Posted on 05/01/2003 7:37:24 PM PDT by OXENinFLA
Following is the text of US President George W Bush's address to the nation late today from the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln nuclear aircraft carrier.
Admiral Kelly, Captain Card, officers and sailors of the USS Abraham Lincoln, and my fellow Americans: Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed. And now our coalition is engaged in securing and reconstructing that country.
In this battle, we have fought for the cause of liberty, and for the peace of the world. Our Nation and our coalition are proud of this accomplishment.
Yet it is you, the members of the United States military, who achieved it. Your courage, your willingness to face danger for your country and for each other made this day possible. Because of you, our nation is more secure. Because of you, the tyrant has
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
- Any person, organisation, or government that supports, protects, or harbours terrorists is complicit in the murder of the innocent, and equally guilty of terrorist crimes.
- Any outlaw regime that has ties to terrorist groups, and seeks or possesses weapons of mass destruction, is a grave danger to the civilised world, and will be confronted.
- And anyone in the world, including the Arab world, who works and sacrifices for freedom has a loyal friend in the United States.
Says it all,It ain't brain surgery;)
In this Wednesday April 30, 2003 handout photo from Greenpeace, U.S. President George W. Bush (news - web sites) appears as the ace of spades in a the deck of cards issued by anti-nuclear campaigners who have created their own most wanted list. The Greenpeace deck is meant to focus attention on the dangers posed by nuclear arsenals and 600 decks are being handed out to delegates at a two-week meeting on the 1968 Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, in Geneva, Switzerland. (AP Photo/Greenpeace, HO)
Except that the U.S. had MORE nuclear weapons before President Bush and President Putin signed the largest nuclear reduction treaty in history, yet GreenPeace never bothered printing out these sorts of cards while their hero Clinton was in office...
Yeah, exactly. Bush is responsible for the largest drawdown of the nuclear stockpile in history, indeed he gets flamed by some conservatives on this very site for it, and as thanks Greenpeace puts a bounty on his head. Nice moral equivalency, nitwits.
"...Men and women in every culture need liberty like they need food, and water, and air. Everywhere that freedom arrives, humanity rejoices. And everywhere that freedom stirs, let tyrants fear." ...
"...Our commitment to liberty is America's tradition -- declared at our founding, affirmed in ... "
"...American values, and American interests, lead in the same direction: We stand for human liberty. The United States upholds these principles of security and freedom in many ways -- "
"...Those we lost were last seen on duty. Their final act on this earth was to fight a great evil, and bring liberty to others. All of you -- all in this generation of our military -- have taken up the highest calling of history...."
Where did Pres. Bush learn to spell in THAT style??
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