Posted on 10/21/2024 9:43:52 AM PDT by SeekAndFind
Nature might abhor a vacuum, but empires love them. The busy empire-builders in Tehran have spent the last two decades extending their reach into power vacuums in Iraq and Syria as part of their attempt to recreate at least part of the old Persian Empire that once covered almost the entire Middle East.
Funding the Houthi rebels in Yemen keeps the Saudis conveniently distracted, too, as well as giving Tehran a way to attack the shipping that Western economies rely upon.
Hamas and Hezbollah in Gaza and Lebanon respectively are Iran's imperial outposts even further west — and the Arab nations have reportedly had enough.
According to an Open Source Intelligence Monitor (OSINT) translation Sunday night, the Arab-language newspaper Al-Hurra believes that "several Arab Counties have recently sent Back-Channel Messages to Israel expressing Support for their Retaliatory Strike against Iran."
The unnamed Arab nations stressed that Israel's military action "should be 'Strict and Clear,'" but also requested "that they receive an Advanced Notice, so that they may be able to take Precautions in case of a Counterattack."
Those same nations "are also said to have shown Support for Israel’s Strikes against both Lebanon and Syria, including the Strike which Eliminated the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah."
(Excuse the odd capitalizations, but I'm almost certain that English isn't OSINT's first language. Also, compare the Arab reaction with Biden officials apparently leaking Israel's attack plans to Tehran. Those bastards.)
Over at Instapundit, this is where my friend Sarah Hoyt would pretend to put on her shocked face.
This is also where things get weird.
Empires got a bad rap in the 20th century for legitimate and some not-so-legitimate reasons — particularly on the Left.
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I won't bore you by rehashing the whole history, so the best way to sum up Obama's Iran nuclear deal was that the U.S. would release billions in frozen funds to the mullahs in exchange for them doing a better job of pretending to hide their nuclear weapons program. Trump was right (if late) to kill it, but of course, Biden tried to resurrect its corpse with even more cash infusions.
Both administrations attempted to ostracize and delegitimize the Netanyahu government because Bibi stood in their way. Iran was happy to use its Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist proxies to fill in the power vacuum between Washington and Jerusalem that Biden and Obama created.
Yes, the Sunni Arab states would love to have Israel to do what they are unwilling to do, even though they know that if the Mullahs were successful against Israel, they, the Sunni Arab states would be next.
it’s showtime...
Israel will wait until after our election to decapitate the Iranian leadership. At that point it will be up to the Iranian people to finish the job.
Biden and Harris are losers. No reason to tell them everything. They let EVERYTHING LEAK OUT TO THE MAGGOTS IN THE MEDIA THESE DAYS.
The Iranians are a threat to everyone in the region who isn’t an ally or proxy. No doubt other Arab nations would breathe a sigh of relief if the Iranian mullahs were removed. I personally hope for a free Lebanon. It was once a beaufiful, prosperous country.
seems to me that bidungbeetle delivered a tailor made excuse to israel to go after the nuke facilities and go after the oil
It is long reported the PEOPLE of __________ are good but the administration, leader(s), President (etc.) is not.
Israel needs these other countries' air space to strike Iran. This is yuge!
I have speculated, as have others, that at some point the Sunnis will ally, if only by complacency, with Israel to destroy or at least do serious damage to the Shiites of Persia. That time may finally be at hand...again. Recall the raid on the Saddam’s reactor in 1981.
I hope Israel have the good sense to make you correct. Not the time right now. Another few weeks won’t make much difference in the impact on the Shiites.
“Recall the raid on the Saddam’s reactor in 1981.”
I was a senior in high school. I remember it well.
The Arab World got really angry and the leaders of the various nations all protested Israel’s strike on Osirak.
As years went by, it seems as though the official line was anger at Israel, behind the scenes, it was more like “Thank God Israel took care of this!”.
Due to the leak, Israel should say that nuke sites and oil facilities are back on the table.
“ Biden and Harris are losers. No reason to tell them everything”.
Don’t tell them anything!
Pootie probably approves, he gets sick of certain people occasionally.
They should be OUT of the loop on everything
Hardly anyone but Saddam and the 11 at the site who were killed was very upset.
Some arab states fighting?
That’s WWIII to you?
You sure you know what a word war is? :)
Everyone backing away from Ukaine, even if slowly.
Israel taking care of business.
And if the possible deaths of many US soldiers is exciting to you....well that scares me even more.
They will come in from the North and take out the command and control. Then they will send 180 missiles into Iran and take out their air force and army.
I would not be shocked to see most of their missiles hit their marks.
Israel is not going to do anything the arm chair generals expect.
And the significant part of the “leak” was that the US pretty much acknowledged that the IDF has nukes. That was not our official policy before. Those documents really didn’t relate to much of a “where or when” of their plans. The leak should be tracked down and prosecuted, but it won’t change much of Bibi’s plan.
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