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To: Celtic Conservative
Its obvious we disagree on a great many things. My post was a lighthearted look at something i find absurd. It was never meant to be blasphemous. It’s a rhetorical approach known as “appeal to absurdity” where you treat something absurd unseriously to further show its absurdity. Only those who are humor impaired would get mad at it.

Actually I thought it was funny, and said so, yet added "but there are already multitudes of adulatory titles, attributes and glories given to Mary, far above that which is written (which we are not to do:" 1 Co. 4:6).

But which you evidently took as if I did not see any humor on it nor see any warrant for the added censure of excessive devotion, and thus reproved me for it, as if criticism was wrong (and I thought as coming from a RC) resulting in my next reply, pointing of the RO attitude. Sorry if I read too much into your reply, but after years on the RM dealing with ardent Catholic defending such it was easy to assume this was another one.

Or maybe you’re just a puritan. You certainly fit the profile of one. Purinanism- the sneaking dread and suspicion that somewhere, somehow, somebody is having fun. CC

Which idea of Puritanism is one liberal miscontruance. They were overall serious, as life and eternity is, and the task hard and life was not easy, yet,

Contrary to myth, the Puritans did have fun. There were celebrations and festivals. People sang and told stories. Children were allowed to play games with their parents' permission. Wine and beer drinking were common place. Puritans did not all dress in black as many believe. The fundamental rule was to follow God's law. Those that did lived in peace in the Bible Commonwealth. -

There's a famous quote by H.L. Menken that Puritanism is "the haunting fear that someone, somewhere may be happy". While their doctrines and daily lives did emphasize work over play, Puritans were not the dour fun-haters they have been portrayed as recently. In fact, they engaged in a lot of recreational activities including sports, visual arts, literature, and music, and saw these pursuits as necessary for reinvigorating both body and spirit.

Puritans particularly enjoyed spending time outdoors. Some of the more popular diversions were hiking, picnicking, and fishing. Hunting was seen as necessary for sustenance, but discouraged as a recreational activity. This was an aspect of their general discouragement of any sort of excess. -

Of course, now I suspect you may want to criticism me for taking your perpetuation of erroneous characterization too seriously.

We disagree. Leave it at that. Let me worry about my own salvation, thank you very much. And, oh yeah- LIGHTEN UP, FRANCIS!

Well, actually I joke around (too) much as those who know me can tell, and conversing by text handicaps us in part, but life and eternity are serious, and I am concerned about both, knowing that everyone will spend eternity in one of two places, ultimately depending on what they did with the light they had, and yielding to the Lord Jesus or not.

Fare ye well.

57 posted on 11/19/2018 6:17:35 AM PST by daniel1212 (Trust the risen Lord Jesus to save you as a damned and destitute sinner + be baptized + follow Him)
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To: daniel1212

Take care.


58 posted on 11/19/2018 10:04:03 AM PST by Celtic Conservative (Do you know what really burns m hy ass? A flnt ame about 3 feet high.)
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