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Is Anybody Home In FReeperville?
May 28, 2003
| sweetliberty
Posted on 05/28/2003 4:46:33 PM PDT by sweetliberty
When I first joined Free Republic, the single most useful tool to me in becoming familiar with the forum and finding stuff that was helpful was the home page feature. It was nice to wander the FR neighborhood and see what others had bookmarked and learn a little about these people called FReepers. Back then, the pages were somewhat limited if you used the bookmark feature, but still, there were many unique and some very elaborate pages. Browsing these pages I learned about the FR lexicon, the html sandbox and bootcamp threads, I learned about moose and cheese, CPAC, and many other relevant things. I found important links, beautiful graphics and great quotes along with inspirational passages and prayers and hilarious cartoons and photoshop creations. I quickly felt quite comfortable in my new cyber home.
Somewhere along the line many of those fabulous pages got nuked by accident and most were never rebuilt. The most recent change in the format allows for bookmarks to be on a separate page. Jim and John have given us these blank html enabled pages limited only by our imaginations, and the vast majority of FReepers have done nothing with them. If I had happened onto the forum now and tried to familiarize myself with the neighborhood in the same way, I would have to say that FReepers must to be the most boring people on the planet, not even coming close to living up to their "bigger than life" reputation. Of course I know that nothing could be furthur from the truth.
Imagine moving into a neighborhood where all the houses look exactly alike, just these dull, drab, crackerbox affairs with the curtains drawn tight, the only thing differentiating them at all being the names on the mailboxes and, in some cases, the flags flying on the front porch. That is very much what our FReeperville neighborhood looks like these days and that is too bad. Oh, there are some "homes" that have added signs to the front door and some who have posted an embellishment or two. Some have done some work on their pages and a few have gone all out and created a real work of art. Those pages are really enjoyable to visit. Each FReeper could do so much to enrich the forum just by doing a little "home improvement" on his or her profile page. Some of you have obviously done some work at one time but your "homes" have fallen into disrepair. Please take a little time and cut the grass, mend the fence, paint the house, and for heaven's sake, haul off the junk in the yard.
In all fairness, some of you may not even realize that this feature exists. Membership in the community doesn't come with a how-to guide and new FReepers are pretty much on their own. Some may be aware of it and have just not gotten around to it. Others are intimidated by html and still others are afraid of their privacy being invaded. Let's address these issues one at a time.
- To create your home page start by clicking on your screen name in the upper right hand corner of the latest posts page. On the page that opens, select "my profile". Scroll to the bottom to where it says "you can edit this page" and click on it. In that big blank space you can do anything you want (within reason of course).
- For those of you who keep meaning to do something with your home page and just haven't gotten around to it, make the effort. Look at it as contributing to the beautification of the neighborhood and making it a pleasant place to be. It really does add another important dimension to the FReeping experience.
- If you're one of those who doesn't know html and feels a bit intimidated by it, you're not alone. True, there are a lot of techno geeks here, but there are more of us that are learning as we go and there are a lot of useful tools here to help. Most of the basics can be found here and here. Keep in mind that it isn't necessary to use html. You can do your page in plain text. There are any number of directions you can go with that. You can tell a little about yourself, your family, your work, your activism, or you might list some favorite quotes or tell a story. Or you could talk about what brought you to Free Republic. If you want to do something extra and don't know how, just ask. Most FReepers tend to be very helpful. FReepers have taught me most of what I know about how to do cool stuff like posting graphics and links and such. We may snarl and growl a lot, but most of us don't bite.
- Finally, there are some folks who may have a need to remain anonymous because they may be well-known or perhaps because of the line of work they are in, or even just as a matter of personal preference. We respect that, but would still appreciate your sharing. If you're concerned about your privacy, it's really very simple. There are many ways in which to express your individuality without giving away personal details. Be creative.
Use this thread to share ideas or to make or ask for suggestions. Look at other FReeper pages. Most of all, have fun with it.
Check out this interesting assortment of FReeper home pages, in no particular order:
Lady GOPLindaSOGmikrofon ppaul SkoozTailgunner JoeTexaggie79AKbearOuachitaAgThornflamefrontGrammy BearJustAmyMama_Bearmtngrl@vrwcSabertoothvelvetJulieRNR21truenospinzonesouthernpatriot_usam1-lightningEnemy Of The StateAdmin Moderatorwesterncanoncpforlife.orgPippinRadixmichiganderRegisteredTootersecurbhjdegeJohnny GagesheltonmaclawgirlST.LOUIE1Alberta's Child ApacheTearbentfeatherdeadheadlowbridgeRevelation 911Victoria DelsoulOvertaxedsavd_rn7PeaceBeWithYouBillierdb32JedismomArchie Bunker on steroidsSAMWolf JamesWilsonNix2Mr. Mullinerthatdewdarchycarlo3b
TOPICS: Free Republic; Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: bookmark; bookmarks; cheese; faq; freeperprofiles; girlsgonewild; homepages; profilepages; profiles
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Okay FReepers; hit your ping lists. Let's all work together to spruce the place up a bit, and by all means, post links to other FReeper homepages that have caught your attention.
To: MeeknMing
Meekie, can you hit your Texas ping list?
posted on
05/28/2003 4:47:31 PM PDT
("Having the right to do a thing is not at all the same thing as being right in doing it.")
To: Lady GOP; LindaSOG; mikrofon; ppaul; Skooz; Tailgunner Joe; Texaggie79; AKbear; Ouachita; ...
Since there are links to all y'alls' home!
posted on
05/28/2003 4:48:52 PM PDT
("Having the right to do a thing is not at all the same thing as being right in doing it.")
To: sweetliberty
If I could ever get the HTML thing for pictures to work, I would make a fancy page, also. I just haven't figured it out.
To: 100American; a history buff; acapesket1; afreethinker; Aggressive Calvinist; AirIntel1; alex; ...
Boring home pages are a FReeping crime. You know who you are!
posted on
05/28/2003 4:57:39 PM PDT
("Having the right to do a thing is not at all the same thing as being right in doing it.")
To: sweetliberty
Wow! I made the list! Does this mean that I don't have to put up the pink flamingos?
posted on
05/28/2003 4:57:44 PM PDT
To: Overtaxed
posted on
05/28/2003 4:58:23 PM PDT
("Having the right to do a thing is not at all the same thing as being right in doing it.")
To: sweetliberty; Overtaxed
I'm so flattered I made the list!!
posted on
05/28/2003 5:00:08 PM PDT
To: freedom4ever
If I can figure it out, anybody can. I'm still fumbling my way around but I'm improving. Did you check the html sandbox and bootcamp threads? The links are in the main post or click on michigander's home page link.
posted on
05/28/2003 5:01:05 PM PDT
("Having the right to do a thing is not at all the same thing as being right in doing it.")
To: sweetliberty; Sidebar Moderator
Sidebar Moderator's page is highly underrated.
(highly under? Hmmm)
To: sweetliberty
Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I've been told that my own homepage is quite good. Come one, come all, and enjoy!
posted on
05/28/2003 5:03:09 PM PDT
Long Cut
(ORION Naval Aircrewman!)
To: A&P_Keeps_'em_Flying; ak_rayhoo; ALASKA; Alaskan Exile in Boston; Aleutian Longliner; ...
posted on
05/28/2003 5:03:49 PM PDT
("Having the right to do a thing is not at all the same thing as being right in doing it.")
To: sweetliberty
Hey Liberty,
Early last summer I read a few books and one of them (Ann Coulter's) mentioned the! I have been on-line for a pretty long time (9 years now) but somehow had never made it to my radar screen. Once I did come here I lurked for a week or two. I finally had to sign up.
My favorite feature was the profiles. I was FReep mailing people because I was so impressed with the things that they had done to personalize their accounts. I literally must have thanked a few dozen people in those early days just because I appreciated their profiles.
I have for most of my life been a reader. I have always appreciated the "letters to the editor" page in magazines, newspapers, and whatever. It is just my thing. I see as just that, A fantastic great cyber "letters to the editors" page.
I love your thread here, and thank you for the ping.
posted on
05/28/2003 5:05:04 PM PDT
To: sweetliberty
Homepages and bookmark lists are overrated.
posted on
05/28/2003 5:07:01 PM PDT
William McKinley
(You're so vain, you probably think this tagline's about you)
To: sweetliberty
posted on
05/28/2003 5:07:50 PM PDT
To: sweetliberty
Thanks, for the mention, Sweets. : )
This is a great post! If I can help anyone out....just give me a shout. It's really very simple once you know a few HTML commands.
To: sweetliberty
I'm one of the guilty ones. I can do much better.
I'll get right on it, sir!
posted on
05/28/2003 5:12:18 PM PDT
Dog Gone
To: 1tin_soldier; Ahban;; Arkansas Banana Republican; Arkansawyer; Asphodel; bilh; ..
posted on
05/28/2003 5:12:24 PM PDT
("Having the right to do a thing is not at all the same thing as being right in doing it.")
To: Admin Moderator
"Sidebar Moderator's page is highly underrated..."
Not by me!
"Columbia news about to break? Posted by Tooters to Admin Moderator On News/Activism 05/23/2003 9:25 AM EDT #31 of 86
Like your page!"
posted on
05/28/2003 5:12:52 PM PDT
("Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant. And you may quote me.")
To: sweetliberty
I'm bookmarking you may see by my tiny profile page, I have learned picture posting, thanks to Freeper assistance, but anything else is a struggle!
posted on
05/28/2003 5:14:34 PM PDT
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