1 posted on
06/08/2003 11:21:27 AM PDT by
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To: kattracks
Oh Lord!
2 posted on
06/08/2003 11:23:00 AM PDT by
(God Bless our President, those with him & our troops)
To: kattracks
I would say that there is a very well financed right wing network of people that was after his presidency from the very beginning. It's all a great big conspiiirrrraaaccyyyy!!!
To: kattracks
Note to Hitlary .. Your hubbie is the pervert .
4 posted on
06/08/2003 11:23:17 AM PDT by
(Semper Fi .. Support FRee Republic)
To: kattracks
"...perverted..." - I wonder if Hillary appreciates how truly ironic her choice of words was?
5 posted on
06/08/2003 11:23:43 AM PDT by
The Duke
To: kattracks
This is a bit like Sammy Sosa comnplaining that the pitcher perverted the game of baseball by pitching to him while he was using his corked bat.
6 posted on
06/08/2003 11:26:27 AM PDT by
per loin
To: kattracks
Speaking of perverts. . . .
7 posted on
06/08/2003 11:27:25 AM PDT by
(Marcus Tullius)
To: kattracks
At least this book clears up a lot of things that she won't have to face in a campaign," the ABC star volunteered. It does? It seems to me all of these scandals will be fair game in an election, whether she writes about them or not. Quite the contrary, I think her pathetic explanations add fuel to the scandal fire.
8 posted on
06/08/2003 11:29:41 AM PDT by
To: kattracks
I know that most here believe this is all a set-up for '08. But, the press has been thick with HillarySpin this past week and will again this week. Is this all for the book and '08? Is it just to spike the chances for other dems? Or, is all of this something more, like a sneak attack for an '04 bid.?
To: kattracks
Count me in as a part of the VWFRW (very well financed right wing network, of course).
10 posted on
06/08/2003 11:32:48 AM PDT by
To: kattracks
I hope this woman never ever becomes president or anything else for that matter. The woman is a flipping paranoid.
That's all we need: This woman seeing conspiracy all around her. Can you imagine a sitting president with all the paranoia of a Nixon, the power of the IRS, and the scrupples of Stalin?
She's nuts. What a fruitcake. No wonder she doesn't want the plebians to look her in the eyes when she passes.
11 posted on
06/08/2003 11:33:22 AM PDT by
(Using pretentious arcane words to buttress your argument means you don't have one)
To: kattracks
Why do these sacks of crap always tell the exact 180 degrees from the truth lies?
It was her "boy-emperor-with-no-clothes" husband who is the pervert who made war against the Constitution!!
To: kattracks
She's a sociopath. That's the only explanation for her. Hilliary that is, not Babwa.
16 posted on
06/08/2003 11:41:31 AM PDT by
To: kattracks
The guy did lose his law license.
A President who deserved to lose his law license...deserved also to be impeached.
To: kattracks
Like the DEA is a conspiracy to arrest those fine powdered people whose product Pres Bill "the hoover"
loved vacuming up his snout?
19 posted on
06/08/2003 11:43:39 AM PDT by
(Moderate Islam Is For Dilettantes)
To: kattracks
I knew she could never let her or Bill take the blame for anything.
Typically deluded liberals.
20 posted on
06/08/2003 11:46:40 AM PDT by
To: kattracks
Imagine using the word perversion in the same sentence as Bill Clinton. Hill had a Freudian slip?
23 posted on
06/08/2003 11:54:17 AM PDT by
(America...love it or leave it. Canada is due north-Mexico is directly south...start walking.)
To: kattracks
Sociopaths like Hitlery and her demented husband always blame someone else for problems that they have caused themselves. Who gave the "vast Right Wing conspiracy" the ammunition that they used against the Clintoons? The Clintoons have no conscience and no sense of taking responsibility for their actions.
To: kattracks
Clinton shills give me hope that I'm on the right side.
Let's review, shall we?
It may be safe to say that both the RNC and DNC have had their fair share of leaders commiting indefensible acts. The telling trait, the identifying attribute, is how each party responded to such actions.
Back in the 70s, the GOP had one of it's leaders commit indefensible acts in the form of theft. In the end, Nixon was never defeated by impeachment because the party at the time (interestingly the head of the RNC at the time was none other than George HW Bush) told Nixon "Your party will not defend the indefensible" and informed Nixon that not only did he not have votes, but that the GOP would not lobby to get them, and that his support was dried up.
What's more? Nixon took this advice very seriously and resigned, thus saving the party further damage, and sparing the country a long drawn out fight that would ultimtly end in his impeachment. It was the best thing for the country, it was the best thing for the executive branch, and it was the honorable thing to do, and I, as a proud american, am very, VERY proud of the actions of the GOP, (namley George WH Bush Sr). during that trying time.
Let's contrast and compare.
In the late 90s, Bill Clinton was exposed as the weak willed person that he is when the good people of this great nation learned of his indefensible acts.
How did the DNC respond? Did the head of the DNC tell the head of the executive branch that they will not defend the indefensible???? No.
Did the then head of the DNC put his country above party???? No.
Did the then head of the DNC show respect for the American people???? No.
Not only did the then head of the DNC not rise to the cause before him, and look at the greater needs of his country, they released their tax-payer-funded media shills to defend the indefensible for weeks and months and even years on end, thus causing the party a great deal of damage, and still costs them votes across much of this country to this day.
This decision, to put your own blind lust for power, your own naked passions, and your own wanton disregard for the needs of the nation above and beyond the needs of the party, is simply a lack of statesmanship, and shows a complete lack of respect for the American people.
This is why, among other reasons, America wanted a statesman in 2000 and got a good man in GWB, and this is also why the DNC lost more power in 2002.
Let's be straight.
An entire generation of Americans know the DNC for one thing, and one thing only.
Shilling for a pig.
25 posted on
06/08/2003 11:58:05 AM PDT by
(Piss off a liberal: Hire Someone.)
To: kattracks
Right wing conspiracy? Now she would not be conspiring right then and there, wouldn't she? I mean, who is she hiring there? She talks like a mix between a freaked out Black Panther gang member and a politicaly weak and vengeful Hitler who has deep hatred for men and right wing men for that matter, just as Hitler hated Jews.
in other news: http://www.nypost.com/news/nationalnews/607.htm
In "Living History," which officially goes on sale tomorrow, Clinton also compares her willingness to forgive Bill with Nelson Mandela's decision to forgive his white jailers.
"It was a challenge to forgive Bill . . . [but] if Mandela could forgive, I would try," she writes.
Usualy forgiving comes after a Divorce. You know, you figure your husband cannot fix his mistakes so you let another man fix his mistakes for you. You divorce and get married again. No, the truth is Hillary had no choice, because she could not find another husband, end of story.
... same thing with Mandela by the way... he could not find qualified recruits to man jails, so he had to keep the same jail wardens on their jobs...
To: kattracks
If a Republican uttered only half of what those people get up and blather, he would made into a laughing stock by the media.
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