Posted on 11/22/2024 10:11:44 AM PST by george76
The winning presidential candidate in the 2024 election cycle promised to find a way to a negotiated peace between Russia and Ukraine.
Days later, the current president ignored this mandate and authorized Ukrainian forces to use long-range missiles inside Russian territory. Lo and behold, they did.
To Tucker Carlson.. that’s “the most evil thing I’ve ever seen in my lifetime.”
after the election was over, Biden allowed Ukrainian forces to use the Army Tactical Missile System, or ATACMS, to attack inside Russia
the weapons “could initially target positions in the Kursk region, where Russia has amassed more than 50,000 troops, including some 10,000 soldiers from North Korea, in an effort to recapture the territory. Ukraine’s forces seized the territory earlier this year.”
While this possibility had been briefly floated in May by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, nothing was done on it — and probably for good reason. As the Journal noted in its Nov. 18 piece, “Biden administration officials were loath to greenlight the strikes until now for fear it could cross a red line for Russia and provoke a wider conflict.” Which, at the risk of sounding flippant, duh.
we’re watching the most evil thing I’ve ever seen in my lifetime, which is the lame duck administration leaving the next administration with a world war, with a nuclear conflict, by allowing Ukraine — a proxy state of the United States — to strike within Russia,” Carlson said.
NATO countries have been pressuring Biden to give Ukraine the greenlight to launch these missiles inside Russia for some time — but the administration had held back because, as he noted, it would involve “direct involvement” in not only allowing them to launch the missiles but providing the precise guidance for those weapons.
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It would be pretty hard to beat Clinton bombing a pill factory on the day Monica testified, or bombing Bagdad on the day he was impeached... That was damn scary.
It’s high time we all came to the realization that democrats are truly evil.
They would rather burn down the world than see Conservatives and Christians be successful.
This is what comes from people that don’t believe in God.
“Quick, start a world war while there’s still time!”
He’s right.
I’m waiting for Putin to launch a very small nuke. Cross that line. Hey, America — this is where we are now. Fool Around and Find Out. You’ve got a nuclear war now. What’s your move? Backing down? Thought so.
It’s not Biden doing it. It’s Obama. That guy is abad dude.
I do not disagree with him. What is going on is beyond the pale of treason.
It’s not Biden doing it. It’s Obama.
Obama was a puppet, just like Biden.
Biden and his puppet masters want Russia to hit a NATO nation. That will officially start WWIII, and they’ll blame it on Russia. These warmongers must have sold their souls to the devil long ago.
That crap clinton did pales in comparison to this evil.
But now, Tucker Carlson is dead to me.
Apparently Xi Jinping told Biden off. NATO weapons strikes are a Chinese “red line”. Thus Biden crossed it to get back at Xi, along with a massive weapons sale to Taiwan. However this means that China will actively sell lethal weapons to Russia, and more PLA mercenaries “ will be en route.
Satan sure has a lot of puppets in that evil party.
Tucker’s right again. And Biden hasn’t been heard from since.
Who was Obama a puppet to? The country has never been the same since the 2012 election.
That's a shame, for Mr. Carlson as well - IIRC, most of his income comes from his business in Germany...
Obama was installed by the leftist Cabal that took over the Democratic Party, he was their Trojan Horse, used to fundamentally transform America. All he had to do was to repeat what was on the teleprompter.
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