I was in a protestant church yesterday for a service (dedication of my grand-daughter) and I was flabberghasted that there were no Biblical readings! Only references during the sermon.
Sigh. If you have lurked around any of the Proddie threads you will know that the Calvinists are staunchly opposed to the "Seeker Sensitive" movement that is occurring in a large part of the Evangelical church today.
These churches are selling their souls in order to make people feel welcome. The thought is that if these churches use business models, bring in the Doctrine of Oprah instead of the Gospel of Christ, church growth will occur. And as we all know, in the American mind set, size matters.
On the flip side, traditional Proddies have become more interested in a social Gospel than Christ, it is no wonder that the traditional Protestant churches are losing members by the busload.
Never mind if churches preached sin, and restoration to God through the atoning death of Christ, people would beat down their doors like heroin addicts at a methadone clinic. That message is being preached in some churches, and those churches are growing solid, Biblical Christians.
Others, like the Arminian Cathedral to Health, Wealth, and Prosperity found in Houston Texas is growing a lot of briers, IMHO.