Click on the Codebook for results, and see under Downlands for Complete codebook with frequencies and percentages.
Below are some of the results from that text file To be concise, I did not include the number of Refused, or the numbers of respondents, leaving the percentages, and after the first question in each section I kept redundancy down by providing the question without repeating the prior description. .
23) Q2K As a Catholic, how important is each of the following to you? Would you say the following is or are very important, somewhat important, or not important at all? The Catholic Churchs teachings that oppose same sex marriage
1) Very important 34.5 2) Somewhat important 26.4 3) Not important at all 38.3
24) Q2L As a Catholic, how important is each of the following to you? Would you say the following is or are very important, somewhat important, or not important at all? The Catholic Churchs teachings that oppose abortion 1) Very important 40.3 2) Somewhat important 30.0 3) Not important at all 28.6
25) Q3A How a person lives is more important than whether he or she is Catholic. 1) Strongly agree 55.2 4) Strongly disagree 4.0
32) Q4B Next, we are interested in your opinions on several issues that involve the moral authority in the Catholic Church. In each case we would like to know who you think should have the final say about what is right or wrong... A Catholic practicing contraceptive birth control 1) Church leaders 10.4 2) Individuals 65.5 3) Both 23.0
33) Q4C... A Catholic advocating free choice regarding abortion 1) Church leaders 18.1 2) Individuals 52.0 3) Both 28.6
34) Q4D.. A Catholic who engages in homosexual activity 1) Church leaders 16.4 2) Individuals 55.5 3) Both 26.6
35) Q4E.. Sexual relations outside of marriage 1) Church leaders 15.3 2) Individuals 54.6 3) Both 28.8
43) Q8 Catholic bishops often speak out about politics and elections, as well as about policy issues like health care, abortion, immigration, and foreign affairs. Which one of the following best describes how you typically respond to bishops statements in these areas? 1) The bishops views are irrelevant to my thinking about politics and public policy 31.5 2) I consider what the bishops have to say about politics and public policy, but ultimately I make up my own mind 59.1 3) I try to follow the bishops guidance and instructions on political and public policy matters 8.2
46) Q9C... agree/disagree with the American bishops on each of the following issues. Opposition to same-sex marriage 1) Strongly agree 30.2 2) Somewhat agree 20.0 3) Somewhat disagree 24.7 4) Strongly disagree 23.9
47) Q10A Do you support or oppose women in the following roles in the Church? Altar server 1) Support 90.7 2) Oppose 8.0
48) Q10B Do you support or oppose women in the following roles in the Church? Reader at Mass (Lector) 1) Support 95.1 2) Oppose 3.7
49) Q10C women...Eucharistic minister 1) Support 89.0 2) Oppose 10.0
50) Q10D.. women..Director of Religious Education 1) Support 94.7 2) Oppose 4.0
51) Q10E women...Youth minister 1) Support 91.8 2) Oppose 6.7
52) Q10F women...Deacon 1) Support 75.2 2) Oppose 23.0
53) Q10G women...Parish administrator. 1) Support 92.4 2) Oppose 6.4
54) Q10H women...Priest1) Support 59.8 2) Oppose 38.1
55) Q11A.. Please indicate whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with each of the following. More government funds to provide health care for poor children 1) Strongly agree 44.1 2) Somewhat agree 37.4 3) Somewhat disagree 14.4 4) Strongly disagree 3.0
58) Q11D.. Reduced spending on nuclear weapons 1) Strongly agree 41.1 2) Somewhat agree 40.9 3) Somewhat disagree 12.1 4) Strongly disagree 4.6
60) Q12A The following statements deal with what you think it takes to be a good Catholic. Please indicate if you think a person can be a good Catholic without performing these actions or affirming these beliefs. Can a person be a good Catholic: Without going to church every Sunday? 1) Yes, can be a good Catholic 76.1 2) No, cannot be a good Catholic 22.2
61) Q12B... Without obeying the Church hierarchy's teaching on birth control? 1) Yes, can be a good Catholic 77.4 2) No, cannot be a good Catholic 21.2
62) Q12C... Without obeying the Church hierarchy's teaching on divorce and remarriage? 1) Yes, can be a good Catholic 69.4 2) No, cannot be a good Catholic 28.8
63) Q12D.. Without obeying the Church hierarchy's teaching regarding abortion?
64) Q12E.. Without believing that in the Mass, the bread and wine really become the body and blood of Jesus? 1) Yes, can be a good Catholic 37.0 2) No, cannot be a good Catholic 61.5 |
65) Q12F. Without their marriage being approved by the Catholic Church? 1) Yes, can be a good Catholic 70.5 2) No, cannot be a good Catholic 28.2
66) Q12G.. Without donating time or money to help the poor? 1) Yes, can be a good Catholic 59.4 2) No, cannot be a good Catholic 39.0
68) Q12I.. Without believing that Jesus physically rose from the dead? 1) Yes, can be a good Catholic 29.8 2) No, cannot be a good Catholic 68.9
69) Q13A.. the Catholic laity should have the right to participate in deciding how parish income should be spent. 1) Should 78.4 2) Should not 19.9
71) Q13C.. the Catholic laity should have the right to participate in selecting the priests for their parish. 1) Should 69.6 2) Should not 28.4
72) Q13D... the Catholic laity should have the right to participate in deciding about parish closings. 1) Should 1058 73.4 2) Should not 357 24.8
73) Q13E.. the Catholic laity should have the right to participate in deciding whether women should be ordained to the priesthood. 1) Should 58.5 2) Should not 39.5
74) Q14 How important is the Catholic Church to you personally? 1) The most important part of my life 9.4 2) Among the most important parts of my life 28.1 3) Quite important to me, but so are many other areas of my life 39.7 4) Not terribly important to me 17.3 5) Not very important to me at all 4.6
76) Q15B How meaningful is each of these aspects of Catholicism to you personally? The fact that the Church today is part of an unbroken tradition going back to the apostles 1) Very meaningful 46.7 2) Somewhat meaningful 32.8 3) Only a little meaningful 13.3 4) Not at all meaningful 5.5
81) Q15FG How meaningful is each of these aspects of Catholicism to you personally? The papacy 1) Very meaningful 35.4 2) Somewhat meaningful 35.1 3) Only a little meaningful 19.9 4) Not at all meaningful 7.0
82) Q15H How meaningful is each of these aspects of Catholicism to you personally? The fact that Catholics can disagree with aspects of church teaching and still remain loyal to the Church 1) Very meaningful 49.5 2) Somewhat meaningful 35.1 3) Only a little meaningful 9.3 4) Not at all meaningful 4.2
84) Q16 Aside from weddings and funerals, about how often do you attend Mass? [note that the ones getting the poll were likely ones attending mass] 1) At least once a week 31.8 2) Two or three times a month 13.5 3) About once a month 8.7 4) A few times a year 24.1 5) Seldom or never 21.1
85) Q17 How regularly do you pray, apart from Mass? 1) More than once a day 14.6 2) Daily 37.2 3) Occasionally or sometimes 38.3 4) Seldom or never 8.9
86) Q18 Which of the following statements best describes the Catholic teaching about the bread and wine used for communion? [compare with question117, Q25D] 1) The bread and wine really become the body and blood of Jesus Christ. 49.9 2) The bread and wine are only symbols of the body and blood of Jesus Christ. 48.5
92) Q19F People go to church for different reasons. Please indicate whether or not each of the following is an important reason you go to church. I feel a need to receive the sacrament of Holy Communion 1) Yes, important reason 81.6 2) Not an important reason 17.5
100) Q20H Please indicate whether or not each of the following is an important reason you don't attend church more often. Just not a religious person 1) Yes, important reason 41.3 2) Not an important reason 57.5 Missing 790
115) Q25B Which, if any, of the following do you believe in? Do you believe in spiritual energy located in physical things, such as mountains, trees or crystals? 1) Yes, believe 40.7 2) No, dont believe 57.5
116) Q25C Which, if any, of the following do you believe in? Do you believe in yoga, not just as exercise, but as a spiritual practice? 1) Yes, believe 31.7 2) No, dont believe 66.7
117) Q25D Which, if any, of the following do you believe in? Do you believe that at the Consecration during a Catholic Mass, the bread and wine really become the body and blood of Jesus Christ? 1) Yes, believe 61.0 2) No, dont believe 37.4
128) Q27A Now here are four statements about the priesthood. After each, please indicate whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree. It would be a good thing if priests who have married were allowed to return to active ministry. 1) Strongly agree 37.5 2) Somewhat agree 33.4 3) Somewhat disagree 12.8 4) Strongly disagree 14.4
129) Q27B.. It would be a good thing if married men were allowed to be ordained as priests. 1) Strongly agree 36.1 2) Somewhat agree 31.5 3) Somewhat disagree 13.7 4) Strongly disagree 16.9
133) Q29 Do you personally know anyone who was abused by a priest? 1) Yes 6.4 2) No 92.4
138) Q34 How would you rate the job your local bishop has done in handling accusations of sexual abuse by priests? 1) Excellent 8.6 2) Good 32.8 3) Fair 38.7 4) Poor 17.5
139) Q35 Was your current marriage approved by the Catholic Church as a valid marriage? 1) Yes 68.9 2) No 29.6 Missing 648
171) DERIVED: Political party affiliation (7 categories) (PARTYID7) TOTAL % 1) Strong Republican 167 11.7 2) Not strong Republican 146 10.2 3) Leans Republican 261 18.3 4) Undecided/Independent/Other 36 2.5 5) Leans Democrat 300 21.1 6) Not strong Democrat 263 18.5 7) Strong Democrat 252 17.7
176) Aside from weddings and funerals, about how often do you attend Mass? (Recoded for use with online analysis) (I-ATTEND) TOTAL % 1) At least once a week 30.8 2) One to three times a month 21.9 3) A few times a year 24.4 4) Seldom or never 23 |