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Not trying to start a big arguement here. Just trying to get enlightened.
1 posted on 09/22/2002 6:53:05 AM PDT by EggsAckley
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To: EggsAckley
By the way, I'll be computer-deprived for a couple of days, so don't think I'm doing a "hit and run" here. Be back Monday night.
2 posted on 09/22/2002 6:58:55 AM PDT by EggsAckley
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To: EggsAckley
Do you believe medical marijuana should be legalized so that you can ease your chronic lazines..., I mean chronic back pain? If so, you just may be a libertarian....
4 posted on 09/22/2002 7:04:41 AM PDT by freebilly
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To: EggsAckley
"Statesmen, my dear Sir, may plan and speculate for liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand. John Adams

"The only foundation of a free Constitution is pure Virtue, and if this cannot be inspired into our People in a greater Measure, than they have it now, they may change their Rulers and the forms of Government, but they will not obtain a lasting liberty." John Adams

"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." John Adams

"Religion and virtue are the only foundations, not only of all free government, but of social felicity under all governments and in all the combinations of human society." John Adams

"The highest glory of the American Revolution was this; it connected in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity. John Quincy Adams

"From the day of the Declaration...they (the American people) were bound by the laws of God, which they all, and by the laws of The Gospel, which they nearly all, acknowledge as the rules of their conduct." John Quincy Adams

"Man, considered as a creature, must necessarily be subject to the laws of his Creator, for he is entirely a dependent being....And, consequently, as man depends absolutely upon his Maker for everything, it is necessary that he should in all points conform to his Maker's will...this will of his Maker is called the law of nature. These laws laid down by God are the eternal immutable laws of good and evil...This law of nature dictated by God himself, is of course superior in obligation to any other. It is binding over all the globe, in all countries, and at all times: no human laws are of any validity if contrary to this... Sir William Blackstone

"Blasphemy against the Almighty is denying his being or providence, or uttering contumelious reproaches on our Savior Christ. It is punished, at common law by fine and imprisonment, for Christianity is part of the laws of the land. Sir William Blackstone

"The preservation of Christianity as a national religion is abstracted from its own intrinsic truth, of the utmost consequence to the civil state, which a single instance will sufficiently demonstrate. Sir William Blackstone

"I have carefully examined the evidences of the Christian religion, and if I was sitting as a juror upon its authenticity I would unhesitatingly give my verdict in its favor. I can prove its truth as clearly as any proposition ever submitted to the mind of man. Alexander Hamilton

"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here." Patrick Henry

"The Bible is worth all other books which have ever been printed." Patrick Henry

"Bad men cannot make good citizens. A vitiated state of morals, a corrupted public conscience are incompatible with freedom." Patrick Henry

"It is when people forget God that tyrants forge their chains." Patrick Henry

"Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers. John Jay

"Religion is the only solid basis of good morals; therefore education should teach the precepts of religion, and the duties of man toward God." Gouverneur Morris

"If thou wouldst rule well, thou must rule for God, and to do that, thou must be ruled by him....Those who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants." William Penn

"By removing the Bible from schools we would be wasting so much time and money in punishing criminals and so little pains to prevent crime. Take the Bible out of our schools and there would be an explosion in crime." Benjamin Rush

As we can see here, our founders did not endorse or embrace libertarianism in the least. Our Founders understood that laws must reflect Almighty God's Moral Precepts.

Libertarianism is a religion of self indulgence and hedonism. It teaches that the person can decide for himself what is right and wrong, and has to answer to no one.

It is humanistic to the core.

Libertarians believe abortion, homosexuality, fornication, adultery, sexual perversions, prostitution, drug use, gambling ect... are all things that should be practiced and enjoyed.

They hate and despise authority, and they blame government and laws for their problems.


Our Founders understood this principle. They had laws that protected the moral fabric of our nation, because they understood that a good nation must have morality. They took it for granted that the people were moral, that is why the constitution worked.

The hippies of the 1960's were not moral, their immoral/ammoral lifestyle is incompatable with the constitution.

If our founders had only known what we have become, they would have drafted a much different constitution.

Way back in 1815, The Pennsylvania Supreme Court decided an important case, here are excerpts from that case: It reflects the case law of the day, and the attitude on which our nation was founded.)

This court is...invested with power to punish not only open violations of decency and morality, but also whatever secretly tends to undermine the principles of society... Whatever tends to the destruction of morality, in general, may be punishable criminally. Crimes are public offenses, not because they are perpetrated publically, but because their effect is to injure the public. Buglary, though done in secret, is a public offense; and secretly destroying fences is indictable.

Hence it follows, that an offense may be punishable, if in it's nature and by it's example, it tends to the corruption or morals; although it not be committed in public.

Although every immoral act, such as lying, ect... is not indictable, yet where the offense charged is destructive of morality in is punishable at common law. The destruction of morality renders the power of government invalid...

No man is permitted to corrupt the morals of the people, secret poision cannot be thus desseminated.


"It is when people forget God that tyrants forge their chains."

5 posted on 09/22/2002 7:07:09 AM PDT by FF578
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To: EggsAckley
I'm going to comment, when I get a minute.

But it (libertarianism) starts with individual freedom and personal liberty, ensured by equality before the law, guaranteed by a Constitution that protects us and our "unalienable rights" from the government.

IMHO, this is what our founders wanted for us.
7 posted on 09/22/2002 7:12:41 AM PDT by Sam Cree
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To: EggsAckley
I consider myself a (l)ibertarian. I will not support the National (L)ibertarian party, in that I still want conservative office holders, and the LP cannot deliver the candidates that can win. Also I would support the abolition of the "War on Drugs" but only after legislation were passed absolving me of any finanical abligations to support those who destroyed their lives through drugs.

I think the best description of (l)ibertarians might be the "Republican Liberty Caucus" position statement.

As follows;


As adopted by the General Membership of the Republican Liberty Caucus at its Biannual Meeting held December 8, 2000.

WHEREAS libertarian Republicans believe in limited government, individual freedom and personal responsibility;

WHEREAS we believe that government has no money nor power not derived from the consent of the people;

WHEREAS we believe that people have the right to keep the fruits of their labor; and

WHEREAS we believe in upholding the U. S. Constitution as the supreme law of the land;

BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Liberty Caucus endorses the following principles:


1.1 The power of the federal government should be limited, as per the tenth amendment to the U. S. Constitution.


2.1 The U. S. Department of Education should be abolished, leaving education decision making at the state, local or personal level.
2.2 Parents have the right to spend their money on the school or method of schooling they deem appropriate for their children.


3.1 Free market health care alternatives, such as medical savings accounts, should be available to everyone, including senior citizens.
3.2 The federal entitlement to Medicare should be abolished, leaving health care decision making regarding the elderly at the state, local, or personal level.


4.1 The tax system of the United States should be overhauled.
4.2 There should be a national debate discussing various alternative means of taxation including but not limited to a single flat income tax, repealing the income tax and replacing it with a national sales tax, and reducing spending to the point where the income tax can be repealed without the need to replace it with a national sales tax or any other form of taxation.
4.3 The capital gains tax should be *eliminated*.
4.4 The inheritance tax should be *eliminated*.
4.5 The new tax system should be implemented *promptly*.


5.1 The U. S. Department of Health and Human Services should be abolished, leaving decision making on welfare and related matters at the state, local or personal level. All Americans have the right to keep the fruits of their labor to support themselves, their families and whatever charities they so choose, without interference from the federal government.
5.2 All able-bodied Americans have the responsibility to support themselves and their families.


6.1 Every American has the right to keep and bear arms. We affirm our support for the second amendment of the U. S. Constitution.
6.2 All people, regardless of position in the public or private sector, should be held equally accountable under the law.
6.3 The *only* litmus test for Supreme Court or other judges should be their determination to accurately interpret, not amend, the Constitution. Judges have *no* authority to make new law.


7.1 Election campaigns should not be subsidized by tax payers.
7.2 No individual should be compelled to support a political candidate he or she does not support. Government should not empower trade unions to collect funds from their members for use as political contributions without their members' expressed consent.
7.3 All limits on campaign contributions should be eliminated.
7.4 There should be full and timely public disclosure of all the sources and amounts of all campaign contributions upon their receipt.


8.1 There should be an amendment to the U. S. Constitution to require a balanced budget, provided it includes a supermajority requirement to raise taxes and provided it does not empower the judiciary to unilaterally raise taxes.
8.2 Honest accounting dictates that all federal expenditures should be on budget.
8.3 Each budget should be derived based upon the justification for and needs of each program, with no program being either budgeted for or increased automatically.


9.1 The U. S. Department of Commerce should be abolished, per the tenth amendment of the U. S. Constitution.
9.2 The National Endowment for the Arts should be abolished, per the tenth amendment of the U. S. Constitution.
9.3 The National Endowment for the Humanities should be abolished, per the tenth amendment of the U. S. Constitution.
9.4 The U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development should be abolished, per the tenth amendment of the U. S. Constitution.
9.5 Subsidies to agricultural and other businesses should be eliminated.
9.6 Corporate taxes should be eliminated simultaneously and proportionally with the elimination of subsidies to businesses.
9.7 Recommendations by the Grace Commission and the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (CCAGW) should be reviewed and implemented, where possible, beginning immediately.
9.8 Privatization of government assets, management and services should be implemented for cost-effectiveness wherever applicable.
10.0 TRADE

10.1 The U. S. government should inhibit neither the exportation of U. S. goods and services worldwide, nor the importation of goods and services.
10.2 The United States should not be answerable to any governing body outside the United States for its trade policy.

11.1 U. S. military should be deployed only where there is a clear threat to vital U. S. interests and only with the consent of the U. S. Congress.
11.2 It is the duty of the federal government to provide a system to defend against missile attacks.
11.3 No branch of the military should be put in harm's way without a clear entrance and exit strategy and a goal, which when achieved, constitutes victory.
11.4 U. S military personnel should always be under U. S. command.
11.5 U. S. armed forces should be all-volunteer.
11.6 Military draft registration should be eliminated.
11.7 Foreign aid is often more harmful than helpful and should be curtailed.


12.1 The government should not take private property without just compensation.
12.2 All unconstitutional regulation of private property should be repealed.

13.0 DRUGS

13.1 While recognizing the harm that drug abuse causes society, we also recognize that government drug policy has been ineffective and has led to frightening abuses of the Bill of Rights which could affect the personal freedom of any American. We, therefore, support alternatives to the War on Drugs.
13.2 Per the tenth amendment to the U. S. Constitution, matters such as drugs should be handled at the state or personal level.
13.3 All laws which give license to violate the Bill of Rights should be repealed.

Entered into the record December 8, 2000

10 posted on 09/22/2002 7:16:17 AM PDT by M.K. Borders
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To: EggsAckley
If you believe that individuals are their own sole sovereigns then you'd see government not as a ruler of sovereigns, but as a service agency working for sovereigns. Individuals then "hire" government to provide police, courts, regional (national) defense.

There are two types of "laws" then. Laws of prohibition (do not aggress, do not assault, do not rape, do not steal) and laws of procedure for the operation of the service (elections every four years, salaries, requirements for office, etc.)

The first type of laws are strictly constrained by the principle of individual sovereignty. They can only righly prevent infringements on indivdiual sovereignty -- an assault or rape or robbery are assaults on that individual's sovereign control over his or her own person and property.

You can see how the service agency of the government can enhance individual sovereignty by coming to the aid of individuals under assault.

Where government goes wrong when it becomes anti-Libertarian is when it starts imposing its view of other life choices -- it becomes the sovereign and individuals lose their sovereignty and must instead obey the dictates of the government (whether tyrannical or majoritarian.)

Laws against alcohol, for example, are proper if they prohibit driving while drunk (which risks the lives of other sovereigns) but improper if they seek to ban either alcohol or drunkeness in all cases (being drunk at home, for instance.)

Obviously you can apply this sovereignty test to other drugs and other behaviors.

We each have our sovereign space -- we don't owe anybody our health or productivity, and likewise neither may we infringe their health or productivity -- nor intervene on decisions they make about their own.

12 posted on 09/22/2002 7:18:13 AM PDT by jlogajan
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To: EggsAckley
If you think The current President is a commie-pinko socialist imperialist new world order conspiracy member, selling out america to a globalist agenda, and peeing on the Cnstitution, you might be a libertarian (or a democrat, or Pat Buchanan or...)

13 posted on 09/22/2002 7:19:06 AM PDT by Chad Fairbanks
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To: EggsAckley
The consternation they produce would be pretty much the same consternation if it were Democratic ideologues, Greens Party hacks, or Spartacist League Trotskyites who were squatting here on FR, because they all proselytise the same moral-liberalism. "Ah, gee. We can't be judgmental about anything. You go do your own thang and it's all nobody's business. People should have no right to determine what kind of a society they are to live in."
27 posted on 09/22/2002 7:33:32 AM PDT by Cultural Jihad
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To: EggsAckley
Well, around here, they're the helpful people who work down at the library.
29 posted on 09/22/2002 7:36:46 AM PDT by Illbay
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To: EggsAckley
Q: What do you call a socialist with three children?
A: A conservative....

Q: What do you call a Communist whose wealthy uncle just left him $5 million?
A: A Republican....

Q: What do you call a pot-smoking liberal who's just been audited?
A: A Libertarian....

30 posted on 09/22/2002 7:37:16 AM PDT by freebilly
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To: EggsAckley
Conservatism without libertarianism is fascism. Libertarianism without conservatism is anarchy.

Every American should be jealous of their liberties, liberty should once again be the "civic religion". We are in the shape we are in because we have lost that fervent desire to protect liberty and instead seek security. We should always seek to keep our government in chains as the founders implored us to do. We should not let our "law and order" gene overpower our liberty gene.

At the same time there can be NO liberty in the midst of anarchy. Hard core libertarians want free travel without border restrictions. Liberty cannot exist when there is no border between the lovers of liberty and a world that doesn't know what that is. Hard core libertarians want no drug laws, ignoring that drugs do have a dilatory effect on society and that a nation of crank injectors cannot concentrate on or defend liberty very well. Hard core libertarians certainly do not want the United States to be de-Saddamizing the world, however liberty cannot exist when you are lying in bed with the smallpox or trying to cough the anthrax toxins out of your lungs. Part of having liberty is having a stable society where liberty can flourish. Libertarians seem to ignore this aspect sometimes.

On the other side my favorite Supreme Court Justice Scalia let his law and order gene tell him that its okay to seize people's property without proving anything because it serves a social goal of the war on drugs. Its okay to seize the wifes car because her husband did wrong. Even a great mind and great man like Scalia can find a "penumbra" or "permutation" or two in the Constitution to achieve a social goal. Without the overarching principle of individual liberty, conservatives can hand over power to the state for social goals just as readily as liberals do.

This fight between libertarianism and conservatism is a false one. Its like asking "Which makes the best bread, flour or eggs?" Conservatives have not tossed aside liberty like the liberals have done. Thats why our libertarian friends flock here and not DU. We ought to welcome them and save the differences between us until the real problem philosophy is in third place. Libertarians have a lot to learn from conservatives and conservatives could stand to step back and think of individual liberty before defending a position.
32 posted on 09/22/2002 7:37:59 AM PDT by Arkinsaw
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To: EggsAckley
The only problem with all Consitutional arguments is that our founding document no longer exists within the judicial system. It was replaced by the Uniform Commercial Code, beginning in 1938 and completed in the early 1960s. The Supreme Court only hears arguments on "Public Policy", which is separate from "Public Law". Our beliefs that rest on the Constitution are not allowed in ANY court of law - even when you quote from chapter and verse. Sorry. And no, I'm not dipped in foil - it's the truth. See my post here:
33 posted on 09/22/2002 7:38:39 AM PDT by 11B3
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To: EggsAckley
Libertarians are really fallen-away socialist Democrats. I don't care if they call themselves 'Big-L' or 'Lil-L'.

Lefties that for some reason decided the DNC no longer was their piece of cake...have been attracted to the party that says, in effect, "Leave me alone, I'll leave you alone". Which of course sounds great in debating circles, but is clearly ridiculous in a large society that must be governed in some form or fashion.

The poster child for libertarians is...Ramsey Clark. A man whose civil libertarian views would put this world into a war faster than you could say S-A-D-D-A-M. Evil exists in the world, even though libertarians deny that it does.

Warm milk. Thats the best anaology I can draw when thinking of libertarians and their senseless ideology.

All the proof one needs when trying to decide whether or not libertarians are freaks in the political the Impeachment/Removal vote of William Jefferson Clinton. When the US Constitution was flagrantly being violated by his administration...only the GOP came to the defense of that document. Did these Libs who claim to honor our Constitution come to its rescue? No they did not.

The Libertarian Party and all of its members remained in the background and did nothing to protect our Constitution and Bill of Rights from a man who violated nearly every aspect of that Constitution. They remained as silent as termites in the wall, planning more destruction.

When they now claim that they want their 'rights protected', I ask them - from whom? Yourselves?

37 posted on 09/22/2002 7:46:43 AM PDT by AntiDemocrat
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To: EggsAckley
I'm betting you will like this candidate, perfectly fits what I want, and most other liberty loving Individuals!

49 posted on 09/22/2002 8:11:03 AM PDT by morque2001
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To: EggsAckley
Libertarian = Libertine
53 posted on 09/22/2002 8:40:32 AM PDT by hosepipe
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To: EggsAckley
I, too, have noticed and pondered the philosophical split here on FR. First of all, I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, because I agree that everyone can benefit from sincere debate.

I think some conservatives see the government's role as affirmatively making this country good through bringing its coercive power to bear in support of their sincerely-held and/or religiously-inspired ideas of right and wrong. The problem is, then, not government's power or role itself, but the ends to which it labors. If we could just elect good, moral officials, pass the right laws, things would be fine.

Other conservatives think the whole point is about government itself. Government is always held in mistrust and should be limited to the maximum extent consistent with protecting each of us from being bashed in the head by someone else. Criminal laws should be limited to offenses which threaten direct harm to someone else, for example.

The former often express more traditional ideas about right and wrong, and are cheered to see the government enforce those ideas, which occasionally justifies the latter calling them dangerous zealots. The latter often seem to owe less to traditional morality, which occasionally justifies the former calling them dope-smoking libertines.

The former's views are often passionately expressed as righteous indignation at whatever the "outrage of the week" (or day) is, with a focus on "what the government should DO." The latter see this kind of results-oriented government interventionism as dangerous, and seem willing to tolerate "bad results" in individual cases in order to make sure the government doesn't interfere with their lives.

Revealed religion seems to play a bigger part in the lives of many of the former, while the latter don't couch their arguments in religious terms and would probably think their religious beliefs, if any, are irrelevent to the discussion. I don't need to cite the name-calling that can arise from this difference since we've all seen it here before.

An extreme result of the the first sort of conservative would be the theocracy, or, more secularly, the facist state where loudspeakers and posters constantly exhort the masses to state-determined virtue. An extreme form of the second sort of conservative would be an absence of functioning government altogether and the toleration of any outrage. In both individual freedom would eventually disappear, either at the hands of the government or at the hands of one's liberated neighbor.

The former are more likely to quote scripture. The latter are more likely to smoke dope. Personally, I don't think either is likely to prove disastrous for a society if indulged in in moderation.

In this tension between the two philosophies can be found the kind of society where most of us here would want to live, I think.
56 posted on 09/22/2002 8:53:22 AM PDT by SalukiLawyer
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To: EggsAckley
"A libertarian is a person who believes that no one has the right, under any circumstances, to initiate force against another human being, or to advocate or delegate its initiation. Those who act consistently with this principle are libertarians, whether they realize it or not. Those who fail to act consistently with it are not libertarians, regardless of what they may claim."
58 posted on 09/22/2002 9:07:27 AM PDT by DoSomethingAboutIt
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To: EggsAckley
One article that may be of interest to you is Liberty: A Unified Field Theory. I found it interesting.
61 posted on 09/22/2002 9:26:19 AM PDT by serinde
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To: EggsAckley
A Libertarian is a person who puts the Right To Get High above all other endeavors, including taxation issues, abortion, 2nd Amendment rights, and border control. They will regularly try to sabotage elections of Republiucans who support 90% of their platform except drugs (or perhaps that IS 90% of their platform). It is kind of like the labor union who drives their factory to Mexico, where they then pat themselves on their unemployed back and say "We sure showed them".
62 posted on 09/22/2002 9:29:09 AM PDT by Hacksaw
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To: EggsAckley
Arriving late, but here's my answer to your question: A "Libertarian" (or libertarian) is someone who supports the Bill of Rights completely without exception. There might be a few slightly different interpretations of each of the first 10 amendments, but, overall, a Libertarian (or libertarian) is concerned about the rights of the individual over the gov't.

Yes, I used to think they were crazy, too, especially with the decriminalization of drugs and gun rights. But, the LP is the only party that fully supports the basic principles of freedom. (While I don't agree with every LP candidate about everything, I never fully agreed with every GOP candidate, and you probably don't, either).

I won't even take most over-the-counter medications, so obviously I think it's stupid to smoke pot, etc. But, the gov't is spending our hardearned tax dollars trying to save people from themselves. And, remember, the "War on Drugs" is really a "War on SOME Drugs". The gov't gets to act like a nanny picking and choosing what's good for us. Then, they turn around and force parents to drug their own children on OTHER dangerous drugs (like Ritalin, etc.).
91 posted on 10/02/2002 6:24:13 AM PDT by Tired of Taxes
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