larry Flynt put on a skit called “The Little Coochi Snorcher That Could,” or would you be rightfully offended?

Your reliance on “committed Catholics” who support “The Vagina Monologues” is misplaced. I’m a committed Catholic, and I assure you it’s trash. Given the disparity of perspective of “committed Catholics,” and given your responsibilities to the Catholic College of the Holy Cross, I suggest you look into the matter a little more carefully yourself.

Yours in Christ,


Any other Freepers care to correspond with Father McFarlane? We might get through to him. Start Lent the right way and send him a letter.

91 posted on 02/13/2002 10:41:11 AM PST by d-back
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To: proud2bRC
Thought you left for lent.
100 posted on 02/13/2002 2:47:33 PM PST by WherecouldIgo?
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To: proud2bRC
Here is a copy of an email I received back from the college:

What are you talking about? There was no connection between the play that was presented here and Planned Parenthood. There is no mention of or support for abortion in the play, no mention of Planned Parenthood or its issues.

The play was presented as part of a national effort to raise awareness about violence against women, a cause we certainly support. The proceeds are going to support a shelter for battered women that our students regularly staff. A small part will go to support widows and orphans in Afghanistan. Many who have seen the play say that, while it certainly does contain some explicit parts that many would find uncomfortable or offensive, the overall message is to express and affirm the identity and experience of women.

It represents some of the seamier parts of human experience, but then so do a lot of things our students are exposed to in the media. They seem to have been able to handle it intelligently and come out with their souls intact.
Michael McFarland, SJ

114 posted on 02/14/2002 8:00:50 PM PST by Salvation
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To: proud2bRC
I read your post and your web-site and then fired off a scathing e-mail to Fr. MacFarland. Last night my wife and I watched some portion of the Vagina Monologues ("VM")on HBO. Your characterizations of the VM is superficial, stilted and wrong. You were wrong in attempting to censor the performance, and I was wrong in believing your mischaracterizations and supporting your efforts.

The VM is not anti-anything, but is thought provoking.

It does have an adult theme, and is not appropriate for children. The thought provoking aspect is probably why it was presented to a college community.

I am intellectually embarassed that I supported your attempts to engage in censorship. Our Faith is not diminished because we listen to a "play" that may have references to acts which we find immoral. It may help us to understand why we believe certain acts are immoral.

Allowing the expression of ideas which others may find offensive is -hopefully- part of what universities do. Remember the uproar last year when David Limbaugh and Ann Coulter were the recipients of leftist censorship?

The VM is not going to destroy anyone's faith, and it may encourage understanding of other women's experiences and perspectives. A lot of it is funny, all of it makes you think.

115 posted on 02/16/2002 4:45:08 AM PST by John Galt's cousin
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To: proud2bRC
Subj: NJ Governor McGreevey - Hibernian?

It was widely reported that Bishop Edward T. Hughes chastised Governor James McGreevey at the end of the Catholic School's Mass on Saturday, January 26, 2002.

It was also misreported that Governor McGreevey was praised at the Mass. He was not.

There were two mentions of the Governor during the ceremonies and Mass.

The Governor's proclamation was read and here is what it says:

WHEREAS, Catholic schools in the State of New Jersey have had over a century of service, educating millions of New Jerseyans in preparation for their responsibilities as citizens of this state and as members of society; and

WHEREAS, the 423 Catholic schools in New Jersey currently provide over 152,000 students with quality educational programs which also emphasize the formation of moral values and a commitment to community service; and

WHEREAS, parents who send their children to nonpublic schools assist New Jersey in reducing the rising costs of public education for their children; and

WHEREAS, parents who support such education make a major contribution to the public welfare by exercising their constitutional rights to choose nonpublic education for their children; and

WHEREAS, the welfare of New Jersey requires that this and future generations of school-age children are assured ample opportunity to develop to the fullest their intellectual capacities;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, James E. McGreevey, Governor of the State of NEW JERSEY, do hereby proclaim

January 27 to February 2, 2002



in New Jersey, recognizing their theme of "Catholic Schools: Where Faith and Knowledge Meet," and call on all citizens of the Garden State to recognize the contribution of Catholic schools make to education in our state and commend their faculties, students, and parents for their dedication and devotion to the quality education given to New Jersey's most precious resource, our children.

Given, under my hand the Great Seal of New Jersey, this eighteenth day of January in the year of Our Lord two thousand and two and of the Independence of the United States, the two-hundredth and twenty-sixth.

James E. McGreevey, Governor,

Given Governor McGreevey's opposition to school choice and his defiance of the church's moral teachings he either did not read what he signed or he is duplicitous.

Msgr. Michael Alliegro said this in his homily:

"But sometimes we forget what we have been taught. There are some who turn their backs on their, roots or their origins. Truly great people dont. No matter how high they climb, or how successful or powerful they become, they dont forget where they came from.

Our own governor is the product of the Catholic Schools of this diocese. We must remind him of his own roots and what he was once taught in Carteret and Metuchen, the Catholic education that formed him and what his own parents sacrificed to give him. What would be lost in if all this disappeared?

Perhaps out there in our diocese, theres a young boy or girl who could one day be governor, too, but wouldn't be able to because there were no Catholic schools to form them".

The priests of our State must be supported in their efforts to defend the sanctity of Life.

Governor McGreevey continues to attempt to portray himself as a Catholic. As a divorced man who has been remarried outside the church, by an Episcopalian priest, Governor McGreevey may not receive the sacraments.

His opposition to church teaching on abortion, homosexuality, free needles for drug addicts and poor parent's right to choose the school that educates their children, places him at odds with the church.

Far from being a defender of the church, as all Irish Catholic Hibernians are supposed to be, Governor McGreevey is a disgrace to the oath that he took as a Hibernian and is not a Catholic in good standing.

His appearance on the cover of the National Hibernian Digest, and his continued membership in the Hibernians is a fraud. He will always be Irish but he is clearly now a Protesta

116 posted on 02/16/2002 12:14:43 PM PST by Coleus
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