Thank you, Amy Wellborn, Jeff Miller and all the other devout Catholics who are using their blogs to keep the spotlight on Archbishp Wuerl and SOH, Nancy Pelosi, CINO.
Can. 915 Those who have been excommunicated or interdicted after the imposition or declaration of the penalty and others obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to holy communion.
A Primer on Canon 915
Archbishop Raymond Burke first conducted private communications to three 'Catholic' legislators, imploring them, "to make their consciences correct with Magisterial teachings." After all three politicians refused to meet with him, saying they instead reject the Church's infallible teachings, Bishop Burke, as 'Priest, Prophet and King,' then took the necessary steps to issue the four paragraph 'canonical notification' to address the scandal they were causing in his diocese by their conduct 'which is seriously, clearly and steadfastly contrary to the moral norm' (EE n.37).
The notification declares: "...Catholic legislators who are members of the faithful of the Diocese of La Crosse and who continue to support procured abortion or euthanasia may not present themselves to receive Holy Communion. They are not to be admitted to Holy Communion, should they present themselves, until such time as they publicly renounce their support of these most unjust practices" (canon 915).
Burke exhorted, "No good bishops could stand by and let this happen. These public legislators are in grave sin."
True. This replaces the San Diego News Notes, Los Angeles Lay Catholic Mission, San Francisco Faith, and the La Cruz de California (the Tijuana paper).
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Of course, if she never attends a Mass in the Archdiocese again, it won't be a problem for the Archbishop.
Think she actually practices her faith? Doesn't seem likely.
This is certainly very disappointing. I am also willing to wait and see a little longer. But Archbishop Wuerl has a deserved reputation as a conservative Catholic. If he won't draw the line, who will?
"I think what Archbishop Wuerl and others fail to understand is the impact of things like this on the lay Catholic who is struggling to be a faithful disciple in the world. The message that is sent by silence is strong, in terms of the lay apostolate in the world, in terms of the unity of faith and life."
The impact is clear as day: Archbishop Wuerl doesn't REALLY believe his religion. He thinks that the government of the United States is more important.
I had the same thought when I saw California force Catholic Charities to pay for birth control, and Catholic Charities remained open and in business rather than closing up shop in California.
When push comes to shove and its Catholicism directly versus some government in the United States, the test of faith is at hand. Those who obey the government or protect its officials don't REALLY believe the Catholic religion. They think America and its laws are more important.
If the high clergy think that, well, let's just say that they don't have any authority left in the tank when they start grousing about moral issues they don't like. After all, if the religion isn't true, then an Archbishop is just a closeted queen with a big stage on which he acts.
Now there's an understatement!
Very informative and disturbing post. I spoke with my former pastor and treasured friend who lives about 1000 miles away since he retired and it was like a shot of adrenalin to hear a truly holy man speak of the necessity of conformance with the tenets and doctrine of our faith.
I've done my best to not judge others, but when someone claims to be a practicing member of my religion and spits on the very foundation upon which it was founded, I get very judgemental. As I told my former pastor, I cringe every time I see Ted Kennedy receive the Eucharist, knowing he is going to cast a pro-abortion vote the next day. So it is with Pelosi.
I would rather the world had 100,000 devout Catholics than the millions who call themselves catholic but pick and choose which doctrinal mandates to follow.
Bump we need pickets-will read later.Phila is the best and when are you going to pick up your signs.
I'm not understanding why the bishop won't speak out.
That's outrageous. I'm 19, living in a world where everyone is telling me these things are okay to do, where there are organizations like Catholics For Free Choice telling me that God WANTS abortion to be legal...what message is it sending me when he's silent on her showing up for mass and possibly receiving communion?
I trust these men who have devoted their lives to God. If I was seeing this three years ago when I was on the fence on the abortion issue, I would have used it as one more reason.
This man is setting a bad example.
It's really discouraging when the bishop of a diocese allows prominent Catholics, who dissent from Church teachings on matters of faith or morals, to scandalize the faithful with their public statements and acts. This is something that Archbishop Wuerl will be accountable for when he stands before Christ for judgement. I just wonder what his excuse will be.
Unfortunately, it appears it's not so much the sin as who does the sinning. How in God's name can the Church lay out its rules and expect regular Catholics to follow them when it turns a blind eye to powerful, high-profile Catholics who promote those same sins, and are in positions of power to enable them?
The Church has enough problems, it doesn't need to enable the likes of Pelosi and the Kennedy's.
This lack of conviction makes me want to cry.