Posted on 01/26/2011 3:30:42 PM PST by Gamecock
Rick Warren kicked off his weight loss Daniel Plan on January 15. He plans to lose 90 pounds in 2011. Three doctors helped him kick off the program. One of the doctors was Dr. Daniel Amen.
Dr. Daniel Amen promotes false meditation and tantric sex. (In our first news release, "Rick Warren Teams up with Swedenborg Cult Follower Dr. Oz, [Seen on FR here]" we mistakenly said he promoted Reiki. That was an editing error.)
From Dr. Amen's blog, he said, "My favorite form of meditation is called Kirtan Kriya...I'm going to shut my door and meditate. If you want to join me, here's how you do it. This twelve-minute meditation involves chanting the following simple sounds -- 'saa' 'taa' 'naa' 'maa' -- while doing repetitive finger movements."
Kirtan Kriya is a meditation chant exercise originating from Kundalini Yoga. Kirtan Kriya involves chanting and using finger poses. This simple exercise is supposed to allow a person to relax.
Dr. Amen says he is a Christian. It is troubling that a doctor would promote false meditation. The Bible outlines how we are to pray while meditating on Bible passages.
Christian Investigator President Steve McConkey states, "Every year, new teachers come up with something new and put a Christian label on the new thing. It is as if they believe the Bible's instruction on mental health is deficient."
Dr. Amen, an Oral Roberts University School of Medicine graduate, and Tantric sex expert TJ Bartel produced a six CD series called "Create More Passion Tonight."
According to TJ Bartel's website, "This course will give you the underlying neuroscience of intimate connection, mixed with the ancient Tantra art of healing...suggestions on what you can do right now to improve your lovemaking skills."
Tantric sex is taught in Buddhism and Hinduism. Tantric gurus educate and prepare couples to have meaningful sex by supposedly harnessing and maximizing personal energy for better sex.
Steve McConkey believes Christians are embracing a dangerous practice in Tantric sex, "The Bible gives good advice for sex. Read the Song of Solomon. Is the Bible deficient?"
The YBPDLNPL is generally published infrequently, but based on the exploits of the megachurch pastors posts can spike for a period of time. If you would like on or off of this list please FReepmail me.
I dropped 60 pounds about three years ago.
I realized I was a glutton.
So I ate less.
Should have been:
“I confessed to God that I was a glutton.”
Amen Fishtank! I love your method. I am doing it right now. Not easy to admit but I was stuffing myself!
Rick Warren will be accountable to God some day for leading many astray!!
“... so I ate less”
What were YOU doing instead of eating?!!! Inquiring minds would like to know (he he he)
Is Rick Warren a modern day Rasputin?
It is quite hard to stay on it but to loose weight and to regain overall health I recommend the SCD Diet. You won’t be able to follow it perfectly but you don’t need to in order to get good benefits. Do it for 1 year and write me and tell me how you are doing. I am doing the diet right now because of Ulcerative Colitis that I got when in mexico from some kind of parasites, but it is used by many people, even parents with children with autism say the diet has helped their children a lot.
Avoid repetitious prayer, even when it is called meditation. As for sex, get married, and don’t abstain. If you do abstain, get back to it as quickly as possible.
Love it!! Straight and to the point. Scripturally sound!
What’s a Tantric and how do you have sex with it?
Google “Rick Warren” and “Peter Drucker”. He’s a globalist.
Does it count if you do both at the same time?
This twelve-minute meditation involves chanting the following simple sounds -- 'saa' 'taa' 'naa' 'maa' -- while doing repetitive finger movements
I actually broke up one of these meditations between two assembly line workers today. Come to think of it, it probably lasted close to 12 minutes...
My mother had five kids and all of her life has been about the same slim, trim size she was in her late teens and early 20s. Her mother was the same way. All of her siblings (my great aunts and uncles) were that way. Her brother (my uncle) is that way. All the cousins are pretty much that way. My brothers are all that way, and so am I -- I'm one size bigger than I was in my late teens, and I was pretty trim then.
I'll bet none of us have ever gone on a diet. Not once. I never have and don't recall my mom or grandmother ever doing it, or the aunties. Diets?
All were raised with the same eating habit, and those who stray get beefy and overweight, then hate it, and go back to eating the way they were raised. I don't know how they eat, but my guess is it's pretty close to this. We all kidn of eat generally the same. Adopt this habit, eat this way, feed your family this way, and you'll never go on a diet.
1. Sodas and sugar drinks are treats for special occasions. PERIOD. They are not a regular feature of the household. They are for parties. Even diet soda is dumb as a daily habit (been there; turns out the soda, sugared or not, makes you weak and wimpy. I think it leeches calcium. Bad for you.) Juice is for breakfast. The rest of the time drink water or tea or wimpy coffee, anything but juice or soda, just as habit.
2. Eat food you make yourself with simple ingredients. Meat, fish, fowl. Eggs. Tomatoes, canned or fresh. Frozen vegetables are fine, as good as fresh most of the time. Onions, garlic, oil, butter. Cheese of all kinds. Avocados. All that stuff. Butter. Lots of dairy (God willing you're not lactose intolerant). Rare if ever are there meals from packaged processed dried stuff, like "Helpers" and noodle-heavy junk (a notable exception is macaroni and cheese ... mmmm ... add bacon and panfried onions and shallots and some spices and maybe a few big fat shrimp ... yummmm ...) Fat content is irrelevant. I ignore it.
3. Starches like bread, potato chips, fries, potatoes, anything with flour, corn, rice, bread, bread, bread ... (!), are second or third attraction in a meal, usually only one (potatoes OR corn OR bread OR rice).
As for just normal everyday eating, it's simple for me, and it WORKS. When I veer from this, I put on the pounds. If I'm having a bag of potato chips, I skip the bread on the sandwich. Or skip the potato chips and have a nice big fat sandwich. But both -- too much starch.
Sweets are nice treats, even daily. Enjoy them. As treats.
It's worked for me! I look at people who go on diets and they're always, always, always battling. They're either feeling guilty because they ate something they weren't supposed to, or they feel deprived because they didn't. That's no way to live.
Meditate. Eat healthy. Exercise.
You’ll still die.
SCD, not South Coast.
SCD stands for “Specific Carbohydrate Diet”
“The Specific Carbohydrate Diet was developed by the Canadian biochemist Elaine Gottschall who published the book “Breaking the Vicious Cycle” - which is the book about the Specific Carbohydrate Diet.”
Ah! Thanks for the clarification! (silly me!)
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