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Hillary: Right Wingers 'Peverted' Constitution to Impeach Bill ^
| 6/08/03
| Carl Limbacher and Staff
Posted on 06/08/2003 11:21:27 AM PDT by kattracks
In an interview with Barbara Walters to be broadcast tonight, Sen. Hillary Clinton insists that a right wing conspiracy "perverted" the Constitution in a bid to destroy her husband's presidency.
Speaking in the present tense, Mrs. Clinton complained, "I would say that there is a very well financed right wing network of people that was after his presidency from the very beginning. [They] really stopped at nothing, to the point of perverting the Constitution, in order to undermine what he was trying to do for the country."
Discussing Mrs. Clinton's allegation on ABC's "This Week," Ms. Walters sounded uncomfortable with her use of the word "pervert," replacing it in her own account of the Clinton comment. "She thinks the impeachment was the subversion - the subversion of the Constitution."
But seconds later, Washington Post Watergate sleuth Bob Woodward took issue with Mrs. Clinton's "perversion" charge, telling "This Week" host George Stephanopoulos, "That's not true."
"The Constitution makes it very clear that [impeachment is] a political process and the House and the Senate get to say what is an impeachable offense," Woodward explained. "It's not an argument that even legal scholars on her side would adopt."
Still, Ms. Walters suggested that Mrs. Clinton's book takes the scandal issue off the table for any future presidential run.
"At least this book clears up a lot of things that she won't have to face in a campaign," the ABC star volunteered.
Former Clinton spinmeister Stephanopoulos sounded skeptical, telling Walters, "We all can't wait to see what she does clear up."
Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics:
Clinton Scandals
Sen. Hillary Clinton
TOPICS: Front Page News; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: constitution; impeachment; livinghistory; vrwc
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posted on
06/08/2003 11:21:27 AM PDT
To: kattracks
Oh Lord!
posted on
06/08/2003 11:23:00 AM PDT
(God Bless our President, those with him & our troops)
To: kattracks
I would say that there is a very well financed right wing network of people that was after his presidency from the very beginning. It's all a great big conspiiirrrraaaccyyyy!!!
To: kattracks
Note to Hitlary .. Your hubbie is the pervert .
posted on
06/08/2003 11:23:17 AM PDT
(Semper Fi .. Support FRee Republic)
To: kattracks
"...perverted..." - I wonder if Hillary appreciates how truly ironic her choice of words was?
posted on
06/08/2003 11:23:43 AM PDT
The Duke
To: kattracks
This is a bit like Sammy Sosa comnplaining that the pitcher perverted the game of baseball by pitching to him while he was using his corked bat.
posted on
06/08/2003 11:26:27 AM PDT
per loin
To: kattracks
Speaking of perverts. . . .
posted on
06/08/2003 11:27:25 AM PDT
(Marcus Tullius)
To: kattracks
At least this book clears up a lot of things that she won't have to face in a campaign," the ABC star volunteered. It does? It seems to me all of these scandals will be fair game in an election, whether she writes about them or not. Quite the contrary, I think her pathetic explanations add fuel to the scandal fire.
posted on
06/08/2003 11:29:41 AM PDT
To: kattracks
I know that most here believe this is all a set-up for '08. But, the press has been thick with HillarySpin this past week and will again this week. Is this all for the book and '08? Is it just to spike the chances for other dems? Or, is all of this something more, like a sneak attack for an '04 bid.?
To: kattracks
Count me in as a part of the VWFRW (very well financed right wing network, of course).
posted on
06/08/2003 11:32:48 AM PDT
To: kattracks
I hope this woman never ever becomes president or anything else for that matter. The woman is a flipping paranoid.
That's all we need: This woman seeing conspiracy all around her. Can you imagine a sitting president with all the paranoia of a Nixon, the power of the IRS, and the scrupples of Stalin?
She's nuts. What a fruitcake. No wonder she doesn't want the plebians to look her in the eyes when she passes.
posted on
06/08/2003 11:33:22 AM PDT
(Using pretentious arcane words to buttress your argument means you don't have one)
To: fhayek
Hitlery hasn't addressed this issue yet:
But the reality was far worse than the NBC interview had revealed. Here is the testimony Broaddrick told to Diana Woznicki as part of the investigation conducted during the Clinton impeachment. "When the Attorney General arrived, he was alone. Broaddrick was completely at ease because, after all, this was a business meeting. The two engaged in some general small talk, and Broaddrick ushered Clinton to the window, where the coffee service was laid out.
Suddenly, Clinton began kissing her, at first not forcefully. But then he threw her on the bed and kept kissing her. She struggled to get away, and as she did, he got on top of her and bit her lower lip as a way of controlling her. Every time she struggled, Clinton bit harder to keep control of her. She kept saying no, that she didn't want this to happen. The pain became excruciating. He forced her legs apart and raped her. At one point in the attack, Clinton assured Juanita that there was no danger of her getting pregnant. He said, "I had mumps when I was a kid; I'm sterile." Finally the ordeal appeared to be completed. Clinton rose up slightly as though he were about to with draw. Then he said, "My God, I can do it again! " And he did.But the reality was far worse than the NBC interview had revealed. Here is the testimony Broaddrick told to Diana Woznicki as part of the investigation conducted during the Clinton impeachment. "When the Attorney General arrived, he was alone. Broaddrick was completely at ease because, after all, this was a business meeting. The two engaged in some general small talk, and Broaddrick ushered Clinton to the window, where the coffee service was laid out.
Suddenly, Clinton began kissing her, at first not forcefully. But then he threw her on the bed and kept kissing her. She struggled to get away, and as she did, he got on top of her and bit her lower lip as a way of controlling her. Every time she struggled, Clinton bit harder to keep control of her. She kept saying no, that she didn't want this to happen. The pain became excruciating. He forced her legs apart and raped her. At one point in the attack, Clinton assured Juanita that there was no danger of her getting pregnant. He said, "I had mumps when I was a kid; I'm sterile." Finally the ordeal appeared to be completed. Clinton rose up slightly as though he were about to with draw. Then he said, "My God, I can do it again! " And he did.
When Clinton finally completed the assault, Broaddrick was close to collapse. She was sobbing uncontrollably , afraid of what might happen next, confused, and in a panic. Clinton appeared unfazed. He coolly rose from the bed and went into the bathroom. All the time Juanita was afraid to move. He emerged after a few minutes and started to walk out. When he reached the door, he turned to his sobbing victim, still lying on the bed, smiled and said, "You better do something about that lip. Get some ice on it." Then he put on his sunglasses and left."(1)
posted on
06/08/2003 11:34:06 AM PDT
To: Cathryn Crawford
I think she has been talking to the Dixie Chicks!
To: OpusatFR
No kidding. I wonder why she doesn't wear her tin foil hat in public.
To: kattracks
Why do these sacks of crap always tell the exact 180 degrees from the truth lies?
It was her "boy-emperor-with-no-clothes" husband who is the pervert who made war against the Constitution!!
To: kattracks
She's a sociopath. That's the only explanation for her. Hilliary that is, not Babwa.
posted on
06/08/2003 11:41:31 AM PDT
To: Types_with_Fist
I think the current Hillary-blitz is to try to get the book sales up. Look for stacks of the book at a union headquarters near you. They want to put "best-selling author" next to her name.
I think this is designed to put a contrast between her and the current candidates. To have the hard-core Democrats pining for Hillary. Her shadow will be over the nominee. When he loses, she'll be the one the activists put in his place.
This happens with every resounding presidential defeat. The party looks immediately for the successor and she wants to make sure she's in that void.
To: kattracks
The guy did lose his law license.
A President who deserved to lose his law license...deserved also to be impeached.
To: kattracks
Like the DEA is a conspiracy to arrest those fine powdered people whose product Pres Bill "the hoover"
loved vacuming up his snout?
posted on
06/08/2003 11:43:39 AM PDT
(Moderate Islam Is For Dilettantes)
To: kattracks
I knew she could never let her or Bill take the blame for anything.
Typically deluded liberals.
posted on
06/08/2003 11:46:40 AM PDT
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