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Freepers call to action re. Terri Schindler-Schiavo. Make a complaint against Judge Greer:
Various ^ | August 28, 2003

Posted on 08/28/2003 5:20:42 AM PDT by Ragtime Cowgirl

Freepers, we may be able to help Terri:

I made some phone calls today and have the ULTIMATE PHONE CALL for registering a Complaint against Judge Greer. I can't reveal my sources but this is the phone number for a few pay grades above J. Greer.

Call the: Judicial Qualifications Commission at

#1-850-488-1581. I am complaining to them tomorrow that J. Greer isn't God, that he's been in the husband's corner since Day One, he doesn't care a wit about Terri's parents or her husband's attempt at medical neglect, and I'd like to know if Greer can be recalled or impeached.

HE SHOULD HAVE OR COULD HAVE HONORED GOV. BUSH'S REQUEST TO ASSIGN A GUARDIAN AD LITEM to represent Terri's interest instead of once again, taking the side of the husband. Judge Greer is from the Sixth Circuit Court, Pinellas County.

Oh, and ping everybody you can think of.

72 posted on 08/27/2003 5:06 PM EDT by floriduh voter

From summer:

" a separate thread asking people to call this phone number FV provided. This could get a guardian appointed if the judge is tossed off the case for BIAS."


8 Jeb Bush intervenes for Schindler-Schiavo -   WND | 8/26

Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has asked a judge to delay setting a date for removal of a feeding tube sustaining the life of a brain-disabled woman, Terri Schindler-Schiavo.

In a letter, Bush asked Pinellas-Pasco Circuit Judge George W. Greer yesterday to keep her alive until a court-appointed guardian can "independently investigate the circumstances of this case and provide the court with an unbiased view that considers the best interests of Mrs. Schiavo."

8 From JEB to FR: Full text of Gov Bush's letter to Judge Greer re: Terri Schiavo. Email from Gov Bush to summer, for FR | 8/27

 ----- Original Message -----
From: [Governor Bush's office]
To: [summer's email]
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 8:06 AM
Subject: Letter regarding Terri Schiavo

> August 26, 2003

> The Honorable George W. Greer
> Judge, Sixth Judicial Circuit
> 315 Court Street, Room 484
> Clearwater, Florida 33756

Dear Judge Greer:

> I appreciate the challenging legal and ethical issues before you in the case > of Terri Schiavo. As I have expressed over the course of the past several > weeks, our system of government has committed these decisions to the > judicial branch, and we must respect that process. Consistent with this > principle, I normally would not address a letter to a judge in a pending > legal proceeding. However, my office has received over 27,000 emails > reflecting understandable concern for the well being of Terri Schiavo. > Given that there is no procedural avenue available for these views to be > expressed to you in the normal course of the proceedings, I feel compelled > to write in the hopes that you will give serious consideration to > re-appointment of a guardian ad litem for Mrs. Schiavo before permitting the > removal of her feeding tube or other actions calculated to end her life.

> This case represents the disturbing result of a severe family disagreement > in extremely trying circumstances. Emotions are high, accusations abound, > and at the heart of this public and private maelstrom is a young woman > incapable of speaking for herself.

> I am disturbed by new rumors about the guardian's actions related to the > current care of Mrs. Schiavo. It has come to my attention that Mrs. Schiavo > has contracted a life threatening illness, and that she may be denied > appropriate treatment. If true, this indicates a decision by her caregivers > to initiate an "exit protocol" that may include withholding treatment from > Mrs. Schiavo until her death, which would render this Court's ultimate > decision moot. While the issue of Mrs. Schiavo's care is still before the > Court, I urge you to ensure that no act of omission or commission be allowed > to adversely affect Mrs. Schiavo's health before the September 11th hearing > you have set. No one involved should be permitted to circumvent due process > or the Court's authority in order to achieve personal objectives in this > case.

> Even discounting these rumors, there are a number of factual disputes > regarding Mrs. Schiavo's medical condition, past and current care and > therapy, and her prognosis. Given the contradictory positions of her > guardian and other family members, I respectfully ask that you re-appoint a > qualified guardian ad litem to independently investigate the circumstances > of this case, and provide the Court an unbiased view that considers only the > best interests of Mrs. Schiavo.

> It is a fine balance between Mrs. Schiavo's right to privacy and her right > to life, both of which are co-equal in our Constitution. To err on one side > is to prolong her existence, perhaps against her wishes, and continue the > debate. To err on the other is an irrevocable act that affords no > remediation. I respectfully ask that you give Mrs. Schiavo's family the > opportunity to present any new evidence as to her wishes. Evidence as to > her wishes should be reweighed as often as necessary to take into account > the effect of any new evidence, that is, to determine whether "clear and > convincing evidence" still exists that Mrs. Schiavo would now choose > withdrawal of life-prolonging procedures. While this process may delay the > surrogate's exercise of Mrs. Schiavo's privacy rights, it is necessary to > avoid denying her right to life. I urge you to err on the side of > conservative judgment to ensure that all facts can be uncovered and > considered before her life is terminated.

> I appreciate your compassion for Mrs. Schiavo's plight, and that of the > family members locked in dispute in these tragic circumstances. In light of > the ongoing contention related to so many issues in this case, I hope you > will consider appointing a guardian ad litem to ensure that the ultimate > decision is based on facts presented clearly, unclouded and uncolored by > personal interests of litigants.

> Sincerely,

> Jeb Bush

> cc: Patricia Fields Anderson, Esq.
> George J. Felos, Esq.

(WND article excerpts, cont.:) "On Friday, the Florida Supreme Court refused to intervene in the case, clearing the way for a Sept. 11 hearing in which Greer would set a date for removal of the feeding tube.

Terri's parents, Bob and Mary Schindler of Gulf Port, Fla., have been locked in a decade-long legal battle with their son-in-law over the care and custody of their daughter, who suffered massive brain damage when she collapsed at her home 13 years ago under unexplained circumstances at the age of 26.

***The bitter dispute over Terri's lack of care became a major euthanasia battle five years ago when her husband Michael Schiavo petitioned the court for permission to have her feeding tube removed, claiming she is in a persistent vegetative state and would not want to be kept alive "artificially." The Schindlers and a number of doctors and therapists believe she could be rehabilitated, but the courts have consistently sided with Schiavo and his lawyer, right-to-die advocate George Felos.


The article is on

Florida Judge Rejects Governor's Bid to Help Terri Schiavo
By Jeff Johnson Congressional Bureau Chief
August 27, 2003

Capitol Hill ( - Florida Circuit Judge George Greer Tuesday rejected a plea from Governor Jeb Bush to appoint a guardian ad litem to represent the best interests of Terri Schindler Schiavo, a 39-year-old disabled woman who suffered a brain injury in 1990 under questionable circumstances. Bush had intervened Monday after receiving 27,000 email messages asking for his help on Terri's behalf.

"I read [Gov. Bush's letter] because it came from the governor and I respect his position," Greer told the Tampa Tribune. "Beyond that, it is going in the file."

As previously reported, Bush wrote Greer Monday asking him not to remove the disabled woman's feeding tube until a new guardian ad litem could "independently investigate" her condition. In the letter, Bush referenced the "fine balance between Mrs. Schiavo's right to privacy and her right to life," which Bush noted are co-equal under the Constitution.

"To err on one side is to prolong her existence, perhaps against her wishes and to continue the debate," Bush wrote. "To err on the other is an irrevocable act that affords no remediation."

But Greer told the Associated Press that he no longer has a choice in the matter.

"Frankly, I think I'm operating under a mandate from the 2nd District Court of Appeals," Greer said, "and frankly I don't think I can stray from that mandate."

In that same interview, however, the judge contradicted his own assessment of the limitation on his authority by stating that he was "not inclined" to appoint a guardian ad litem.

Michael Schiavo called Gov. Bush's intervention on behalf of Terri "crazy."

"The governor has deliberately twisted the facts in this case in an apparent effort to kowtow to his right-to-life political supporters," Schiavo told Tampa Tribune reporter David Sommer. "This has nothing to do with him. He should stay out of it."

Schiavo - who, for five years, has been seeking judicial approval to end his wife's life by denying her nutrition and hydration - also accused Terri's parents of manipulating their Catholic faith to keep their daughter alive.

"I believe in God and so did (?) Terri," Schiavo said, speaking of his still living wife in the past tense, "but they are out to push it on people... suddenly they are on a religious kick."

Judge refuses motion for hearing to set 'death date'

Greer also denied a motion Tuesday to hold an immediate hearing to set a date for the removal of Terri's nutrition and hydration tube. The hearing will be held, as previously announced, on Sept. 11. At that hearing, Greer will also rule on whether Schiavo may legally prohibit Terri's priest from visiting her.

Schiavo's attorney, George Felos, had also petitioned the court Monday to prohibit doctors from caring for Terri's current fever, labored breathing, vomiting, diarrhea and a "substantial infection."

"Given the imminence of the ward's death, further treatment (other than comfort care) for the ward's infection and other medical problems is unnecessary, unwarranted, inappropriate and futile," Felos said in an emergency motion, adding that Terri, "should be put back in hospice and receive comfort care and die in a peaceful setting."

Greer denied that motion, as well.

55 posted on 08/27/2003 5:29 PM EDT by yhwhsman ("Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small..." -Sir Winston Churchill)

Michael Schiavo is using "privacy" as an excuse for denying Terri every contact from the outside world, even flowers. "One sign of the case's nastiness is the Schindlers' complaint that Schiavo limits their visits with their daughter. They also say he has refused to allow doctors to examine her, refused her antibiotics and needed dental work, refused to replace a broken wheelchair so she could be taken outdoors and refused the delivery of flowers from a friend to her room on her birthday."

"Her teeth are fine; she doesn't eat," Michael Schiavo said. "Why take her to a gynecologist? She was supposed to die months ago. I don't want her room filled with flowers from strangers or right-to-life activists. Even though she is vegetative she has a right to privacy."

17 posted on 08/27/2003 10:14 AM EDT by I still care


I thought Gov Bush very eloquently made his case here, in this part:

To err on one side is to prolong her existence, perhaps against her wishes, and continue the debate. To err on the other is an irrevocable act that affords no remediation.

18 posted on 08/27/2003 10:14 AM EDT by summer


..this judge is going to look really bad if this part is ignored by the judge:

Even discounting these rumors, there are a number of factual disputes > regarding Mrs. Schiavo's medical condition, past and current care and > therapy, and her prognosis. Given the contradictory positions of her > guardian and other family members

21 posted on 08/27/2003 10:17 AM EDT by summer


HE SHOULD HAVE OR COULD HAVE HONORED GOV. BUSH'S REQUEST TO ASSIGN A GUARDIAN AD LITEM to represent Terri's interest instead of once again, taking the side of the husband. Judge Greer is from the Sixth Circuit Court, Pinellas County.

That is one thing that floors me .. This Judge should have long ago appointed an independent Guardian Ad Litem and not left her husband as her sole guardian .. especially since there are questions about her husband with abuse and the fractured bones that were reveled in xrays of Terry.

Everything I have read .. this Judge seems hell bent on having her killed

73 posted on 08/28/2003 2:45 AM EDT by Mo1 (


I know that Mr. Schiavo has tried to ban Terri's mother and family and priest from seeing her.

But, I don't know how a court could prevent doctors from ordering therapy, speach therapy (which is often actually swallowing therapy) and most especially oral nutrition.

27 posted on 08/26/2003 7:34 PM EDT by hocndoc (Choice is the # 1 killer in the US)


Judge Greer has been with the husband since day one. A guardian ad litem would have been fair for Terri and her parents. Her parents love her but they are treated as the enemy. I'm ashamed this is happening in Pinellas County.

31 posted on 08/26/2003 7:41 PM EDT by floriduh voter

Judge Greer will not appoint a guardian ad litem. I have phone numbers from the phone book for the Clearwater Courthouse and all the guardianship phone numbers. He husband held a presser today and was very flippant about Jeb's letter and called the emailers a "bunch of right to lifers."

Hubby is looking a little nervous but with a pal like Judge Greer who is no Judge Moore, Terri has until the September 11 hearing to decide the date her starvation begins.

Here are the phone numbers: courthouse - 727-464-3000, guardianship numbers: 727-582-7563, 727-582-7771, and 727-464-8700. We can at least call as friends of Terri and voice our concerns.

25 posted on 08/26/2003 7:34 PM EDT by floriduh voter

Freepers, please call the Juducial Qualification Commission regarding Judge Greer:  1-850-488-1581.


Contact friends, thank those have been fighting on Terri's behalf, including Glenn Beck, Lars Larson, CNS, WND, and Bill O'Reilly.

*** Terri Schindler Schiavo's website - background and news updates: ***

8 Terri Schiavo's website Media Contacts

Governor Jeb Bush (R)
Office of The Governor
Florida Capitol Building, PL-05
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001
(850) 488-7146
(850) 488-4441

The Honorable(?) George W. Greer
6th Judicial Circuit
315 Court Street, Room 484
Clearwater, FL 33756
(727) 464-3933

Attorney General Charlie Crist
Office of Attorney General
State of Florida
The Capitol
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050
(850) 487-1963
Fax: (850) 487-2564

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KEYWORDS: ada; california; catholiclist; constitution; deathbystarvation; euthanasia; felony; felos; floridasuncoast; floridian; frontpage; governor; greer; hemlocksociety; hospice; legalmurder; schiavo; schindler; suncoast; suncoasthospice; suncoastsoftware; terri; terrischiavo
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To: floriduh voter
Something here
2,561 posted on 09/09/2003 4:54:03 PM PDT by MarMema
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To: trustandobey
Abuse of the legal system???

It almost seems like we have tiered legal systems.

It seems UnAmerican to me.
2,562 posted on 09/09/2003 5:03:17 PM PDT by syriacus ( Prankin' Al Franken says---My letter to Ashcroft was not a was a prank. 9/7/03)
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To: trustandobey
Wouldn't it be wonderful to hear just for an hour Terri's story? Lets all pray that it happens.

I would love to hear it from her own lips in a televised interview. Yes I know we all answer to God, but it would be nice to see Terri get justice on earth.

2,563 posted on 09/09/2003 5:03:29 PM PDT by TheSpottedOwl (Davis has just been downgraded from eGray Hooker to 2 dollar whore...)
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To: Deo volente
There are public lists of Freemasons. C-Span has a list of the members of Congress who are Masons. Schumer is/was one. Byrd, too.

A Mason is supposed to place his duty to God above all others.

Ironic that Schumer denigrates other people who place great importance in their duty to God, when he is supposed to be doing that, too.

Odd, too, that NOW hasn't attacked Schumer for belonging to an organization that excludes women from full membership.

I guess Schumer is willing to fight for a woman's right to enter an abortion clinic, but won't fight for them to enter his lodge during a meeting.

2,564 posted on 09/09/2003 5:12:22 PM PDT by syriacus ( Prankin' Al Franken says---My letter to Ashcroft was not a was a prank. 9/7/03)
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To: TheSpottedOwl
Her parents could have a book written called Terri's Story that would bring to light all that Terri has endured and the fight they have made in her behalf. It might help with their legal bills.. better yet, a suit to make Him and his attorneys pay would be better!
2,565 posted on 09/09/2003 5:16:44 PM PDT by trustandobey (ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS)
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To: trustandobey
I thought this was nice enough to share here..

"Disability Advocates Watch Court with Wary Eyes

Disability advocates from around the country are watching and waiting To see a severely disabled woman's life and death drama play out in Judge Greer's courtroom. One Not Dead Yet advocate will be present in court who has been in a coma twice, and heard people talk about "pulling the plug."

The courts, the medical profession, and her husband seem to be in a rush to kill Terri Schiavo, while significant questions remain regarding her own wishes in the matter, her own level of awareness, and her prognosis for further recovery. Fortunately, her execution was put off the "fast track" by the Court of Appeals, which granted her a reprieve.

Disability advocates have sided with Terri's parents, who have fought long and hard for Terri to be examined by qualified medical professionals of their choosing. The physicians who were finally allowed access to Terri have found that she recognizes and responds to her parents and would benefit greatly from rehabilitation.

Her husband and lawyer, supported by professionals entrusted with her care, describe her as being in a "persistent vegetative state," i.e. unconscious. She is not. To support their crusade to end her life, they've enlisted Ronald Cranford and other medical "hit men" who believe people like Terri are a waste of medical attention and resources.

Terri Schiavo's case is just the tip of a very ugly iceberg. In 1996, the British Medical Journal published a study authored by professionals from a leading neurological medical facility in Great Britain. The authors of the study found that fully 43% of the individuals referred to their facility diagnosed as being in PVS had actually recovered.

The trouble, the authors said, was that it took time and effort to really assess a patient's ability to react, communicate, and interact with others. Some came out of PVS after entering the unit. Others had already come out of it, albeit unnoticed by the referring physicians.

We call upon the courts and medical profession to give Terri Schiavo The full protection of due process of the law before starving her to death, and pretending it to be an act of "dignity" and "respect for autonomy."

2,566 posted on 09/09/2003 5:34:31 PM PDT by MarMema
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To: MarMema
interesting reading here
2,567 posted on 09/09/2003 5:39:11 PM PDT by MarMema
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To: yesnettv
Sorry, yesnet. Just back. Hope you found the news.

Catching up myself. Any other news coverage - anyone?

2,568 posted on 09/09/2003 5:40:07 PM PDT by Ragtime Cowgirl ("Where we can engage the enemy...they last a minute or two." ~ Gen. Sanchez, 9/6)
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To: MarMema
Interesting about the Not Dead Yet Advocate. I'd never heard of that, but will try to find some information. Thanks for posting this.
2,569 posted on 09/09/2003 5:43:43 PM PDT by trustandobey (ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS)
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To: trustandobey
I had a link in one of my early posts. Will try to find it for you.
2,570 posted on 09/09/2003 5:49:35 PM PDT by windchime
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To: trustandobey
Not Dead Yet, a group which advocates for the disabled. Hey here is a good letter to bolster people, perhaps. About the Wendland case...

If disabled means expendable
By Debra J. Saunders

IF ROBERT Wendland, 49, had been a convicted killer on death row, there would have been legions of righteous do-gooders demanding that he not be executed because he was mentally retarded. Instead, he was in Lodi Memorial Hospital, brain-damaged and half-paralyzed by a 1993 car accident. Thus, when his wife Rose sought to cut off his food and fluids to allow him to die of thirst, her lawyer argued that death would be in his "best interests" because: "Robert is a man with no life that is meaningful to him.''

Wendland died of pneumonia last week as the California Supreme Court was about to rule on legal attempts by his mother Florence and sister Rebekah Vinson to keep Wendland alive.

Now the court can and must issue a ruling that makes it clear that the state cannot allow relatives to euthanize the severely brain-damaged, or as the pro-dehydration folks put it, those in a "minimally conscious state." That term, which they applied to Wendland, glosses over the fact that, even if he could not walk or talk, he could toss a ball, maneuver his wheelchair, and according to a sworn affidavit, he would kiss his mother's hand and present his hand for his mother to kiss.

Courts have been correct in upholding the rights of patients to refuse unwanted surgery or to be hooked up to life-extending machines. Wendland, however, could not consent to withholding treatment -- if you call providing food and water treatment. Wendland left no written directive asking that sustenance be withheld in the event of a severe accident. (Good for him: Many people think they would not want to live if disabled -- until they are disabled.)

Here's the real issue before the Big Bench: Should able-bodied Californians let their fear and revulsion at the thought of being disabled to lead to policies that allow families to kill disabled people who are not competent to make medical decisions?

If the answer is yes, Californians will follow in the footsteps of euthanizing Nazis: Killing retarded and brain-damaged people -- because it's best for them.

Or as Rose Wendland's attorney suggested to the court -- and he is hardly the first to do so -- withholding food and water would allow Wendland to maintain his "dignity."

Diane Coleman, president of the disability-advocacy group Not Yet Dead, finds the "dignity" argument "so insulting to us as a minority group. To say that someone needs to be able to walk, talk and go to the bathroom by themselves to have dignity -- that's ridiculous. And those ideas don't come from within a (disabled) person, they come from people outside telling them that they don't have dignity."

I should advise readers that my husband, Wesley J. Smith, wrote a friend of the court brief pro bono for the Coalition of Concerned Medical Professionals that took the side of Wendland's mother and sister.

I have watched as others have impugned the motives of those individuals who dedicated countless hours to keep a helpless, profoundly brain-damaged man alive. The pro-death side speaks as if there is something noble and caring about trying to withhold water from a disabled man, and something twisted and busybodyish in trying to save him.

If the dehydration forces prevail, it will be open season on the cognitively disabled. But don't compare any beneficent dehydrations to what the Nazis did; the Nazis weren't as caring as modern Californians.

2,571 posted on 09/09/2003 5:56:13 PM PDT by MarMema
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To: MarMema
This is powerful and a very good idea. Thanks for the post, MM.

Disability advocates from around the country are watching and waiting To see a severely disabled woman's life and death drama play out in Judge Greer's courtroom. One Not Dead Yet advocate will be present in court who has been in a coma twice, and heard people talk about "pulling the plug."

Was this article about Thursday's hearing (I hope, I hope!)?

2,572 posted on 09/09/2003 6:04:25 PM PDT by Ragtime Cowgirl ("Where we can engage the enemy...they last a minute or two." ~ Gen. Sanchez, 9/6)
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To: Ragtime Cowgirl
I think it was about an older one. What is the concept you were referring to?

check this link to have your faith in neurology restored - Covert Agenda!! I love it!

2,573 posted on 09/09/2003 6:07:02 PM PDT by MarMema
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To: Ragtime Cowgirl
Oh you mean the idea that if he had been a criminal and mentally retarded? That's Wesley in action, I think. LOL.

The writing above is from his wife.

Wesley is one cool guy. I have really come to like him through reading his book and emails. He has a huge huge heart. He did a lot of work for Robert Wendland pro bono.

It's a cheap book, you should all read it. A riveting read about what we are facing.
There is a story about a young girl who gets horribly brain-damaged through a surgery mishap. Wesley helped the mother get malpractice funds to care for her. When he goes to see the child, he ends up singing to her. We're talking about a major softie here. :-)

2,574 posted on 09/09/2003 6:12:24 PM PDT by MarMema
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To: kimmie7; floriduh voter; MarMema; Deo volente; windchime; TheSpottedOwl; pc93
I added "frontpage" to the topics. Will try to keep it up front 'til the hearing and ruling 9-11, if it's o.k. with FR's patient management.
2,575 posted on 09/09/2003 6:12:47 PM PDT by Ragtime Cowgirl ("Where we can engage the enemy...they last a minute or two." ~ Gen. Sanchez, 9/6)
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To: Ragtime Cowgirl
Thank You!
2,576 posted on 09/09/2003 6:14:15 PM PDT by trustandobey (ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS)
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To: trustandobey
Not Dead Yet is listed on this major site on bioethics linked on FR post.  Lots of others, too.

Not Dead Yet

2,577 posted on 09/09/2003 6:16:09 PM PDT by windchime
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To: windchime
Guess I've got some more reading to do. Thanks.
2,578 posted on 09/09/2003 6:17:34 PM PDT by trustandobey (ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS)
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To: Ragtime Cowgirl
I added "frontpage" to the topics. Will try to keep it up front 'til the hearing and ruling 9-11, if it's o.k. with FR's patient management.

Cool just in time for my revised commentary, etc.
Please let me know what you think. I think I outdid
myself this time but am open to any suggestions,
additional data, etc. that would make it even better!



Please communicate with your representatives about
this case. Share it with as many people as you can
and ask that they in turn do the same. This is
happening right now. The Federal Courts (up to
this time, Sept. 9) have not stepped up to their
duty, responsibility, etc. of stopping the madness
even after the Federal and Constitutional laws are
being broken. Judge Lazzara took no action on
Sept. 2 even after hearing all the facts:

Judge Richard Lazzara said that the papers
introduced by Terri's parents attorneys were
quickly put together and that he doesn't know if
he has jurisdiction (he is a Federal Judge and the
Federal/Constitutional laws are being broken and
he doesn't know if he has jurisdiction! I guess he
doesn't know the power of the Federal level nor
the sanctity of Terri's right to life and the laws
that in my opinion criminal Michael Schiavo and
George J. Felos are breaking i.e.: The
Constitution and George W. Bush's American
Disabilities Act, etc.!

This is how Lazzara shirked his responsibilities
and dismissed what came to light at the Sept. 2
Emergency Hearing. He now wants a reformulation
which can be heard in 10 or 12 days. Meanwhile
Terri continues to be held hostage by these cruel
men with their pending unjustified, un-called for,
etc. death warrant.

This is what Lazzara wanted them to discuss: The
parties shall be prepared to address the
jurisdiction of this Court in terms of the
doctrine of state action, the doctrine of
Rooker-Feldman.1 and whether the various federal
statutes relied on by the Plaintiffs apply in
light of the allegations of the complaint.

1 See District of Columbia Court of Appeals v.
Feldman, 103 S. Ct. 1303 (1983); Rooker v.
Fidelity Trust Co., 4 S. Ct. 149 (1923).

I am of the opinion that he (Lazzara) had better
start caring about helping Terri by getting
guardianship back to Terri's parents and by
getting Michael Schiavo away from Terri for good
(by restraining order or putting him in a jail
cell) or he may be guilty of a Federal crime.

The state and federal courts in concert with
Michael Schiavo and George J. Felos have been
playing with Terri's life as if it were a yo-yo.
What is readily apparent is that she has the will
to live and she deserves the rehabilitation that
she was promised and Michael shouldn't be allowed
to get away with fraud and intent to murder in
this regard. Apparently all the money ($1,200,000
dollars of which was won in a malpractice lawsuit)
was never spent on this and instead was used to
put Terri in nursing homes and hospices where she
was refused any kind of rehabilitation whatsoever.
Michael simply refused her any rehabilitation.
He committed fraud. His non-party co-conspirator
George J. Felos has collected over $550,000 in
fees in his quest to kill Terri, the monies of
which have come from the funds supposed to be
used for Terri's rehabilitation. Felos' mission
is to extinguish Terri's life "with dignity".
How absurd! The complete fraud, which the State
of Florida's Attorney General Charlie Crist has
sworn to battle against is now staring us in the
right smack in the face. How can the monies which
were won for Terri's rehabilitation (and which
were sworn to be spent on her rehabilitation) be
spent instead on paying someone to have her
killed? Does this not smack of something highly
criminal? This is fraud and it is criminal in the
most high degree. Michael swore in court and under
oath that the monies were to be for her
rehabilitation! Her rehabilitation plan was laid
out and the jury awarded the $1,200,000. I ask
again how can this be spent to extinguish her life
without any repercussions to Michael for his fraud?
His familiar friend should be a jail cell in my

Apparently the first video clip in the news clip
is of Terri now. She is even raising her body
forward. Terri is not comatose nor is she in a
"permanent vegetative state" (PVS). This is a lie.
See for yourself:

In the news clip (News Channel 10) states this is
about getting her medical records. This is far
from just getting her medical records. See most of
the entirety of the Federal Court documents
further below.

Adding insult to injury Pinellas-Pasco Judge
George Greer hasn't even visited Terri in person.
Why does he want to let Michael Schiavo and George
Felos get away with murder? To exculpate himself
the Honorable Judge George Greer says he is
following a mandate from the 2nd District Court of
Appeals. The only thing is that this was before
the most damning evidence came out in Federal
Court Affidavits as to Michael Schiavos complete
charade and his true intentions of wanting to see
Terri dead. Attorney George J. Felos to top it off
wants his next book to be about Terri and how he
helped her out of her body. Apparently this "yoga"
teacher will stop at nothing in his sick Messianic
charade as the "right-to-die" (even if it is
forced) "death with dignity" savior of the elderly
and disabled. Examples are given in the Federal
Court documents from his so-called New Age book
Litigation as Spiritual Practice. To Felos it is
all a game and as long as he is making tons of
money the game must go on! Terri is and has been
his next pet project and according to at least one
newspaper interview. Felos apparently has a framed
picture of Paramahansa Yogananda which he holds in
high regard. He pretends to worship highly
Paramahansa Yogananda who was on the path of the
heart or love yet he and the man he represents
wants to have Terri murdered and not only that by
starvation and dehydration. This is what he calls
"death with dignity"! Considering his actions what
a joke! Except no one is laughing. To get back to
Greer. Greer says that says he is following a
mandate from the 2nd District Court of Appeals and
that Jeb can basically go to hell (putting his
letter in the file). Now it turns out that the
Honorable Pinellas-Pasco Judge George Greer has
been talking to others about the case without
attorneys of both parties being present and that
he is biased against Terri's right to life. It
appears he has a bias towards Michael Schiavo and
George J. Felos despite trickery of convincing the
court that she should be killed and despite in my
opinion the blatant criminal misdeeds on their
own parts. The fact of the matter is that the hands
of the 2nd District Court of Appeals, the Honorable
Judge George Greer, and the Florida Supreme Court
will have Terri's blood on their hands if Jeb
doesn't step in and do something. Jeb himself will
have her blood on his hands if he doesn't.

Governor Jeb Bush has the power to:

a) initiate a criminal investigation of Michael
Schiavo and George J. Felos and maybe even Greer
himself if Greer doesn't consider all the facts
brought out in the Emergency Federal Court

b) step in and suspend George Greer (again
considering all of the evidence that has come to
light in the Emergency Federal Court Hearing which
occurred on Sept. 2 and the facts which came out
concerning Michael Schiavo and his non-party
co-conspirator George Felos' fraud) for his
impropriety, gross negligence, misconduct, etc. if
he goes ahead and sets a date for removal of her
feeding tube on Sept. 11 [we have the reference to
the Florida State law that this is covered under
and he has the power to suspend Pinellas-Pasco
Judge George Greer:

112.52 Removal of a public official when a method
is not otherwise provided.--

(1) When a method for removal from office is not
otherwise provided by the State Constitution or by
law, the Governor may by executive order suspend
from office an elected or appointed public
official, by whatever title known, who is indicted
or informed against for commission of any felony,
or for any misdemeanor arising directly out of his
or her official conduct or duties, and may fill
the office by appointment for the period of
suspension, not to extend beyond the term.

(2) During the period of the suspension, the
public official shall not perform any official
act, duty, or function or receive any pay,
allowance, emolument, or privilege of office.

(3) If convicted, the public official may be
removed from office by executive order of the
Governor. For the purpose of this section, any
person who pleads guilty or nolo contendere or who
is found guilty shall be deemed to have been
convicted, notwithstanding the suspension of
sentence or the withholding of adjudication. (4)
If the public official is acquitted or found not
guilty, or the charges are otherwise dismissed,
the Governor shall by executive order revoke the
suspension; and the public official shall be
entitled to full back pay and such other
emoluments or allowances to which he or she would
have been entitled had he or she not been

History.--s. 1, ch. 80-333; s. 720, ch. 95-147.]

c) call an emergency session in the legislature to
find a way to help Terri by creating a new law or
by amending the law regarding 'exit protocol' etc.

So get on your phones to your reps, to Jeb and to
Attorney General Charlie Crist, to President Bush
and Attorney General John Ashcroft (regarding the
federal crimes that have broken) to initiate a
criminal investigation and to stop this madness,
for them to give guardianship back to Terri's
parents where it belongs (they want to give her
the rehabilitation). Michael promised Terri's
rehabilitation but once he got the $1,200,000 he
suddenly remembered that Terri said she wouldn't
want to live by any "artificial" means. Not only
did he have no proof (only hearsay) but this
tactic was purely for him to be able to try to get
Terri starved to death. He refused to let her have
swallow tests, etc. or get any rehabilitation. He
didn't get her wheelchair repaired. He didn't take
her outside, etc. What kind of person would do
this? Only a person who has criminal intent on
murder. Now he is trying to get away with this
under the color of law and Judge George Greer is
happily playing into his hands with the help of
George J. Felos. Terri is disabled and not in a
"permanent vegetative state" (PVS), nor is she in
a coma. Any judge in his right mind would be able
to see past the trickery of Michael Schiavo and
George J. Felos! In my opinion Michael Schiavo and
George J. Felos, etc. need to be severely punished
for their crimes and if anyone else knowingly has
aided them they too should also pay. It is obvious
that Terri has a right to life and as before
stated she has the right to the rehabilitation she
was supposed to be getting. There is so much that
can be done these days with the technology we have
today in regards to rehabilitation. With your help
perhaps we can stop "these criminals" in their

Below are just some of the mentioned contacts. You
can expand on this by contacting your friends,
representatives, media, etc. as well. What is
sought is a geometrical response that will
certainly be bound to help Terri to live and get
her rehabilitation, etc. and under the
guardianship of those who love her: namely her
parents. Terri also has a brother and sister who
love her very much and love her just as dearly as
her parents. Michael Schiavo on the other hand has
a child by another woman and another on the way!
It appears that he has quite the conflict of
interest and should no longer be Terri's guardian.
He has intent to kill and it has been apparent
since the day that he refused Terri's
rehabiliation after winning the $1,200,000
malpratice lawsuit. Now that "the money is gone"
according to (in my opinion) his good for nothing
attorney George J. Felos it is even more apparent
that Michael Schiavo has other things he is trying
to hide.


A criminal investigation needs to be conducted by
John Ashcroft. Please demand of President Bush to
initiate an investigation so that Mr. Ashcroft can
get involved:

President George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20500
Voice: (202)456-1111
Switchboard: (202)456-1414
Fax: (202)456-2461
Comments: 202-456-6213
Visitors Office: 202-456-2121

Although you'll get an automated response, here
are the e-mails for GW and Cheney:

President George W. Bush:

Vice President Richard Cheney:

Note: Since there is only one FAX number so far
known to our campaign, it's likely we will easily
jam it during the peak time. So if you cannot get
through this FAX line, an alternative way to send
our message to the President is EXPRESS MAIL - the
fast delivery service.

There are 4 major express mail systems in the U.S.:

1. Federal Express (, a
private company offering worldwide express mail
service. Its phone numbers and "drop off
locations" are listed in the white page of most
local phone book under the entry of "FEDERAL
EXPRESS" (see above URL first). It can also
pick up your outgoing mail at your door by
calling the service.

2. UPS ( also offers next day
service and also next day early a.m. delivery
(as does Fed Ex). You can go to any Mailboxes,
Etc. store which are now named The UPS Store

3. DHL express mail company, also a worldwide
service. But I can't find its info from my
local phone book.

4. Regular U.S. post offices also provide express
mail service - next day delivery. You can bring
your mail to your local post office or call for
a pickup at your door for $4 per pickup.
Letters submitted as express mail are
guaranteed to reach the destination the next

Generally speaking Federal Express' service is
better than the Post Office, of course, at a
little higher price.

United States Attorney General John Ashcroft:

U.S. Senate:

A similar criminal investigation on the Florida
State level needs to be initiated by Jeb Bush:


While more action should be taken besides the
on-line petition to Florida Governor Jeb Bush
please do use this as one means of acting:

On-line Petition:

Jeb Bush, Governor
Voice: (850)488-4441
Voice: (850)488-7146
Fax: (850)487-0801
Executive Office of the Governor
400 S. Monroe Street
The Capitol
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001

and his Attorney General
Charlie Crist (
Office of Attorney General Charlie Crist
State of Florida
The Capitol PL-01
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050
Main office telephone numbers
Voice: 850-414-3990
Fax: (850)487-2564

Please act now.

Juan Schoch
Concerned Florida Resident
United States Citizen

Refer to these links:
2,579 posted on 09/09/2003 6:26:19 PM PDT by pc93 (Murder of Terri Schindler by Michael Schiavo to be sanctioned by Jeb Bush, FL, Fed courts?)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 2575 | View Replies]

To: trustandobey
You're welcome! I see that MarMema beat me to finding the Not Dead Yet site. It's hard to find something when there's so much!
2,580 posted on 09/09/2003 6:27:28 PM PDT by windchime
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 2578 | View Replies]

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