Can't stand the woman. Soon as I see she's a guest on a program, I turn the channel.
1 posted on
04/07/2003 5:00:12 PM PDT by
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To: BurkesLaw
I throw my shoe at her then, I turn the channel.
2 posted on
04/07/2003 5:07:24 PM PDT by
To: BurkesLaw
Patriotism does not mean loving your country on condition that it become Utopia. Patriotism means loving your country as is, and thinking there's something worth preserving. Since Eleanor Clift thinks her country in its current incarnation is evil, she may be a nice person (though I wouldn't bet my left stone on it), but a patriot she isn't.
3 posted on
04/07/2003 5:10:35 PM PDT by
To: BurkesLaw
I believe she was debating The Weekly Standard's William Kristol on this very subject. His response to her conveluted logic: "That is pathetic".
Those are my sentiments towards Clift and others like her.
-Regards, T.
4 posted on
04/07/2003 5:10:42 PM PDT by
T Lady
(.Freed From the Dimocratic Shackles since 1992)
To: BurkesLaw
Yeah,, she ruins that McLaughlin Group talk show on NBC.
5 posted on
04/07/2003 5:11:14 PM PDT by
To: BurkesLaw
Does anybody remember Clift asking what would be done in the Balkans once Milosevic was ousted?
Uhm, no.
She hates Bush, and greets any success his administration may have with contempt.
She is as relevant in the US as Saddam is in Iraq.
6 posted on
04/07/2003 5:18:22 PM PDT by
To: BurkesLaw
Both her AND Ellen Ratner!
7 posted on
04/07/2003 5:19:42 PM PDT by
To: BurkesLaw
Eleanor Clift is what is left on your shoe after a walk through an inner-city alley.
8 posted on
04/07/2003 5:27:36 PM PDT by
Enduring Freedom
(To smash the ugly face of Socialism is our mission)
To: BurkesLaw
"I'm deeply saddened."
10 posted on
04/07/2003 5:33:32 PM PDT by
(I'm not always cranky.)
To: BurkesLaw
"One can only wonder about the brain processes which someone who claims to love America has to go through to rationalize the need for a necessary diminution of America's standing in the world, the end to America's position as sole superpower, and the notion that America has no legitimacy to determine the peace that follows a war that she wins...."
. . .it is that equal playing field that Liberals claim to love; except when they, themselves, have to play on it. . .
hypocrit is simply another name for Liberal. . .and in that sense, Eleanor is a genuine Liberal. . .
. . .and I cannot stand her.
11 posted on
04/07/2003 5:40:31 PM PDT by
To: BurkesLaw
I usually do the same. Her voice is like a cat and chalk scratching a blackboard simultaneously.
I saw her a week or three ago. She was never much on looks but she's starting to look like that really bad Hillary picture people love to post.
To: BurkesLaw
Yeah, that's a very good question? Why?
To: BurkesLaw
I remember back in 1992 when she tried to slip in the old "Alger Hiss was innocent" lie. She got slapped down and backed off from the statement, but it goes to show that she's off somewhere in Nation or Mother Jones land.
20 posted on
04/07/2003 6:06:13 PM PDT by
To: BurkesLaw
Clift is a sorry excuse for a human being much less a "loyal American." The only thing worse than looking at Clift is hearing her mouth. I used to watch the McLaughlin Group but since John Mclaughlin has become a pacifist I have given the Group up for Lent.
21 posted on
04/07/2003 6:09:37 PM PDT by
(Congratulations to the Coalition Forces in Iraq! Semper Fi)
To: BurkesLaw
Has anyone else noticed how she wears makeup and lipstick now? We have been watching FNC for a LONG time and don't ever remember seeing her all fixed up like that. However, it doesn't do much for her becuase you have to be beautiful from the inside out and she is not. She is hateful and downright nasty.
To: BurkesLaw
"Can't stand the woman. Soon as I see she's a guest on a program, I turn the channel." I second that. Clift is one of the most annoying people on TV. I'd rather be force-fed hard-boiled eggs and have to watch Anna Nicole all day.
To: BurkesLaw
Years ago, I used to watch the McLaughlin Group. I stopped because she and her Clinton shilling basically took over. I could not see the sense of anything the woman had to say. Haven't watched the show in at least 8 years, my Sunday mornings much more delightful as a result. She is like nails screeching across a blackboard.
To: BurkesLaw
Eleanor Clift is a despicable MARXIST plain and simple.
Just like her girlfriend the equally despicable Hillary.
A Pox upon them both.
27 posted on
04/07/2003 6:42:47 PM PDT by
To: BurkesLaw
Eleanor: one of Hillary Rodham Hussein's fedayeen. ;-)
To: BurkesLaw
My view of America: The best and perhaps last "earthly" hope of mankind to once and for all throw off the shackles of injustice, slavery, and tyranny.
Eleanor Clift's view of America: Everything that is wrong with the world is America's fault.
Who you gonna believe, the U.N.? I'll be damned.
34 posted on
04/07/2003 8:07:10 PM PDT by
To: BurkesLaw
I can't stand her either -- her voice is like nails on a chalkboard to my ears. But if she's on McGlaughlin Group -- GAME ON! I love it when she's on there w/ Buchanan (not sure if it happens anymore -- they both used to be on there regularly), but even if Pat isn't on, McGlaughlin never misses a chance to skewer her. My favorite is when he says something like "On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being total, complete implosion, and 10 being metaphysical perfection, how does rank?" So many times I've heard Eleanor say something like "He gets a 2...yadda yadda yadda." And when she's through blowing hot air, McGlaughlin comes in with a resounding "WRONG!!" and then he goes on to explain how she is wrong, and concludes with "BYE BYE!" LOVE IT!
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