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Magazine: Growing Trend--Evangelicals ‘Crossing the Tiber’ to Catholicism ^
| August 6, 2010
| Michael Barber
Posted on 08/07/2010 3:38:50 PM PDT by Salvation
The magazine Religion Dispatches has a new piece up by Jonathan Fitzgerald, entitled, "Evangelicals Crossing the Tiber to Catholicism: Under the radar of most observers a trend is emerging of evangelicals converting to Catholicism."
As he points out, there are an increasing number Evangelicals coming into the Catholic Church. In fact, while my wife and I were at Fuller we witnessed this phenomenon firsthand. Indeed, students would come up and ask us if they could follow us to daily Mass (which was celebrated at a Catholic Church down the street). I went to Mass with many fellow students who had never experienced a Eucharistic liturgy. . . and, for many of them, once they started attending they couldn't stop.
Here's the story as Fitzgerald
reports it:
In the fall of 1999, I was a freshman at Gordon College, an evangelical liberal arts school in Massachusetts. There, fifteen years earlier, a professor named Thomas Howard resigned from the English department when he felt his beliefs were no longer in line with the colleges statement of faith. Despite all those intervening years, during my time at Gordon the specter of Thomas Howard loomed large on campus. The story of his resignation captured my imagination; it came about, ultimately, because he converted to Roman Catholicism. Though his reasons for converting were unclear and perhaps unimaginable to me at the time (they are actually well-documented in his book Evangelical is Not Enough which, back then, I had not yet read), his reasons seemed less important than the knowledge that it could happen. I had never heard of such a thing. . .
. . . [M]y parents never spoke ill of the Catholic Church; though the pastors and congregants of our non-denominational, charismatic church-that-met-in-a-warehouse, often did. Despite my firsthand experience with the Church, between the legend of my parents conversion (anything that happens in a childs life before he is born is the stuff of legends) and the portrait of the Catholic Church as an oppressive institution that took all the fun out of being saved, I understood Catholicism as a religion that a person leaves when she becomes serious about her faith.
And yet, Thomas Howard is only the tip of the iceberg of a hastening trend of evangelicals converting to Catholicism. North Park University professor of religious studies Scot McKnight documented some of the reasons behind this trend in his important 2002 essay entitled From Wheaton to Rome: Why Evangelicals become Roman Catholic. The essay was originally published in the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, and was later included in a collection of conversion stories he co-edited with Hauna Ondrey entitled Finding Faith, Losing Faith: Stories of Conversion and Apostasy.
Thomas Howard comes in at number five on McKnights list of significant conversions, behind former Presbyterian pastor and author of Rome Sweet Home, Scott Hahn, and Marcus Grodi founder of The Coming Home Network International, an organization that provides fellowship, encouragement and support for Protestant pastors and laymen who are somewhere along the journey or have already been received into the Catholic Church, according to their Web site. Other featured converts include singer-songwriter John Michael Talbot and Patrick Madrid, editor of the Surprised by Truth books, which showcase conversion stories.
Would Saint Augustine Go to a Southern Baptist Church in Houston?
McKnight first identified these converts eight years ago, and the trend has continued to grow in the intervening years. It shows up in a variety of places, in the musings of the late Michael Spencer (the Internet Monk) about his wifes conversion and his decision not to follow, as well as at the Evangelical Theological Society where the former President and Baylor University professor Francis J. Beckwith made a well-documented return to Rome. Additionally, the conversion trend is once again picking up steam as the Millennial generation, the first to be born and raised in the contemporary brand of evangelicalism, comes of age. Though perhaps an unlikely setting, The Kings College, an evangelical Christian college in New York City, provides an excellent case study for the way this phenomenon is manifesting itself among young evangelicals.
The Kings College campus is comprised of two floors in the Empire State Building and some office space in a neighboring building on Fifth Avenue. The approximately 300 students who attend Kings are thoughtful, considerate and serious. They are also intellectually curious. This combination of traits, it turns out, makes the college a ripe breeding ground for interest in Roman Catholicism. Among the traits of the Catholic Church that attract TKC studentsand indeed many young evangelicals at largeare its history, emphasis on liturgy, and tradition of intellectualism.
Lucas Croslow was one such student to whom these and other attributes of Catholicism appealed. This past spring, graduating from The Kings College was not the only major change in Croslows life, he was also confirmed into the Catholic Church.
Croslows interest in Catholicism began over six years ago when he was a sophomore in high school. At the time, Croslows Midwestern evangelical church experienced a crisis that is all too common among evangelical churches: what he describes as a crisis of spiritual authority. As a result of experiencing disappointment in his pastor, Croslow began to question everything he had learned from him. This questioning led him to study the historical origins of scripture and then of the Christian church itself. Eventually he concluded that Catholicism in its current form is the closest iteration of the early church fathers intentions. He asks, If Saint Augustine showed up today, could we seriously think that hed attend a Southern Baptist church in Houston? The answer, to Croslow, is a resounding No.
. . .
You can read the rest
TOPICS: Apologetics; Catholic; History; Theology
KEYWORDS: catholic; catholiclist; converts; evangelical; freformed
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To: presently no screen name; Iscool
Give it up, cronos - you are in this alone. Enjoy your deception
oh, no, Christ's sacrifice was not a deception. Christ came for us and that is what a billion+ members of orthodoxy now believe in and follow and what we have followed since the time of Christ
When you want to experience the fullness of Christ and to experience a personal relationship with Christ, come to mass and experience Christ during the Eucharist. You can still reject the fire-worshippers and come to the fullness of Christ in His One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church
posted on
08/08/2010 11:17:54 PM PDT
(Omnia mutantur, nihil interit. "Allah": Satan's current status)
To: Quix; narses
Quix: There you have it Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, dogs and cats . . .
please pray as led of The Lord, including, if so, in tongues.
do you expect the dogs to go Meow and cats to go woof, woof? And, seriously, have dogs and cats along with the snakehandling? A veritable menagerie
posted on
08/08/2010 11:18:07 PM PDT
(Omnia mutantur, nihil interit. "Allah": Satan's current status)
To: presently no screen name; roamer_1
Yep. God is the only Father, Jesus is the only Master and everyone else is brethren
Say, don't you believe that Jesus is God?
posted on
08/08/2010 11:19:04 PM PDT
(Omnia mutantur, nihil interit. "Allah": Satan's current status)
To: presently no screen name
So, When you call some a PhD or Doctor in Theology, are you incorrect? Doctor (gen.: doctoris) means teacher in Latin and is an agent noun derived from the verb docere (’teach’).
posted on
08/08/2010 11:20:21 PM PDT
(Omnia mutantur, nihil interit. "Allah": Satan's current status)
To: presently no screen name
And, why exactly do you limit yourself to just English? Don't you realise that in the non-English speaking world they use terms like Ksiąz for priest? And that does not translate as father.
posted on
08/08/2010 11:21:11 PM PDT
(Omnia mutantur, nihil interit. "Allah": Satan's current status)
To: John Leland 1789
Of course, we’ll have dialogue with the enemies who persecute Christians in Iraq etc, so that we can protect these. When the loony people who beleive in Sister Aimee grab a country and persecute Christians there, we’ll have a dialogue with them too.
posted on
08/08/2010 11:22:24 PM PDT
(Omnia mutantur, nihil interit. "Allah": Satan's current status)
To: Cronos
Here in Poland, the Poles call their priest "Ksiąz" which does not translate as father in any way. Good. It is offense enough that they have priests.
And, when you call someone Teacher -- are you incorrect? When you call some a PhD or Doctor in Theology, are you incorrect? Doctor (gen.: doctoris) means teacher in Latin and is an agent noun derived from the verb docere ('teach').
Not when it is used in the common sense of the word - Anymore than if one calls his Dad "father".
When is is imbued with reverence, when the title is an honorific one, rather than a job description, as it were... Then it is incorrect.
Christ set forth His Church with servants in place of glorified, set-apart priests and teachers. There is no hierarchy among believers... And what hierarchy is there is a matter of service, not authority.
In that service IS the authority.
You know, the handful of people I know to be a true, spirit-filled servants of God are self-deprecating in the face of honors being bestowed upon them.
And they are also the ones who speak with the most authority. It exudes from them as real power. Yet these are always humble and living quietly - with no pomp or circumstance.
They would be dismayed and embarrassed by any such honors. Every one of them would send such things on to the Father, or to Christ, where such things belong.
posted on
08/08/2010 11:25:16 PM PDT
(Globalism is just Socialism in a business suit)
To: John Leland 1789
They don’t talk to ‘fringe evangelical’ groups because they HAVE NOTHING to offer. And they are so proned in giving out ‘titles’.
To: presently no screen name
It is a special relationship, indeed!My wife and I were saved by God's grace the same evening. We were then 3,000 miles from Dad & Mom. We called them.
When I was discharged, we took our own litte ones to Dad and Mom's. It was the first my parents got to meet my wife.
What a special dad I had then! I remember him, as a young believer in his late 40s staying up late drinking in the Bible and making voluminous notes for his own Sunday School class.
He's 82 now and still teaches the largest Sunday school class in his church. He and Mom go to the Senior centers, and many other places where they are invited and preach the Gospel.
Dad now has a score of children and grandchildren saved and serving Christ on foreign mission fields
so to these things, an RC asks me:
So, do you teach Spirit-slaying, spiritual warfare/demon-deliverance, tongues-speaking, signs & wonders evangelism, extra-revelatory prophecy?
Got any idea what his point is? Why doesn't he ask, "Do you preach Christ and Him crucified?"
To: John Leland 1789
They call me (I guess they call us) "Clueless."YEP. I find myself in good company. ; )
But at age 54 and after 33 years directly in the labors, I have yet to have the first RC approach me with interest in my soul.
Yep again. It ain't their gig. Dunno why. It is a thing most important to Protestants/Evangelicals/Fundamentalists... across the board.
My own dad then witnessed to me of saving grace in Jesus Christ. I was saved about 18 months later.
Praise God! Ain't it great the way the Spirit works?
I have been having trouble praising God here lately... It is really a dumb thing, as he has healed me greatly... no question of His Hand... But my prayers have been rather business-like, and I haven't had the closeness in Spirit that I am normally used to...
I confessed it to Him night before last... Told Him I knew it was a problem, and I asked Him to give me some help in that regard.
My sister called me the next morning, woke me up... and I couldn't shut her up... She was FULL of the Praise of the Lord... And the elders stopped by unannounced, speaking to me about Praising God... And later that night, I mis-clicked a link, which brought me to a YouTube version of a full choir singing Handel's Messiah (the Hallelujah Chorus)... And it keeps on going, and going...
Yahweh is SO good to me.
One wonders how it is for those that don't see Him working in their lives. I would not trade that intimacy for all the cathedrals in the world.
posted on
08/08/2010 11:49:52 PM PDT
(Globalism is just Socialism in a business suit)
To: John Leland 1789
Great testimony - you and your wife saved together. Same in our household.
I remember him, as a young believer in his late 40s staying up late drinking in the Bible and making voluminous notes for his own Sunday School class.
A young believer on FIRE for THE LORD - and already teaching Sunday School. Praise God.
He's 82 now and still teaches the largest Sunday school class in his church. He and Mom go to the Senior centers, and many other places where they are invited and preach the Gospel.
Largest? I'd say everyone wants to be in his class. You make me want to meet your Mom and Dad!
Dad now has a score of children and grandchildren saved and serving Christ on foreign mission fields
YOU are so blessed! Your Mom and Dad found and are living their destiny. Not many do.
so to these things, an RC asks me:
It goes in the circular file. If they wanted Truth, they would have it by now.
Thanks for sharing - I enjoyed reading every bit of it. You truly have a blessed blessed family and are a blessing to others.
To: Cronos
Experience a personal relationship with Him in the Eucharist.Thanks... but I don't need crackers to find Christ.
Hear the Word of God, the entire word
Thanks. I have that where I am now... At a Presbyterian OPC - The same one you castigated earlier... And I read the Word always.
The Spirit is visibly working in my life, and every now and then, He fills me up to bursting...
So thanks, but no thanks. No pagan syncretism needed here. Move along...
posted on
08/09/2010 12:04:24 AM PDT
(Globalism is just Socialism in a business suit)
To: Quix
because of this it is imperative that Evangelicals bear witness of the true gospel to Roman Catholics and attempt to persuade them to stop depending on anything other than the finished work of Christ for salvation. Discipleship of those who respond to the gospel will involve their integration into a Bible believing Evangelical church, which entails their exit from the Roman Catholic Church. Anything less would be irresponsible.
That amount sums it up! Great article, Quix. Thanks.
To: roamer_1
but no thanks.
Exactly! Peddlers of deception are a dime a dozen - they can't give it away for lack of interest.
To: presently no screen name
"Well, the Pope did say his flock and Islam serve the same God." So just how many Gods do you believe there are?
"And, then add, we read THE BOOK!"
How many Abrahamic Books do you believe there are?
posted on
08/09/2010 12:28:42 AM PDT
Natural Law
(Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus)
To: Cronos
The more I study the RCC, the more I witness a grouping of people devoted to “anything but Christ” in their thinking, tradition, and object of devotion.
posted on
08/09/2010 2:18:58 AM PDT
(Adversity in life and death is inevitable. Thru faith in Christ, stress is optional.)
To: Quix
While louvar technically can mean to praise or to honor Not only can it mean to praise or to honor, that's what it does mean.
it usually carries a connotation of worship
Now, the not so good doctor is projecting.
To: Quix
Do you honestly beleive that someone actually cared enough to read a post this long.
posted on
08/09/2010 3:33:31 AM PDT
(I am not an apologist, I just play one on Television)
To: roamer_1; Quix; metmom; ansel12
Nope. Just the power of the cleansing Blood of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Good Book... That's all that is necessary. You left out the empty cross for an empty religion. Isn't taht all the prots really do have?
posted on
08/09/2010 3:38:21 AM PDT
(I am not an apologist, I just play one on Television)
To: verga; Quix; metmom; ansel12
You left out the empty cross for an empty religion. Isn't taht all the prots really do have? Oh, my. Perhaps you haven't heard:
HE IS RISEN! Hallelujah!
posted on
08/09/2010 3:53:42 AM PDT
(Globalism is just Socialism in a business suit)
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