Posted on 01/18/2025 3:45:46 AM PST by Adder
A poll conducted by RMG Research reveals a startling number of federal government managers who say they will actively oppose the incoming administration when Donald Trump is inaugurated on January 20.
The Daily Signal reports that RMG Research polled three separate segments of the population including what it calls the “Elite 1%” with postgraduate degrees, earning more than $150,000 annually and live in highly populated areas, “Main Street Americans” who represent roughly 75% of the U.S. population and, finally, federal managers who live near the nation’s Capital city and earn $75,000 or more annually.
When asked if they would most likely be supporting or resisting the Trump administration over the next four years, government managers were almost evenly sp
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Time to thin the bureaucratic herd.
Insubordination makes it easier to fire them.
....same here....but the federal work [sic] force is heavily unionized, I believe, so firing some one is probably a long drawn out process.....
They will uselWyer tactics.
The state and fedgov is where all the law school chum lands.
Transfer difficult duty stations in areas that don’t like them.
We have JFK and his EO 10988 and Nixon’s 11491 to thank for a lot of this...
A celebratory bankrounder for anyone interested...
Alternate Headline:
Nearly Half of Federal Workers Are Dead Weight and Need to be Let Go.....
When I was a Civilian supervisor, after retiring from active duty, I managed to fire 2 such wastes of taxpayer dollars.
Looks like the federal employee welfare program might be streamlined.
Send them to Woodville, MS. Require 5 days per week in the office.
Gone in 30 days.
You could see this issue front and center on election night.
For the most part this country is around a 51/48 every election cycle.
In DC it was something like 92/8 dem/rep.
The city doesn’t represent the country and it needs to have the departments broken up and moved throughout the country.
“Transfer difficult duty stations in areas that don’t like them.”
Or... like every energy corporation I’ve ever worked for... just reorganize by downsizing (laying off)... which usually always occurred whenever a Democrat slimed into the WH. Half of those gov jobs are redundant and unnecessary anyway.
Having briefly worked around them (3.5 years)...I’ll just say when they are let-go...they don’t have talents/skills to find a job with equal pay. They will all be taking a 30-to-40 percent pay-cut. They aren’t prepared for the chaos following in 2025.
You couldn’t have said it better.
Transfers to new Blue cities at least 1000 miles away for the ordinary ash holes. But for the leaders, transfers to a Blue city 80 miles away. THAT will make moving an even more agonizing issue. Do we take kids out of school? Do we suck it up and drive 160 milers a day - does dad or mom stay in the new Blue city and effectively start a new life without family? Do they get new doctors? Just a few problems that jump to the top but I’m sure there would be a few more.
A lot of these slugs are going to find out that employers aren’t too enthusiastic to bring on any more DEI employees, and that skin color or gender aren’t resume enhancements anymore.
Get rid of anyone who won’t do their job.
They’re getting paid to do a job, not foment dissent against their boss.
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