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Government Of The Devil, By The Devil, And For The Devil (Haiti Government]
Live Leak ^ | Thursday, March 11, 2004 | Tom Barrett

Posted on 01/17/2010 2:15:23 PM PST by Star Traveler

Government Of The Devil, By The Devil, And For The Devil

By Tom Barrett (03/11/04)

"Haiti is the only country in the entire world that has dedicated its government to Satan. Demonic spirits have been consulted for political decisions, and have shaped the country's history." Thus speaks Reverend Doug Anderson, who grew up in Haiti with missionary parents, and served there along with his wife Dawn as a missionary until 1990. The leaders of Haiti make no attempt to hide their allegiance to Satan. Haiti's government is a government of the devil, by the devil, and for the devil.

It is a matter of well-documented historical fact that the nation of Haiti was dedicated to Satan 200 years ago. On August 14, 1791, a group of houngans (voodoo priests), led by a former slave houngan named Boukman, made a pact with the Devil at a place called Bois-Caiman. All present vowed to exterminate all of the white Frenchmen on the island. They sacrificed a black pig in a voodoo ritual at which hundreds of slaves drank the pig's blood. In this ritual, Boukman asked Satan for his help in liberating Haiti from the French. In exchange, the voodoo priests offered to give the country to Satan for 200 years and swore to serve him. On January 1, 1804, the nation of Haiti was born and thus began a new demonic tyranny.

At the time of the pact Haiti was France's richest colony, and was known as the "Pearl of the Antilles" for its singular beauty. But it soon became one of the world's poorest and most benighted nations. Scoffers may say that there is no connection between the fact that Haiti was the richest nation in the hemisphere, and then became the poorest after selling its national soul to Satan. But the scoffers can't come up with a better explanation.

Voodoo is a practice based on a mixture of African spiritism and witchcraft. Depending on the source of one's research, between 75 and 90 percent of Haitians practice voodoo. This seems to fly in the face of the fact that the country is predominantly Catholic. But, like their African ancestors, voodoo practitioners have no problem embracing multiple religions. In fact, most who practice voodoo believe they must be Catholic first.

Until recently, voodoo was practiced in secret. Practitioners would go to the Catholic Church on Sunday, and attend voodoo ceremonies deep in the woods at other times. Voodoo was forbidden during the colonial times, and the 32 Haitian governments that followed independence also suppressed the practice because of world condemnation. But on April 8, 2003, President Jean-Bertrand Aristide approved Voodoo as an officially recognized religion in Haiti (see links below). Voodoo priests can now perform marriages and other ceremonies previously reserved for Christian religions. "An ancestral religion, Voodoo is an essential part of national identity," Aristide said in the decree recognizing Voodoo.

Aristide has been a controversial figure since he became the first freely elected president in Haiti's history in 1991, 200 years after the nation was dedicated to Satan. A defrocked Catholic priest, Aristide was expelled in 1988 from his order, the Salesians. He was a hero of the resistance to Haitian tyranny, then president, then exiled, then restored to the presidency by his close friend, Bill Clinton. One of his first acts was to express his support for reinstating the Voodoo pact that expired the year he was elected. He claimed that Voodoo was the "national religion" of Haiti, and a source of national pride.

Even before Aristide came to power, a U.S. embassy official in Port-au-Prince described Aristide as "a Marxist maniac." Newsweek Magazine called him "the flaky Father Jean-Bertrand Aristide." And none other than Henry Kissinger declared that he was "psychotic." While it is true that Aristide used Communism to gain power, I don't believe he is psychotic. What many see as madness is simply the pure evil that emanates from the man.

The Media Research Center (see link below), which describes Aristide as a "charismatic Marxist priest" had this to say about the man: "Aristide wasn't much of a Democrat, paying people to beat up his opponents, and becoming wealthy from drug trafficking into the U.S. For a good, brief primer on Aristide, see "Aristide Must Go," the editorial in the March 8 Weekly Standard. It explains how 'It is not the democratic authorities that are being overthrown in Haiti, but Aristide's retinue of gunmen.'" (There is a link to this article below, as well.)

Aristide was only in office eight months before he was ousted and fled to the United States. There he effectively lobbied Bill Clinton and other government officials, convincing them that he was not the tyrant that Haitians said he was. After Clinton sent 20,000 American troops to install Aristide in power in 1994, the president-turned-dictator disbanded the army. But the civilian police force he replaced it with has also brutalized the Haitian people, engaging in summary executions as well as the drug-running that has made Aristide the richest man in Haiti. This drug money allows Aristide to live in a lavish mansion in a nation where the average yearly salary is $350.

As the Weekly Standard editorial by Christopher Caldwell says, "Aristide, of course, did not create Haiti's problems, but he profits from all of them. His ten years of direct and indirect rule have been a disaster. His regime has been democratic only in the Haitian sense of one man, one vote, one time. The last free and fair election in Haiti was in 1990, the closely monitored contest that brought Aristide to power. Even then, Aristide was making use of street violence orchestrated by his "vigilance committees." Four years ago, Aristide received over 90 percent of the vote in a presidential election so transparently corrupt that several American and European agencies reluctantly froze hundreds of millions of dollars in aid money.

With a mystifying regularity reminiscent of Saddam Hussein, Aristide has refused the simplest procedural inducements to unlock millions that could have been used to feed and treat his poorer compatriots. From humble beginnings as a Salesian slum priest, Aristide has become the richest man in Haiti. How? Last Wednesday in Miami, the Haitian mafioso Beaudoin Ketant, go-between for three Colombian cartels, was sentenced to 27 years in prison for transporting 30 tons of cocaine between Haiti and Florida. At his sentencing, Ketant said that Aristide "is a drug lord. He controlled the drug trade in Haiti. It's a one-man show, your honor. You either pay him or you die."

Caldwell goes on to relate how Aristide created a series of banks that paid absurd rates of interest, which enticed Haiti's tiny middle class to deposit their hard-earned dollars. He then stole $90 million from the banks, effectively demolishing the middle class and creating a classic poor-against-rich uprising that resulted in his ouster.

Democrat almost-nominee John Kerry spoke out in support of Aristide prior to his resignation, saying "This democracy is going to be sustained." Democrat Charlie Rangel and the Congressional Black Caucus, along with such upstanding citizens as "Reverend" Jesse Jackson and Alcee Hastings (the former federal judge convicted of bribery), have been calling for the US to once again install Aristide in power following his recent resignation. They have been irresponsibly trumpeting his ridiculous lies about being "kidnapped" by the US and "forced into exile." The obvious facts are that Aristide begged for US help and we protected him. When it became clear that the only way his safety could be assured was to leave the country, we provided transportation for him.

Had we not intervened, Aristide would have been dead in a matter of days, so furious were the people he had abused for years. He gladly boarded the plane, grateful for our protection. Now that he is safe, he is laying the groundwork for a possible comeback with his preposterous lies. Rangel, Maxine Waters, Barbara Lee and the rest of the Black Caucus should be ashamed of siding with a vicious dictator against their own country. I don't have a bone of prejudice in my body against blacks. But I am greatly prejudiced against the members of this Caucus because of their constant use of the race card, whether or not race is an issue. It is clearly not the issue here. The fact that Aristide is black is not why his countrymen want him gone. It is because he is an evil man.

My biggest problem with this man is the fact that, not only did he make Voodoo an official religion, he used every device available to him to promote it. On the day that his government officially recognized Voodoo, he paid all the radio stations to play nothing but Voodoo music all day. He flew in 400 Voodoo priests from West Africa, the birthplace of the evil religion, to promote it.

A missionary couple who run an orphanage and a school for 400 children in Haiti sent a report to their supporters last summer (see the link to "Religious Persecution Intensifies in Haiti" below). It reads, in part, "Last week a baby was stolen from the hospital in St. Marc. The reason the child is to be sacrificed to appease the Voodoo gods for the so-called special day of celebration." Can there be any question of the horribly evil nature of this "religion" that former priest Aristide promotes?

And now for the good news. Even with Aristide's support and promotion, Voodoo in Haiti is doomed. God's people have gone on the offensive, and the blood pact that has kept Haiti in darkness for 200 years has been broken.

I first heard this account from Bishop Joel Jeune at a meeting of the Gospel Crusade Ministerial Fellowship ( Jeune is the Coordinator of Haiti for the GCMF and oversees 64 churches there.

The link, "US Department of State Report of Religious Freedom" below contains this report: "In early August 1997, three evangelical pastors were arrested near Cap Haitien after they had proceeded with plans to hold a religious revival at Bois Caiman. Bois Caiman has a strong patriotic significance for Haitians, since it is the site of a legendary 1791 voodoo ceremony at which slaves swore to rise up against their masters and risk death rather than continue to live in bondage. The resulting slave rebellion was a precursor to the Haitian Revolution (1791-1804)."

"The pastors, who had been prohibited by the authorities from holding the revival on the actual anniversary of the ceremony, proceeded instead with plans to hold the event several days before the anniversary, hoping to rid the area of malevolent influences. This offended much of the local populace and local authorities, who arrested pastors Joel Jeune, Jean Berthony Paul, and Gregor Joseph on August 4. They were released on the orders of a judge on August 6."

The government account tells only part of the story. In the link "Haiti - God's country after a 'holy invasion'" you will see the following and much more (very exciting reading):

"On 14 August 1997, God's people in Haiti experienced a historic victory over Satan, a milestone in winning our country back for God. The reason lies in history. The slaves brought here from Africa have suffered incredibly for many years. On 14 August 1791, a slave leader by the name of Boukman called a secret meeting in a wood called Bois-Caiman near Cap Haitien, which was attended by a large number of slaves. They celebrated a satanic ceremony, sacrificing a pig and drinking its blood, swore to serve the Devil and dedicated Haiti to him. For 206 years, Bois-Caiman was a very holy place, a high place which could only be entered by witch doctors during Voodoo ceremonies. For 206 years, they have been meeting there every August 14 to sacrifice to Satan."

"A number of Christian leaders, including Paul and Gerald Clerie of 'Vision: Haiti' and Christian leaders among the large numbers of Haitians in the USA, Canada, France and other countries, called Christians to unite on 14 August 1997 to pray and fast that Haiti would return to God. In Haiti's towns, villages and mountains, Christians came together to fast and pray, held victory marches in the streets and a large event in the capital from 6am to 10pm during the holy invasion."

"Our church members started their march in front of the President's palace and marched for 6 hours to the place where the satanic ceremony took place 206 years ago. We had informed the government and media of our intentions weeks before the event, and were told that the witch doctors would be there, as they were every year. When we arrived, they had hidden themselves, unable to directly confront the Christians. It was a significant spiritual battle to reach the tree under which the pig was sacrificed in the original ceremony. We formed a Jericho march, circling the magic tree seven times. On the seventh time around, God gave many people a vision of the Devil fleeing from the area. The Christians were overjoyed. We cancelled the satanic contract and broke the curse, before celebrating communion and dedicating the area as a place of prayer. We also declared 14 August to be a national prayer day, on which people should pray that Haiti will return to God."

"On the same day, several witch doctors were saved during the events in the capital. Three days after our holy invasion, the witch doctors returned to Bois-Caiman to bring their sacrifices and call on the spirits. After days of effort, nothing happened, because we had commanded the spirits never to return and dedicated the area to Christ."

"The witch doctors complained to the government and media. At first, the government also protested, speaking in a press release of 'terrible damage to a Voodoo holy place in which no Christian had set foot for 206 years.' By the grace of God, the government relented and respected our legal right as Haitians to gather at any place on Haiti, including Bois-Caiman, where they now allow all Christian groups to meet. The place is now very popular, and local Christians gather there daily for prayer and fasting. All Haitians now know that the country no longer has a pact with the Devil; the contract has been cancelled, the curse broken."

In 1991, 200 years after his predecessors had dedicated Haiti to Satan, Jean-Bertrand Aristide became president of Haiti and attempted to renew the contract. In 1997, the contract was broken forever. In 2003, in a last desperate attempt to retain power, Aristide made Voodoo an official religion. And now he is gone. Let us pray that Haiti, with its newfound freedom, will turn to the one true God.

US Department of State Report of Religious Freedom

Haiti - God's country after a 'holy invasion'

Victory Over Voodoo in Haiti

Religious Persecution Intensifies In Haiti

Haiti; Satan's Stronghold

Breaking the Blood Pact

Aristide Approves Voodoo as an Official Religion

Voodoo - It's Official in Haiti

Aristide Defends Record

Aristide Mansion

Media Research Center

"Pearl of the Antilles"

"Aristide Must Go" - The Weekly Standard

Aristide Claims He Was Kidnapped from Haiti

Islamic Influences on Haitian Voodoo

The Challenges Facing Haiti

Some articles by Tom Barrett (the link below), so you can see where he's coming from...

Archives of Tom Barrett (Conservative Truth.Org)

Tom Barrett has been an ordained minister for 30 years. He has written for local and national publications for most of his life, and has authored several non-fiction books. He has been interviewed on many TV and radio programs, and speaks at seminars nationwide. Tom is the editor and publisher of Conservative Truth, an email newsletter read by over fifty thousand weekly which focuses on moral and political issues from a Biblical viewpoint.

A Few Words About Us (Conservative Truth.Org)

Conservative Truth is published weekly. Each issue is read by approximately 50,000 people worldwide. If you're tired of the same old liberal slant that the major media give to the news, you'll find Conservative Truth a breath of fresh air. Did you know that 92% of the producers, anchors, editors and reporters that decide what news you are allowed to see are registered to vote either as Democrats or Socialists? 100% of the Editorial Staff of Conservative Truth are Conservative Republicans or Libertarians.

Conservative Truth reports on news that the major media censor. We offer original commentary on the major moral, social and political issues of the day from a Biblical, moral conservative viewpoint. We're not ashamed to say that America is the greatest country on this globe, but neither are we afraid to point out areas where our politicians are leading us astray.

[ ... ]

Always remember this: Regardless of what the liberal left would have you believe, you live in the greatest nation that has ever existed on the earth, and God is still in control.

TOPICS: Current Events; Moral Issues; Religion & Culture; Religion & Politics
KEYWORDS: beauvoir; evil; france; haiti; maxbeauvoir; occult; patrobertson; satanic; suprememaster; voodoo; voudon
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To: hocndoc
How could any human who has hung around us FReeper Christians for so long ask the question that you did in the non-empathetic way that you did, Gondring?

How is ur non-empathetic?

I meant to ping you to #40, also. Sorry for the oversight.

41 posted on 01/17/2010 6:19:24 PM PST by Gondring (Paul Revere would have been flamed as a naysayer troll and told to go back to Boston.)
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To: Star Traveler
God's ways and knowledge and power and wisdom are so far beyond anyone's mere comprehension, that all they can do [...]

I truly mean no offense, but it seems to me that God's answer of, "It's a god thing; you wouldn't understand" is a cop-out. I have more respect for the spirits who visited Scrooge and showed him. If God is omnipotent, why could He not know how to let Job grasp that fullness of understanding?

42 posted on 01/17/2010 6:24:11 PM PST by Gondring (Paul Revere would have been flamed as a naysayer troll and told to go back to Boston.)
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To: Gondring

I used to tell my kids that we have less understanding than the ants who are disturbed when I dig in the garden. Better things are to come, but we can’t understand.

Job 38

43 posted on 01/17/2010 6:26:36 PM PST by hocndoc ( (I've got a mustard seed and I'm not afraid to use it.))
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To: Gondring
You were saying ...

I truly mean no offense, but it seems to me that God's answer of, "It's a god thing; you wouldn't understand" is a cop-out. I have more respect for the spirits who visited Scrooge and showed him. If God is omnipotent, why could He not know how to let Job grasp that fullness of understanding?

Well, the "show me" part -- is -- the entirety of mankind from the Garden of Eden, through the present time -- and then -- up to and through (to the end of) the Millennial Kingdom on this earth (one part of it spoken about in Revelation 20).

In other words, the entirety of mankind and its existence and what has happened and all the things that God has done and how He has worked His will in and through mankind's existence -- is and will be the "show me" of "eternity hereafter"...

There are periods of times that God has worked with mankind, in which some in theological circles call "dispensations" in which God has a particular "show me" part that He is demonstrating to mankind (which will be told forever after, throughout eternity). We're living in the "textbook" for eternity -- at this present time.

[You'll note my reference to "Dispensationalism" on my home page, and that's part of it...]

You are the "textbook example" (as we all are) as we speak and write -- right now.

We're currently living in a "show me" existence -- which will finally be over, at the end of the Millennial Kingdom after that 1,000 year reign of the Messiah of Israel, and then comes the Great White Throne Judgement (of Revelation 20) in which all is done and finished. From that point forward (and you can read in Revelation 21 and on) we are in the "eternal state" with the "show me" part of human existence over and done with. Only the "textbook" will be left for all eternity.

44 posted on 01/17/2010 6:37:58 PM PST by Star Traveler (Remember to keep the Messiah of Israel in the One-World Government that we look forward to coming)
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To: hocndoc
You were saying ...

I used to tell my kids that we have less understanding than the ants who are disturbed when I dig in the garden. Better things are to come, but we can’t understand.

BUT, we do have the understanding which is given by divine revelation, that "Word of God" that He has designed specifically for us to know and understand. That has been given for us "to know" and know without doubt.

Without that, we couldn't even say as much as we are saying right now...

45 posted on 01/17/2010 6:40:05 PM PST by Star Traveler (Remember to keep the Messiah of Israel in the One-World Government that we look forward to coming)
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To: agrarianlady
The earth is under a curse of Adam . . . Earthquakes happen.

That sounds an awful lot like "since Adam sinned G-d relinquished control of nature and now stuff just happens."

I can't believe how widespread is the denial of G-d's Providence on a conservative religious forum.

46 posted on 01/17/2010 6:56:50 PM PST by Zionist Conspirator (Vayhi be`etzem hayom hazeh; hotzi' HaShem 'et-Beney Yisra'el me'Eretz Mitzrayim `al-tzivo'tam.)
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To: Star Traveler

I understand that you’re giving meat answers to Gondring’s milk questions. However, he and others might think you’re correcting me or that we’re in disagreement.

Don’t forget that he’s an unbeliever, although I hope he’s a seeker.

47 posted on 01/17/2010 6:58:27 PM PST by hocndoc ( (I've got a mustard seed and I'm not afraid to use it.))
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To: Gondring
I should add one more thing here.

You were saying ...

If God is omnipotent, why could He not know how to let Job grasp that fullness of understanding?

God has given mankind a "progressive revelation" of Himself and what He's doing, from the time of the Garden of Eden to the present time. And we're still not in the fullness of understanding, even at this point.

There will be a fuller understanding in the future, from here forward, just as there has been progressive revelation to us from the past up to now.

During the Millennial Kingdom here on earth, the fullness of the knowledge of God will expand greatly and be much more than it is now.

It's like asking -- when reading a book -- "Why don't I know the whole story right in the first chapter?" Well..., you'll know the whole story when you get to the end of the book. We haven't gotten to the end of the book yet -- the book that is mankind's history and how God has interacted with mankind from the beginning and all the way through to the end of the Millennial Kingdom.

48 posted on 01/17/2010 6:58:57 PM PST by Star Traveler (Remember to keep the Messiah of Israel in the One-World Government that we look forward to coming)
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To: hocndoc

I was just expanding on what you said, rather than correcting, as you probably knew... but, as you said, perhaps others did not know that.

And really the answer wasn’t meant for you... but for others, as I figured that you already knew what I said... :-)

Glad to have you helping explain a few things, too.

49 posted on 01/17/2010 7:01:52 PM PST by Star Traveler (Remember to keep the Messiah of Israel in the One-World Government that we look forward to coming)
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To: All; Gondring

Voodoo - by Godsmack

50 posted on 01/17/2010 7:06:55 PM PST by airborne
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To: Star Traveler
God has given mankind a "progressive revelation" of Himself and what He's doing, from the time of the Garden of Eden to the present time. And we're still not in the fullness of understanding, even at this point.

The problem with that view, which I understand to be at the heart of dispensationalism, is that it means we are being judged based on our reaction to incomplete information...information that is not revealed to us. When we compare to human institutions, is it not closer to the horrid regimes of man's history, where one could not have access to the evidence of the case, rather than what we see as a better system?

51 posted on 01/17/2010 7:25:01 PM PST by Gondring (Paul Revere would have been flamed as a naysayer troll and told to go back to Boston.)
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To: Gondring

Salvation and the salvation message has not been incomplete. We’re only “judged” individually, in terms of accepting God’s promise of the coming One for the salvation of mankind (for those before that time) or accepting what God had accomplished at the cross, after that time.

Thus the salvation message througout history has always been complete in terms of accomplishing that salvation, although not complete in terms of knowing exactly how God was going to do it. You didn’t have to know how God was going to do it (or how He did it) in order to avail yourself of His salvation that He has provided through His Son, Jesus, the Messiah of Israel.

So, one did not have to know all that God was going to do and how He was going to do it, in order to accept His salvation that was provided before and after the Messiah of Israel came. All that was required was to accept what God had said and His way of salvation, even while not knowing exactly how God was doing it.

God does not make it part of being saved that you have to know all there is about it/how it all came about — and the why and wherefor of it.

So, when you say “being judged” ... having God progressively reveal to mankind what He is doing and what He is about and what He is going to do with mankind all through mankind’s history (and his future, yet to come) — never interfered with an individual’s salvation.

When it comes to the Great White Throne judgment, it’s only those who have refused to accept the One that God sent (either before it happened or after it happened) — for their own salvation — and thus they will be judged on the basis of what they did in this world and in their life. And all who are judged on that basis will fail to meet up and will merit the judgment of the lake of fire, for eternal damnation and torment. That’s the results of refusing the easy and simple salvation that God has provided for mankind, individually throughout mankind’s history.

The progressive revelation of God that we will still have revealed to us in much greater understanding during the Millennial Kingdom on this earth — in no way interferes with one’s personal salvation and that’s the real key part.

52 posted on 01/17/2010 7:36:15 PM PST by Star Traveler (Remember to keep the Messiah of Israel in the One-World Government that we look forward to coming)
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To: airborne
Well, thanks for the "promotional" for voodoo... LOL... [just what we need here, if it's not bad enough in Haiti...]

VooDoo lyrics (from the video you supplied)

I'm not the one who's so far away
When I feel the snake bite enter my veins
Never did I wanna be here again
And I don't remember why I came

Candles raise my desire
Why I'm so far away
No more meaning to my life
No more reason to stay
Freezing feeling,
Breathe in, breathe in
I'm coming back again

I'm not the one who's so far away
When I feel the snake bite enter my veins
Never did I wanna be here again
And I don't remember why I came

Hazing clouds rain on my head
Empty thoughts fill my ears
Find my shade by the moon light
Why my thoughts aren't so clear
Demons dreaming
Breathe in, breathe in
I'm coming back again

I'm not the one who's so far away
When I feel the snake bite enter my veins
Never did I wanna be here again
And I don't remember why I came

I'm not the one who's so far away
When I feel the snake bite enter my veins
Never did I wanna be here again
And I don't remember why I came

I'm not the one who's so far away
When I feel the snake bite enter my veins
Never did I wanna be here again
And I don't remember why I came

I'm not the one who's so far away
When I feel the snake bite enter my veins
Never did I wanna be here again
And I don't remember why I came

voodoo, voodoo, voodoo, voodoo, voodoo, voodoo,voodoo, voodoo,
voodoo, voodoo, voodoo, voodoo, voodoo, voodoo, voodoo, voodoo,

So far away...
I'm not the one who's so far away...
I'm not the one who's so far away...
I'm not the one who's so far away...

53 posted on 01/17/2010 7:49:24 PM PST by Star Traveler (Remember to keep the Messiah of Israel in the One-World Government that we look forward to coming)
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To: Star Traveler

"Now go do....that voodoo....that you well!"

54 posted on 01/17/2010 7:51:08 PM PST by dfwgator
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To: Star Traveler

Thanks for the research to stand in the face of so much presumptive nonsense on the topic.

Bless you.

55 posted on 01/17/2010 11:47:07 PM PST by Quix (POL Ldrs quotes fm1900 TRAITORS
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To: Zionist Conspirator
That sounds an awful lot like "since Adam sinned G-d relinquished control of nature and now stuff just happens."

I can't believe how widespread is the denial of G-d's Providence on a conservative religious forum.

You're correct - God could providentially stop an earthquake. But there's a lot none of us understand about the universe and the laws of nature. I can only surmise that we know even less about the God that we believe created all of it.

He created the laws of nature and we caused havoc with our sin. He Himself, by nature, is a just and holy God. He can't change His nature or the laws of nature. He warned us, and we disobeyed.

"To Adam he said, "Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, 'You must not eat of it,' "Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life."

Thankfully in His mercy and providence He became one of us in order to save our souls, and we have great hope for the prospect of a new heaven and earth.

56 posted on 01/18/2010 5:41:02 AM PST by agrarianlady
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To: agrarianlady
You're correct - God could providentially stop an earthquake.

You misunderstand my objection completely. I am saying that G-d's overweening Providence governs all things whatsoever, the good and the bad. I reject the notion that either "stuff just happens" or that an evil "gxd" called "the Devil" does the bad stuff. Absolutely everything that happens down to the last detail is governed by G-d's Providence--both General (Kelalit) and specific (Peratit).

It appears that chr*stianity truly has dethroned G-d.

57 posted on 01/18/2010 7:47:38 AM PST by Zionist Conspirator (Vayhi be`etzem hayom hazeh; hotzi' HaShem 'et-Beney Yisra'el me'Eretz Mitzrayim `al-tzivo'tam.)
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Ping for later read

58 posted on 01/18/2010 8:57:18 AM PST by wmfights (If you want change support
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To: Zionist Conspirator
You were saying ...

You misunderstand my objection completely. I am saying that G-d's overweening Providence governs all things whatsoever, the good and the bad.

From what I see in the Bible (the 66 books and 40 authors) and in regards to the general import of your statement -- that would be correct. I say that in the general, without getting into the specific.

There is nothing that is outside of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob's control. The Bible teaches that very clearly.

Whether someone wants to accept that or not, is another story -- but their acceptance or not doesn't affect the truth of the matter, in that regard.

It appears that chr*stianity truly has dethroned G-d.

Perhaps with some Christians, what you're saying is right, but from what I see of Christianity as taught from what the Bible says, I don't see that to be the case.

Again, I'll agree that this is so with many Christians and that's quite lamentable, but just because it's true with many Christians, doesn't make it true with Christianity and its teachings from the Bible.

And also..., I do see that the Bible does talk about a lesser and created being (whom we refer to as Satan) who was given permission by God to do several things to and against Job. It's still under God's control, though, as that is made perfectly clear in the book of Job.

59 posted on 01/18/2010 9:17:46 AM PST by Star Traveler (Remember to keep the Messiah of Israel in the One-World Government that we look forward to coming)
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To: Star Traveler

ST- I think the Judgement of GOD is on the world’s governements and the individual sins of people who refuse the sacrafice of Christ..The Blood of the Lamb...

60 posted on 01/18/2010 12:29:14 PM PST by TaraP (*GOD* made love so strong, so it would carry you all the way home.....)
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