Posted on 01/24/2025 9:21:18 PM PST by Morgana
President Donald Trump added to his excellent pro-life record today by reversing Joe Biden’s policy forcing Americans to fund International Planned Parenthood.
While on Air Force One today, President Trump signed crucial pro-life executive orders which pro-life advocates have strongly prioritized and advocated for.
During his first week in office last term, Trump signed the Mexico City policy in one of his first acts as president. The pro-life policy prohibits American tax dollars to groups that promote or provide abortions overseas. The move defunded two major abortion chains of hundreds of millions of American tax dollars. The International Planned Parenthood Federation alone estimated a $100 million loss from its budget.
The Mexico City policy, which began with President Ronald Reagan, historically has been supported by pro-life presidents and rescinded by pro-abortion presidents. Trump went further though. He not only reinstated the policy but also expanded it by increasing the number of global health assistance funds and government programs that are covered under the policy.
Today, Trump revoked Biden’s executive order canceling the Mexico City Policy:
I hereby revoke the Presidential Memorandum of January 28, 2021, for the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, and the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (Protecting Women’s Health at Home and Abroad), and reinstate the Presidential Memorandum of January 23, 2017, for the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, and the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (The Mexico City Policy).
I direct the Secretary of State, in coordination with the Secretary of Health and Human Services, to the extent allowable by law, to implement a plan to extend the requirements of the reinstated Memorandum to global health assistance furnished by all departments or agencies.
I further direct the Secretary of State to take all necessary actions, to the extent permitted by law, to ensure that U.S. taxpayer dollars do not fund organizations or programs that support or participate in the management of a program of coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization.
This memorandum is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
The Secretary of State is authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the Federal Register.
Here is more on the policy:
The Mexico City Policy is a policy that prohibits U.S. government global health funding from being used to fund foreign nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that perform or promote abortion. The policy also blocks foreign organizations that receive global health grants from providing any type of financial assistance to other foreign NGOs that perform or promote abortion.
In 2017, the Trump administration renamed the Mexico City Policy the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance Policy (PLGHA).
Currently, the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance Policy only applies to certain kinds of U.S. government awards—the policy currently only applies grants and cooperative agreements. The new proposed rule issued by the Trump administration last week, however, would extend the policy to contracts as well.
The policy requires foreign contractors that sign onto U.S. government global health contracts to certify that they will not perform or promote abortion or provide financial assistance to any foreign pro-abortion organization for the duration of their award. Foreign contractors would be banned from conducting any activities directly aimed at encouraging women to seek abortion and they would be prohibited from lobbying activities in support of the legalization of abortion.
The Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance Policy in included as a clause in their contract agreement and contractors would be required to pass down the policy to any subcontractors.
Not tired yet. BTT
Not even close to being tired.
Hey, thats a very big WIN!
I never thought I would see the day!
Of course, if a Dem president gets in after 2028, they will flip the switch and flood PP with oodles of more taxpayer cash.
Let tomorrow worry about tomorrow. Let’s celebrate the lives saved in the meantime!
Let PP pay for their own wet work.
I was just about to *PING* you to your own thread...
Great News!
He is waking up people lost in a stupor, and it is wonderful to witness. Yes, let’s actually call out abortion for what it is, and stop the hysterical (literally) cries of “My body, my choice!” nonsense. (This coming from a guy who was once avidly pro-abortion. Until his girlfriend was ‘late’, and preemptively assured him not to worry, as she would just get an abortion. That was a transformative moment, as God whacked me on the side of the head, and to our mutual surprise, I quite firmly advised her in no uncertain terms that ‘You will NOT!’
Ok now I can say it:
Best First Week Ever
At least in my lifetime.
Planned Parenthood = Feminist Slush Fund.
Time to defund the public part of slush fund and let the foundations and trusts “pick up the slack.”
I ain’t no wise tarred!
I come too fur!
To build on one of your initial points, murdering another person has never been considered a personal freedom.
“if a Dem president gets in after 2028,”
Not gonna happen.
“… if a Dem president gets in after 2028…”
This is not Trump as the next Republican president making announcements and changes that can be turned around after the next cheat
Btw AOC is their front runner
No. This is Trump after having watched the bushes then Romney lose to democrats he knew, and knew were horrible, went in to change this destruction
This started at least 10 years ago with the escalator announcement his second term was spent watching every move by all. Keeping his close staff. Planning, doing rallies talking to us every six weeks.
He got to know the enemy in his first term by hiring them and keeping them close
This is not that
The AP will tell you along with the CNN lawyers that he’ll have a hard time getting things passed. Nope. He won’t
People will never allow another Dem in again.
He is four days in. Not two years
After he is done with this first part we’ll know the Dems. Well know they cheated. Well know who assassinated our 3 leaders
We will wise up
The Dems, the news media, Hollywood, our overseas enemies and his turncoat staff, what’s left of them, the Republican Congress- worst of all-all together wont hold a candle to him
What just happened with Hegseth getting voted in tells us that he’s got tge senate. McConnell has no power over him any more
Amen! Answered prayers!
Praise the Lord!
But do you have your bottle of hot sauce?
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