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The Iconoclast ^
| April 7, 2003
| Paul Walfield
Posted on 04/07/2003 5:00:11 PM PDT by BurkesLaw
Eleanor Clift says she is a loyal American. So do a lot of people lately. Trouble is, why?
Americans who protest against a war that is purportedly in the national interest of America to wage, may have a reason to explain why they are against it, but not necessarily their patriotism.
On the other hand, when as in the case of dear Eleanor, she also includes, in her declaration of loving America, a jab at America's "evil" past, maybe just maybe, she cannot explain how that bolsters her contention of her patriotism.
On cable news the other night, there came a debate which started out, at least for the first sentence, to be about the virtues or evils of America's war in Iraq. Finding that it is hard to argue with success, liberal columnist and "journalist," Eleanor Clift, decided to do what most people on the left who hate America do, she changed the subject and made things up.
Eleanor quickly dismissed any notion that the war will free the Iraqi people from a ruthless dictator. And true to the liberals' contempt for ordinary people everywhere, she ignored any possibility that Iraq's population might embrace freedom.
Instead, Clift quickly switched to the topic of post war Iraq and America's position as the arbiter of a Saddam-free Iraq. And according to Eleanor, America has no right to be in charge of Iraq following hostilities. Only the United Nations has that right.
Obviously, for activists of the left, such as Eleanor Clift, anything that puts America in a leadership role (as well as the emerging role of the U.S. as the world's only superpower) is bad .
One can only wonder about the brain processes which someone who claims to love America has to go through to rationalize the need for a necessary diminution of America's standing in the world, the end to America's position as sole superpower, and the notion that America has no legitimacy to determine the peace that follows a war that she wins....
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial; Extended News; Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events; Philosophy; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: america; hatespeak; liberals
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Can't stand the woman. Soon as I see she's a guest on a program, I turn the channel.
posted on
04/07/2003 5:00:12 PM PDT
To: BurkesLaw
I throw my shoe at her then, I turn the channel.
posted on
04/07/2003 5:07:24 PM PDT
To: BurkesLaw
Patriotism does not mean loving your country on condition that it become Utopia. Patriotism means loving your country as is, and thinking there's something worth preserving. Since Eleanor Clift thinks her country in its current incarnation is evil, she may be a nice person (though I wouldn't bet my left stone on it), but a patriot she isn't.
posted on
04/07/2003 5:10:35 PM PDT
To: BurkesLaw
I believe she was debating The Weekly Standard's William Kristol on this very subject. His response to her conveluted logic: "That is pathetic".
Those are my sentiments towards Clift and others like her.
-Regards, T.
posted on
04/07/2003 5:10:42 PM PDT
T Lady
(.Freed From the Dimocratic Shackles since 1992)
To: BurkesLaw
Yeah,, she ruins that McLaughlin Group talk show on NBC.
posted on
04/07/2003 5:11:14 PM PDT
To: BurkesLaw
Does anybody remember Clift asking what would be done in the Balkans once Milosevic was ousted?
Uhm, no.
She hates Bush, and greets any success his administration may have with contempt.
She is as relevant in the US as Saddam is in Iraq.
posted on
04/07/2003 5:18:22 PM PDT
To: BurkesLaw
Both her AND Ellen Ratner!
posted on
04/07/2003 5:19:42 PM PDT
To: BurkesLaw
Eleanor Clift is what is left on your shoe after a walk through an inner-city alley.
posted on
04/07/2003 5:27:36 PM PDT
Enduring Freedom
(To smash the ugly face of Socialism is our mission)
To: jra
She was on Fox either last night or earlier in the week. She looked totally dejected and depressed. It makes me sick to think that her and her ilk would be smiling with glee if things had not gone as well in Iraq. They are not patriots of America, the old Soviet Union or current day Cuba maybe, but not America.
To: BurkesLaw
"I'm deeply saddened."
posted on
04/07/2003 5:33:32 PM PDT
(I'm not always cranky.)
To: BurkesLaw
"One can only wonder about the brain processes which someone who claims to love America has to go through to rationalize the need for a necessary diminution of America's standing in the world, the end to America's position as sole superpower, and the notion that America has no legitimacy to determine the peace that follows a war that she wins...."
. . .it is that equal playing field that Liberals claim to love; except when they, themselves, have to play on it. . .
hypocrit is simply another name for Liberal. . .and in that sense, Eleanor is a genuine Liberal. . .
. . .and I cannot stand her.
posted on
04/07/2003 5:40:31 PM PDT
To: VoteHarryBrowne2000; T Lady; BurkesLaw
I saw her on a Fox program Sat night with Britt or Neil.
The discussion was on how things were going with the war. Eleanor looked exceedingly dour and sour, finding fault with every aspect of the war and obviously taking no joy that things were going well for us, and that our soldiers were acquitting themselves admirably.
Finally the interviewer looked over at her and asked, "Eleanor, is there anything going right?"
I'm angry on the one hand that she can't even be glad for our troops, or express sincere sadness over loss of American lives -- on the other hand, I feel sorry for her.
posted on
04/07/2003 5:42:11 PM PDT
To: T Lady
Liberals are some of the nastiest people I've ever heard. They are pathetic. Clift is one of the worse. They really aren't liberals but communists. Communism is alive and thriving in the democrat party and has been for years!
To: Patriotic Bostonian
Amen brother.
To: BurkesLaw
I usually do the same. Her voice is like a cat and chalk scratching a blackboard simultaneously.
I saw her a week or three ago. She was never much on looks but she's starting to look like that really bad Hillary picture people love to post.
To: BurkesLaw
Yeah, that's a very good question? Why?
To: expatpat
Yeah, she ruins that McLaughlin Group talk show on NBC.I thought it was PBS. Anyway, I think McLaughlin himself has ruined the show. He has shed his guise of balance and more and more exposed his rotten liberal core.
posted on
04/07/2003 5:58:10 PM PDT
To: cyn
It's rather difficult for me to feel any sympathy towards people (like Clift) who have the means to influence millions of readers/viewers with their venomous spew of anti-America, anti-Bush hatred. If there's any sorrow to be felt here, it's for the fact that many of those same masses don't know all the facts. They are consitently fed lies and comparisions to Viet Nam on a daily basis, with no apologies (from the Left) in sight for their views.
-Regards, T.
posted on
04/07/2003 6:03:34 PM PDT
T Lady
(.Freed From the Dimocratic Shackles since 1992)
To: Nagual
I throw my shoe at her then, I turn the channel I'm running out of spare TV's
posted on
04/07/2003 6:04:06 PM PDT
Focault's Pendulum
(I just got a new job....I supervise putting the Braille on drive thru MAC machines)
To: BurkesLaw
I remember back in 1992 when she tried to slip in the old "Alger Hiss was innocent" lie. She got slapped down and backed off from the statement, but it goes to show that she's off somewhere in Nation or Mother Jones land.
posted on
04/07/2003 6:06:13 PM PDT
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