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The FReeper Foxhole Remembers Grierson's Raid (Apr-May 1863) - Apr. 16th, 2003
SWCivilWar ^
Posted on 04/16/2003 4:47:06 AM PDT by SAMWolf
Dear Lord,
There's a young man far from home, called to serve his nation in time of war; sent to defend our freedom on some distant foreign shore.
We pray You keep him safe, we pray You keep him strong, we pray You send him safely home ... for he's been away so long.
There's a young woman far from home, serving her nation with pride. Her step is strong, her step is sure, there is courage in every stride. We pray You keep her safe, we pray You keep her strong, we pray You send her safely home ... for she's been away too long.
Bless those who await their safe return. Bless those who mourn the lost. Bless those who serve this country well, no matter what the cost.
Author Unknown
FReepers from the USO Canteen, The Foxhole, and The Poetry Branch join in prayer for all those serving their country at this time.
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Report of Col. Benjamin H. Grierson, Sixth Illinois Cavalry, commanding expedition. Headquarters First Cavalry Brigade, Baton Rouge, La., May 5, 1863.
In April of 1963 Colonel (later Major General) Benjamin Grierson led his 1700 man mounted force out of the Federal cavalry camp at La Grange, Tennessee, and embarked upon an ambitious and hazardous raid deep into the Mississippi countryside. The purpose of the raid was to disrupt Confederate communications and to draw attention away from Grant's early movements against Vicksburg.
The raid turned out to be a resounding success, and did much to show the improvement made in the condition and effectiveness of the Union cavalry arm. This is Grierson's report of the expedition.
April 17 - MAY 2, 1863. Grierson's Raid from La Grange, Tenn., to Baton Rouge, La.
COLONEL: In accordance with instructions from Maj. Gen. S. A. Hurlbut, received through Brig. Gen. W. S. Smith, at La Grange, Tenn., I left that place at daylight on the morning of April 17, with the effective force of my command, 1,700 strong. We moved southward without material interruption, crossing the Tallahatchee River on the afternoon of the 18th at three different points. One battalion of the Seventh Illinois, under Major Graham, crossing at New Albany, found the bridge partially torn up, and an attempt was made to fire it. As they approached the bridge they were fired upon, but drove the enemy from their position, repaired the bridge, and crossed. The balance of the Seventh Illinois and the whole of the Sixth crossed at a ford 2 miles above, and the Second Iowa crossed about 4 miles still farther up. After crossing, the Sixth and Seventh Illinois moved south on the Pontotoc road, and encamped for the night on the plantation of Mr. Sloan. The Second Iowa also moved south from their point of crossing, and encamped about 4 miles south of the river. The rain fell in torrents all night.
The next morning, April 19, I sent a detachment eastward to communicate with Colonel Hatch and make a demonstration toward Chesterville, where a regiment of cavalry was organizing. I also sent an expedition to New Albany, and another northwest toward King's Bridge, to attack and destroy a portion of a regiment of cavalry organizing there under Major [A. H.] Chalmers. I thus sought to create the impression that the object of our advance was to break up these parties.
The expedition eastward communicated with Colonel Hatch, who was still moving south parallel to us. The one to New Albany came upon 200 rebels near the town, and engaged them, killing and wounding several. The one northwest found that Major Chalmers' command, hearing of our close proximity, had suddenly left in the night, going west.
After the return of these expeditions, I moved with the whole force to Pontotoc. Colonel Hatch joined us about noon, reporting having skirmished with about 200 rebels the afternoon before and that morning, killing, wounding, and capturing a number.
We reached Pontotoc about 5 p.m. The advance dashed into the town, came upon some guerrillas, killed 1, and wounded and captured several more. Here we also captured a large mill, about 400 bushels of salt, and camp equipage, books, papers, &c., of Captain Weatherall's command, all of which were destroyed. After slight delay, we moved out, and encamped for the night on the plantation of Mr. Daggett, 5 miles south of Pontotoc, on the road toward Houston.
At 3 o'clock the next morning, April 20, I detached 175 of the least effective portion of the command, with one gun of the battery and all the prisoners, led horses, and captured property, under the command of Major Love, of the Second Iowa, to proceed back to La Grange, marching in column of fours, before daylight, through Pontotoc, and thus leaving the impression that the whole command had returned. Major Love had orders also to send off a single scout to cut the telegraph wires south of Oxford.
At 5 a.m. I proceeded southward with the main force on the Houston road, passing around Houston about 4 p.m., and halting at dark on the plantation of Benjamin Kilgore, 11½ miles southeast of the latter place, on the road toward Starkville.
The following morning at 6 o'clock I resumed the march southward, and about 8 o'clock came to the road leading southeast to Columbus, Miss. Here I detached Colonel Hatch, with the Second Iowa Cavalry and one gun of the battery, with orders to proceed to the Mobile and Ohio Railroad in the vicinity of West Point, and destroy the road and wires; thence move south, destroying the railroad and all public property as far south, if possible, as Macon; thence across the railroad, making a circuit northward; if practicable, take Columbus and destroy all Government works in that place, and again strike the railroad south of Okolona, and, destroying it, return to La Grange by the most practicable route.
Of this expedition, and the one previously sent back, I have since heard nothing, except vague and uncertain rumors through secession sources.
These detachments were intended as diversions, and even should the commanders not have been able to carry out their instructions, yet, by attracting the attention of the enemy in other directions, they assisted us much in the accomplishment of the main object of the expedition.
After having started Colonel Hatch on his way, with the remaining portion of the command, consisting of the Sixth and Seventh Illinois Cavalry, about 950 strong, I continued on my journey southward, still keeping the Starkville road. Arriving at Starkville about 4 p.m., we captured a mail and a quantity of Government property, which we destroyed. From this point we took the direct road to Louisville. We moved out on this road about 4 miles, through a dismal swamp nearly belly-deep in mud, and sometimes swimming our horses to cross streams, when we encamped for the night in the midst of a violent rain. From this point I detached a battalion of the Seventh Illinois Cavalry under ------ ------, to proceed about 4 miles, and destroy a large tannery and shoe manufactory in the service of the rebels. They returned safely, having accomplished the work most effectually. They destroyed a large number of boots and shoes and a large quantity of leather and machinery; in all amounting, probably, to $50,000, and captured a rebel quartermaster from Port Hudson, who was there laying in a supply for his command. We now immediately resumed the march toward Louisville, distant 28 miles, mostly through a dense swamp, the Noxubee River bottom. This was for miles belly-deep in water, so that no road was discernible. The inhabitants through this part of the country generally did not know of our coming, and would not believe us to be anything but Confederates. We arrived at Louisville soon after dark. I sent a battalion of the Sixth Illinois, under Major Starr, in advance, to picket the town and remain until the column had passed, when they were relieved by a battalion of the Seventh Illinois, under Major Graham, who was ordered to remain until we should have been gone an hour, to prevent persons leaving with information of the course we were taking, to drive out stragglers, preserve order, and quiet the fears of the people. They had heard of our coming a short time before we arrived, and many had left, taking only what they could hurriedly move. The column moved quietly through the town without halting, and not a thing was disturbed. Those who remained at home acknowledged that they were surprised. They had expected to be robbed, outraged, and have their houses burned. On the contrary, they were protected in their persons and property.
After leaving the town, we struck another swamp, in which, crossing it, as we were obliged to, in the dark, we lost several animals drowned, and the men narrowly escaped the same fate. Marching until midnight, we halted until daylight at the plantation of Mr. Estes, about 10 miles south of Louisville.
The next morning, April 23, at daylight we took the road for Philadelphia, crossing Pearl River on a bridge about 6 miles north of the town. This bridge we were fearful would be destroyed by the citizens to prevent our crossing, and upon arriving at Philadelphia we found that they had met and organized for that purpose; but hearing of our near approach, their hearts failed, and they fled to the woods. We moved through Philadelphia about 3 p.m. without interruption, and halted to feed about 5 miles southeast, on the Enterprise road. Here we rested until 10 o'clock at night, when I sent two battalions of the Seventh Illinois Cavalry, under Lieutenant-Colonel Blackburn, to proceed immediately to Decatur, thence to the railroad at Newton Station. With the main force I followed about an hour later. The advance passed through Decatur about daylight, and struck the railroad about 6 a.m. I arrived about an hour afterward with the column. Lieutenant-Colonel Blackburn dashed into the town, took possession of the railroad and telegraph, and succeeded in capturing two trains in less than half an hour after his arrival. One of these, 25 cars, was loaded with ties and machinery, and the other 13 cars were loaded with commissary stores and ammunition, among the latter several thousand loaded shells. These, together with a large quantity of commissary and quartermaster's stores and about five hundred stand of arms stored in the town, were destroyed. Seventy-five prisoners captured at this point were paroled. The locomotives were exploded and otherwise rendered completely unserviceable. Here the track was torn up, and a bridge half a mile west of the station destroyed. I detached a battalion of the Sixth Illinois Cavalry, under Major Starr, to proceed eastward and destroy such bridges, &c., as he might find over Chunkey River. Having damaged as much as possible the railroad and telegraph, and destroyed all Government property in the vicinity of Newton, I moved about 4 miles south of the road and fed men and horses. The forced marches which I was compelled to make, in order to reach this point successfully, necessarily very much fatigued and exhausted my command, and rest and food were absolutely necessary for its safety.
From captured mails and information obtained by my scouts, I knew that large forces had been sent out to intercept our return, and having instructions from Major-General Hurlbut and Brigadier-General Smith to move in any direction from this point which, in my judgment, would be best for the safety of my command and the success of the expedition, I at once decided to move south, in order to secure the necessary rest and food for men and horses, and then return to La Grange through Alabama, or make for Baton Rouge, as I might hereafter deem best. Major Starr in the mean time rejoined us, having destroyed most effectually three bridges and several hundred feet of trestle-work, and the telegraph from 8 to 10 miles east of Newton Station.
After resting about three hours, we moved south to Garlandville. At this point we found the citizens, many of them venerable with age, armed with shot-guns and organized to resist our approach. As the advance entered the town, these citizens fired upon them and wounded one of our men. We charged upon them and captured several. After disarming them, we showed them the folly of their actions, and, released them. Without an exception they acknowledged their mistake, and declared that they had been grossly deceived as to our real character. One volunteered his services as guide, and upon leaving us declared that hereafter his prayers should be for the Union Army. I mention this as a sample of the feeling which exists, and the good effect which our presence produced among the people in the country through which we passed. Hundreds who are skulking and hiding out to avoid conscription, only await the presence of our arms to sustain them, when they will rise up and declare their principles; and thousands who have been deceived, upon the vindication of our cause would immediately return to loyalty.
After slight delay at Garlandville, we moved southwest about 10 miles, and camped at night on the plantation of Mr. Bender, 2 miles west of Montrose. Our men and horses having become gradually exhausted, I determined on making a very easy march the next day, looking more to the recruiting of my weary little command than to the accomplishment of any important object; consequently I marched at 8 o'clock the next morning, taking a west, and varying slightly to a northwest, course. We marched about 5 miles, and halted to feed on the plantation of Elias Nichols.
After resting until about 2 p.m., during which time I sent detachments north to threaten the line of railroad at Lake Station and other points, we moved southwest toward Raleigh, making about 12 miles during the afternoon, and halting at dark on the plantation of Dr. Mackadora.
From this point I sent a single scout, disguised as a citizen, to proceed northward to the line of the Southern Railroad, cut the telegraph, and, if possible, fire a bridge or trestle-work. He started on his journey about midnight, and when within 7 miles of the railroad he came upon a regiment of Southern cavalry from Brandon, Miss., in search of us. He succeeded in misdirecting them as to the place where he had last seen us, and, having seen them well on the wrong road, he immediately retraced his steps to camp with the news. When he first met them they were on the direct road to our camp, and had they not been turned from their course would have come up with us before daylight.
Thanks to FReepers CholeraJoe and Cavtrooper21 for suggesting this Thread and to Freeper Coteblanche for help with the graphics
KEYWORDS: cavalry; civilwar; colonelgrierson; freeperfoxhole; griersonsraid; mississippi; veterans; warbetweenstates
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first 1-20, 21-40, 41-60, 61-80 ... 121-125 next last
From information received through my scouts and other sources, I found that Jackson and the stations east as far as Lake Station had been re-enforced by infantry and artillery; and hearing that a fight was momentarily expected at Grand Gulf, I decided to make a rapid march: cross Pearl River, and strike the New Orleans, Jackson and Great Northern Railroad at Hazlehurst, and, after destroying as much of the road as possible, endeavor to get upon the flank of the enemy and cooperate with our forces, should they be successful in the attack upon Grand Gulf and Port Gibson.
Having obtained during this day plenty of forage and provisions, and having had one good night's rest, we now again felt ready for any emergency. Accordingly, at 6 o'clock on the morning of the 26th, we crossed Leaf River, burning the bridge behind us to prevent any enemy who might be in pursuit from following; thence through Raleigh, capturing the sheriff of that county, with about $3,000 in Government funds; thence to Westville, reaching this place soon after dark. Passing on about 2 miles, we halted to feed, in the midst of a heavy rain, on the plantation of Mr. Williams.
The Horse Soldiers was a fictionized account of Grierson's Raid
After feeding, Colonel Prince, of the Seventh Illinois Cavalry, with two battalions, was sent immediately forward to Pearl River to secure the ferry and landing. He arrived in time to capture a courier who had come to bring intelligence of the approach of the Yankees and orders for the destruction of the ferry. With the main column, I followed in about two hours. We ferried and swam our horses, and succeeded in crossing the whole command by 2 p.m.
As soon as Colonel Prince had crossed his two battalions, he was ordered to proceed immediately to the New Orleans, Jackson and Great Northern Railroad, striking it at Hazlehurst. Here he found a number of cars containing about 500 loaded shells and a large quantity of commissary and quartermaster's stores, intended for Grand Gulf and Port Gibson. These were destroyed, and as much of the railroad and telegraph as possible. Here, again, we found the citizens armed to resist us, but they fled precipitately upon our approach.
From this point we took a northwest course to Gallatin, 4 miles; thence southwest 3½ miles to the plantation of Mr. Thompson, where we halted until the next morning.
Directly after leaving Gallatin we captured a 64-pounder gun, a heavy wagon load of ammunition, and machinery for mounting the gun, on the road to Port Gibson. The gun was spiked and the carriages and ammunition destroyed. During the afternoon it rained in torrents, and the men were completely drenched.
At 6 o'clock the next morning, April 28, we moved westward. After proceeding a short distance, I detached a battalion of the Seventh Illinois Cavalry, under Captain Trafton, to proceed back to the railroad at Bahala and destroy the road, telegraph, and all Government property he might find. With the rest of the command, I moved southwest toward Union Church. We halted to feed at 2 p.m. on the plantation of Mr. Snyder, about 2 miles northeast of the church. While feeding, our pickets were fired upon by a considerable force. I immediately moved out upon them, skirmished with and drove them through the town, wounding and capturing a number. It proved to be a part of Wirt Adams' (Mississippi) cavalry. After driving them off, we held the town and bivouacked for the night. After accomplishing the object of his expedition, Captain Trafton returned to us about 3 o'clock in the morning of the 29th, having come upon the rear of the main body of Adams' command. The enemy having a battery of artillery, it was his intention to attack us in front and rear at Union Church about daylight in the morning, but the appearance of Captain Trafton with a force in his rear changed his purpose, and, turning to the right, he took the direct road to Port Gibson. From this point I made a strong demonstration toward Fayette, with a view of creating the impression that we were going toward Port Gibson or Natchez, while I quietly took the opposite direction, taking the road leading southeast to Brookhaven, on the railroad.
A derailed train, typical of Grierson's work during his disruptive sortie through Mississippi. More than 50 miles of railroad and telegraph lines were destroyed in the course of the raid, along with thousands of dollars in supplies and property.
Before arriving at this place, we ascertained that about 500 citizens and conscripts were organized to resist us. We charged into the town, when they fled, making but little resistance. We captured over 200 prisoners, a large and beautiful camp of instruction, comprising several hundred tents, and a large quantity of quartermaster's and commissary stores, arms, ammunition, &c. After paroling the prisoners and destroying the railroad, telegraph, and all Government property, about dark we moved southward, and encamped at Mr. Gill's plantation, about 8 miles south of Brookhaven.
On the following morning we moved directly south, along the railroad, destroying all bridges and trestle-work to Bogue Chitto Station, where we burned the depot and fifteen freight cars, and captured a very large secession flag. From thence we still moved along the railroad, destroying every bridge, water-tank, &c., as we passed, to Summit, which place we reached soon after noon. Here we destroyed twenty-five freight cars and a large quantity of Government sugar. We found much Union sentiment in this town, and were kindly welcomed and fed by many of the citizens.
Hearing nothing more of our forces at Grand Gulf, I concluded to make for Baton Rouge to recruit my command, after which I could return to La Grange, through Southern Mississippi and Western Alabama; or, crossing the Mississippi River, move through Louisiana and Arkansas. Accordingly, after resting about two hours, we started southwest, on the Liberty road, marched about 15 miles, and halted until daylight on the plantation of Dr. Spurlark.
The next morning we left the road and threatened Magnolia and Osyka, where large forces were concentrated to meet us; but, instead of attacking those points, took a course due south, marching through woods, lanes, and by-roads, and striking the road leading from Clinton to Osyka. Scarcely had we touched this road when we came upon the Ninth Tennessee Cavalry [Battalion], posted in a strong defile, guarding the bridges over Tickfaw River. We captured their pickets, and, attacking them, drove them before us, killing, wounding, and capturing a number. Our loss in this engagement was 1 man killed, and Lieut. Col. William D. Blackburn and 4 men wounded.
I cannot speak too highly of the bravery of the men upon this occasion, and particularly of Lieutenant-Colonel Blackburn, who, at the head of his men, charged upon the bridge, dashed over, and, by undaunted courage, dislodged the enemy from his strong position. After disposing of the dead and wounded, we immediately moved south, on the Greensburg road, recrossing the Tickfaw River at Edwards' Bridge. At this point we met [W. H.] Garland's rebel cavalry, and, with one battalion of the Sixth Illinois and two guns of the battery, engaged and drove them off without halting the column.
The enemy were now on our track in earnest. We were in the vicinity of their stronghold, and, from couriers and dispatches which we captured, it was evident they were sending forces in all directions to intercept us. The Amite River, a wide and rapid stream, was to be crossed, and there was but one bridge by which it could be crossed, and this was in exceedingly close proximity to Port Hudson. This I determined upon securing before I halted. We crossed it at midnight, about two hours in advance of a heavy column of infantry and artillery, which had been sent there to intercept us. I moved on to Sandy Creek, where Hughes' cavalry [battalion], under Lieutenant-Colonel [C. C.] Wilbourn, were encamped, and where there was another main road leading to Port Hudson.
We reached this point at first dawn of day; completely surprised and captured the camp, with a number of prisoners. Having destroyed the camp, consisting of about one hundred and fifty tents, a large quantity of ammunition, guns, public and private stores, books, papers, and public documents, I immediately took the road to Baton Rouge. Arriving at the Comite River, we utterly surprised Stuart's cavalry [Miles' Legion], who were picketing at this point, capturing 40 of them, with their horses, arms, and entire camp. Fording the river, we halted to feed within 4 miles of the town. Major-General Augur, in command at Baton Rouge, having now, for the first, heard of our approach, sent two companies of cavalry, under Captain [J. Franklin] Godfrey, to meet us. We marched into the town about 3 p.m., and we were most heartily welcomed by the United States forces at this point.
posted on
04/16/2003 4:47:06 AM PDT
To: MistyCA; AntiJen; Victoria Delsoul; SassyMom; bentfeather; GatorGirl; radu; souris; SpookBrat; ...
Before our arrival in Louisville. Company B, of the Seventh Illinois Cavalry, under Captain Forbes, was detached to proceed to Macon, on the Mobile and Ohio Railroad; if possible take the town, destroy the railroad and telegraph, and rejoin us. Upon approaching the place, he found it had been re-enforced, and the bridge over the Okanoxubee River destroyed, so that the railroad and telegraph could not be reached.
He came back to our trail, crossed the Southern Railroad at Newton, took a southeast course to Enterprise, where, although his force numbered only 35 men, he entered with a flag of truce and demanded the surrender of the place. The commanding officer at that point asked an hour to consider the matter, which Captain Forbes (having ascertained that a large force occupied the place) granted, and improved in getting away. He immediately followed us, and succeeded in joining the column while it was crossing Pearl River at Georgetown. In order to catch us, he was obliged to march 60 miles per day for several consecutive days. Much honor is due Captain Forbes for the manner in which he conducted this expedition.
At Louisville I sent Captain Lynch, of Company E, Sixth Illinois Cavalry, and one man of his company, disguised as citizens, who had gallantly volunteered to proceed to the Mobile and Ohio Railroad and cut the wires, which it was necessary should be done to prevent information of our presence from flying along the railroad to Jackson and other points. Captain Lynch and his comrade proceeded toward Macon, but, meeting with the same barrier which had stopped Captain Forbes, could not reach the road. He went to the pickets at the edge of the town, ascertained the whole disposition of their forces and much other valuable information, and, returning, joined us above Decatur, having ridden without interruption for two days and nights without a moment's rest. All honor to the gallant captain, whose intrepid coolness and daring characterizes him on every occasion.
During the expedition we killed and wounded about 100 of the enemy, captured and paroled over 500 prisoners, many of them officers, destroyed between 50 and 60 miles of railroad and telegraph, captured and destroyed over 3,000 stand of arms, and other army stores and Government property to an immense amount; we also captured 1,000 horses and mules.
Our loss during the entire journey was 3 killed, 7 wounded, 5 left on the route sick; the sergeant-major and surgeon of the Seventh Illinois left with Lieutenant-Colonel Blackburn, and 9 men missing, supposed to have straggled. We marched over 600 miles in less than sixteen days. The last twenty-eight hours we marched 76 miles, had four engagements with the enemy, and forded the Comite River, which was deep enough to swim many of the horses. During this time the men and horses were without food or rest.
Much of the country through which we passed was almost entirely destitute of forage and provisions, and it was but seldom that we obtained over one meal per day. Many of the inhabitants must undoubtedly suffer for want of the necessaries of life, which have reached most fabulous prices.
The capture of Baton Rouge by Union forces in December 1862 allowed Grierson to conduct his penetration of Confederate territory without having to retrace his steps northward.
Two thousand cavalry and mounted infantry were sent from the vicinity of Greenwood and Grenada northeast to intercept us; 1,300 cavalry and several regiments of infantry with artillery were sent from Mobile to Macon, Meridian, and other points on the Mobile and Ohio road; a force was sent from Canton northeast to prevent our crossing Pearl, River, and another force of infantry and cavalry was sent from Brookhaven to Monticello, thinking we would cross Pearl River at that point instead of Georgetown. Expeditions were also sent from Vicksburg, Port Gibson, and Port Hudson to intercept us. Many detachments were sent out from my command and at various places to mislead the enemy, all of which rejoined us in safety. Colton's pocket map of Mississippi, which, though small, is very correct, was all I had to guide me; but by the capture of their couriers, dispatches, and mails, and the invaluable aid of my scouts, we were always able by rapid marches to evade the enemy when they were too strong and whip them when not too large.
Colonel Prince, commanding the Seventh Illinois, and Lieutenant-Colonel Loomis, commanding the Sixth Illinois, were untiring in their efforts to further the success of the expedition, and I cannot speak too highly of the coolness, bravery, and, above all, of the untiring perseverance of the officers and men of the command during the entire journey. Without their hearty co-operation, which was freely given under the most trying circumstances, we could not have accomplished so much with such signal success.
Respectfully, your obedient servant,
Colonel, Commanding Brigade.
Lieut. Col. JOHN A. RAWLINS,
Assistant Adjutant-General.
Additional Sources:
posted on
04/16/2003 4:47:45 AM PDT
(CNN: We knew about Saddam for 12 years, but Republicans are worse, so we didn't say anything.)
To: All
The winter of 1862-63 was harsh on the soldiers encamped along the Tennessee-Mississippi border. Alternate freezing temperatures and cold rain found the Union soldiers stationed at La Grange, miserably mired in a sea of mud. As a consequence of their misery, the fences surrounding the grand homes, along with many of the smaller houses, had disappeared into the campfires to provide warmth for the men garrisoned there. Dozing before one of these fires, on New Year's Day, Colonel Benjamin Henry Grierson was despondent over more than just the foul weather. His wife, Alice and his two small sons had left Memphis for their home in Jacksonville on December 23d, his men were suffering from illnesses due to the weather and were short on supplies and equipment, and his pay was two months in arrears. In addition to the inactivity that winter brings to armies, Grierson had received no word on his expected promotion to brigadier general; though Grant and Sherman had both written strong recommendations. Suddenly, his reverie was broken by the smell of something burning -- he had accidentally let the fire burn off the soles of his boots, which would result in a cost of fifteen dollars for a new pair. Little could Benjamin know what good things the New Year would bring for him.
On April 13, while on a long awaited leave home, Grierson received a telegraph from Maj. Gen. Stephen Hurlbut, now the Federal commander at Memphis, "Return Immediately." Grierson boarded the train from Memphis to La Grange on April 16, writing to his wife; "My command is ordered to must not be alarmed should you not hear from me inside a month..."
Traveling more than 600 miles in 16 days, with little rest or sleep, Grierson's raiders had captured 500 Confederates, killed or wounded another 100, destroyed more than 50 miles of railroad and telegraph, 3,000 stands of arms and thousands of dollars worth of supplies and property. Over 1,000 mules and horses were captured, in addition to tying up all of Pemberton's cavalry, one-third of his infantry and several regiments of artillery. Grierson suffered, including Hatch's losses, total casualties of 36.
A most unlikely warrior, and music teacher turned soldier, suddenly found himself thrust into the role of a hero, writing to his wife; "I, like Byron, have had to wake up one morning and find myself famous." (CW) Grierson's picture was featured on the covers of Harper's Weekly and Leslie's Illustrated. He was breveted to brigadier general and later major general of volunteers. |
posted on
04/16/2003 4:48:11 AM PDT
(CNN: We knew about Saddam for 12 years, but Republicans are worse, so we didn't say anything.)
To: All
The State of the Union is Strong!
Support the Commander in Chief
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posted on
04/16/2003 4:48:39 AM PDT
(CNN: We knew about Saddam for 12 years, but Republicans are worse, so we didn't say anything.)
To: All
posted on
04/16/2003 4:49:13 AM PDT
(CNN: We knew about Saddam for 12 years, but Republicans are worse, so we didn't say anything.)
To: All
posted on
04/16/2003 4:49:44 AM PDT
(CNN: We knew about Saddam for 12 years, but Republicans are worse, so we didn't say anything.)
To: SAMWolf
I've been waiting for this one, SAM. Thanks.
posted on
04/16/2003 5:22:12 AM PDT
(Standing tough under Stars and Stripes)
To: CholeraJoe
Good Morning Cholera Joe. Enjoy.
posted on
04/16/2003 5:23:41 AM PDT
(CNN: We knew about Saddam for 12 years, but Republicans are worse, so we didn't say anything.)
To: SAMWolf
On This Day In History
Birthdates which occurred on April 16:
1628 Cornelis Evertsen de Young Vice Admiral of Zealand
1635 Frans van Mieris the Elder, Dutch painter
1648 John Luyken poet/etcher (Duytse Lyre)
1652 Clement XII [Lorenzo Corsini], Italy, Pope (1730-40)
1660 Hans Sloane England, physician/naturalist; founded British Museum
1673 Francesco Feroci composer
1682 John Hadley mathematician/inventor (1st reflecting telescope)
1696 Giovanni Battista Tupolo Italian painter
1697 Johann Gottlieb Gorner composer
1703 Caffarelli [Gaetano Majorano] Italian castra singer/duke
1728 Joseph Zwart Scottish chemist/physicist
1800 Jozef Stefani composer
1800 William Chambers author/publisher (Basis of Communication & Coding)
1808 Caleb Blood Smith Secretary of Interior (Union), died in 1864
1816 Edward "Old Allegheny" Johnson Major General (Confederate Army)
1820 Georg Curtius German classical linguist
1821 Ford Maddox Brown painter
1823 Mother Joseph [Esther Pariseau] religious leader (US capital)
1823 Orlando Bolivar Wilcox Brevet Major General (Union Army), died in 1907
1832 John A Neuhuys painter
1838 Karel Bendl composer
1844 Anatole France writer (Thaïs, The Wickerwork Woman)/Nobel 1921
1850 Herbert Baxter Adams US, historian (American Historical Association)
1851 Ernst Josephson Sweden, artist
1861 Isaac Murphy US jockey (won 628 races)
1867 José de Diego Puerto Rico, patriot/Puerto Rican Secretary of Justice
1867 Wilbur Wright of aeronautical fame (Wright Brothers)
1868 Joel Angel Russian musicologist/composer
1868 Spottiswoode Aitken Edinburgh Scotland, actor (Eagle, Home Sweet Home)
1871 John Millington Synge Ireland, dramatist/poet (Riders to the Sea)
1871 Martin Lunssens composer
1878 R E "Tip" Foster cricketer (287 on debut England vs Australia SCG 1903)
1881 Edward Frederick Wood 1st Earl of Halifax/ambassador to US (1940-46)
1882 Seth Bingham composer
1885 Leo Weiner Hungary, composer (Fasching)
1886 Ernst Thälmann German communist presidential candidate
1886 Jekabs Graubins composer
1886 Konstantin Mostras composer
1889 Charlie Chaplin [The Little Tramp] Lambeth London England, comedian/actor/director (City Lights)
1893 Federico Mompou composer
1893 Joseph Yasser composer
1897 Arthur Charles Ernest Hoeree composer
1897 Jaap Vranken Dutch organist/composer (Stabat Mater)
1897 John B Glubb British commandant/writer (A soldier with the Arabs)
1898 Marian Jordan Peoria IL, radio comedienne (Fibber McGee & Molly)
1900 Polly Adler Russia, bordello proprieter/author (House is not a Home)
1901 Karel Albert Flemish composer (Marieken van Nymeghen)
1901 Leo Poos nazi police officer (caught Dutch underground agents)
1904 Clifford Case (Senator-Republican-NJ)
1904 Lily Pons Draguignan France, soprano/diva (Hitting a New High)
1904 Fifi D'Orsay Montréal Québec Canada, actress (Life Jimmy Dolan, Girl from Calgary)
1905 John Lee-Barber Admiral
1906 Pigmeat Markham Durham NC, comedian (Here Comes da Judge-Laugh In)
1906 Bep [Elisa H] Bakhuis Dutch soccer star/writer
1906 Cobina W "Coby" Molenaar Dutch peace activist
1906 Marion Lloyd Vince Brooklyn NY, fencer (National champion 1928, 31)
1909 Herman Uyttersprot Flemish literature historian
1911 Christine McIntyre actress (3 Stooges movies)
1911 William Stearn botanist
1912 David Langton Scotland, actor (Quintet, St Joan, Abandon Ship)
1912 John Halas animator
1913 Les Tremayne London, actor (Angry Red Planet, War of the Worlds)
1913 Constance Shacklock opera singer
1913 Lord Aberconway CEO (John Brown & Company)
1914 John Hodiak Pittsburgh PA, actor (A Bell for Adamo, Lifeboat)
1915 Dany [Daniël S] Tuijnman head of Dutch traffic & water
1915 Gerard McLarnon actor/writer
1918 Spike Milligan Ahmed Nagar India, actor/comedian (Digby, 3 Musketeers)
1919 Merce Cunningham choreographer (Acrobat in Every Soul is a Circus)
1920 Barry Nelson Oakland, actor (Airport, My Favorite Husband)
1920 John William Farr Detroit MI, bank robber (FBI Most Wanted List)
1920 Dermot O'Callaghan Grubb prison governor
1920 Kees Scherer Dutch photographer (World Press Photo)
1921 Peter Ustinov London England, actor (Death on Nile, Logan's Run, Billy Budd)
1922 Kingsley Amis London England, novelist (Lucky Jim, The James Bond Dossier)
1922 Christopher Samuel Youd UK, sci-fi author (Tripods Trilogy)
1922 Leo Tindermans British statesman
1924 Geoffrey Johnson Smith actor (Norman Loves Rose, Drinking Games)
1924 Henry Mancini Cleveland OH, composer/conductor (Pink Panther)
1924 John Harvey-Jones CEO (ICI)
1926 Barbara Tizzard British educator
1927 Peter Mark Richman Philadelphia PA, actor (Andrew-Dynasty)
1927 Joseph Ratzinger German theologist/dogmaticus
1928 Dick [Night Train] Lane NFL defensive back (St Louis Rams, Arizona Cardinals, Detroit Lions)
1929 Roy Hamilton singer (You'll Never Walk Alone)
1930 Herbie Mann Brooklyn NY, jazz flute/sax (Just Wallin')
1930 Frank Page British broadcaster/actor (Hudson Hawk, Dark Dancer)
1930 John Robson British ambassador (Norway)
1931 Edie Adams [Elizabeth Edith Enke] Kingston PA, actress/Mrs Ernie Kovacs (Ernie Kovacs Show, It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World, Haunting of Harrington House)
1931 Piet de Visser economist/Dutch MP (PvdA)
1932 Imre Polyak Hungary, featherweight (Olympics-gold-1964)
1932 Vince Hill singer (Roses of Picardy, La Vie en Rose)
1933 Perry Botkin Jr New York NY, orchestra leader (Bert Convy Show)
1933 Joan Bakewell British broadcaster/actress (Cold Comfort Farm)
1933 Joseph Bottoms Santa Barbara CA, actor (Blind Date, Braker)
1934 Brian Peppiatt joint CEO (SG Warburg Securities)
1934 Geoffrey Owen British editor (Financial Times)
1934 Richard Kenshaw British broadcaster
1934 Robert Stigwood producer (Saturday Night Fever, Grease)
1935 Bobby Vinton Pittsburgh PA, singer (Roses are Red, Blue on Blue)
1935 Haskell "Cool Papa" Sadler blues singer/guitarist
1936 James Rand British judge (Advocate General)
1938 Michael Hirst chief constable (Leicestershire England)
1939 Dusty Springfield [Mary Isabel Catherine Bernadette O'Brien] Hampstead London England, rock vocalist (Growing Pains)
1939 Donald MacCormick British broadcaster
1939 John DeLaFose zydeco Musician
1939 Margaretha de Boer Dutch minister (PvdA)
1939 Reinier Lucassen Dutch painter (Kuifje contra James Union)
1940 Margrethe II queen of Denmark (1972- )
1940 David Holford cricketer (cousin of G S Sobers West Indies leg-spin all-rounder)
1940 Lord Camoys deputy CEO (Barclays de Zoete Wedd)
1940 Paul Cox actor (Exile, Golden Braid, Touch Me)
1940 Stephen Lawrence Pruslin composer
1941 Cliff Stearns (Representative-Republican-FL)
1943 Ewald Vanvugt author (Kiss of Delight, Seed of Love)
1943 Johnny Watkins cricketer (New South Wales leg-spinner, bowled 6 overs for Australia)
1943 Ruth Madoc actress (Hi Di Hi)
1944 Dennis Russell Davies composer
1945 Goran Antunac Yugoslavia, International Chess Master (1975)
1945 Stefan Grossman New York NY, country blues singer (Yazoo Basin Boogie)
1947 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar [Lew Alcindor] NBA center (Milwaukee Bucks, Los Angeles Lakers)
1947 Gerry Rafferty Paisley Scotland, guitarist/vocalist (Baker Street)
1950 David Graf Lancaster OH, actor (Police Academy 2, 3, 4, 6, Councilman Nash-He's the Mayor)
1951 John Bentley rocker
1952 Peter Westbrook St Louis MO, US fencer (Olympics-bronze-88, 92, 96)
1953 Jay O Sanders Austin TX, actor (Meeting Venus, V I Warshawski)
1955 Ellen Barkin Bronx NY, actress (Big Easy, Sea of Love, Switch)
1955 Charlotte Morrison English large landowner/multi-millionaire
1955 Henri Heir Apparent Prince of Luxembourg
1956 David M Brown Arlington VA, Commander USN/astronaut
1956 Marty Dickerson Middletown OH, golfer (1994 ShopRite Classic-22nd)
1958 Philip Bainbridge British cricketeer
1959 Anne Kursinski equestrian show jumper (Olympics-silver-96)
1962 David Pate Los Angeles CA, tennis star
1962 Ian MacKaye rocker (Cyrano de Bergerac)
1962 Jeanne Golay Coral Gables FL, cyclist (Olympics-16th-92, 96)
1963 Jimmy Osmond Ogden UT, singer (Donnie & Marie)
1963 Nick Berry Britain, actor (Wicksy-EastEnders)
1963 Garry Galley Montréal Québec Canada, NHL defenseman (Buffalo Sabres)
1963 Hu Na China, tennis star
1963 Salim Malik cricketer (memorable Pakistani & Essex batsman)
1964 Dave Pirner rocker (Soul Asylum)
1964 Robert Kelker-Kelly Wichita KS, (Bo-Days of our Live)
1965 Jon Cryer actor (Pretty in Pink, Superman IV)
1965 Caren Kemner Quincy IL, volleyball outside hitter (Olympics-bronze-92, 96)
1965 Gerardo rocker
1965 Martin Lawrence comedian (Martin)
1966 Lewis Tillman NFL running back (Chicago Bears)
1967 Charles Evans NFL running back (Minnesota Vikings)
1968 Grace Kim Korea, tennis star
1969 Fernando Vina Sacramento CA, infielder (Milwaukee Brewers)
1969 Melinda Rich Muskegon MI, WPVA volleyballer (US Open-13th-1993)
1970 Fran Robinson California, actress (Lauren-Charlie & Company)
1970 Ian Franklin CFL cornerback (Edmonton Eskimos)
1970 Steve Emtman NFL defensive tackle (Miami Dolphins)
1970 Walt Williams NBA forward/guard (Toronto Raptors, Miami Heat)
1971 Frederik Nilsson Stockholm Sweden, IHL forward (Team Sweden, Kansas City (IHL))
1971 Natasha Zvereva Minsk Belarus, tennis ace (finals 1995 Indian Wells)
1971 Selena [Quintanilla Perez] Lake Jackson TX, tejano singer (Grammy-1994)
1971 Trey Maples Wheat Ridge CO, Canadian Tour golfer (1993 Canadian)
1972 Conchita Martinez Monzon Spain, tennis star (1996 final Indian Wells)
1972 Jim Ballard NFL/WLAF quarterback (Scottish Claymores, Buffalo Bills)
1972 Mario Bradley WLAF cornerback (London Monarchs)
1975 Nicky Sualua NFL fullback (Dallas Cowboys)
1976 Lukas Haas West Hoolywood CA, actor (Mars Attacks, Lady in White, Witness, Music Box, Testament, Leap of Faith)
1980 Jesse Tendler Madison WI, actor (Nick-Ellen Burstyn Show)
1987 Milton J Cross New York NY, TV announcer (Metropolitan Opera Auditions of the Air)
Deaths which occurred on April 16:
1115 Svjatopolk II great monarch of Kiev, dies [or 1113]
1446 Filippo Brunelleschi architect, dies
1496 David van Bourgondie Bishop of Utrecht (1456-96), dies at about 69
1529 Louis de Berquin French humanist/reformer/heretic, burned at stake
1619 Denijs Calvaert/Caluwaert [Dionisio Fiamingo] Flemish painter, dies
1687 George Villiers 2nd duke of Buckingham dies at 59
1743 Cornelis van Bijnkershoek Dutch lawyer (Roman law), dies at 69
1756 Jacques Cassini French astronomer (Discover rings of Saturn), dies at 79
1760 Laurence 4th Earl Ferrers, executed for murder of his steward
1825 John Henry Fuseli painter/art writer (Tracks in the Snow), dies at 84
1828 Francisco Goya y Lucientes Spanish painter/cartoonist, dies at 82
1846 Domenico Dragonetti composer, dies at 83
1850 Marie [Gresholtz] Tussaud maker of wax figures, dies
1858 Johann Baptist Cramer German/British pianist/composer/publisher, dies at 87
1860 Carolina duchess of Berry/daughter of crown prince of Naples, dies
1865 Robert C Tyler US Confederate Brigadier-General, dies in battle
1870 Anatoli O Demidov Russian ruler of Donato/traveller, dies
1876 Augustin-Philippe Peellaert composer, dies at 83
1879 Bernadette saint/(saw Virgin Mary at Lourdes), dies in Nevers France
1881 George William Martin composer, dies at 56
1914 George W Hill US astronomer (moon orbit), dies at 76
1916 Tom Horan cricketer (15 Tests for Australia, 471 runs, 11 wickets), dies
1920 John Conrad Nordqvist composer, dies at 80
1924 Jack Board cricket wicket-keeper (England in 6 Tests 1898-1906), dies
1929 Abraham van Stolk Jzn art collector, dies at 57
1938 Bertram Wagstaff Mills circus proprietor, dies
1941 Josiah Charles Stamp 1st baron/statisician, dies
1948 Babe Ruth baseball legend, dies
1949 Sutan Ibrahim gelor Datuk Tan Malaka Indon communist, executed at 54
1951 Emile Erens Dutch hagiographer (Pastor of Ars), dies at 85
1955 Abdullah Seif el-Islam brother of Yemenite king Ahmed, beheaded
1959 Charles Halton dies at 83
1968 Fay Bainter actress (Jezebel, Our Town, State Fair), dies at 76
1968 Edna Ferber author (American Beauty), dies at 78
1970 Péter Veres Hungarian minister of defense/writer, dies at 73
1970 Richard Josef Neutra Austria/US architect (Who Bought America?), dies at 78
1971 Mihály Váci Hungarian poet/politician, dies at 46
1972 Yasunari Kawabata Japanese author (Nobel 1968), dies at 72
1973 István Kertész Hung/German conductor (London Symphony), dies at 43
1978 Lucius D Clay General/Governor US zone West Germany (airlift), dies at 80
1980 Alf Sjöberg director (Fadern, Oen, Domaren), dies in a car crash at 76
1980 Jean Paul Sartre writer, dies at 74
1981 Eric Hollies cricketer (13 Tests for England, 44 wickets), dies
1985 Scott Brady [Gerald Tierney] actor (Shotgun Slade), dies at 60
1987 Anthony Tudor dancer/choreographer (American Ballet Theater) dies at 78
1988 Abu Jihad [Khalil al-Wazzir] PLO-leader, murdered
1988 Clifford Roach cricketer (16 Tests early in West Indies cricket history), dies
1988 Jacques de Kadt Dutch 2nd chamber member (Socialist-Democrat), dies at 90
1988 Khalil al-Wazir PLO military commander, assassinated by Israeli commandos
1988 Warde Donovan dies at 72
1989 Tawfieq Yusuf Awwaad Lebanese writer, dies
1991 David Lean director (2 Academy Awards-Bridge on the River Kwai, Lawrence of Arabia), dies of pneumonia at 83
1992 Andy Russell drummer/vocalist (Your Hit Parade), dies of stroke at 72
1992 Frank Killmond dies at 58
1992 Neville Brand actor (Stalag 17), dies of emphysema at 71
1993 John P W Meefout sculptor (Laying wife), dies at 77
1994 John McLiam dies of Parkinson's disease at 75
1994 Ralph Waldo Ellison US writer (Invisible Man), dies at 80
1994 Ron Vawter US actor (Roy Cohn, Silence of the Lambs), dies at 45
1994 Samuel Selvon author, dies at 70
1995 Arthur English comedian, dies at 75
1995 Cheyenne Brando daughter of Marlon, commits suicide
1995 Cy[ril Raker] Endfield film director (Universal Soldier), dies at 80
1995 Stewart Myles MacPherson broadcaster, dies at 86
1996 Lucille Bremer dancer/actress (Ziegfeld Follies), dies at 73
1996 Madeleine Bourdouxhe writer, dies at 89
1996 Raymond Earl Hill saxophonist, dies at 62
1996 Stavros Spyros Niarchos Greek shipowner, dies at 86
1997 Emilio Azcarraga Milmo media tycoon, dies at 66
1997 Mae Boren Axton song writer (Heartbreak Hotel), dies at 82
1997 Michael Stroka actor (Aristede-Dark Shadows), dies of cancer at 57
POW / MIA Data & Bios supplied by the
P.O.W. NETWORK. Skidmore, MO. USA.
On this day...
0556 Pelagius I begins his reign as Catholic Pope
1346 King Stefanus IX of Serbia proclaims himself czar of Greece
1509 French army under Louis XII enters Alps
1521 Martin Luther arrives at Diet of Worms
1632 Albrecht von Wallenstein appointed supreme commander
1705 Queen Anne of England knights Isaac Newton at Trinity College
1724 1st Easter observed
1746 Battle at Culloden Troops of "James VIII & III" defeat Charles Stuart
1777 Battle of Bennington-New England's Green Mountain Boys rout British
1787 1st American comedy, "The Contrast", makes its debut in NYC
1789 George Washington heads for 1st presidential inauguration
1818 Senate ratifies Rush-Bagot amendment (unarmed US-Canada border)
1849 The opera "Il Profeta" premieres (Paris France)
1854 San Salvador destroyed by earthquake
1854 Steamer "Long Beach" sinks off Long Beach NY, 311 die
1854 Franz Liszt's "Mazeppa", premieres
1861 US President Abraham Lincoln outlaws business with confederate states
1862 Confederate President Jefferson Davis approves conscription act for white males between 18-35
1862 Slavery abolished in District of Columbia
1865 Battle of Columbus & West Point GA (Fort Tyler)
1866 Nitroglycerine at Wells Fargo & Company office explodes
1866 Karakozov attempts to assassinate Tsar Alexander II of Russia
1868 Louisiana voters approve new constitution
1869 Ebenezer Bassett, 1st US Negro diplomat, begins service in Haiti
1870 Vaudeville Theatre Strand opens in London
1871 German Empire ends all anti-Jewish civil restrictions
1874 Dr David Livingstones corpse arrives in Southampton
1883 Paul Kruger chosen President of Transvaal
1888 Drentse & Friese peat cutters go on strike
1900 US Post Office issues 1st books of postage stamps
1908 Natural Bridges National Monument established (Lake Powell UT)
1912 Harriet Quimby becomes 1st woman pilot to cross the English Channel
1912 Pittsburgh Pirates turn a rare 5-3-7 doubleplay (left fielder covers 2nd base)
1917 Lenin returns to Russia to start Bolshevik Revolution
1921 Liberal Freedom League forms in The Hague
1922 Annie Oakley sets record by breaking 100 clay targets in a row
1922 German-Russia treaty signed in Italy, Soviet Union recognized
1924 1st radio-transmission of wireless Matthäus Passion
1924 Child labor laws strengthened in Holland
1926 Book of the Month Club sends out its 1st selections "Lolly Willowes" & "Loving Huntsman" by Sylvia Townsend Warner
1929 Cleveland Indian Earl Averill, becomes 1st in American League to hit a homerun on 1st at bat
1929 New York Yankees become 1st team to use numbers on uniforms
1935 1st radio broadcast of "Fibber McGee & Molly"
1935 Babe Ruth's 1st National League game, for Boston Braves, included a homerun
1938 Great-Britain recognizes Italian annexation of Abyssinia
1939 Stalin requests British, French & Russian anti-nazi pact
1939 Stanley Cup Boston Bruins beat Toronto Maple Leafs, 4 games to 1
1940 1st televised baseball game, WGN-TV, (White Sox vs Cubs exhibition)
1940 Cleveland Indian Bob Feller hurls an opening day no-hitter vs Chicago, 1-0
1940 Heitor Villa-Lobos' opera "Izaht", premieres in Rio de Janeiro
1941 Little Theater at Adelphi Strand closes
1942 Japanese occupying army on Java installs film censorship
1942 King George VI awards George Cross to Island of Malta
1943 40 New Zealand bombers attack Haarlem Netherlands (85 killed)
1945 German troops in Groningen surrender
1945 Red Army begins Battle of Berlin
1945 US troops land on He Shima Okinawa
1946 1st US launch of captured V-2 rocket, White Sands NM; 8 km altitude
1946 NSB mayor of Rotterdam Netherlands, FE Müller sentence to 100 years in jail
1947 Lens to provide zoom effects demonstrated (New York NY)
1947 Massive explosion & fire kills 500 in Texas City TX
1947 Explosions & fire on French ship Grandcamp
1948 Organization for European Economic Cooperation (EEC) forms in Paris France
1949 Stanley Cup Toronto Maple Leafs sweep Detroit Red Wings in 4 games
1951 British submarine Affray sank in English Channel, killing 75
1952 "4 Saints in 3 Acts" opens at Broadway Theater NYC for 15 performances
1953 Phillie's Connie Ryan gets 6 hits in a game
1953 British royal yacht Britannica taken out of service
1953 Jackie Pung wins LPGA Palm Springs Golf Open
1953 Stanley Cup Montréal Canadiens beat Boston Bruins, 4 games to 1
1953 WAND TV channel 17 in Decatur IL (ABC) begins broadcasting
1954 KVAL TV channel 13 in Eugene OR (CBS) begins broadcasting
1954 Stanley Cup Detroit Red Wings beat Montréal Canadiens, 4 games to 3
1956 1st solar powered radios go on sale
1957 Stanley Cup Montréal Canadiens beat Boston Bruins, 4 games to 1
1957 USSR performs atmospheric nuclear test
1958 22nd Golf Masters Championship Arnold Palmer wins, shooting a 284
1958 French government of Gaillard falls due to Tunisia crisis
1959 New York Yankees unveil their 1st message scoreboard
1959 Phillies' Dave Philley gets a major league record 9th straight pinch hit
1959 "Party with Comden & Green" opens at John Golden NYC for 44 performances
1959 Datu Abdul Rozak inaugurated as premier of Malaysia federation
1961 15th Tony Awards Becket & Bye Bye Birdie win
1961 Louise Suggs wins LPGA Dallas Civitan Golf Open
1961 Stanley Cup Chicago Blackhawks beat Detroit Red Wings, 4 games to 2
1962 Walter Cronkite begins anchoring CBS Evening News
1962 Brazil nationalizes US businesses
1964 9 men sentenced 25-30 years for Britain's 1963 "Great Train Robbery"
1964 Geraldine Mock of US is 1st woman to fly solo round the world
1965 Test flight of heavy Saturn S-1C-rocket
1966 Rhodesian PM Ian Smith breaks diplomatic relations with Britain
1967 Yankees beat Boston 7-6 in 18 innings
1967 "Walking Happy" closes at Lunt Fontanne Theater NYC after 161 performances
1970 70 die in a snow crush (France)
1972 2 giants pandas (Ling-Ling and Hsing-Hsing) arrive in the US, from China
1972 Apollo 16 launched; 5th manned lunar landing (Decartes Highlands)
1972 Chicago Cub Burt Hooton no-hits Phillies, 1-0
1972 "That's Entertainment" closes at Edison Theater NYC after 4 performances
1972 1st Colgate Dinah Shore Golf Championship won by Jane Blalock
1974 200,000 attend rock concert California Jam I in Ontario CA
1974 "Words & Music" opens at John Golden Theater NYC for 127 performances
1974 USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakhstan/Semipalitinsk USSR
1975 Cambodian Red Khmer occupy Phnom Penh
1977 Alex Haley finds his Roots in Juffure, Gambia
1978 St Louis Cardinal Bob Forsch no-hits Phillies, 5-0
1978 "History of the American Film" closes at ANTA NYC after 21 performances
1978 Hollis Stacy wins LPGA Birmingham Golf Classic
1979 15th Mayor's Trophy Game, Yankees & Mets tie 1-1
1979 83rd Boston Marathon won by Bill Rodgers of Massachusetts in 2:09:27
1979 8th Boston Women's Marathon won by Joan Benoit Samuelson in 2:35:15
1979 Failed Palestinian attack on Zaventem Airport in Belgium
1979 Pulitzer prize awarded to Sam Shepard for "Buried Child"
1980 Arthur Ashe retires from professional tennis
1980 Delhi beat Bombay by 240 runs to win Ranji Trophy final
1980 US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1981 Columbia space shuttle returns
1981 "Copperfield" opens at ANTA Theater NYC for 13 performances
1982 Queen Elizabeth proclaims Canada's new constitution
1983 Steve Garvey sets National League record by playing in 1,118 consecutive games
1984 13th Boston Women's Marathon won by Lorraine Moller of New Zealand in 2:29:28
1984 88th Boston Marathon won by Geoff Smith of Great Britain in 2:10:34
1984 Oakland A Dave Kingman hits 3 homeruns including a grand slam
1984 Pulitzer prize awarded to Mary Oliver for "American Primitive"
1985 Washington Capitals 1-New York Islanders 2-Patrick Division Semifinals-Islanders win series 3-2
1985 "Grind" opens at Mark Hellinger Theater NYC for 79 performances
1986 To dispel rumors he's dead, Moammar Qadhafi appears on TV
1986 West Indies complete 5-0 demolition of England
1987 FCC imposes a broader definition of indecency over airwaves
1987 Michael Jordan, becomes 2nd NBA to score 3000 points in a season
1987 Peter Taylor's "Summons to Memphis" wins Pulitzer Prize for fiction
1987 Howard Stern & Infinity Broadcasting are warned by FCC
1987 Pulitzer prize awarded to August Wilson for "Fences"
1989 Costa Rica beats US 1-0, in 3rd round of 1990 world soccer cup
1989 1st Seniors Golf Tradition Don Bies wins
1989 Berendrechtsluis opens in Antwerp, biggest flood lock in world
1989 Pat Bradley wins LPGA AI Star/Centinela Hospital Golf Classic
1989 Zeleka Metaferia wins 3rd World Cup marathon (2:10:28)
1990 Maximum New York State unemployment benefits raised to $260 per week
1990 "Piano Lesson" opens at Walter Kerr Theater NYC for 320 performances
1990 19th Boston Women's Marathon won by Rosa Mota of Portugal in 2:25:23
1990 94th Boston Marathon won by Gelindo Bordin of Italy in 2:08:19
1990 Supreme Court rejects appeal from retarded man, Dalton Prejean, condemned to death for murdering a Louisiana state trooper in 1977
1991 Mike Leander & Edward Seago's musical "Matador", premieres in London
1991 St Louis Blues becomes 8th NHL team in Play-off to come back from a 3-1 deficit as they beat the Detroit Red Wings 3-2 in game 7
1992 "Metro" opens at Minskoff Theater NYC for 13 performances
1992 1st concrete is poured at new ballpark at Gateway (Jacobs Field)
1992 Afghánistán President Najibullah resigns
1992 New York Rangers win team record 50th game
1993 Jury reaches guilty verdict in Federal case against cop who beat Rodney King, but the verdict is not read until April 17th
1994 Circus performers Marissa Young (24) & Matt Richardson (21) wed
1994 Singer Harry Connick Jr (26) weds model Jill Goodacre (30)
1995 56th PGA Seniors Golf Championship Ray Floyd wins
1997 Howard Stern Radio Show premieres in Minneapolis/St Paul MN on WRQC 100.3 FM
Note: Some Holidays are only applicable on a given "day of the week"
Cuba : Militiamen Day
Denmark : Queen Margrethe's Birthday
Puerto Rico : José De Diego's Birthday (1867)
Massachusetts, Maine : Patriots Day-Boston Marathon run (1775) - - - - - ( Monday )
Religious Observances
Roman Catholic : Commemoration of St Bernadette Soubirous of Lourdes
Religious History
1521 German reformer Martin Luther, 34, arrived at the Diet of Worms, where he afterward defended his "Ninety-Five Theses," first advanced in 1517. At the Diet, Luther refused to recant his ideas 'unless overcome by Scripture.'
1772 Anglican clergyman and hymnwriter John Newton wrote in a letter: 'I think there is a scriptural distinction between faith and feeling, grace and comfort.... The degree of the one is not often the just measure of the other.'
1829 Death of Carl G. Glaser, 45, German choral master and composer of the hymn tune AZMON, to which we today sing, "O For a Thousand Tongues."
1904 Birth of Merrill C. Tenney, American N.T. scholar. In addition to his many scholarly writings, Tenney was dean of the Wheaton College Graduate School in Illinois from 1947-71.
1948 Christians in Action was incorporated in Compton, CA. Founded by Rev. Lee Shelley, this interdenominational overseas mission helps establish national churches in nearly two dozen overseas countries.
Thought for the day :
"God never imposes a duty without giving time to do it."
posted on
04/16/2003 7:09:37 AM PDT
(Age and deceit beat youth and skill)
To: Valin
Morning Valin, I'd like to add to your list"
2003 Poetry Branch at Free Republic Closes
posted on
04/16/2003 7:13:42 AM PDT
(CNN: We knew about Saddam for 12 years, but Republicans are worse, so we didn't say anything.)
To: SAMWolf
2003 Poetry Branch at Free Republic Closes
That to bad. Any reason?
posted on
04/16/2003 8:10:48 AM PDT
(Age and deceit beat youth and skill)
To: AZ Flyboy; feinswinesuksass; Michael121; cherry_bomb88; SCDogPapa; Mystix; GulfWar1Vet; ...
FALL IN to the FReeper Foxhole!
To be removed from this list, please send me a blank private reply with "REMOVE" in the subject line! Thanks! Jen
posted on
04/16/2003 9:43:36 AM PDT
(The FReeper Foxhole - Can you dig it? (BYOS))
To: AntiJen
Good Morning Jen
posted on
04/16/2003 9:47:39 AM PDT
(CNN: We knew about Saddam for 12 years, but Republicans are worse, so we didn't say anything.)
To: AntiJen
posted on
04/16/2003 9:50:00 AM PDT
To: SAMWolf
I love history, my absolute favorite. I think I'll sit a spell if you don't mind FRiend.
To: snippy_about_it
You're more than welcome. WE cover a lot of ground here and sooner or later we may hit a topic you like.
Feel free to suggest a topic and we'll see what we can do.
posted on
04/16/2003 9:56:32 AM PDT
(CNN: We knew about Saddam for 12 years, but Republicans are worse, so we didn't say anything.)
To: AntiJen
posted on
04/16/2003 10:10:08 AM PDT
To: snippy_about_it; radu; cherry_bomb88; TEXOKIE; Bethbg79; LaDivaLoca; All
posted on
04/16/2003 10:11:09 AM PDT
(CNN: We knew about Saddam for 12 years, but Republicans are worse, so we didn't say anything.)
To: SAMWolf
You know, these posts are so awesome. I'm going to send this link to our grandchildren. It seems safe enough for their eyes,.. :o) and is extremely interesting and a great "history" tool for learning. You do this so well, it's so interesting.
Thanks for providing one of the best threads on FR.
FRegards, Vets
To: SAMWolf
Well, that was like reading a short novel. LOL.
I notice they destroyed arms when they came upon them. I understand they wouldn't want to have them return to 'enemies' hands just as we are destroying arms today in Iraq but I am suprised they don't keep them for themselves.
Logistically it probably wasn't possible to safeguard them in the times of the civil war, however, the arms we come across today that we are destroying puzzles me. I would have thought we could use them somehow.
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