Posted on 10/20/2024 4:45:31 PM PDT by hardspunned
"Middle East Spectator," is a pro-regime Telegram outlet based in Tehran, as all media channels based in Tehran are – by law. Last week, Middle East Spectator leaked two sensitive intelligence documents The documents originated in the US National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), and the information pertained to Israel's preparation to retaliate for Iranian missile attacks.
I have not re-published the documents leaked on Telegram. Interested readers can go to the link provided above.
Middle East Spectator claims it is an independent operation in Tehran. It says it got the documents from an “informed source in the US intelligence community.” If we take this at face value, then a source in the intelligence community contacted the Spectator and shared the two documents. To further clarify, in a subsequent post Spectator says the source was in the US Defense Department.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
With this admin, I would go with enemy within.
The Pentagon is full of traitors who hate America and Israel.
Probably fake info fed to Brandon.
You can thank the #JihadJunta, Barry Sotero, Susan Ricin, Valerie Jarrett, Ahmed Brennan, Eric Holder, and so many more disciples of the Mullahs for these leaks. Welcome to the world with Hammy Kammy (wait, that’s not halal!) as the selected Puppet in Chief, Cackle Cackle!
Far too many to count.
Or to Barry. If the loop was tight enough, the UCMJ could use it as evidence against the purposeful, National Security leaker(s).
We meddle/interfere in their elections, and they meddle/interfere in our elections!:
The Federal Election Campaign Act makes it illegal for a foreign national to contribute to a candidate’s campaign in any American election.
They are offering an In-kind contribution.
Maybe they leaked it...
“They” are the same.
Israel should know by now that you cannot trust the US gov’t.
How useful would a false plan, like “Operation Fortitude” or “Operation Mincemeat” be to the Israelis in this situation? Quite useful, and interesting. And where else could the Iranians expect such leaked information to come from... other than a US government department linked to Blinken’s State Department?
Those who fail to study history... screw up.
Didn’t Mark Milley promise to tell China if Trump was going to do anything militarily?
Same guy who seized control above Trump on J6?
I seriously doubt the Israelis would have shared their plans with the Biden regime. They might have give them disinformation about what they planned to do, but not their actual plans. They may have even counted on Biden’s team leaking the information in order to confuse Iran.
LOL! Dude, you need to write a book.
How about something as simple as a pro-Iranian Democrat slug leaking docs? God knows they love the Iranians.
We used to execute people who did this.
We should start doing that again.
The leak had to come from our side. Israel can’t trust the Biden Harris administration
rule 190
hear everything
believe nothing
I haven’t seen the purported documents so I don’t know for sure. Most of the stories are centered around the leak rather than its contents, but from what I read the documents had to do with Israeli preparations, not targeting info. But for Iran to publish them may be suggestive that they have more intel not revealed publicly.
I could be wrong, it’s just what I read. I haven’t dug too deep into the story.
“How useful would a false plan…be?”
The Russians did something like this in Ukraine. They tricked the Ukrainians into thinking a Russian offensive would come in the south, by very visibly moving troops and equipment south, so the Ukrainians prepared to repel them there, and then they surprised the Ukrainians by making a fast incursion in the north with troops that had been surreptitiously moved there.
Are they Israeli plans, or US assessments and intelligence gathered independently? I am sure both countries share some information, some disinformation, and some things are withheld. But at the same time we are capable of spying on Israel in many different ways too.
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