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| Michael H. Brown
Posted on 04/07/2004 6:50:14 PM PDT by Caravaggio
I read this and found hope in a time of despair. Hope you all get something out of it also. May you all have a very holy and prayerful Triduum that will carry you through to joy that is Easter.
By Michael H. Brown
Many are those who come to us at this time with problems that involve evil. I'm speaking about both generic evil and also problems caused by actual evil spirits. It is a time, in the words of the Virgin of Medjugorje, when the devil is "unchained," and he has caused problems for all of us. He causes divisions in our families, jealousies, anger, problems at work, anxiety, depression, and especially confusion. This is his special hallmark, confusion, and right now we see a cloud of perplexity and confusion over the U. S.
In some cases his presence is clearly discernible, while at other times he comes with great stealth. Without our knowing that it's him, he causes the anxiety, division, and argumentation. He darkens us. He does so to entire societies. He tempts us to sin. On September 11 there was not just a physical darkness from the smoke at the World Trade Center but also a shroud of perplexity and confusion that descended. And it has affected most people. More than anything we are under spiritual attack, and we need to break it. We need to dispel the darkness. We need clarity.
There are many ways this is done, but most powerful is through the Blood of Christ.
By meditating on Christ's Blood, by pleading it, by washing ourselves in it, we banish evil. The devil can not take this. It's what defeated him -- drop by drop -- at Calvary. It's what flowed into every part of the Savior's body, and what was shed for the salvation of the whole world. It is the holiness of the soil of Israel!
And the most powerful way that we can invoke that precious Blood is during Mass. Bring your problems to church. Bring your fears. Bring the afflictions the devil causes and break them during Consecration. When the priest raises that chalice, or when you drink from the cup, there is your opportunity to banish evil. There is your chance to dispel problems or habits or attacks that haunt you. There is your chance to get in all your needs. Adore the Blood and invoke it and cover yourselves in the power that breaks all bonds and dispels all confusion. Every drop is more potent than all the evil demons can conjure. They can do nothing in the face of it.
Plead it all day. Plead it at the first sign of evil. If you have evil in your lives -- if you're hurt, or confused, or perplexed, or frightened, or sick, or fatigued-- take these matters to the Eucharist and dispel them. Plead that the Blood of Christ washes all evil from you and you'll find that bondages are broken and light shines and a curtain of darkness and spiritual blindness is lifted. This is why blood is seen in Eucharistic miracles. It is to remind us of what's behind the Eucharist; it's to assure us; it's to let us glimpse a power that transcends the entire universe.
TOPICS: Moral Issues; Prayer; Religion & Culture; Religion & Politics; Religion & Science
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To: Caravaggio
I did that ritually in my prayers for YEARS! One day it dawned on me. There were people in scripture who called down the blood upon their heads. I decided that it might border on blasphemy, repented, and determined never to do it again.
I learned it from my charismatic friends, particularly the Charles and Frances Hunter ministry team.
One time I was praying and I saw myself in my mind as a little girl dancing in blood in the altar area at church. It could be crazy, but I believe that because I did it innocently (invincible ignorance), I would not be condemed for blasphemy.
Maybe I am just being crazy about it. Or the devil is craftier than we know. I'm only sharing my experience out of concern for others. Do as you will.
posted on
04/07/2004 7:01:35 PM PDT
To: Caravaggio
Do not plead the Blood of Christ to your brother until you've gotten a mental health professional involved.
posted on
04/07/2004 7:01:35 PM PDT
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posted on
04/07/2004 7:03:37 PM PDT
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(I'd rather be sleeping. Let's get this over with so I can go back to sleep!)
To: Aliska
I learned it from my charismatic friends, particularly the Charles and Frances Hunter ministry team.The Happy Hunters. You have to watch out. Kenneth Hagin, who recently died, was behind the "Faith movement". Name it and claim it, say it and you'll get it. It's the prosperity movement, and if you take it back to the beginning, Paul was a fool because he didn't need to suffer, and it's a wonder Jesus had to die on the cross.
posted on
04/07/2004 7:26:12 PM PDT
To: xJones
I tried to extricate myself from all of that, and I do not believe that their theology is sound.
posted on
04/07/2004 7:39:28 PM PDT
To: xJones; Aliska
I could not agree more. The prosperity movement is vile, their theology is totally unsound, and they are the most dangerous movement in all of the Christian world IMHO. I hope people will start really listening to what these people are saying someday, and realize how unscriptural it is.
posted on
04/07/2004 8:08:35 PM PDT
(Anger the left! Become a MONTHLY DONOR to
To: ladyinred
Kenneth Copeland.
posted on
04/07/2004 8:13:57 PM PDT
(Adopt a dog or a cat from an animal shelter! It will save one life, and may save two.)
To: sinkspur
He is one of the ring leaders that is for sure. I tape a lot of his programs just to see what outrageous thing he is going to say, and he seldom disappoints.
posted on
04/07/2004 8:20:17 PM PDT
(Anger the left! Become a MONTHLY DONOR to
To: ladyinred
they are the most dangerous movement in all of the Christian world IMHO. Hadn't thought about that. I think the ultra-right-wing hatemongers and/or cultists like Jim Jones, Heaven's Gate, etc., might be even more dangerous.
posted on
04/07/2004 8:25:59 PM PDT
To: Aliska
I can't put Jim Jones, Heaven's gate etc in the realm of Christianity Aliska. They were cults and weird ones at that. People like Kenneth Hagin,and Kenneth Copeland are considered mainline Christians, therefore they are the most dangerous as far as false doctrine goes IMHO.
They deny the power of God, saying he has no choice about what goes on here on earth. He has no rights here, and has to rely on man (themselves) to carry out His Plan. They believe that words have power, and you can speak things into being, (wicca) and that they are gods with a small g, among other heretical doctrines. That is just the tip of the iceberg!
The doctrine that tickles the ear, You are god, (same thing the serpent said to Eve in the garden), you control your destiny by your words which have power, and you can become rich by giving or sowing into their ministries. One would think people would notice the only ones who are rich and have their own Jets are the "ministers" of this so called doctrine.
posted on
04/07/2004 8:35:43 PM PDT
(Anger the left! Become a MONTHLY DONOR to
To: ladyinred
Didn't they hide behind a thin veneer of Christianity? I don't remember much about it. It does seem more strictly cultish though now that you mention it. But there are others on the far right who definitely proclaim their Christ while at the same time spewing their hatred against lots of different things.
I agree with you fully about the other things you said.
posted on
04/07/2004 8:41:30 PM PDT
To: Aliska
Sorry all, I'm very confused. I think I'm out of the loop here and missing something. Is what I posted heretical? I'm sincerely asking because I thought it was very beautiful. I mean, dont we say in our devotions that the Blood of Christ purifies us? In the ANIMA CHRISTI prayer don't we say "Blood of Christ, purify us?"
And in the Chaplet of Divine Mercy we pray for Christ's sufferings to strengthen us and by His PASSION (which consisted of shedding His precious blood for us), for our Eternal Father to have mercy on us.
Are these types of prayer wrong? I thought there was great efficacy in pleading to Christ's sufferings?
Could you please fill me in if this is wrong? I would hate to be in ignorance of something that is sinful.
Thanks very much.
To: Caravaggio
There's nothing wrong with what you posted. It is very beautiful and I truly enjoyed it.
posted on
04/07/2004 9:01:25 PM PDT
(Proverbs 18:2 A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.)
To: Caravaggio
Are these types of prayer wrong? No, I do not think so, although I will say that I was mindlessly reciting some catholic prayers when I really thought about the words, I wasn't sure they *all* were 100% in line with catholic teaching (or my personal intentions).
I will say this. I developed a determination to only recite prayers that had been officially approved by the church. Did you mention Medjugorje prayers? Some of them may be ok; they seem harmless enough, but I do not do anything that has anything to do with Medjugorje because there is an element of downright evil surrounding *some* of it. IMO, of course.
I think it *might* be heretical (back to the subject manner of praying), depending on the words and intention, and I really don't have any theology about it, when you use the blood of Christ as a mental or verbal spiritual magic charm and call it down on yourself, others and your property as I had been doing, as in "I plead the blood of Jesus over . . ." Maybe I am wrong. I've certainly been wrong before.
You are right to bring this up, as I thought about some of those prayers and how we are washed and sanctified by the blood, only usually isn't it from the inside out?
Surely it is good and proper to pray for protection, but I'm not sure now what is the best way of going about it.
Maybe you know somebody wise to ask about it. I confessed it to a priest because I really felt guilty about it, and I think maybe he thought I was being a little goofy or didn't understand where I was coming from. He was kindly about it all, so I don't know if he had any particular thoughts about it or not because he didn't say anything about that.
posted on
04/07/2004 9:07:15 PM PDT
To: Caravaggio
Rev.12:11 And they overcame him (the devil) by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
There is POWER in the blood of Jesus.
To: Caravaggio
Here are some more scriptures concerning the blood.
Ephesians 2:13
"But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ."
Hebrews 10:19
"Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus..."
Hebrews 12:24
"You have come to Jesus, the one who mediates the new covenant between God and people, and to the sprinkled blood, which graciously forgives instead of crying out for vengeance as the blood of Abel did."
1 John 1:7
"But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from every sin."
It sounds like pleading the blood would be a prayer that reflects humility and need, recognizing that the shed blood of Christ is Gods agent of forgiveness and reconciliation to us. The power comes from Christ not from us.
posted on
04/07/2004 9:38:42 PM PDT
(Do justly, love mercy, walk humbly. Micah 6:8)
To: Aliska
Jim Jones may have hid behind a very thin veil of Christianity, very thin! :-) The Heaven's Gate people didn't, at least not the kind we know.
Spewing hatred is not the same as proclaiming a false doctrine. Afterall, you will know them by their fruits. False doctrine can be very deceptive because they throw in a little truth here and there and some people who aren't grounded in the Word are led down a path that may lead them far astray from the will of God. The promise of riches can be very seductive. Just my opinion, certainly I am not an authority. I have just studied it, and have been confronted by them and had to stand my ground.
I don't mean to offend anyone who does follow these ministries, but I do hope they will take a moment or two and just rethink some of the things they are being taught, and be sure it does line up with the Word of God.
posted on
04/07/2004 9:43:28 PM PDT
(Anger the left! Become a MONTHLY DONOR to
To: Caravaggio
" In the ANIMA CHRISTI prayer don't we say "Blood of Christ, purify us?"
Oh, my friend, the Amchurchian poofters have tried to "translate" all the power out of our prayers.
Sanguis Christi, inebria me.
Inebriate me, make me drunk on love of You, drunk on Your love, drunk from contemplation of Your Mercy, Your Sacrifice, Your Pain, Your Glory, Your Sacred Heart, Your Precious Blood, Your Victory, Your Presence.
Don't feel bad. The wankers at the Church I just decided not to go back to translated it something like, "Blood of Christ, fill me with love."
They oughtta have liturgical-abuse-sick bags in the rack with the paperback collection of lame ditties they use instead of Church music.
posted on
04/08/2004 6:02:38 AM PDT
To: dsc
They oughtta have liturgical-abuse-sick bags in the rack with the paperback collection of lame ditties they use instead of Church music.
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