Posted on 01/12/2025 6:56:51 PM PST by Rummyfan
Oy veh — it’s gonna get mashugana out there.
In the waning days of the Biden administration (which also coincides with the waning days of Joe Biden), a few uncomfortable truths have emerged. First, Biden is destined to be remembered as one of the least consequential presidents in American history. His tenure was a speed bump -- a thin slice of bologna that’s sandwiched between the two Trump terms.
For a guy like Biden, who so clearly covets adulation, recognition, and public praise, that’s gotta sting.
Two, it’s now apparent that Biden’s presidency coincided with a national realignment. The public has changed. Before, liberals could blast the MAGA movement for being lily-white and homogeneous, because the facts did paint such a scenario. In order to win, the Democrats needed to attract entire blocks of minorities and retain a handful of white liberals; the Republicans needed to run the table with the whites, and not do too badly with minorities. That was each party’s recipe for success.
But not anymore.
The 2024 election saw a vast influx of minorities to MAGA, especially black males and Latinos. Furthermore, the most enthusiastic pro-Trump racial block wasn’t even white people — it was Native Americas. A mere 57% of whites voted for Trump, but 65% of Native Americans pulled the lever for MAGA.
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You’d think Native Americans would be against uncontrolled illegal immigration. Apparently only around half of them are.
Wonderful news! They'll be great team mates.
I agree with this. The Dems will go further Left because the activists scream the loudest. And all the masks will come off. The ones who are not quite lunatics may end up leaving the party for the GOP or, perhaps, declaring themselves independent. At some point, even the most liberal Jews may smell the coffee and flee the asylum. They may end up going the way of the Whigs, but (for a while) they will be very, very dangerous.
Can't say as I buy into that statement at all. He has been a consequential President, for all of the damage he was wrought upon this nation. For his crimes against humanity. For his destruction of a generation of America's youth. For his basic legalization of human trafficking. For his unnecessary proxy war with Russia that has all but ruined the entire population of Ukraine. For his attempt to destroy this nation by allowing all comers to come into this nation as we got to pay for their very existence, while the nation & her citizens experienced decline. The list could go on & on, but I think we will not see him as an inconsequential President at all.
His entire existence has been nothing more than a charade with a parade of endless lies, and that is how he will be remembered by the people who now see him for what he has always been.
It took 20 paragraphs before the “journalist” got to addressing the headline. Absolutely insufferable.
Biden was obama’s third term without any consequences for the kenyan.
Yeah, I believe that is the truth, which is why I include him for treason charges, because he was behind the Biden presidency, as Biden wasn’t mentally fit to serve as the president.
The greatest lesson we can learn from indegenous populations is the folly of insecure borders.
He accomplished a lot. He’s destroyed our borders and the nation’s sovereignty, put us on the precipice of bankruptcy, effectively started two wars broke the backs of middle America with his inflation, drained the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, eliminated the XL Pipeline, froze offshore drilling….
That prick accomplished a lot.
Will American Conservative and Reform Jews ever catch on? The Orthodox caught on a while ago and have been voting Republican. More secular Jews however still reflexively want to lick the boot that kicks them.
The Klantifa Left not only hate Israel. Let’s get real here. They hate Jews. Increasingly, they don’t hide it. You don’t go after Jewish Americans if you’re just protesting Israeli policy.
This has little to do with Biden, the most corrupt, incompetent and self-serving politician, the most FAILED MAN, in our political history.
It has everything to do with the democrat party, as a whole. I have been reading their history and watching them work for 40+years, and KNEW the day would come when everything they are, and everything they have always been, would be exposed. It didn’t stop me from worrying about all the damage they could do before that. I’m not happy about being right.
The general assumption is that both parties, while full of nothing but politicians, was always, basically, pro-American and believed in our Constitution and the rule of law.
This is not true.
The democrat party has NEVER been so. From being Tories, to their feudalistic slave caste system to what they are now, top, down believers in government by those “fit to rule”. They were the perfect communists before Marx poisoned the world.
This country only heals when the American people realize what a threat the democrat party is and votes them into history as a very bad idea.
***the most enthusiastic pro-Trump racial block wasn’t even white people — it was Native Americas.***
I personally doubt this. If you look at isolated “blue” counties in the West you will see they are usually Indian Reservations. Except for Oklahoma! More native Americans than anywhere and it went totally TRUMP! Compare the two largest tribes in the USA. Navajos went Blue. Cherokees in Oklahoma went TRUMP!
Many of them still despise the memory of Andrew Jackson who founded the Democratic Party and Indian Reservation system, forcing the tribes West over the trail of Tears.
Those tribes outside of Oklahoma still line up and vote for their democratic masters to keep the welfare checks flowing.
Illegals have always been a problem.
Ask any Indian.
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