To: kattracks
I hope this woman never ever becomes president or anything else for that matter. The woman is a flipping paranoid.
That's all we need: This woman seeing conspiracy all around her. Can you imagine a sitting president with all the paranoia of a Nixon, the power of the IRS, and the scrupples of Stalin?
She's nuts. What a fruitcake. No wonder she doesn't want the plebians to look her in the eyes when she passes.
11 posted on
06/08/2003 11:33:22 AM PDT by
(Using pretentious arcane words to buttress your argument means you don't have one)
To: OpusatFR
No kidding. I wonder why she doesn't wear her tin foil hat in public.
To: OpusatFR
She's nuts. She's been that way for a long time.
I remember some stuff that was dug up about her "Watergate" tenure. She was trying to do stuff, that even the elected
democrats trying to force the Nixon impeachment issue at the time, thought was was immoral, illegal, unConstitutional, and
just plain wrong.
To: OpusatFR
" This woman seeing conspiracy all around her. Can you imagine a sitting president with all the paranoia of a Nixon, the power of the IRS, and the scrupples of Stalin?" We had it from 1992-2000. They just want a chance to finish what they started. God help us all if they ever get it!
62 posted on
06/08/2003 2:52:38 PM PDT by
("Having the right to do a thing is not at all the same thing as being right in doing it.")
To: OpusatFR
I couldn't agree with you more. Hitlery is nuts and a paranoid. She and Bill crave so much attention, it is unbelievable. He is our new Elmer Gantry, and it will always be about the two of them. They don't really care about what happens to the Democratic Party, unless it serves their purpose. How sick do they have to be to finally go away? is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson