Posted on 02/02/2025 6:43:48 PM PST by Kitty Mittens
Join together with Fellow FREEPERS to Pray for AMERICA: For those in Authority in Government, Family, Military, Business, Healthcare, Education, Churches, and the Media.
'I Urge, then, First of All, that Requests, Prayers, Intercession and Thanksgiving be Made for Everyone: for Kings and All those in Authority that we May Live Peaceful and Quiet Lives in All Godliness and Holiness.' 1 Timothy 2:1-2
Religion Forum Threads Labeled [Prayer] are Closed to Debate of Any Kind.
'O LORD, our Lord, how Excellent is Thy Name in All the Earth!' (Ps.8:1) You are our Mighty God, and we Praise Your Magnificent Name. Your Splendor, O Lord, is Glorious; Your Majesty Delights our Eyes. Your Glory is All Around us; All Creation Shouts Your Praise. Great Honor to You, our Abba, our King! We Love You, Dear Father of our Heart!
Your Excellency, we Pray for Your Servant, Donald Trump. May Your Goodness Encircle him; and Your Mercies Surround him Day and Night. Please Rest him, Lord, Safely in Your Strong Right Hand. May Jesus be Foremost in his Heart and his Life. For our Dear President we Pray Psalm 13:5: 'I Trust in Thy Mercy: mine Heart Shall Rejoice in Thy Salvation; I will Sing to the Lord, because He hath Dealt Lovingly with me.'
Lord, our Military Men are Ever in our Prayers and in our Hearts. We are Thankful that You are their Help and their Shield. (Ps.33:20) May the Presence of Jesus Protect Every Life. For our Military Men and Women we Pray Psalm 33:22, 'We’re Depending on God; He’s Everything we Need. What’s More, our Hearts Brim with Joy Since we’ve Taken for our own His Holy Name. Love us, God, with All You’ve Got—that’s what we’re Depending on.'
Thank You for Helping the January 6 Political Prisoners, Lord. Thank You for Your Mercies, and for Blessing them, and Setting them Free!
Thank You, our Abba, for Hearing and Answering our Prayers. In Jesus' Name, for the Glory of our Shepherd-King, amen.
Amen, Dear Kitty Mittens, in Jesus name,
AMEN! All Praise to our God. Thank you, joining in prayer and praise with eachother.
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!
Father God, we thank You for all of our blessings.
We thank You for the victory that is in You.
Lord, we ask for protection for our soldiers, our police officers, for those who are fighting deep state, and for those who fight for Your Word, Your Truth.
Amen to your beautiful prayer, precious daughter of the King!
Father, we ask You to be very present in the meeting between President Trump and PM Netanjahu this week. May Your Holy Spirit guide these men with Your wisdom and understanding. We ask Your protection and blessing over SOS Marco Rubio as he negotiates with the leadership of Panama regarding the Canal operations. Please also direct the path of Sec. of Transportation Sean Duffy as he directs the investigations into the recent air disasters. May the truth be revealed. And Father, please give favor to Kash Patel, Tulsi Gabbard, and RFK Jr. as they seek the confirmation of their cabinet positions. Lord, may Your powerful will be done. Thank You for giving President Trump the people he needs to carry out Your will for our nation. In the Name of Jesus, and for Your glory. Amen.
Amen to your prayers for our nation
Lord Jesus we thank you for victories against the corruption and we pray that more truth and justice comes, in Jesus Name Amen
Amen to your prayers for our nation
Lord Jesus we thank you for victories against the corruption and we pray that more truth and justice comes, in Jesus Name Amen
Joining in prayer. God bless.
AMEN to EVERY word of your prayer, petitions and PRAISE!
To God be the Glory, forever!
Amen, Kitty Mittens
Affirming the promises of Scripture.
Joining in prayer for our beloved America:
* Protect President Trump and grant wisdom to him and his staff
* Protect all those who go in harm’s way to keep us safe
* Grant justice and healing for the J6 prisoners
In Jesus Name
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