Posted on 10/01/2003 1:48:48 AM PDT by veronica
A solid majority of likely voters favors removing Gov. Gray Davis from office in the recall election Tuesday, and Arnold Schwarzenegger has surged ahead of his rivals in the race to succeed him, according to a new Los Angeles Times poll.
By 56% to 42%, likely voters support ousting the Democratic incumbent, a sign that Davis has lost ground in the closing phase of his battle for political survival.--SNIP--
Tapping that public anger is Schwarzenegger, whose campaign against "business-as-usual politics in Sacramento" has boosted his popularity as voters weigh alternatives to Davis. The Republican actor is favored by 40% of likely voters, followed by Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante, a Democrat, with 32%, and state Sen. Tom McClintock (R-Thousand Oaks) with 15%.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
McClintock's word to Issa: " I WILL NOT BE THE SPOILER"
McClintock's word to Burton: " I WILL NOT BE THE SPOILER"
Have you seen that before, and if so, do you accept it as evidence ?
That's so true.
Why he doesn't even have the self respect to "fall on his sword hemlock". LOL
I go back and fourth on his analysis, but I do believe that the California recall will rock the Democratic party to the core and they are shooting whatever the have in their arsenal at Republicans. This is why you see Bush under such intense attack as of late
The other thing that has got them so scared is that the Crown Jewel of the Democratic Party, Bill Clinton, actually hurt Davis' poll numbers when he campaigned for him in California
I believe the Democrats are banking on Bill Clinton campaigning for them in 2004 to help make gains in the House, Senate and possibly in the White House and this development has them concerned. Maybe Al Gore was not so dumb?
As for the current attacks on Bush, this will probably get buried and die down when Govenor Arnold is elected and the press becomes consumed with this "amazing political story"
"UPDATE: Here is the PDF with the full results. Note...Latinos back the recall by 50-47, and 37 percent intend to vote for either Schwarzenegger or McClintock. "
Interesting, to say the least....
Very simple -- Arianna is looking out for/promoting/advancing the cause of Arianna -- first, last, and always. Nothing more than that. Everything that she's ever done in public life has been devoted to advancing herself. It's a pure Cult of the Personality (proving that you can indeed have such a cult, even in the absence of a personality).
Post 22 + 23. See, that was easy. Not honest, he lied. Buton, Issa, and Haynes all agree.
I apologize to you for misrepresenting the facts and myself. Limbaugh only said that the "unimaginable" would happen without specifying what he meant.
I looked at several senerios and concluded it was a Davis resignation.
1) Schwarzenegger is nuked in the back on Saturday night and it affects his campaign: not unimaginable and not even creative.
2) McClintock falls on his sword: not unimaginable but not probable
3) Bustamante withdraws to support Davis: not unimaginable but not probable.
4) Davis is pushed onto his sword: simply unimaginable
Oh, well, NOW I'm convinced! LOL
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