I don’t lurk or even or post on Mormon or Catholic threads much. I’m not either. Did like Salt Lake and Rome, though, well, what I saw anyway, which wasn’t much.
I don’t set foot here because people end up in flame wars. I don’t learn anything.
Please stop trashing each other. I would like to think about the issues that either Mormons or those who are opposed want to talk about.
Yes, this is selfish on my part.
Then it's YOUR own fault; as PLENTY of facts about MORMONism is being printed in these threads.
There are people on this religion forum that post truth about mormonISM and there are people who know little to none that start trashing (as you put it) not the information but the poster, why not talk to them about responding to the information not the poster.
mormonISM foundation is anti-Christian - that is an issue to think about.