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The blood of murdered unborn children cries to God from abortion-tainted vaccines and medicines
LifeSite News ^ | April 1, 2021 | Bishop Athanasius Schneider Share on Gab Share on Facebook 656 Share on Twitter

Posted on 04/05/2021 5:45:46 PM PDT by ebb tide

The blood of murdered unborn children cries to God from abortion-tainted vaccines and medicines

Bishop Athanasius Schneider on abortion-tainted vaccines and the culture of death.

April 1, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — Anti-Christian world powers that promote the culture of death are seeking to impose on the world’s population an implicit — though remote and passive — collaboration with abortion. Such remote collaboration, in itself, is also an evil because of the extraordinary historical circumstances in which these same world powers are promoting the murder of unborn children and the exploitation of their remains. When we use vaccines or medicines which utilize cell lines originating from aborted babies, we physically benefit from the “fruits” of one of the greatest evils of mankind — the cruel genocide of the unborn. For if one innocent child had not been cruelly murdered, we would not have these concrete vaccines or medicines. We should not be so naive as not to see that these vaccines and medicines not only offer a health benefit but also promise to promote the culture of death. Of course, some argue that even if people do not take these vaccines, the abortion industry will still continue. We may not reduce the number of abortions if we stop taking such vaccines or medicines, but this is not the issue. The problem lies in the moral weakening of our resistance to the crime of abortion, and to the crime of the trafficking, exploitation and commercialization of the body parts of murdered unborn children. The use of such vaccines and medicines in some way morally – albeit indirectly — supports this horrible situation. Observing the response from the Catholic Church, abortionists and those responsible for biomedical research will conclude that the hierarchy has acquiesced to this situation, which includes an entire chain of crimes against life and indeed can aptly be described as a “chain of death.” We have to wake up to the real dangers, consequences and circumstances of the current situation.

Theories justifying the use of abortion-tainted vaccines

The documents of the Holy See (from 2005, 2008 and 2020) that deal with vaccines developed from cell lines originating from murdered unborn children are not infallible decisions of the Magisterium. The arguments put forth in the aforementioned documents regarding the moral licitness of the use of abortion-tainted vaccines are ultimately too abstract. We need to approach this problem in a more profound way, and not remain in a juridical positivism and formalism of abstract theories of cooperation with evil, benefiting from the evil deeds of others, double effect or whatever one wishes to call such justifying theories.

We have to go deeper, down to the root, and consider the aspect of proportionality. This concrete chain of horrible crimes — of murdering, harvesting tissue and body parts from murdered unborn children, and commercializing their remains through the manufacturing and testing of vaccines and medicines — is out of all proportion to other crimes, e.g. benefitting from slave labor, paying taxes, etc. Even the most apparently impressive historical examples, which are sometimes adduced to justify the moral licitness of the use of abortion-tainted vaccines, are incomparable to the issue before us. Indeed, due to the gravity of abortion, and the current reality of an ever-expanding abortion and biomedical research industry, which involves the trafficking and exploitation of aborted baby body parts, the principle of material cooperation, or other similar theories, cannot be applied in this case. It is, therefore, highly anti-pastoral and counterproductive to allow the use of abortion-tainted vaccines in this historical hour. The souls of the murdered babies, from whose body parts people are now benefiting through these medicines and vaccines, are living and have a name before God.

When one uses an abortion-tainted vaccine, one is standing directly and very personally before the vaccine syringe. In paying taxes, one is not directly and personally confronting the process of a specific abortion. A government is not asking you concretely to give your money to “this” concrete act of abortion now. The government often uses our money against our will. Therefore, the use of an abortion-tainted vaccine is a much more personal confrontation, and a much closer meeting, with the monstrous crimes involved in its production, than for instance paying taxes or benefiting from the evil acts of another person. Should the government tell a citizen directly and personally, “I am taking your money to pay for this concrete abortion,” one has to refuse, even if it means confiscation of one’s home and imprisonment.

In the first centuries, Christians paid taxes to a pagan government, knowing that it would use a portion of the tax revenue to finance idol worship. However, when the government asked Christians personally and individually to participate in the crime of idolatry, by burning just a small grain of incense before the statue of an idol, they refused even at the price of being martyred for bearing witnesses to God’s First Commandment.

The exceptionally grave and unique character of abortion-tainted vaccines and medicines

How can we, with a maximum of determination, be and proclaim to be against abortion, when we accept abortion-tainted vaccines — when their origin lies in the murder of a child? Both logic and common-sense demand that we not accept such vaccines or medicines. In difficult times of great confusion, God often uses the simple and the little ones who tell the truth while the majority swims with the tide. Unfortunately, many people in the Church, and even some Catholic pro-life organizations, are swimming with the tide on the specific question of abortion-tainted vaccines and medicines. It seems that many theologians, and even the Holy See, as well as the vast majority of bishops, are also swimming with the tide, and there remains only a minority in the Church of our day which is saying, “Stop. This is not good. This is a danger!” As Christians, it is our duty to bear witness to the world by not accepting these vaccines and medicines.

One might ask the proponents of the moral licitness of the use of abortion-tainted vaccines or medicines the following question, “If you traveled back in time and witnessed the gruesome murder of an unborn child, the dismemberment of his body, the harvesting of his tissue, and his cells then processed in the lab, even if there were hundreds of chemical processes involved with that particular vaccine or medicine, could you with a clear conscience receive such a vaccine or medicine into your body? It is hard to imagine that you could, as you would have before your eyes the scene of a child being dismembered and you now physically benefiting from the use of his cells.”

Vaccines that utilize cell lines originating from aborted fetuses only for testing

The distinction is made between the direct presence of fetal cell lines originating from the murder of an unborn child in a vaccine and their use in testing, and certainly the latter is objectively less grave. But we still cannot accept the use of these cell lines even for testing, as it brings us closer to the crime of marketing the cells from murdered babies. In this case, too, there is an accumulation of horrible crimes. The first crime is to have killed a child. The second is to have used and processed these cell lines. To then use these cell lines for testing is yet another crime. We cannot collaborate in this accumulation of crimes and we cannot benefit in any way from their “by-products.”

The obligation to resist

Let us imagine the possibility of abortion being entirely forbidden worldwide. Were this the case, the medical and pharmaceutical industries would then have to seek out alternatives to develop a vaccine, and God will provide them if we observe His law, specifically the Fifth Commandment. However, God will punish us if we use the cell lines originating from murdered babies to manufacture and test vaccines and medicines! We have to open ourselves to a more supernatural perspective. We have to resist the myth that there is no alternative — and by using these vaccines or medicines, we cooperate in further propagating this myth. Yet, there are alternatives! The anti-Christian world powers will surely not admit that alternatives exist, and will continue to push abortion-tainted vaccines. But we must resist. Even if there is only a small minority of faithful, priests and bishops who do so, ultimately the truth will prevail. History will look back and say that even some good Catholics yielded, even high-ranking prelates responsible for the governance of the Holy See yielded to an expanding biomedical and pharmaceutical industry that used cell lines originating from the murder of unborn children to produce and test vaccines and medicines. History will say they allowed themselves to be blinded by abstract theories of remote material cooperation, benefiting from the evil acts of others, or other similar theories.

We have to follow the truth. Even if we lose all our friends, we should follow our conscience, as did Saint Thomas More and Saint John Fisher. It is also a sign of the end times that even good people are confused about this important matter. Let us recall the words of Our Lord, who said that even the elect will be also seduced (cf. Mt. 24:24). A time will come when God will reveal to people in the Church, who now defend the morality of using abortion-tainted vaccines, some of the consequences of this choice. Their eyes will be opened, because the truth is so powerful. We have to live for the truth and for eternity.

To remain silent and to acquiesce to the already widespread use of aborted baby body parts for biomedical research, and to argue away this injustice with an abstract theory of “remote material cooperation,” or whatever one may call such a justifying theory, is a spiritual blindness and grave omission at a dramatic historical moment when Christians instead should stand up and proclaim to the whole world, “We will never acquiesce to this injustice, even if it is already so widespread in medicine! It is not allowed to treat unborn children, the lives of the weakest and most defenseless people in the whole world, in such a degrading way, so that the stronger, those already born, may receive a temporal health benefit from their use.”

Ivan Karamazov in Dostoyevsky’s famous novel “The Brothers Karamazov” asks the fatal question: “Tell me straight out, I call on you—answer me: imagine that you yourself are building the edifice of human destiny with the object of making people happy in the finale, of giving them peace and rest at last, but for that you must inevitably and unavoidably torture just one tiny creature, that same child who was beating her chest with her little fist, and raise your edifice on the foundation of her unrequited tears—would you agree to be the architect on such conditions?“

Memorable are the words with which Pope John Paul II forcefully condemned any experimentation on embryos, declaring: “No circumstance, no purpose, no law whatsoever can ever make licit an act which is intrinsically illicit, since it is contrary to the Law of God which is written in every human heart, knowable by reason itself, and proclaimed by the Church. This evaluation of the morality of abortion is to be applied also to the recent forms of intervention on human embryos which, although carried out for purposes legitimate in themselves, inevitably involve the killing of those embryos. This is the case with experimentation on embryos, which is becoming increasingly widespread in the field of biomedical research and is legally permitted in some countries. Although ‘one must uphold as licit procedures carried out on the human embryo which respect the life and integrity of the embryo and do not involve disproportionate risks for it, but rather are directed to its healing, the improvement of its condition of health, or its individual survival,’ it must nonetheless be stated that the use of human embryos or fetuses as an object of experimentation constitutes a crime against their dignity as human beings who have a right to the same respect owed to a child once born, just as to every person. This moral condemnation also regards procedures that exploit living human embryos and fetuses-sometimes specifically ‘produced’ for this purpose by in vitro fertilization — either to be used as ‘biological material’ or as providers of organs or tissue for transplants in the treatment of certain diseases. The killing of innocent human creatures, even if carried out to help others, constitutes an absolutely unacceptable act.” (Encyclical Evangelium vitae, 62-63)

The blood of murdered unborn children cries to God from vaccines and medicines which utilize their remains in any manner whatsoever. We have to make reparation for the accumulated crimes involved in their production. We have to ask pardon not only from God, who searches the reins and hearts (cf. Rev. 2:23), but also from the souls of all murdered unborn children, who have a name before God. We must especially ask pardon from those children whose body parts are used in such a degrading way for the health benefit of the living. It is incomprehensible how churchmen, with the aid of abstract theories from moral theology, can tranquilize the conscience of the faithful, by allowing them to use such vaccines and medicines.

The blood of the murdered unborn children cries to God from abortion-tainted vaccines and medicines! May the Lord have mercy on us! Kyrie, eleison!

+ Athanasius Schneider, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Saint Mary in Astana

TOPICS: Apologetics; Moral Issues; Religion & Politics; Religion & Science
KEYWORDS: abortion; deathvaxxes; deepstate; fakepandemic; garbagevaccine; infanticide; innocentblood; kooks; mengele; morbid; nuts; satanicmedicine; scamdemic
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To: ebb tide

“To determine the morality of using the cells, it is helpful to compare it to another situation: the use of organs from a person who has been murdered. If a doctor were to offer to transplant a kidney or heart from the murder victim into a Christian, we would likely not have any objection. The primary concern would be whether the victim consented to organ donation prior to their death.

Most Christian ethicists agree that fetal tissue donation is not inherently unethical if the tissue was obtained from a spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) or an ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy in which the fetus implants in the fallopian tube instead of the uterus) and was willingly donated by the parent. Such donations would be similar to a parent agreeing to donate the organs of an infant or a child that had died by natural causes.

The donation of fetal tissue may be morally tainted, though, when the tissue is derived from a fetus that has been killed in the womb. Allowing and condoning such donations of tissue derived from abortion to continue would make us indirectly morally complicit in the act of abortion, conveying a sense of approval for an ongoing regime that sanctions the killing of the unborn.

That raises the question of whether the use of cells from HEK293T would promote abortion in just such a way. While pro-life Christians may disagree on how to answer that question, it is unlikely that the use of the HEK293T cell line will lead to additional children being murdered in the womb in order to expand the number of fetal tissue cell lines. The reason is that it is completely unnecessary, and medically inexpedient, to create new cell lines from aborted children. As Rev. Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco, a Catholic biomedical researcher, explains:

. . . HEK293 is an established cell line. What this means is that these cells have been used and studied by biologists for nearly half a century. They are well characterized, and they have been validated for their safety. I point this out because it helps explain why it is unheard of for a vaccine manufacturer to seek out new human fetal cells from a recent abortion. Such novel fetal cells would be uncharacterized, unvalidated, and unapproved by regulatory agencies like the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for human vaccine production. Why waste time, effort, and money to obtain, characterize, and validate new human fetal cells when the classic fetal cell lines obtained decades ago like HEK293 are readily and cheaply available?

Currently, the use of the HEK293T cells in biomedical research is not increasing the number of abortions that are being carried out every year. If we were to see evidence of that happening, however, it would change the moral calculation.

The remaining question is whether accepting the use of HEK293T cells would potentially be cooperating with the killing of the child in the 1970s. For a number of reasons, many if not most Christian bioethicists would argue that it is not (assuming an abortion even occured). The primary reason being that this situation is morally analogical to the case of the murder victim/organ donor. No one would say the Christian who received the organ was morally responsible in any way for the murder.”

41 posted on 04/06/2021 7:02:58 PM PDT by Mr Rogers
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To: Jamestown1630
(And I bet you vote the same muddle-minded way...)

Ah!! So you're a Biden supporter. That explains everything.

42 posted on 04/06/2021 7:03:09 PM PDT by ebb tide (We have a rogue curia in Rome.)
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To: ebb tide

“Any vaccine developed with the help of the murder of babies.

And that includes every Covid “vaccine” that is currently on the market.” - ebb tide

Actually, no one knows if the stem cell line used came from an elective abortion or a spontaneous one.

“HEK293T is a widely used immortalized cell line that was made from fetal tissue acquired in the Netherlands in the 1970s. The records pertaining to the origins of HEK293T were lost, so it is not know whether the tissue came from a spontaneous miscarriage or an elective abortion.”

43 posted on 04/06/2021 7:06:57 PM PDT by Mr Rogers
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To: PTBobW

The murder of babies is not a joking matter.

44 posted on 04/06/2021 7:07:13 PM PDT by ebb tide (We have a rogue curia in Rome.)
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To: Mr Rogers

It was an elective abortion. The mad mengele scientist was in attendance at the abortion.

They need to harvest those organs ASAP. Sometimes while the baby is alive.

45 posted on 04/06/2021 7:17:00 PM PDT by ebb tide (We have a rogue curia in Rome.)
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To: ebb tide

As the SBC folks point out, no one KNOWS because the records of that abortion are long gone. When Catholic Bishops and the SBC both agree on morals, MAYBE there is some moral basis for it.

46 posted on 04/06/2021 7:20:01 PM PDT by Mr Rogers
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To: Mr Rogers
That's lie. It is common knowledge that the baby girl suffered a painful, elective abortion.

The transformation was executed by Frank Graham, another scientist Van der Eb's lab who invented the calcium phosphate method for transfecting cells. The source of the cells was a healthy aborted fetus of unknown parenthood. The name HEK293 is thusly named because it was Frank Graham's 293rd experiment.

"Healty fetus" indicates it was en elective murder, aka abortion.

47 posted on 04/06/2021 7:37:39 PM PDT by ebb tide (We have a rogue curia in Rome.)
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To: Mr Rogers

The healthy baby, not fetus, was aborted in Holland in the early 1970’s. Holland (the Netherlands) did not legalize abortion until 1981.

That’s why the baby’s parentage is unknown, it was an illegal abortion/murder.

48 posted on 04/06/2021 7:54:18 PM PDT by ebb tide (We have a rogue curia in Rome.)
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To: ebb tide

So, I guess you’re not taking any vaccine. And I suppose you don’t care if your family members get sick and die, either.

That’s fine with me.

But everyone’s life is his or her own; and people don’t need you deciding things for them, or scaring them out of what could be very useful vaccines.

(Have you looked into the genetic background of every therapy that is used for every disease - or are you just fixated on one current derivation from fetal cells? I suspect that there’s a lot more for you to be concerned about.)

I know dozens of people who have taken one of the vaccines, with no ill effects. And the numbers of sick and hospitalized are going down all over the country - thanks to President Trump and his enormous effort to get these vaccines out to us.

I guess you would prefer that the sick and dead numbers kept rising; after all, you seem to specialize in ‘gloom and doom’.

49 posted on 04/06/2021 8:01:47 PM PDT by Jamestown1630 ("A Republic, if you can keep it.")
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To: ebb tide

So, you’re the one who weighs the scales of the value of one human life against another?

50 posted on 04/06/2021 8:04:55 PM PDT by Jamestown1630 ("A Republic, if you can keep it.")
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To: Jamestown1630

I would prefer to see abortion outlawed as it murder, like it used to be outlawed.

Then it would force Big Pharm to once again work with animal, plant, adult, placenta, and umbilical cord stem cells.

It may take more time and more money, but it will save millions of babies.

Do you have a problem with that? Or are you too concerned about your own little life?

51 posted on 04/06/2021 8:10:00 PM PDT by ebb tide (We have a rogue curia in Rome.)
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To: Jamestown1630

All live matter.

But I guess your life matters more than the murdered babies, no matter how many it takes.

I don’t know how you can sleep at night.

52 posted on 04/06/2021 8:12:12 PM PDT by ebb tide (We have a rogue curia in Rome.)
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To: ebb tide

I sleep pretty well - especially knowing that I post cogent responses here, instead of indulging in endless ad hominems.

G’Nite, dear!

53 posted on 04/06/2021 8:17:16 PM PDT by Jamestown1630 ("A Republic, if you can keep it.")
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To: Jamestown1630

About as cogent responses as the ones Joe Biden gives.

He’s definitely pro-murder and you appear to be so also.

I hope you sleep as soundly as Sleepy Joe does.

54 posted on 04/06/2021 8:24:42 PM PDT by ebb tide (We have a rogue curia in Rome.)
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To: Jamestown1630

And none of that, let me repeat that for you, none of it makes it right.

Rationalization, where God’s laws are concerned, is just as evil as if you were to blatantly disobey.

God does not compromise on his laws, otherwise they become mere suggestions and are utterly worthless.

To answer your question, no, I will not be getting vaccinated, and I have already counseled my children NOT to get vaccinated, for the various reason, but primarily I do not trust those pushing the vaccination, because much like yourself, to them, morality is just something to be bought or rationalized away.

55 posted on 04/06/2021 10:16:10 PM PDT by SoConPubbie (Mitt and Obama: They're the same poison, just a different potency)
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To: ebb tide

“That’s lie. It is common knowledge...”

No, apparently it is NOT common knowledge. Not KNOWN at all. And a healthy fetus might be aborted due to genuine health issues of the mother - for example, a brain dead mother.

We do not KNOW it was elective. And as both the Catholic church and the Southern Baptists point out, even an elective abortion doesn’t mean the continued use of the tissue cannot be used to do good in the world 50+ years after an evil event took place. Snatching some good out of bad is something God is good at.

56 posted on 04/07/2021 6:31:31 AM PDT by Mr Rogers
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To: ebb tide

oh, jesus!

57 posted on 04/07/2021 9:08:33 AM PDT by PTBobW (Very minor side effects for me with J&J)
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To: Mr Rogers
And a healthy fetus might be aborted due to genuine health issues of the mother - for example, a brain dead mother.

You're funny in you wild defense of cooperation with infanticide. You just described an elective abortion to save the life of a brain dead mother.

Tell me Mr. Rogers, and tell your friendly neighborhood, what health risks does a healthy baby pose to his/her brain dead mother?

58 posted on 04/07/2021 2:07:46 PM PDT by ebb tide (We have a rogue curia in Rome.)
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To: PTBobW

Now your taking the Lord’s name in vain.

I’m not surprised.

It’s a good thing Jesus Christ wasn’t aborted or would you rather make a joke about that also.

59 posted on 04/07/2021 2:09:29 PM PDT by ebb tide (We have a rogue curia in Rome.)
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To: SoConPubbie; ebb tide

Abortion may be a morally straightforward, cut-and-dried issue to many of us.
But the matter of these vaccines is not that at all.

Fetal tissue hasn’t only been obtained from non-necessary elective abortion. It could have come from an abortion which was undergone because the mother’s life was in grave danger, or from miscarriage.

I don’t know how much regulation we had over these issues in the middle of the last century; but if a mother chose to donate tissue after a miscarriage or necessary abortion in hopes of doing some good, I don’t see how that would be any different from donating organs after any death. Again - medical research is not and has never been a ‘driver’ of abortion.

If it’s true that any aspect of these vaccines relied upon the use of fetal tissue collected long ago through an abortion, we have no way at all of knowing the circumstances surrounding that abortion; and to suggest that we do is misleading, if not a plainly dishonest way of trying to ‘demonize’ the vaccines and frighten and propagandize people of decent sensibilities away from them.

Some people might find this article interesting:

Let me know if, in the future, you or your children ever develop a serious disease for which ES cell research might offer help - such as retinal disease promising to lead to blindness. I somehow doubt you’d refuse transplant/treatment because you had some notion that it *may* have been derived from ES cells long in the past and under circumstances of which you can know nothing.

60 posted on 04/07/2021 2:17:52 PM PDT by Jamestown1630 ("A Republic, if you can keep it.")
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