Denominations of what? The Catholic Church?
I'm afraid not.
de·nom·i·na·tion diˌnäməˈnāSHən/ noun noun: denomination; plural noun: denominations 1. a recognized autonomous branch of the Christian Church.If the Catholic Church is Christain in nature, it would be classified as a denomination also.
So it looks like there are 35,001 denominations if your figures are correct. Is that number a Papal Decree or was it pulled out of the air, ie made up of whole cloth (that means false, kinda like a straw man?)
nope, doesn't work that way...I have no idea of what the true numbers are but it is irrelevant....the fact that Catholicism is the ONLY, TRUE, COMPLETE Christian curch is correct. All others, Luthersns, Methodists, Baptists, etc. are denominations ( they need a name) of Christianity. Catholicism was here and doing just fine for 1,600 years before denominations were even necessary...