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Russia's Next Weapon: A Military Church
Russian Faith ^ | 11/11/18 | Michael Peck

Posted on 11/17/2018 6:21:20 PM PST by marshmallow

The walls of the military church are made in the color of the standard Russian missile system and armored vehicle. From the inside, the walls are decorated with paintings of battle scenes from military history and texts from the Holy Scriptures. The projected height is 311 feet tall, and it is designed to hold 6,000 people. "The modern Russian serviceman cannot be shaped without shaping lofty spirituality in him,”

Meet Vladimir Putin's newest weapon: a church.

The Russian military plans to build a military church to bolster the spiritual values of its armed forces. Construction will soon begin of the Main Church of the Armed Forces, to be erected in Patriot Park outside Moscow, according to Colonel General Andrei Kartapolov, deputy defense minister and chief of the armed forces’ Main Military-Political Directorate, a new organization responsible for political education of the troops.

The “new church will be one more example of the people’s unity around the idea of patriotism, love, and devotion to our Motherland,” Kartapolov told Russian journalists.

To say the church, dubbed by some as the “Khaki Temple,” will have a martial air would be an understatement. “The walls of the military church are really made in the color of the standard Russian missile system and armored vehicle,” according to the Russian newspaper The Independent [Google English translation here ] “...From the inside, the walls are decorated with paintings with battle scenes from military history and texts from the Holy Scriptures. The projected height is 95 meters [311 feet] and is designed for 6,000 people.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Current Events; Orthodox Christian; Religion & Politics
KEYWORDS: putinistas
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To: robowombat
Russians are at heart a nation of xenophobic, suspicious, brutal and thieving bastards.
41 posted on 11/18/2018 1:12:13 PM PST by jmacusa (Made it Ma, top of the world!'')
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To: Celtic Conservative
Lighten up, francis. CC

You mean like some ROs' are? They quote St. Theodosius Pechersky" “Be not appealed by the Latin faith, do not follow its custom, and avoid its Communion, and all its teachings, and abhor its manners. You must neither fraternize with them, nor bow down to them, nor kiss them, nor eat or drink with them from the same dish, nor eat their food...

But the ROs have their own false teachings.

42 posted on 11/18/2018 1:49:20 PM PST by daniel1212 (Trust the risen Lord Jesus to save you as a damned and destitute sinner + be baptized + follow Him)
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To: daniel1212

Its obvious we disagree on a great many things. My post was a lighthearted look at something i find absurd. It was never meant to be blasphemous. It’s a rhetorical approach known as “appeal to absurdity” where you treat something absurd unseriously to further show its absurdity. Only those who are humor impaired would get mad at it. Or maybe you’re just a puritan. You certainly fit the profile of one. Purinanism- the sneaking dread and suspicion that somewhere, somehow, somebody is having fun. We disagree. Leave it at that. Let me worry about my own salvation, thank you very much. And, oh yeah- LIGHTEN UP, FRANCIS!


43 posted on 11/18/2018 4:35:05 PM PST by Celtic Conservative (Do you know what really burns m hy ass? A flnt ame about 3 feet high.)
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To: jmacusa
In which case they can perhaps deal effectively with islime and the muzzlemen. Russia has managed to defeat over the long term or short every major enemy other than NATO (US) in the Cold War. It is a pretty impressive lineup, the Golden Horde, the Poles, swedes, Turks, French (led by the greatest battle captain in western history, Austria-Hungary and Germany the second time around. With that sort of street cred they should be able to beat the ragheddis into radioactive rubble.
44 posted on 11/18/2018 4:35:19 PM PST by robowombat (Orthodox)
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To: robowombat

Sure. If they could stay sober long enough.

45 posted on 11/18/2018 4:39:11 PM PST by jmacusa (Made it Ma, top of the world!'')
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To: jmacusa

Russian drunkenness is amazing and every Russian leader from Peter the Great to Stalin and Putin have tried unsuccessfully to combat it, We were about as drunken in the era of the Early Republic but did dramatically cut down on per capita consumption after 1830.

46 posted on 11/18/2018 5:10:35 PM PST by robowombat (Orthodox)
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Comment #47 Removed by Moderator

To: robowombat
While in and of itself alcoholism is largely genetic, I've read quite a lot of the history of Russia, especially it's Communist past. Alcohol consumption was an obsession with Russians at every level. The consequence no doubt of a bleak, harsh and repressive life in a police state. And of course with the ineptitude, incompetency , inferiority and scarcity of a socialist command economy , Russians didn't always have access to vodka. This often led to ‘’home brew’’ remedies using various kinds of chemicals, even denatured alcohol. Which at best made someone very sick and at worst left them blind or dead.

I remember reading Viktor Blenko’s “Mig Pilot'' and how he wrote that when he was stationed at a remote air base in Siberia men were so desperate for alcohol they would drain the coolant from Mig 29 fighter jets because it contained alcohol. However it was glycol primarily which left quite a number of men sick and one went blind. It also caused a number of Mig 29's to be grounded from burnt out jet engines. By and large Russian are a slovenly and devious bunch.

48 posted on 11/18/2018 5:28:07 PM PST by jmacusa (Made it Ma, top of the world!'')
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To: robowombat

I think you’ve misunderstood the second sentence.

49 posted on 11/18/2018 7:05:20 PM PST by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: Viking2002


50 posted on 11/18/2018 7:06:22 PM PST by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: daniel1212; Mark17

•Cardinal Ratzinger observed,

"For nearly half a century, the Church was split into two or three obediences that excommunicated one another, so that every Catholic lived under excommunication by one pope or another, and, in the last analysis, no one could say with certainty which of the contenders had right on his side. The Church no longer offered certainty of salvation; she had become questionable in her whole objective form--the true Church, the true pledge of salvation, had to be sought outside the institution.“

"It is against this background of a profoundly shaken ecclesial consciousness that we are to understand that Luther, in the conflict between his search for salvation and the tradition of the Church, ultimately came to experience the Church, not as the guarantor, but as the adversary of salvation.

(Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, head of the Sacred Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith for the Church of Rome, “Principles of Catholic Theology,” trans. by Sister Mary Frances McCarthy, S.N.D. (San Francisco: Ignatius, 1989) p.196).

51 posted on 11/18/2018 7:09:59 PM PST by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: daniel1212
Can Holy Hand Grenades be far behind?
52 posted on 11/18/2018 7:11:29 PM PST by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: Celtic Conservative

The reason so many things are humorous is due to the underlaying truths that spawn them.

53 posted on 11/18/2018 7:13:29 PM PST by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: Elsie; dynachrome
I got genuine '31 Tula Baltic Flamethrower. All original. Serials on all parts match - no over stamps, no filing. And I used a numismatist's loupe to check. Furniture rated VG, no checking, just the usual duty dings or insignificant finish wear, arsenal refurbish. Bolt a little loose but solid. Matching bayonet, web gear, leather/canvas stripper pouches, full cleaning kit with dual oil/solvent can, and cleaning rod, included. I got in when they flooded the market a dozen years ago and found an online shop, and paid extra for a hand-picked unit. Picked it up at the gun shop and came covered in so much cosmoline, it took two days to clean it. You couldn't get what I have for $500 now.

Therein lies the mystery: being of Germanic origin, it's no stretch to know many of my distant relatives were conscripted into the Wehrmacht. I just look at it hanging in my rifle rack,and wonder if a Red Army soldier might have killed one of my great uncles with it.

54 posted on 11/18/2018 8:19:45 PM PST by Viking2002 ("For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind." Hosea 7:8)
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To: Viking2002

Hex receiver- nice! I have a ‘43 izhevsk. All matching, no grind-offs. But as it was built in ‘43 its looks are not going to win it any prizes. It probably went right out the factory door and straight into battle. The front sight post looks like a second attempt, as there are grind marks on the barrel where a front sight was put on wrong. But it’s a shooter, and a good one at that. This piece of history set me back $150. I also have a romanian tokarev and a chinese sks. Those russkie guns just seem to scratch an itch for the history buff in me.


55 posted on 11/19/2018 12:26:35 AM PST by Celtic Conservative (Do you know what really burns m hy ass? A flnt ame about 3 feet high.)
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To: daniel1212
I think you don't get the joke. Maybe this will help: Mosin-Nagant rifle
56 posted on 11/19/2018 5:24:37 AM PST by Campion ((marine dad))
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To: Celtic Conservative
Its obvious we disagree on a great many things. My post was a lighthearted look at something i find absurd. It was never meant to be blasphemous. It’s a rhetorical approach known as “appeal to absurdity” where you treat something absurd unseriously to further show its absurdity. Only those who are humor impaired would get mad at it.

Actually I thought it was funny, and said so, yet added "but there are already multitudes of adulatory titles, attributes and glories given to Mary, far above that which is written (which we are not to do:" 1 Co. 4:6).

But which you evidently took as if I did not see any humor on it nor see any warrant for the added censure of excessive devotion, and thus reproved me for it, as if criticism was wrong (and I thought as coming from a RC) resulting in my next reply, pointing of the RO attitude. Sorry if I read too much into your reply, but after years on the RM dealing with ardent Catholic defending such it was easy to assume this was another one.

Or maybe you’re just a puritan. You certainly fit the profile of one. Purinanism- the sneaking dread and suspicion that somewhere, somehow, somebody is having fun. CC

Which idea of Puritanism is one liberal miscontruance. They were overall serious, as life and eternity is, and the task hard and life was not easy, yet,

Contrary to myth, the Puritans did have fun. There were celebrations and festivals. People sang and told stories. Children were allowed to play games with their parents' permission. Wine and beer drinking were common place. Puritans did not all dress in black as many believe. The fundamental rule was to follow God's law. Those that did lived in peace in the Bible Commonwealth. -

There's a famous quote by H.L. Menken that Puritanism is "the haunting fear that someone, somewhere may be happy". While their doctrines and daily lives did emphasize work over play, Puritans were not the dour fun-haters they have been portrayed as recently. In fact, they engaged in a lot of recreational activities including sports, visual arts, literature, and music, and saw these pursuits as necessary for reinvigorating both body and spirit.

Puritans particularly enjoyed spending time outdoors. Some of the more popular diversions were hiking, picnicking, and fishing. Hunting was seen as necessary for sustenance, but discouraged as a recreational activity. This was an aspect of their general discouragement of any sort of excess. -

Of course, now I suspect you may want to criticism me for taking your perpetuation of erroneous characterization too seriously.

We disagree. Leave it at that. Let me worry about my own salvation, thank you very much. And, oh yeah- LIGHTEN UP, FRANCIS!

Well, actually I joke around (too) much as those who know me can tell, and conversing by text handicaps us in part, but life and eternity are serious, and I am concerned about both, knowing that everyone will spend eternity in one of two places, ultimately depending on what they did with the light they had, and yielding to the Lord Jesus or not.

Fare ye well.

57 posted on 11/19/2018 6:17:35 AM PST by daniel1212 (Trust the risen Lord Jesus to save you as a damned and destitute sinner + be baptized + follow Him)
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To: daniel1212

Take care.


58 posted on 11/19/2018 10:04:03 AM PST by Celtic Conservative (Do you know what really burns m hy ass? A flnt ame about 3 feet high.)
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To: Celtic Conservative

Here, too, and my Tula only set me back $99 (with all the trimmings), less transfer fees. They were going as cheap as $69 back then, if you weren’t looking for a hand-select and didn’t mind mismatched serials. Love to add an SKS and (If I could find one in the same shape without the price in deep space - good luck on that, eh?) a good, solid, German-made Mauser.

59 posted on 11/19/2018 7:22:49 PM PST by Viking2002 ("For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind." Hosea 7:8)
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To: Viking2002

I dunno, found my chinese sks in great shape, with sling for $300. And that was only 2 years ago. They’re out there. JG sales is selling surplus sks’s intermittently for that, but those are PRC army surplus and are rode hard and put away wet. Keep an eye out.


60 posted on 11/19/2018 8:59:38 PM PST by Celtic Conservative (Do you know what really burns m hy ass? A flnt ame about 3 feet high.)
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