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Karl Rove: Stayaway Christians Almost Cost Bush Election
Charisma News ^
| 12/13/01
Posted on 12/13/2001 7:50:35 AM PST by 11th Earl of Mar
Many Christians believe that prayer played a major role in sending George W. Bush to the White House, but stayaway believers came close to losing him the election, according to his chief political adviser, Karl Rove.
Rove said that one reason the 2000 election was so tight was that as many as 4 million Christian conservatives did not go to the polls, reported "The Chicago Tribune." Although the Bush campaign had expected 19 million evangelical voters to vote for their man, election returns revealed only 15 million turned out to cast ballots.
Speaking yesterday at an American Enterprise Institute seminar, Rove said the Bush campaign "probably failed to marshal support of the base as well as we should have," said the "Tribune." Rove added: "But we may also be returning to the point in America where fundamentalists and evangelicals remain true to their beliefs and think politics is corrupt and, therefore, they shouldn't participate."
Rove said that if the "process of withdrawal" went on it would be bad for the country as well as conservatives and Republicans. "It's something we have to spend a lot of time and energy on."
TOPICS: Breaking News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 2000; christianvote; karlrove; napalminthemorning; rove; wot
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To: theoldright
How G-dly of you to judge another's belief I am always amused by those sophists and pharisees who comment on anothers relationship with G-d...Glad to see that you have defined yourself so well for the rest of us
posted on
12/13/2001 8:57:26 AM PST
To: LarryLied
theoldright member since December 4th, 2001
To: Bommer
Guess you would have been more happier with Gore in the White House, eh dumbass? That quote should be reiterated over and over again. These are serious times and I don't have time for people who are not serious. These people that sat home on their duffs are not serious. How can you call Bush a liberal the very day the administration announces its dropping the ABM Treaty? Ridiculous.
Cal Thomas had an article this week about Pat Robertson resigning from the Christian Coalition and how the CC is now politically dead. I agree. If you can't motivate 4 million people to vote for a decent man with outstanding leadership qualities, then you are politically insignificant.
On the flipside, the last minute DUI story worked and no doubt played a part in the undecideds going 2-1 for Algore in the final week of the election.
To: agave
theoldright member since December 4th, 2001
To: 11th Earl of Mar
AS a Christian I agree with Karl Rove. The majority of the church in America has sat on its hands just warming the pews on Sunday morning for the last 30 years listening to feel good sermons while the secular/humanists legalized abortion, pushed gay rights,and every other liberal issue you can think of. George W. Bush is a Christian, his faith is real. I know that from people that are very close to him. But he is being pulled in many different directions right now to keep from upsetting the muslim world. We need to pray for him to get focused on his savior again and Christianity and stop talking about Islam. This is the prayer the country should be praying 2nd Chronicles 7:14 "If my people, who are called by my name,will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. In Jesus Name, Amen
To: lormand
Thanks for proving that the Republicans in Washington have no spine or leadership qualities. Vote on it up or down and see where the chips fall. Well, my point is that from GW Bush's perspective asking for the bill was a losing proposition, and would have cost him political capital. I freely admit Trent Lott and the Senate GOP is spineless, and would be surprised if many here disputed that. This thread, however, is about President Bush.
To: proud patriot
Christians need to force our leaders to enact policies that are pleasing to Him. Smells like a good ol' fashioned theocracy. Those have worked so well in the past....say, wasn't Ashcanistan one until recently?
To: afuturegovernor
It didn't take long for the everybody is a RINO crowd to start posting. (Funny, it's the same day Bush withdraws from ABM.) Yes, what a great day for the future of America. Do any of GWB's critics think that stupid Gore or Crooked Clinton ever, ever would have taken this step to protect America? After the last eight years of the greatest corruption of our government in the history of this country, we came within a hair's breadth of losing America.
And Rove makes the point that it was our Christian brothers who made it possible for Gore to come that close. Mayber 9-11 woke up some, but from the comments above, clearly not all.
To: Alberta's Child
That is precisely why pro-lifers tend to be so cynical about it. Republicans in Congress were all in favor of a late-term abortion ban when they knew Clinton would veto it, but their "courage" disappeared once the party was in a position to ensure that anything they passed would be signed into law. EXACTLY RIGHT.
To: Scott from the Left Coast
You've easily made the most sense of anyone on this thread. Good work, cuz you're dead on right.
posted on
12/13/2001 9:01:15 AM PST
To: rdb3
We stay home because the candidate doesn't go all the way in our beliefs, often on just one single issue. Meanwhile, others who could not have a decent conversation about the issues are dragged to the polls to vote. So, while those on our side sit on the sidelines as a matter of "principle," the other side gets elected and shoves everything we hate down our throats in droves and droves. Yes, you have that right. Devoid of practical logic, but correct.
To: NittanyLion
"Well, my point is that from GW Bush's perspective asking for the bill was a losing proposition, and would have cost him political capital." How would this cost him political capital?
The story is about how they are trying to get Christians to vote the next election. Is not attempting to ban partial birth abortion going to persuade Christian into voting again?
posted on
12/13/2001 9:02:41 AM PST
To: NittanyLion
To get it through the Senate would have required 60 votes (in order to invoke cloture and kill the DemocRAT filibuster). Those votes were NOT there.
posted on
12/13/2001 9:02:44 AM PST
To: KC_Conspirator
Make you wonder why the agenda is so skewed towards pleasing that bunch when they don't seem to care.
To: Dane
Innocent? I don't know. I do know he despises the way we as the United States present ourselves to the rest of the world. I said our government has not offered any proof of Afghanastan's guilt. The Taliban stated, "Supply the proof, and you can have him". Next thing I know, Tony Blair's speaking to the world of proof without any smoke coming from the gun. 2 wks later, bombs away.
George Bush said trust me, and most have. I simply refuse to offer blind trust to our leaders.
If Laden would have hit the air waves with, "I claim responsibility for 9-11, I would have supported, "how ya like our nukes?".
That still isn't what my problem with Bush is. You ready to give a portion of you income to Islamic churches?
posted on
12/13/2001 9:03:31 AM PST
To: 11th Earl of Mar
Christians need to vote in every election. EVERY ELECTION!
If you don't vote, you can't whine that you have a Cliton type elected.
To: RooRoobird14
I'm with RooRoobird. I was proud to vote for Bush and will be proud to do so again.
To: KC_Conspirator; Bommer
Cal Thomas had an article this week about Pat Robertson resigning from the Christian Coalition and how the CC is now politically dead. I agree. If you can't motivate 4 million people to vote for a decent man with outstanding leadership qualities, then you are politically insignificant. Pat Robertson?
posted on
12/13/2001 9:05:03 AM PST
To: theoldright
Bush is a LIBERAL and you folks are suckers if you don't believe it.I take this to mean you know of a better candidate out there for 2004 who won't simply pull votes away from someone who actually has a chance of winning. Attitudes like yours almost put Gore in the White House. I'm a conservative Christian but the kind of man you're looking to get in the White House, unfortunately wouldn't make it to a primary, much less through one.....
To: lormand
If partial-birth abortion were the ONLY issue facing America in this Year of our Lord Two Thousand and One, then you might have a point.
However, it isn't--and it never was, either.
Most Americans would NOT appreciate the inevitable filibuster that would have hit, and they would have blamed Bush and the GOP for provoking it.
posted on
12/13/2001 9:05:22 AM PST
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