Posted on 01/12/2025 11:12:43 AM PST by E. Pluribus Unum
Canadian doctors, having accepted the country’s assisted-suicide regime, are now considering whether to harvest organs from euthanasia patients before they have died, The Federalist reported Wednesday.
The doctors reason thus: Organs are normally removed from a donor as soon as possible after death to ensure they are in the best possible condition for transplant. If organs were removed from a live person, they would be in even better condition. And if that patient is about to die voluntarily anyway, what’s the harm in killing him by taking his organs?
Stealing Hearts
“The best use of my organs, if I’m going to receive a medically assisted death, might be to not first kill me and then retrieve my organs, but to have my mode of death — as we medically consider death now — to be to retrieve my organs,” said Rob Sibbald, an ethicist at Ontario’s London Health Sciences Centre.
Sibbald made those remarks at a conference in 2018, just two years after Canada’s assisted-suicide law, known as medical assistance in dying (MAiD), was passed. According to The Federalist’s Logan Washburn, the event was sponsored by three organizations who are so intent on increasing organ donations that they were, apparently, willing to entertain the notion of euthanizing a patient by removing his organs.
They aren’t alone. Toronto’s National Post reported in 2019:
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"There is a desperate patient who needs $500,000 heart transplant surgery. Would you care to commit suicide for the unfortunate patient?"
Are these Canadian doctors really Chinese Communist Party doctors ?
There is big money to be made in manufacturing medical uniforms with swastikas on them.
Many doctors have become a Mengele-worshipping cult.
Man, if I’d become an “ethicist” I’d be rich by now. Why restrict this to euthanasia patients? Why not just pluck a liver or two from political opponents? It works in China.
or fail to pay your taxes so you lose an organ but you get to pick which one ,D’oh
“Very Cosmopolitan”
This is why we shouldn’t make Canada the 51st state. You can make this sort of thing illegal but you can’t do anything about the kind of people who think this way.
isn’t this what they’ve got going in chyna?
only “ donor” gets no yuan
Given stories like this, and the institutionalized Antisemitism of the Ivy League universities, the worst we can say about the Nazis at this point is that they were just a century ahead of their time.
Given the influx of chicoms into Canada, this is not unexpected.
Yup—one thing we should have learned from the Nazis is....
Never trust the science.
Funding may be controlled by maniacs.
Also, we can no longer approve your pain relief medication.
Caringly, your Canadian Healthcare System.
Ghouls. Absolute ghouls.
That slope is so slippery.
Nothing to do with "suicide".
The bastards just want to murder you.
There is a book and movie about this issue, using human organ donations to keep other people alive longer.
The Book written by Kazuo Ishiguro about medical break throughs where random people were cloned and the clones were raised in private boarding schools and when they were young adults their organs were harvested to keep other people alive.
That’s usually the next step. The one after that is when “voluntary” suicide becomes “do it because we’re not paying for your healthcare any more.” After that, it becomes “National Healthcare has selected you for assisted euthanasia. The date for your procedure is ...”
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