To: ST.LOUIE1; Billie; daisyscarlett; dansangel; dutchess; Mama_Bear; FreeTheHostages; .45MAN; ...
Welcome to the Finest!
It's Thursday, come on in and enjoy John's essay today!
2 posted on
08/28/2003 5:49:53 AM PDT by
(When you come close to sellin' out reconsider.)
To: Aquamarine
"I believe a lack of planning and lack of candor with the American people have placed our men and women in uniform in increased harm's way." Somebody needs to tell Mr. Kerry that war usually does place people in 'increased harm's way'. But failing to show up for the war against terror will only place American civilians in harm's way on the homefront. Kerry symbolically tossed his medals away in protest about 30 years ago. On that day the threw his honor to the wind and it has never returned.
To: Aquamarine
Great essay! Thanks!
To: Aquamarine; JohnHuang2
That was great!!!
I love the humor! Thanks for the morning chuckle!
To: Aquamarine
John's done it again! :O)
11 posted on
08/28/2003 6:50:39 AM PDT by
(Bush/Cheney in '04)
To: Aquamarine; JohnHuang2
Wow, you have this comedic sarcasm thing down pat!
His upbeat assessment could not be independently confirmed, though reliable reports suggest the Bush administration's lack of planning and lack of candor with the American people placed our men and women in Baghdad sometime in early April, toppling the Saddam administration and winning the war.
To: Aquamarine; ST.LOUIE1; Billie; daisyscarlett; dansangel; dutchess; Mama_Bear; FreeTheHostages; ...
Nice try, Bush, but Al-Qaeda is reconstituted and stronger than ever, says Sen. Bob Graham, former 2-term president of Florida. The military geniuses here are bin Laden and Saddam, not Rumsfeld and Gen. Franks. Al-Qaeda, not America, is on the march to victory, says Graham, unless we elect Graham. My logic and charisma is surpassed only by that of Bob Graham.
29 posted on
08/28/2003 7:48:40 AM PDT by
(Weinie for California Governor!)
To: All
Morning to the Finest! Be back!
61 posted on
08/28/2003 10:05:41 AM PDT by
(Innocence seldom utters outraged shrieks. Guilt does.)
To: valleygal; Scott from the Left Coast; AppyPappy; Coleus; Boxsford; null and void; PhiKapMom; ...
Great editorial by John Huang! Come by and read it when you have a chance! Yes, we are doing SUCH a horrible job in Iraq, that a new born
Baby Bush is NOW on the seen :))
88 posted on
08/28/2003 4:29:39 PM PDT by
(Innocence seldom utters outraged shrieks. Guilt does.)
To: Aquamarine; JohnHuang2; LadyX
There was no immediate comment from Saddam tonight. Former Iraqi servicemen -- those still left after Bush's disastrous failure in Iraq -- question Kerry's assessment of Bush as lousy Commander-In-Chief and cast doubt on Saddam's commitment to making Iraqi troops as safe and comfortable as possible.hehehe
LOVE your sense of humor, John! I just thought I'd add some illustrations for your very amusing story........
130 posted on
08/28/2003 6:31:40 PM PDT by
(Have you prayed for your President today?)
To: Aquamarine
Wow! B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L, A-W-S-O-M-E JOB with the layout, Aqua! *Smiles* is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson