Posted on 09/25/2013 8:27:57 PM PDT by WXRGina
Reuters and other news agencies are reporting that the Pope has capitulated on several issues such as homosexuality, abortion and contraception.
The Popes remarks were taken from a 12,000 word interview with the Jesuit periodical, Civilta Cattolica, (Catholic Civilization) the most prominent statement reaching news agencies is his declaration that the church needs to shake off its obsession with abortion and homosexuality.
The Pope has pleased the liberal factions of the Catholic Church and sickened and worried the conservative members of the church.
Few have reported on the prophetic implications of the Popes remarks and with some exceptions, such as those made by Evangelist Bill Keller, most protestant news outlets remain free of op-eds or theological treatment of the Popes interview, at the moment.
Biblical Theology and Catholic Teachings Always at Odds
Hundreds of traditional or patristic teachings of Catholicism are either in direct conflict with the bible or do not exist in the scriptures at all.
The list of theological discrepancies has been addressed repeatedly for centuries and there would be little room to cover them all in one short article.
What we must point out is that on two very important levels, those who stand on scripture cant ever recognize the authority of the Pope it has never been a matter of whether they like him or not, nor is it a matter of personal choosing.
First, Because of the Greek rendering of Matthew 16: 18, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it Protestants believe that Christ was referring to himself as the Rock, not Peter. This is supported by other scriptural passages, to wit:
For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. (Mt 16: 18b)
Secondly, not one word in the bible speaks of apostolic succession. It is a concoction of the Roman church, not a biblical teaching. It is very difficult even to support the teaching in view of the fact that there was no Catholic church for over 300 years after Christ came into the world. Most Catholics are totally unaware of this fact. They have been told they are the first church, but true history betrays them.
Simply because these facts cannot keep the childlike faith of any Catholic from reaching the Savior does not justify or verify the truth of Catholicisms origins. It is simply a matter of Catholics being saved or redeemed not because of their religion but in spite of it!
The Real and Present Danger in the Discrepancies between the Papacy and the Bible
Gentle, but firm, is the only way to approach addressing the errors of Catholicism at the same time knowing that millions of Catholics are of the family of faith simply because Jesus said All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. (Jn 6: 37)
Yet, it is more than an item of curiosity or some minor theological difference; it is a dire sense of urgency and concern, especially in the last days, that causes anyone who knows scripture to make fair warning.
I have repeated this warning so often that I think my publishers may think Ive run out of new things to say. Ill take that chance, as opposed to risking a confrontation with my Savior for not making it as abundantly clear as possible, while there is still time.
What warning you ask!
Any religion, Catholic or other, that derives its ultimate authority from a man is subject to heresy, apostasy and error depending on the personality, the current state of mind or the evolvement of personal ideologies in that man.
Faith based solely on the scriptures, the written accounts of Christs teaching and his Apostles and biblical prophets cannot be altered, changed or disputed until the very last day of time. God intended this; it is his way of grounding us on a rock instead of the sinking sands of a changing and unstable world, to wit:
Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. (Mt 7: 24, 25)
Christ relegated his authority to his Apostles and their teachings too are on the same level as his. They were not mere scribes or interpreters of his will they were Holy Spirit inspired and authorized to speak as final authorities.
He that heareth you heareth me; and he that despiseth you despiseth me; and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me. (Lk 10: 16)
Finally, since we will not be judged by what other men say why would we waste time or risk being found in total error. Why not go to the source of truth and take Christs warning seriously?
He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day. (Jn 12: 48)
So what did the Apostles really say about abortion, homosexuality and issues of the day?
The prophetic part of the bible contradicts the Popes assertion that believers are obsessed with homosexuality and abortion. In fact it warns that in the last days it is possession (demonic) that will fuel the slide into apostasy the world over.
Political correctness, floundering Pontiffs and general acceptance of everything the bible condemns, is proof immutable, that the NWO, apostasy and the emergence of the Antichrist are well on track for the very near future. Just dont talk about it is the advice of fools. If the only choices are between obsession and possession its pretty much a no brainer.
Not only is homosexuality referred to as an abomination, to be noted, rebuked and refused as part of the church, but immoral behaviors were cause for people to be put out of the church and not allowed back in until they had fully repented. (1Co 5: 1-7) Should the perversion of same sex acts and marriage be an exception?
The idea of the Pope suggesting that we are over-talking the subject of abortions reaches to the heights of apostasy. The only voices the over two hundred million aborted babies worldwide have - is ours. Telling us to be silent is the moral equivalent of blasphemy.
After the Sandy Hook massacre of innocent children the liberals went after guns with a vengeance. Doesnt it seem hypocritical that after 60,000,000 abortions in the U.S. and 160,000,000 abortions worldwide that telling us to pipe down is the only thing the Pope can think of to say? We will never be silent, or to borrow a phrase, you can pry my anti-abortion argument from my cold dead lips, but no other way.
The Folly of Following the Fallen
Has the Pope taken his first steps into the last days (apostasy) falling away? We can only hope he has not, but if this is the beginning of it, it is also the end of everything as we have known it.
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. (2 Th 2: 3)
Satan is prowling and ready to devour any and all in his path, and it is time to wake up, trust in Christ and nothing else, and be prepared to die.
To begin with, 2Thess. 2:5 tells us that the Thessalonians knew what it was. Paul had told them when he was with them, and he was reminding them of this very thing.
Continuing on with 2 Thes. we know that the hinderer of lawlessness:
Is something already known.
It NOW hinders lawlessness.
It is strong enough to prevent the revelation of the Antichrist.
It will hinder lawlessness until it is removed from the earth.
It is called "he".
It will be removed from the earth before the second coming of Christ.
It will not be here when Christ comes to destroy Antichrist.
So, the "he" must be one of two things. Either the church or the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit will be here all through the tribulation and forever, according to: (Jn.14:16; Acts 2:16-21; Rev. 12:17 with 19:10; Zech. 12:10-13:1).
Multitudes will be saved by the Holy Spirit during the tribulation, as now. (Acts2:16-21; Rev. 6:9-11; 7:1-21; 12:5,17; 15:2-4; 20:4-6).
If "he" is not the Holy Spirit, the only thing "he" can be referring to is the Church the BOdy of Christ.
And this makes perfect sense if you believe we are going to be raptured before the Tribulation begins. (Thessalonians 4:16). We know Paul was writing them to remind them of what he had told them earlier. That he was seeking to dispel rumors that were untrue, that he told them to comfort one another with his words, and that the Church would be kept from the wrath of God. All rapture information, imho.
One more thing, because I know it will come up: calling the Church "he". It is called the "one new man", masculine. It is called the Body of Christ, masculine. Read Eph. 2:15; 4:13, 1 Cor. 12:12-13, 27; Eph. 1:22-23; Col. 1:18,24.
I think your post here is largely irrelevant.
It is true that someone may be speaking broadly, generally, not meaning “without exception,” but rather, “in most cases,” and use the word “you” to communicate that broad-brush. Even more generally, people may use the word “you” without even an intended general target. “You” may be as broad as “all humanity.”
But it clearly was not in the poster's posts. The poster's post was directed at Catholics, and without exception.
The poster describes the target group - Catholics - and then, about the target group, says, “And none of you would...”
This leaves little ambiguity. Words have meaning. The poster means to say certain things about the target group - Catholics - and is not generalizing, is not painting with a broad brush. Rather, the poster is saying, “This is true of Catholics, every last one of you.”
The use of “you” in the most general, non-specific sense can be a misunderstanding, a use of sloppy speech, no more. But here, there is no ambiguity. The poster has directly targeted Catholic, every last one of us, without exception.
THAT is making it personal.
Not that it should matter.
I think its Pope Benidict XVI who said that Liberation Theology has as its roots, Marxism. They are saying that Pope Francis is ignoring Pope Benidict XVIs warning and has turned the Church down that road.
But it was unclear to me if he was speaking of the Church or the world in general, so far i have given him the benefit of doubt by assuming he was just talking about the luxury of the Church.
.without the Catholic Church, you wouldn’t even know who Jesus was.....the Jewish religion probably wouldn’t have mentioned Him.
There are no doubt many believers in both the Catholic and protestant Churches and many in no Church.
But Rev 17 tells us pretty plainly that we can not depend on a religious institution.
And it is evident that if this scripture is speaking of the
Church then the protestant Churches are the daughters.
And in Rev 18 it is still talking about this woman and it says in verse 4
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
The Catholic Church has made it plain that they believe they represents the woman in rev 12 so how about the woman in 17?
And as i have made plain before I don,t know anything, that is just the way it looks to me, and i am not trying to save any ones soul, i have all i can do wondering about my own.
I was told whatever I said to a collective group was not making it of Catholics...not personal.
But I sure could get personal over some of the cry babies here.
What are Catholics gonna do when Satan comes lapping at their heels if they cannot even handle an exchange here without running to a mod? Would have loved to see how the Catholic cry babies here would have handled themselves in a crisis situation like the Kenyan mall. No mod to run to there and fair...our feelings are hurt. Gotta get out in the real world with real persecution and learn how to handle yourselves. It won’t stand still why some Catholics cry about it.
And, oh yes, I have been warned about all the cry baby offenders and I know who all are.
So please take the Catholic whine somewhere else!
These Catholics are in for a rude awakening out in the real world if they ever encounter some real persecution.
They cannot handle anything here without running off to a mod to cry PERSONAL!!!
God help them!
Can you see one willing to actually die for Christ?
No, that would be PERSONAL!! And we can have that now, can we?
Pope Benedict (as well as John Paul II) did indeed state that Liberation theology is rooted in Marxism and that it is opposed to the Gospel...but so has Pope Francis and it was long before he became Pope.
Pope’s former professor: Francis never supported a Marxist-based liberation theology
If you can read Spanish, you can find a great deal more about his firm opposition to Liberation Theology. Here’s one:
El Papa Francisco, un jesuita contra la teología de la liberación (Pope Francis, a Jesuit against Liberation Theology)
Como provincial de la Compañía de Jesús se opuso firmemente a la teología de la liberación, llamando al orden a algunos de sus hermanos. (As a provincial of the Society of Jesus he firmly opposed liberation theology, calling some of his brothers to order)
don't you see a contradiction in terms there.....I do!
Perhaps you "see a contradiction in terms," because you don't understand what I said. I have no denomination that I claim, no "home church denomination." Where you see contradiction, I don't know, not that it matters a whit.
No. Those who "went out" were not protesting the apostles. They were masquerading as part of the church, but they were perverting the Gospel of Christ while pretending to spread it.
Mr. Beckwith wrote a heart-felt, thoughtful piece there.
They cannot handle anything here without running off to a mod to cry PERSONAL!!!
Almost every thing Jesus taught us had to do with do unto others as we would have them do unto us, these are the commandments he gave us.
I hate to say it but i have saw more of the work Jesus is telling us to do among people who do not clout their selves as being Christian as i do the people who make a verbal show of being Christian.
So i guess we need both but a little more of the works Jesus told us to do.
If a poster writes "Catholics worship Mary" that is not making it personal but if he says "You worship Mary" that IS making it personal.
If a poster writes "LDS is a cult" that is not making it personal but if he says "You are a cultist" that IS making it personal.
If a poster writes "Protestants are their own gods" that is not making it personal but if he says "You are your own god" that IS making it personal.
Posters who take global condemnations personally should neither read nor post to "open" RF threads and instead read and post to RF threads labeled "caucus" "ecumenical" "prayer" or "devotional."
You cannot speak in generalities about ALL Catholics.
That would be like me saying ALL men are wimps, and ALL women have nothing in their brain.
When you speak in generalities like this — it just shows that you have no specifics for the discussion — is that correct?
So move on, everyone, nothing of substance here as far as I can see.
“,,,that the one who deserves your fury,,,”
Fury? * chuckle *
I don’t want to read your mind, dear poster, but frankly, that looks like it might be a little bit of projection. It is you who seems to keep popping in and out of these threads, all in a huff.
I’m just havin’ fun here. A dark sort of fun, but fun, nonetheless. Your anti-Catholic screeds are not my target, but rather the rules that inherently disfavor Catholics, and which are often applied unevenly. Just making sure that’s what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
I don’t actually pay much attention to what you post, except when I see that you are violating the rules of the forum. Even then, I typically only see them because I'm reading the posts posted by my Catholic friends, and I may need to refer back to one of your posts to figure out what they're talking about. Your anti-Catholic postings are of a pretty low quality by FR Religion Forum standards. There have been much better apologists for this landfill material than you.
But you do seem to violate the rules of the forum on a pretty regular basis, and thus, my job is more akin to the guy working in the grocery store, who, noticing that a customer has just broken a jar of slime on the floor, shouts, “Clean up in aisle six!”
Denominations of what? The Catholic Church?
I'm afraid not.
de·nom·i·na·tion diˌnäməˈnāSHən/ noun noun: denomination; plural noun: denominations 1. a recognized autonomous branch of the Christian Church.If the Catholic Church is Christain in nature, it would be classified as a denomination also.
So it looks like there are 35,001 denominations if your figures are correct. Is that number a Papal Decree or was it pulled out of the air, ie made up of whole cloth (that means false, kinda like a straw man?)
I think your post is inconsistent with things you've said before.
Someone made a comprehensive statement (not a general statement) about Catholic priests. Catholics protested. You said that unless a member of the set Catholic priests specifically objected, it would be allowed. In other words, if no actual member of the target group protested, it would slide.
Have you now changed your mind on the reasoning therein?
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