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The Blessings of Tithing (Mormon)
First Presidency Message ^
| June, eo11
| Henry B Eyring
Posted on 06/05/2011 11:25:15 AM PDT by greyfoxx39
![Henry B. Eyring](
Gods purpose in giving us commandments is to bless us. He wants to give us eternal life, the greatest of all His gifts (see D&C 14:7). To receive the gift of living with Him forever in families in the celestial kingdom, we must be able to live the laws of that kingdom (see D&C 88:22).
He has given us commandments in this life to help us develop that capacity. The law of tithing is one of those preparatory commandments. The law is that we give to the Lord one-tenth of all our income. It is simple enough that even a child can understand it. I have seen children hand a bishop a tithing envelope that contains one-tenth of the coins they earned.
There we must be able to feel that aOne of the blessings that comes from paying a full tithing is developing faith to live an even higher law. To live in the celestial kingdom, we must live the law of consecration. We are and all we have belong to God.
There are at least three ways that paying a full tithe in this life prepares us to feel what we need to feel to receive the gift of eternal life.
First, when we pay our tithes to the Church, our Heavenly Father pours out blessings upon us. Anyone who has consistently paid a full tithe knows that is true. The blessings are sometimes spiritual and sometimes temporal. They are given in the Lords time and according to what He knows is best for us.
As those blessings come, our faith is increased that God is the source of everything that is good in our lives. It becomes easier to see that consecration simply recognizes the truth that all of Gods creations are His. It makes us feel gratitude that He asks only 10 percent of what He has already given us. So we are better prepared to live the law of consecration when it will be asked of us.
Second, all of us who have paid a consistent full tithe feel greater confidence in asking God for what we and our families need. He has promised blessings even greater than we can receive when we have been faithful to our covenant to pay our tithes (see Malachi 3:10). So one of the great blessings of tithing is confidence in what the future holds. Whatever our circumstances may be, things will work out for the best. As we keep our promises, He will keep His. A feeling of peace is one of the great blessings of paying a full tithe. Those who have kept the commandment of tithing can testify that the blessing of peace is real and precious.
Third, those who pay tithing feel an increase in their love of God and of all Gods children. That increase of love comes from understanding how the Father uses the tithes we offer to bless people in this world and for eternity.
Through His authorized servants, He expends the tithes with great care. The tithe payer helps the Lord build temples, where families can be sealed forever. The tithe payer helps Him send the gospel to people everywhere. The tithe payer helps Him relieve hunger and suffering in His own way through His servants. Any of those servants can tell you how love increased because tithing was used to bless people. And so can the faithful tithe payer.
Tithing settlement is months in the future. I pray that you and your family will begin now to plan and prepare to qualify for the blessings that God pours out on all those who can declare to Him that they are full-tithe payers.
Enough Money
By Fabiano dos Santos da Silva
met the missionaries when I was 17. At that time my older brother and I lived together. Our mother had passed away the year before, and life was difficult. When the missionaries taught me, I could see that this Church was the church I had always sought. But the influence of my friends prevented me from going to church on Sundays.
One time I went to a Church activity during the week. Seeing all the young people laughing and playing brought me great joy. The missionaries, with the youth, took that opportunity to teach me a gospel lesson, and I felt so good I resolved to be baptized.
But even after I joined the Church, I faced challenges. I was the only member of the Church in that part of town and lived far away from the meetinghouse. My nonmember friends no longer wanted anything to do with me. When I felt alone, I prayed and felt the love of the Lord.
Each month, I received a small allotment of money from a fund my mother left. It was difficult to sustain myself with so little money. But I determined to be obedient. I paid tithing and also had to pay for transportation to seminary and Sunday meetings. I didnt understand how, but at the end of the month, I found that there had been enough money to do it all.
I know that I have been blessed by paying tithing. Obeying this commandment helped me gain a stronger testimony, serve a mission, and recognize blessings so I can strengthen new members who are facing challenges.
I Can Pay Tithing
Paying tithing means giving 10 percent of what we earn to the Lord. Look at these three children doing jobs. On the first blank space by each drawing, write how much you think each child might earn for the job. On the second line, write how much the tithing would be.
Bonus question: Which of these tithe payers would receive the most blessings? (Hint: See the last paragraph of President Eyrings message.)
TOPICS: General Discusssion; Other non-Christian; Religion & Culture; Theology
KEYWORDS: christian; inman; lds; mormon
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"To receive the gift of living with Him forever in families in the celestial kingdom, we must be able to live the laws of that kingdom (see D&C 88:22)"Money=tithing=live the laws of that kingdom(see D&C 88:22)=blessings=mormonism.
To: Colofornian; Elsie; FastCoyote; svcw; Zakeet; SkyPilot; rightazrain; Tennessee Nana; ...
Romney/Huntsman belief ping.
posted on
06/05/2011 11:28:39 AM PDT
(Why do people try to "out-nice" Jesus?)
To: greyfoxx39
That increase of love comes from understanding how the Father uses the tithes we offer to bless people in this world and for eternity. Like 4+ billion for a shopping mall and next to nothing to really bless people -
posted on
06/05/2011 11:45:17 AM PDT
To: greyfoxx39
He wants to give us eternal life I thought He had already given eternal life to the believer?
"He who believes in the Son has eternal life" John 3:36 - Also see "he who believes has eternal life." John 6:47
So how can it be "wants", when he has already given "eternal life" to the believers?
posted on
06/05/2011 12:03:17 PM PDT
To: greyfoxx39
“Look at these three children doing jobs. On the first blank space by each drawing, write how much you think each child might earn for the job. On the second line, write how much the tithing would be.”
Whew. That is so screwed up.
I just left church a while ago. At the end of the service the youth stood in front of the altar to tell about summer camp. WE adults give TO them. I guess this guy would’ve demanded 10% of the extra that was above our normal 10% tithe to tithe on the tithe.
posted on
06/05/2011 12:06:46 PM PDT
(HE must increase)
To: greyfoxx39
Good health is a blessing
In fact the LORD Jesus Christ of the Christian Bible said that healing is the childrens bread
if tithing to the Mormon Corp is supposed to bring on blessings
Why have so many of the mormon “prophets” and “apostles” died horrible deaths after suffering for years with physical ailments ???
Erza Taft Benson for one...suffering physically and mentally incompetant for years with his staff pretending the autopen was his own signature...
Why are so many SLC mormons physically and mentally/emotionally sick ???
Why is Utah #1 for Prozac etc ???
Hers another...
Since long life is a blessing why did Joey Smith get himself killed at age 38 ???
Did Joey tithe ???
To: greyfoxx39
Talk about money graging thieves
The Mormon Corp insist that poor hungry people tithe instead of eating
“One of the first things a bishop must do to help the needy is ask them to pay their tithing. Like the widow, if a destitute family is faced with the decision of paying their tithing or eating, they should pay their tithing. (SApostle Lynn Robbins Spring Gemeral Conference 2005)
BTW Hows that $5 BILLION Mormon Mall going ???
Its being built with tithe money
To: greyfoxx39
Just reading this makes me want to vomit. Tithing is between you and God - period. No man has any business in what happens. Blessings is not stuff.
What a bunch of money grabbing thugs, the lds leaders name it and claim it from the members, while the members bend over for the shilling.
posted on
06/05/2011 1:21:21 PM PDT
(Non forgiveness is like holding a hot coal thinking the other person will be blistered)
To: greyfoxx39
Grace??? Long as she gives her 10% she’s o.k.
posted on
06/05/2011 1:57:39 PM PDT
(You don't have be brilliant, not being stupid is enough.)
To: greyfoxx39
posted on
06/05/2011 2:03:47 PM PDT
( Believe how that Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again for our justification)
To: greyfoxx39
THese kind of posts are rather pointless since the Gospel was fulfilled in the New Testament, and Christ’s finished works upon the Cross.
The book of Mormon, etc.. makes no sense, since Christ’s work in fulfilling God’s promises to us in His plan of salvation is finished on the Cross, and expressed finally in the NT letters which bear that wittness.
In face it is not even plausable that the Book of Mormon, etc are from God since (1 the warning not to “add” to revelation), and 2ndly because they CONTRADICT the scriptures both Old and New, rather than confirm the exact same thing they say.. Blessings, I hope that God opens your eyes...
posted on
06/05/2011 2:05:26 PM PDT
(December 18, 2010 the Day the radical homosexual left declared WAR on the US Military.)
To: greyfoxx39
This needs to be on a page with Scientology and new age mind control, not religion.
posted on
06/05/2011 2:33:29 PM PDT
(My heroes have always been cowboys)
To: greyfoxx39
I'm not a Mormon, but I've been tithing for over 50 years. 5% to my church, 5% to other charities. It hasn't brought me wealth, but I believe it has brought me many other blessings. God can't be outdone in generosity.
If you're wondering about it, give it a try.
posted on
06/05/2011 2:56:00 PM PDT
(New book: RESISTANCE TO TYRANNY. A primer on armed revolt. Available form Amazon.)
To: PoloSec; JSDude1; yldstrk; sr4402; All
Disclaimer: Sorry my post may have mislead some of you. I am an ex-mormon, very much anti-mormon and post articles like this one to educate the FR audience on the anti-Christian beliefs and practices of mormonism.
A mormon in the white house will answer to the mormon leaders first, and in the way that Obama has stacked the government with his followers, a mormon would do the exact same thing with is a tried and true practice since the early days of the religion.
It has long been the aim to see a mormon theocracy over not only this country, but the world.
■ Some members of the Church have an erroneous idea that when the millennium comes all of the people are going to be swept off the earth except righteous members of the Church. That is not so. There will be millions of people, Catholics, Protestants, agnostics, Mohammedans, people of all classes, and of all beliefs, still permitted to remain upon the face of the earth, but they will be those who have lived clean lives, those who have been free from wickedness and corruption. All who belong, by virtue of their good lives, to the terrestrial order, as well as those who have kept the celestial law, will remain upon the face of the earth during the millennium.
Eventually, however, the knowledge of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters do the sea. But there will be need for the preaching of the gospel, after the millennium is brought in, until all men are either converted or pass away (Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, 1:8687).
The Millennium
posted on
06/05/2011 2:58:50 PM PDT
(Why do people try to "out-nice" Jesus?)
To: JoeFromSidney
Not wondering about it at all..perfectly fine with it for decades. The tithing given to MY church is accounted for yearly to the penny...not so with the mormon church.
posted on
06/05/2011 3:02:52 PM PDT
(Why do people try to "out-nice" Jesus?)
To: greyfoxx39 is sometimes hard to make a point...or to see the point being made.
Exposing Satanic lies is a good work; be not discouraged.
posted on
06/05/2011 3:17:50 PM PDT
( Believe how that Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again for our justification)
To: PoloSec
Thank you for your support.
posted on
06/05/2011 3:19:14 PM PDT
(Why do people try to "out-nice" Jesus?)
To: greyfoxx39; LibreOuMort
Greyfoxx, I know this may not be the place for this, but FR has lost a great FReeper. Sionnsar passed away, last night, PDT, after being in a coma for a week. The details are sketchy, but his wife and two daughters need all the prayers and blessings they can get.
Would you please ping your list of FReepers and ask the Prayer Warriors to pray for his family? It has been such a hard time for them all, and they are in need of peace.
posted on
06/05/2011 4:17:04 PM PDT
Monkey Face
(Nothing is so bad that a good dose of chocolate can't cure it.)
To: greyfoxx39
The Corporation must be having some cash flow problems.
posted on
06/05/2011 4:22:53 PM PDT
(Governor Romney, why would any conservative vote for the author of the beta version of ObamaCare?)
To: Monkey Face
posted on
06/05/2011 4:24:20 PM PDT
(Why do people try to "out-nice" Jesus?)
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