Cremation is little more than desecration and a defilement of the human body.
Not a Christian practice.
I was talking to someone who installs those “ovens” in crematoriums. I forget what they are called so forgive me.
He told me that ribcages amongst other bones remain after the process. I asked him what they do with these and he said he did not know.
The other thing is how do you know if you are really receiving the cremains of your loved one?
I suppose none of this matters after one has departed from this world.
It’s “not a Christian practice” to spend ridiculous sums of money your family needs.
Getting eaten by worms isn’t?
Ashes to ashes...dust to dust, just a quicker way to get there. If done in a respectable manner and big deal.
If the person is alive at the time, I agree with you.
If the person is dead, then the body is an empty vessel. All the REALLY important parts have moved out of it.
You are highlighting the original concerns and prohibition of cremation. Many pagans and non-Christians burn the deceased, as well use other practices, “sky burial,” for example.
We know that we will be raised on the last day. If we think carefully, how will the bodies of organ donors, those who died in fires or horrific accidents, be risen?
The process of embalming involves the piercing and destruction of internal organs, as well as the introduction of fluids to slow decomposition.
Eventually, the body will decompose. However, as God is all powerful, and promised to raise us, I feel confident our bodies will not only be restored, but restored in glory.
In my case, I will have a full head of hair and excellent skin!
After I die and my soul goes to heaven, will angels come and grab me and throw me out if my dead body is eventually cremated?