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Are Catholics Born Again?
Catholic Educators ^ | Mark Brumley

Posted on 11/11/2005 5:51:08 AM PST by NYer

“Have you been born again?” the Fundamentalist at the door asks the unsuspecting Catholic. The question is usually a segue into a vast doctrinal campaign that leads many ill-instructed Catholics out of the Catholic Church. How? By making them think there is a conflict between the Bible and the Catholic Church over being “born again.”

To be honest, most Catholics probably do not understand the expression “born again.” Yes, they believe in Jesus. And yes, they try to live Christian lives. They probably have some vague awareness that Fundamentalists think being “born again” involves a religious experience or “accepting Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior.” Many cradle Catholics, too, have had their moments of closeness to God, even of joy over God's love and mercy. They may even have had “conversion experiences” of sorts, committing themselves to take their faith seriously and to live more faithfully as disciples of Jesus. But the cradle Catholic probably cannot pinpoint any particular moment in his life when he dropped to his knees and “accepted Jesus” for the first time. As far back as he can recall, he has believed, trusted and loved Jesus as Savior and Lord. Does that prove he has never been “born again”?

Not “the Bible way,” says the Fundamentalist. But the Fundamentalist is wrong there. He misunderstands what the Bible says about being “born again.” Unfortunately, few Catholics understand the biblical use of the term, either. As a result, pastors, deacons, catechists, parents and others responsible for religious education have their work cut out for them. It would be helpful, then, to review the biblical — and Catholic — meaning of the term “born again.”


The only biblical use of the term “born again” occurs in John 3:3-5 — although, as we shall see, similar and related expressions such as “new birth” and ,regeneration” occur elsewhere in Scripture (Titus 3:5; 1 Pet 1:3, 23). In John 3:3, Jesus tells Nicodemus, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” The Greek expression translated “born again” (gennathei anothen) also means “born from above.” Jesus, it seems, makes a play on words with Nicodemus, contrasting earthly life, or what theologians would later dub natural life (“what is born of flesh”), with the new life of heaven, or what they would later call supernatural life (“what is born of Spirit”).

Nicodemus' reply: “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born?” (John 3:4). Does he simply mistake Jesus to be speaking literally or is Nicodemus himself answering figuratively, meaning, “How can an old man learn new ways as if he were a child again?” We cannot say for sure, but in any case Jesus answers, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, `You must be born again.”' (John 3:5-7).

Here Jesus equates “born again” or “born from above” with “born of water and the Spirit.” If, as the Catholic Church has always held, being “born of water and the Spirit” refers to baptism, then it follows that being “born again” or “born from above” means being baptized.

Clearly, the context implies that born of “water and the Spirit” refers to baptism. The Evangelist tells us that immediately after talking with Nicodemus, Jesus took his disciples into the wilderness where they baptized people (John 3:22). Furthermore, water is closely linked to the Spirit throughout John's Gospel (for instance, in Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4:9-13) and in the Johannine tradition (cf. 1 John 5:7). It seems reasonable, then, to conclude that John the Evangelist understands Jesus' words about being “born again” and “born of water and the Spirit” to have a sacramental, baptismal meaning.


Fundamentalists who reject baptismal regeneration usually deny that “born of water and the Spirit” in John 3:5 refers to baptism. Some argue that “water” refers to the “water of childbirth.” On this view, Jesus means that unless one is born of water (at his physical birth) and again of the Spirit (in a spiritual birth), he cannot enter the kingdom of God.

A major problem with this argument, however, is that while Jesus does contrast physical and spiritual life, he clearly uses the term “flesh” for the former, in contrast to “Spirit” for the latter. Jesus might say, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of flesh and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God” — though it would be obvious and absurdly redundant to say that one must be born (i.e., born of flesh) in order to be born again (i.e., born of the Spirit). But using “born of water and the Spirit” to mean “born of the flesh and then of the Spirit” would only confuse things by introducing the term “water” from out of nowhere, without any obvious link to the term “flesh.” Moreover, while the flesh is clearly opposed to the Spirit and the Spirit clearly opposed to the flesh in this passage, the expression “born of water and the Spirit” implies no such opposition. It is not “water” vs. “the Spirit,” but “water and the Spirit.”

Furthermore, the Greek of the text suggests that “born of water and the Spirit” (literally “born of water and spirit”) refers to a single, supernatural birth over against natural birth (“born of the flesh”). The phrase “of water and the Spirit” (Greek, ek hudatos kai pneumatos) is a single linguistical unit. It refers to being “born of water and the Spirit,” not “born of water” on the one hand and “born of the Spirit” on the other.

Another argument used by opponents of baptismal regeneration: “born of water and the Spirit” refers, correspondingly, to the baptism of John (being “born of water”) and the baptism of the Spirit (being “born of ... the Spirit”), which John promised the coming Messiah would effect. Thus, on this view, Jesus says, “Unless a man is born of water through John's baptism and of the Spirit through my baptism, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God.”

We have already seen that, according to the Greek, “born of water and the Spirit” refers to a single thing, a single spiritual birth. Thus, the first half of the phrase cannot apply to one thing (John's baptism) and the second half to something else entirely (Jesus' baptism). But even apart from the linguistical argument, if “born of water” refers to John's baptism, then Jesus is saying that in order to be “born again” or “born from above” one must receive John's baptism of water (“born of water ...”) and the Messiah's baptism of the Spirit (“. . . and Spirit”). That would mean only those who have been baptized by John could enter the kingdom of God—which would drastically reduce the population of heaven. In fact, no one holds that people must receive John's baptism in order to enter the Kingdom — something now impossible. Therefore being “born of water . . .” cannot refer to John's baptism.

The most reasonable explanation for “born of water and the Spirit,” then, is that it refers to baptism. This is reinforced by many New Testament texts linking baptism, the Holy Spirit and regeneration. At Jesus' baptism, the Holy Spirit descends upon him as He comes up out of the water (cf. John 1:25-34; Matt 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22). Furthermore, what distinguishes John's baptism of repentance in anticipation of the Messiah from Christian baptism, is that the latter is a baptism with the Holy Spirit (Matt 3:11; Mark 1:8; Luke 3:16; John 1:31; Acts 1:4-5).

Consequently, on Pentecost, Peter calls the Jews to “be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins” and promises that they will “receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38), thus fulfilling the promise of John. Peter clearly teaches here that the “water baptism,” to which he directs the soon-to-be converts, forgives sins and bestows the Holy Spirit. Christian baptism, then, is no mere external, repentance-ritual with water, but entails an inner transformation or regeneration by the Holy Spirit of the New Covenant; it is a “new birth,” a being “born again” or “born from above.”

In Romans 6:3, Paul says, “Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life” (RNAB). Baptism, says Paul, effects union with the death and resurrection of Christ, so that through it we die and rise to new life, a form of “regeneration.”

According to Titus 3:5, God “saved us through the washing of regeneration (paliggenesias) and renewal by the Holy Spirit.” Opponents of baptismal regeneration argue that the text refers only to the “washing (loutrou) of regeneration” rather than the “baptism of regeneration.” But baptism is certainly a form of washing and elsewhere in the New Testament it is described as a “washing away of sin.” For example, in Acts 22:16, Ananias tells Paul, “Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling upon his name.” The Greek word used for the “washing away of sins” in baptism here is apolousai, essentially the same term used in Titus 3:5. Furthermore, since “washing” and “regeneration” are not ordinarily related terms, a specific kind of washing — one that regenerates — must be in view. The most obvious kind of washing which the reader would understand would be baptism, a point even many Baptist scholars, such as G.R. Beasley-Murray, admit. (See his book Baptism in the New Testament.)

In 1 Peter 1:3, it is stated that God has given Christians “a new birth to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” The term “new birth” (Gk, anagennasas, “having regenerated”) appears synonymous with “born again” or “regeneration.” According to 1 Peter 1:23, Christians “have been born anew (Gk, anagegennamenoi, “having been regenerated”) not from perishable but from imperishable seed, through the living and abiding word of God.” From the word of the Gospel, in other words.

Opponents of baptismal regeneration argue that since the “new birth” mentioned in 1 Peter 1:3 and 23 is said to come about through the Word of God, being “born again” means accepting the Gospel message, not being baptized. This argument overlooks the fact that elsewhere in the New Testament accepting the gospel message and being baptized are seen as two parts of the one act of commitment to Christ.

In Mark 16:16, for instance, Jesus says, “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned.” “Believing”, i.e., accepting the Gospel, entails accepting baptism, which is the means by which one “puts on Christ” (Gal. 3:27) and is buried and raised with him to new life (Rom 6:3-5; Gal 2:12). Acts 2:41 says of the Jewish crowd on Pentecost, “Those who accepted his message were baptized . . .” It seems reasonable to conclude that those whom 1 Peter 1:23 describes as “having been born anew” or regenerated through the “living and abiding word of God” were also those who had been baptized. Thus, being “born of water and the Spirit” and being “born anew” through “the living and abiding word of God” describe different aspects of one thing — being regenerated in Christ. Being “born again” (or “from above”) in “water and the Spirit” refers to the external act of receiving baptism, while being “born anew” refers to the internal reception in faith of the Gospel (being “born anew” through “the living and abiding word of God”).

Moreover, baptism involves a proclamation of the Word, which is part of what constitutes it (i.e., “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”). To accept baptism is to accept the Word of God. There is no need, then, to see the operation of the Word of God in regeneration as something opposed to or separated from baptism.

Some Fundamentalists also object that being “born again” through baptismal regeneration contradicts the Pauline doctrine of justification by grace through faith. Implicit here is the idea that Christian baptism is a mere “human work” done to earn favor before God. In fact, Christian baptism is something that is done to one (one is baptized — passive), not something one does for oneself. The one who baptizes, according to the Bible, is Jesus Himself by the power of the Holy Spirit (cf. Jn 1:33). It makes no more sense to oppose baptism and faith in Christ to one another as means of regeneration than it does to oppose faith in Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit to one another. There is no either/or here; it is both/and.


Following the New Testament use of the term, the Catholic Church links regeneration or being “born again” in the life of the Spirit to the sacrament of baptism (CCC, nos. 1215,1265-1266). Baptism is not a mere human “work” one does to “earn” regeneration and divine sonship; it is the work of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit, which, by grace, washes away sin and makes us children of God. It is central to the Catholic understanding of justification by grace. For justification is, as the Council of Trent taught, “a translation from that state in which man is born a child of the first Adam, to the state of grace and of the adoption of the sons of God through the second Adam, Jesus Christ” (Session 6, chapter 4). Baptism is an instrumental means by which God graciously justifies — that is, regenerates — sinners through faith in Jesus Christ and makes them children of God.

Catholic teaching is not opposed to a “religious experience” of conversion accompanying baptism (of adults) — far from it. But such an “experience” is not required. What is required for baptism to be fruitful (for an adult) is repentance from sin and faith in Christ, of which baptism is the sacrament (CCC, no. 1253). These are grace-enabled acts of the will that are not necessarily accompanied by feelings of being “born again.” Regeneration rests on the divinely established fact of incorporation and regeneration in Christ, not on feelings one way or the other.

This point can be driven home to Evangelicals by drawing on a point they often emphasize in a related context. Evangelicals often say that the act of having accepted Christ as “personal Savior and Lord” is the important thing, not whether feelings accompany that act. It is, they say, faith that matters, not feelings. Believe by faith that Christ is the Savior and the appropriate feelings, they say, will eventually follow. But even if they do not, what counts is the fact of having taken Christ as Savior.

Catholics can say something similar regarding baptism. The man who is baptized may not “feel” any different after baptism than before. But once he is baptized, he has received the Holy Spirit in a special way. He has been regenerated and made a child of God through the divine sonship of Jesus Christ in which he shares. He has been buried with Christ and raised to new life with Him. He has objectively and publicly identified himself with Jesus' death and resurrection. If the newly baptized man meditates on these things, he may or may not “feel” them, in the sense of some subjective religious experience. Nevertheless, he will believe them to be true by faith. And he will have the benefits of baptism into Christ nonetheless.


When Fundamentalists call themselves “born again Christians,” they want to stress an experience of having entered into a genuine spiritual relationship with Christ as Savior and Lord, in contradistinction to unbelief or a mere nominal Christianity. As we have seen, though, the term “born again” and its parallel terms “new birth” and “regeneration” are used by Jesus and the New Testament writers to refer to the forgiveness of sins and inner renewal of the Holy Spirit signified and brought about by Christ through baptism.

How, then, should a Catholic answer the question, “Have you been born again?” An accurate answer would be, “Yes, I was born again in baptism.” Yet leaving it at that may generate even more confusion. Most Fundamentalists would probably understand the Catholic to mean, “I'm going to heaven simply because I'm baptized.” In other words, the Fundamentalist would think the Catholic is “trusting in his baptism” rather than Christ, whereas the informed Catholic knows it means trusting in Christ with whom he is united in baptism.

The Catholic, then, should do more than simply point to his baptism; he should discuss his living faith, trust and love of Christ; his desire to grow in sanctity and conformity to Christ; and his total dependence on Christ for salvation. These are integral to the new life of the Holy Spirit that baptism bestows. When the Fundamentalist sees the link between baptism and the Holy Spirit in the life of his Catholic neighbor, he may begin to see that St. Paul was more than figurative when he wrote, “You were buried with Christ in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the power of God, who raised him from the dead” (Col 2:12).

TOPICS: Activism; Apologetics; Catholic; Charismatic Christian; Current Events; Ecumenism; Evangelical Christian; General Discusssion; History; Mainline Protestant; Ministry/Outreach; Religion & Culture; Theology; Worship
KEYWORDS: baptism; bible; bornagain; catholics; scripture; spirit
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To: bremenboy
you ask a theological question: when is the right time for carrying out a baptism? tHis was a raging controversy in the first 3 to 4 centuries AD. Read up on the debates and it would give you an insight into why the Church follows what it does. are catholics born agian? no
I would say that that is a blanket-statement which is patently false, to show how wrong it is, I'll turn it around: are all Born-Agains (those who belong to one of those groups that use that term as a distinguishing, discriminating basis), born again?
441 posted on 11/14/2005 4:13:06 AM PST by Cronos (Never forget 9/11. Restore Hagia Sophia!)
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To: Porterville
I should say, as a Catholic, that born again thing is a lot like Mormonism....

If you mean that they take a little bit of what's right and put a whole lot of distortion around that, then you're right!
442 posted on 11/14/2005 4:14:39 AM PST by Cronos (Never forget 9/11. Restore Hagia Sophia!)
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To: Nihil Obstat

Nah, most Pentie seem to think that everyone was wrong for the past 2000 years since Christ.

443 posted on 11/14/2005 4:16:54 AM PST by Cronos (Never forget 9/11. Restore Hagia Sophia!)
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To: Nihil Obstat

Nah, most Pentie seem to think that everyone was wrong for the past 2000 years since Christ. Oh, and they all are going to heck

444 posted on 11/14/2005 4:17:05 AM PST by Cronos (Never forget 9/11. Restore Hagia Sophia!)
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To: HarleyD
HarleyD -

No one wants to answer the question: Why is St. Paul working out his salvation in fear and trembling?

No one guarantees our inheritance. Not even the Holy Spirit. To do so would be violation of our free will. If God wanted to violate our free will, He could have us all immaculately conceived, free of original sin.

It took faith to be baptized.

Yes. The faith of those around me. Just as the paralytic was healed of his sin not by his faith, but by the faith of those surrounding him.

I cannot maintain my faith.

Yes, you can. You don't get to sit on the couch of Life with a remote control when you "come to Jesus". Those who do not work, shall not eat.

There are no guarantees, but what you make of your faith. If you think you don't have the power to walk away from Christ, you are gravely mistaken.

445 posted on 11/14/2005 5:13:22 AM PST by Rutles4Ever ("Fizellas! Looks like you guys are up to no good. Well, THIS gang used to be like that TOO, 3, 4)
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To: 57chevypreterist

Yes......Catholics are born again.

446 posted on 11/14/2005 5:17:49 AM PST by stocksthatgoup (Polls = Proof that when the MSM want your opinion it will give it to you.)
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To: Quester
For what offense would you disown your own child ?

Would you disown them because they missed the weekly family meeting ?

You're making a fundamental mistake. God doesn't disown us. We disown Him. If your child chooses not to come to your weekly family meeting, who's disowning whom? And how can you have a relationship with a child who chooses not to be in your presence?

447 posted on 11/14/2005 5:20:19 AM PST by Rutles4Ever ("Fizellas! Looks like you guys are up to no good. Well, THIS gang used to be like that TOO, 3, 4)
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To: Dark Skies

Protestants may have a Rite of Communion, but how many Protestant denominations treat the Eucharist as more than memorial crackers and grape juice?

448 posted on 11/14/2005 5:45:53 AM PST by Romish_Papist (Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam.)
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To: NYer

[..there is a conflict between the Bible and the Catholic Church over being “born again.”]

And there is indeed! The bible is clear about salvation being by grace through faith only and the baptism is not of water, but by the Holy Spirit, which is Christ in you.
When you add works to the faith, then faith is vain as it rests on works and not faith.
Would to God all Christians read the Word of God before believing traditons!

II Timothy 3; 15And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
16All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

449 posted on 11/14/2005 5:56:03 AM PST by kindred (Democrats are amoral (no moral values) and don't know it.)
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To: Quester
One must have a genuine spirtual rebirth.

This, then, eliminates the mentally retarded? The autistic? The ignorant?

What's truly ironic about this conversation is that the evangelicals expect a person to work (declare themselves "born again") to receive the inheritance of God. Catholics believe that one doesn't even have to be aware of Christ to be baptized! (Baptism of Desire, e.g., a guy in the rainforest who lives according to the laws of God written on his heart).

The mentally handicapped, for example, are unable to profess their faith (in most circumstances). What then?

In the case of an infant, the faith of those surrounding that person (personified in the godfather and godmother) receive the child into the family of God on the word of THEIR faith.

To say that God cannot receive into His family without a declaration of faith brings into question how we receive the gift of faith in the first place. If faith is something not given freely to us, it is not a gift. Once we receive that gift, it is up to US to be the caretaker of our faith - hence churches, priests, ministers, deacons - all human shepherds. All WORKERS in the field. WORK, not rest - that comes on the seventh day, the Lord's Day, when we enter into paradise.

450 posted on 11/14/2005 5:56:21 AM PST by Rutles4Ever ("Fizellas! Looks like you guys are up to no good. Well, THIS gang used to be like that TOO, 3, 4)
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To: Romish_Papist
Protestants may have a Rite of Communion, but how many Protestant denominations treat the Eucharist as more than memorial crackers and grape juice?

I am Protestant and am also close to the Catholic Church. If that is your opinion of Protestants who love the Lord, why would I try to change your mind? When you come face to face with the Lord, He'll explain to you this thing about judging others.

451 posted on 11/14/2005 6:02:26 AM PST by Dark Skies ("Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me...")
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To: kindred
Mark 1:10 "And when he came up out of the water, immediately he saw the heavens opened and the Spirit descending upon him like a dove; "

John 3:5 "Jesus answered, 'Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.'"

452 posted on 11/14/2005 6:03:56 AM PST by Rutles4Ever ("Fizellas! Looks like you guys are up to no good. Well, THIS gang used to be like that TOO, 3, 4)
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To: Dark Skies

Wow great answer;
I need help remembering not to judge, just like many of the truth police need help remembering: Each man is accountable to God.

453 posted on 11/14/2005 6:09:42 AM PST by Rhadaghast (Yeshua haMashiach hu Adonai Tsidkenu)
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To: kindred
Would to God all Christians read the Word of God before believing traditons!

Would to God all Christians read the ENTIRE Word of God before forming a theology.

454 posted on 11/14/2005 6:12:15 AM PST by Rutles4Ever ("Fizellas! Looks like you guys are up to no good. Well, THIS gang used to be like that TOO, 3, 4)
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To: Rhadaghast
Each man is accountable to God.

Thanks. I am one of the wacky human beings also and plenty of mistakes.

Have a great day!

455 posted on 11/14/2005 6:13:59 AM PST by Dark Skies ("Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me...")
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To: kindred

The bible quite clearly states, and has already been posted multiple times in this thread, that we are NOT saved by faith alone. That we must not only beleive but also be baptised, repent for our sins, and show our repentance with deeds.

456 posted on 11/14/2005 6:27:35 AM PST by x5452
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To: kindred

James 5:16 Confess [your] faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Acts 26:20 First to those in Damascus, then to those in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and to the Gentiles also, I preached that they should repent and turn to God and prove their repentance by their deeds.

Christ intended that we confess our sins to one another and repent for them.

Standing up and saying 'I'm saved' on afternoon doesn't do it, no matter how enthusiastically you proclaim it.

457 posted on 11/14/2005 6:33:48 AM PST by x5452
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To: kindred
The bible is clear about salvation being by grace through faith only

Brother, the bible is clear that salvation is NOT by faith alone. See James 2. Find me ONE verse that we are saved by faith to the exclusion of anything else (faith alone).

the baptism is not of water, but by the Holy Spirit, which is Christ in you.

What does John 3 say - born of WATER AND Spirit. Thus, God cleanses us spritually during the outward ritual of water baptism.

When you add works to the faith, then faith is vain as it rests on works and not faith

Are you adding faith to something? Is faith from you? Explain the difference between faith being a gift from God and deeds of love being a gift from God? BOTH are gifts from God and required for our salvation.

Would to God all Christians read the Word of God before believing traditons!

ALL Traditions? Even the one that the very Bible tells us to continue holding to?

"Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle." (2 Thes 2:15)

Please point out to me where the Scripture nullifies this command to hold onto oral traditions given by the Apostles?

...II Timothy 3; 15

Yes, the Scriptures are USEFUL, but not ALONE. Have you read Eph 4:11-13?

"And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ"

I would like to point out that the teachings of the Apostles ARE edifying and PERFECT man in the knowledge of Christ. BOTH Scripture AND the teachings (Traditions) of the Apostles. This destroys the concept of Scripture alone - by the Scripture itself.

Brother, I'd seriously re-consider WHOM is in conflict with the Bible...It's NOT the Catholic Church.


458 posted on 11/14/2005 8:28:00 AM PST by jo kus
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To: jo kus; Rutles4Ever
I’m sorry I haven’t answered sooner. Today I was predestined to have a gallon of cleaning fluid pour on my carpeting and the rug scrubber break down. I am sure this is all to God’s glory although at the moment I am in a bit of a mess.

No. We can have a "moral" confidence that we will "attain" eternal life by keeping Christ's commandment to love (see 1 John 3:19-24, for example). But the rule of thumb is that no one is absolutely guaranteed salvation (an exception…)…”

I find “exceptions” to be unscriptural. God doesn’t make exceptions.

People spend a lot of time on this board telling me that God is love and God wants all men to be saved. When I state “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you shall be saved.” then these same people tell me this is “easy believability”-there are no guarantees. Well if there are no guarantees then perhaps it should be “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you MIGHT be saved if you’re really lucky and good. I guess God does want everyone to be saved but He’s going to make it REALLY difficult.

How do you know Mary is in heaven? How do you know any of the official Saints are in heaven? How do you know Pope Paul is in heaven? Because the Church states it so? Why doesn’t the Church just state all Catholics have the right to heaven and be done with it? If there are no guarantees then you can’t tell me one single saint is in heaven except for the thief on the cross and that dude who our Lord Jesus stated “Your faith has saved you.”

By taking this position, Harley, you cannot KNOW that your first "born again" experience "took", now, can you?

There are indications that you are born again if you examine yourself. Paul stated that we should examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith. Well how in the heck can you do that if you don’t know what’s the criteria is? Paul knew he was born again when he stated that he had “fought the good fight”. Peter knew he was “born again” when he stated, “…who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope…”. It is rather silly not to be able to tell if we are living for our Lord Jesus as imperfect as we are.

John NEVER presumes that a person is SAVED eternally

This sounds like a rather brash statement coming from someone who doesn’t presume these people are saved.

Here is assurance of grace from the Westminster Confession of Faith:

Of Assurance of Grace and Salvation

I. Although hypocrites and other unregenerate men may vainly deceive themselves with false hopes and carnal presumptions of being in the favor of God, and estate of salvation[1] (which hope of theirs shall perish):[2] yet such as truly believe in the Lord Jesus, and love Him in sincerity, endeavouring to walk in all good conscience before Him, may, in this life, be certainly assured that they are in the state of grace,[3] and may rejoice in the hope of the glory of God, which hope shall never make them ashamed.[4]

II. This certainty is not a bare conjectural and probable persuasion grounded upon a fallible hope;[5] but an infallible assurance of faith founded upon the divine truth of the promises of salvation,[6] the inward evidence of those graces unto which these promises are made,[7] the testimony of the Spirit of adoption witnessing with our spirits that we are the children of God,[8] which Spirit is the earnest of our inheritance, whereby we are sealed to the day of redemption.[9]

III. This infallible assurance does not so belong to the essence of faith, but that a true believer may wait long, and conflict with many difficulties, before he be partaker of it:[10] yet, being enabled by the Spirit to know the things which are freely given him of God, he may, without extraordinary revelation in the right use of ordinary means, attain thereunto.[11] And therefore it is the duty of every one to give all diligence to make his calling and election sure,[12] that thereby his heart may be enlarged in peace and joy in the Holy Ghost, in love and thankfulness to God, and in strength and cheerfulness in the duties of obedience,[13] the proper fruits of this assurance; so far is it from inclining men to looseness.[14]

IV. True believers may have the assurance of their salvation divers ways shaken, diminished, and intermitted; as, by negligence in preserving of it, by falling into some special sin which wounds the conscience and grieves the Spirit; by some sudden or vehement temptation, by God's withdrawing the light of His countenance, and suffering even such as fear Him to walk in darkness and to have no light:[15] yet are they never so utterly destitute of that seed of God, and life of faith, that love of Christ and the brethren, that sincerity of heart, and conscience of duty, out of which, by the operation of the Spirit, this assurance may, in due time, be revived;[16] and by the which, in the mean time, they are supported from utter despair.[17]

Likewise please note Paul’s statement:

Please forgive me while I go clean up the chemical spill in my living room.

459 posted on 11/14/2005 10:52:47 AM PST by HarleyD (1 John 5:1 - "everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God")
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To: x5452

So is it true that if you commit a mortal sin after you are "born again", then you have to get another baptism and become "born again" yet another time?

460 posted on 11/14/2005 11:26:08 AM PST by joseph20
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