Posted on 09/27/2019 3:39:41 PM PDT by ebb tide
Mother Miriam speaks at Conference of Catholic Families, Dublin, Ireland, Aug. 2223, 2018.
September 25, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) News of the popes just-launched Global Pact for new humanism has to do with ruining our society, ruining our culture, and destroying the family, Mother Miriam said on her live show Monday.
On September 12, the Vatican issued a statement inviting religious, humanitarian, and international leaders, and leading politicians, academics, scientists, and athletes, to sign a Global Pact on Education.
On her Monday show, Mother Miriam read and reflected on a LifeSiteNews article about it.
We did not awake this morning to glorious news, and it all has to do with ruining our society, ruining our culture, and destroying the family, she said.
The goal of the Global Pact on Education is to hand on to younger generations a united and fraternal common home. Mother told listeners this is the common home of the devil. There is no common home we have but Heaven and Christianity on Earth this side of Heaven. We have no common home other than that.
According to a Vatican site promoting the pact, Pope Francis has invited everyone who cares about the education of the young generation to sign a Global Pact, to create a global change of mentality through education.
Beloved, that is what the communists set out to do well over a hundred years ago, Mother responded. The evil has entered into the Church, and it has been bought by the very pope himself and the hierarchy.
Mother reminded listeners that we are called to be stewards of Gods creation and to educate our children.
Over the last few weeks, Mothers shows have focused on the duty of parents to educate their children. She has called on parents to pull their children out of public schools to protect them from gender ideology and graphic sex education. Mother has advocated bringing children home and not passing off their primary duty of educating their children to others. The pope is proposing nearly the opposite.
This [the Global Education Pact], the pope said, will result in men and women who are open, responsible, prepared to listen, dialogue and reflect with others, and capable of weaving relationships with families, between generations, and with civil society, and thus to create a new humanism.
Mother called the popes initiative to globalize education demonic.
This is not to protect the family at all. An educational village that will once and for all destroy the family and the human race.
She was careful to emphasize that she was calling the proposition, not the pope, demonic.
Pope Francis stated that to reach his proposed objectives, everyone needs to have the courage to place the human person at the center and to train individuals who are ready to offer themselves in service of the community.
To this Mother responded, Isnt that what is wrong with our world today, beloved? Instead of placing Christ at the center, we place man at the center?
The article Mother went through outlined the popes objectives, including to heal the fracture between man and the Absolute.
Mother noted that the Absolute is an ambiguous phrase and could refer to Buddha, the Muslim god, or any god. What happened to God? The Absolute is not one of Gods names.
Mother finished the reflective portion of her show by reminding listeners, quoting Bishop John Carroll of Baltimore, that the only way to change society is through the education of children.
I don't think all Christians believe that this education paper from the Pope will end the human race.
The reference to the “Absolute” is Bergolio’s deference to the moslems’ “allah”; the Hindus’, “shiva”, krisna; the Buddists, “buddah”, etc.
Caring for others should just be a natural action. Why make an agenda out of it? These people.. I don’t know if they really are people cause they make an agenda out of everything and the reason is is cause they want to control everything and if they take the Holy Father out of the equation then people will submit to their communist agenda of horse manure. True freedom comes from the goodness, mercy, and love of Christ and his eternal holy light. Thats what im sayin. Thats the truth. I seen it. It saved me. From the darkness. They know it too. The tyrant overlords and their agenda to control every human from cradle to grave. If the holy light of Christ could save me, he can save anybody, and America could be saved too. The pope don’t want anyone to know what I know.. which is why I am here to tell it.
St Karl Marx seems set to be named a Doctor of the Church.
St Karl Marx seems set to be named a Doctor of the Church.
St Karl Marx seems set to be named a Doctor of the Church.
The "education" is Marxist indoctrination towards globalism.
Jesuits are known for rebellion and revolution.
The successor of Peter is our spiritual leader to the extent that he is a servant of the Gospel. When he is spouting his own opinions he is no more above criticism than the rest of us; and when he outright contradicts the doctrines of the Faith, he is to be admonished to his face, just as the first Peter was admonished--- "fraternally corrected" ---- by St. Paul in the Book of Acts.
There may be some things about Catholicism which you don’t fully understand.
In this pope’s lifetime there will be muslim services in St Peters In my son’s lifetime the basilica will become a mosque
In other contexts, this might just be a quibble over technicalities, but in the context of what the present Pope and his disciples call the "New Paradigm," or "New Church" Mother Miriam is right, I think, to question whether this "Absolute" actually corresponds to the Living and True God worshiped by Christians and Jews.
This is pure babble and platitudes that says absolutely nothing. Stuff like this is meant to obscure the program's true purpose, not explain it.
He may very well destroy Catholicism. Christianity will do just fine.
I think it's fair to say I don't fully understand the fringe of the religion where this nut bar operates.
Concur. Her argument against humanism is very correct.
If you realize he’s a nut bar, you probably understand more than most.
Actually it isn't and you cannot.
btw, ebb....who is the last official pope in your worldview?
The Catholic Church teaches dogmatically that no one is allowed or able to judge the Pope. The Vatican Council (1869-70) taught dogmatically:
And since the Roman Pontiff is at the head of the universal Church by the divine right of apostolic primacy, We teach and declare also that he is the supreme judge of the faithful, and that in all cases pertaining to ecclesiastical examination recourse can be had to his judgment; moreover, that the judgment of the Apostolic See, whose authority is not surpassed, is to be disclaimed by no one, nor is anyone permitted to pass judgment on its judgment. Therefore, they stray from the straight path of truth who affirm that it is permitted to appeal from the judgments of the Roman Pontiffs to an ecumenical Council, as to an authority higher than the Roman Pontiff.
(First Vatican Council, Dogmatic Constitution Pastor Aeternus, Ch. 3; Denz. 1830; underlining added.)
The truth justifies itself.
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