No, that was not Sola Scripture...The scripture doesn't say that nor can it be interpreted to mean that...
That guy had the same problem many people do...And it's not that he didn't understand what the scriptures said, he just chose not to believe it...
We do NOT in any was condemn using "scripture" -- that is a slur against the Christian Church and you ought to take that back.
Do you have any proof to back your incorrect statement?
Sure, no problem...
Post 64 by Kosta
That's just Paul making up a new religion for the Greeks and Romans. Jesus Christ never said anything like that in the Gospels.
Oooh, the author of the Hebrews says so? Why do you believe him, and oridnary man? You don't even know who he is!
Proof enough???
Finally, I asked you to differentiate between the soul and the spirit and the passage you gave likens "spirit" to the body, so your "trinity of man" falls to a duality of man.
OK, I'll try againg...They are different because they are spelled differently...
Soma, the body...Flesh...
Like psyche...Intellect, mind, aura, etc...
Pneuma...Like pneumatics, air, wind...
1Th 5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Perhaps the author could just as accurately have said, 'your whole spirit and spirit and body'??? Or 'your whole soul and soul and body'...
It's all in there...And it's not a matter of interpretation...It's a matter of (un)belief...