"this Republican nominee is SO terrible that you just HAVE to vote for the Democrat"
Four years earlier: "this Republican nominee is SO terrible that you just HAVE to vote for the Democrat"
Four years earlier: "this Republican nominee is SO terrible that you just HAVE to vote for the Democrat"
Four years earlier: "this Republican nominee is SO terrible that you just HAVE to vote for the Democrat"
Trump, though, IS an ACTUAL threat to their cozy little world, where the Bushes, Dole, McCain and Romney never really were. And Trump has already destroyed some of it. The controlling media is a shell of its former self, Roe vs Wade is gone, and now Chevron is too.
A victory in November will be epic, and will indeed be frightening to the Democrats. They have been used to vanquishing Republicans. But this particular one is STILL standing, despite EVERYTHING they could think of being thrown against him.
We're not even a constitional republic anymore.
We have been overthrown by the Deep State which only faintly pretends that the voters have some influence on the elections.
Do not debate Biden again or any other opponent the Democratic machine puts out in his place. No further debates with a Dem machine candidate.
The future of the Republic needs you at this time to be greater than the aspirations of any one man.
Don't give the machine a chance to get back on their feet or finish a plan they may already have begun, take this opportunity and remove them from any chance of obtaining the office of Presidency.
“A victory in November will be epic, and will indeed be frightening to the Democrats.”
I agree on both counts but also think it would take 50 years of sane leadership to get things back on track.
For some reason, the vast majority of our system opposes sanity right now.
I think the only thing that can organize everyone into coherency is very hard times. And the times aren’t hard enough yet. Hopefully I’m wrong about this.
Demcrats want it all for themselves. At least two of the Prosecuting attorneys of the 4 trials against Trump went to the White House for guidance and instructions. One of the PA came from the White House to NYC for the trial in NYC. The Dems want a dictatorship. Only Trump stands in the way. Certainly not McConnell, Romney, Paul Ryan or their ilk.
Supreme Court made monumental decision the other day on this,Al these government agencies making dictates,rules that you have to follow,bullcrap!
We don’t elect these agencies that make all these rules that you have no recourse,they weren’t elected!
Thank you Supreme Court !
The Democrats will do anything to protect democracy including imprisoning their political opponent and working to keep him off the ballot. If that doesn’t break your irony meter then you must be a Democrat.
To be fair, every Republican apparatchik says the same thing every 4 years about the Dems.
We faced 8 years of Obama and 8 of Clinton. We’re not dead yet.
These 4 of Bidet have been, arguably, the worst in terms of inflation, lawfare, OSHA mandates. At the same time, guns aren’t being confiscated, retirement money isn’t being nationalized, and EVs are on the decline.
The only elections in my lifetime that I believe were pretty important were 1980 and 2016.
I wrote elsewhere that The Presidency went from a job where the nation wanted a guy who had ideas and leadership qualities, to sort of like the slot for lead singer in Van Halen. The corollary is that regardless of who gets into the WH, the American People are Eddie, Michael, and Alex-a monster band that is invariant to the guy in the singer slot. WE run the nation.
That doesn’t mean there aren’t big issues on the ballot, and that we should stay home. I prefer Donald Lee Roth.
But let’s be honest.
Admittedly, their “GOP candidate is a threat”* is cranked up to “11,” but you’re right it’s the same hysterical shriek every time.
*I refuse to use the cliched metaphor “on steroids.”
THREAT TO DEMOCRACY is as fake as the democrats.
America is a REPUBLIC, not a democracy. This needs to be pounded away everywhere, because there’s an enormous difference between the two, and it’s a difference with a distinction.
Blue states are passing legislation to eliminate the Electoral College, one of the great checks and balances in our Constitution. They’re getting away with this because America’s youth are not being properly educated, and this whole idea that America is a democracy is a huge part of the problem.
America is a republic and we need to pass this along to the next generation before it’s too late to stop the left wing rot.
Democracy is at stake!
So help re-elect the figurehead POTUS so an unelected cabal can continue to run things!
If we were a democracy I would bother to to this screed.
Geez and here I thought we were a representative republic?
“Democrats have a slogan this presidential election: “Democracy is at stake.””
I agree with the Democrats. We’ve already lost Democracy, as we jail political opponents and have a party that actually pushes for Election Fraud. This election is about getting Democracy back...so yes, it is at stake.
Democracy is not ‘at stake’. Western Civilization, on the other hand, IS.
It’s not a democracy, it’s a Republic.
Of course that’s been the GOP message also. That’s how they keep people in line in this two party system we were never supposed to have. “We know our candidate sucks, but theirs is so much worse, stay in line”.
“Dumbmocrazy” is just another word for free stuff paid for by the taxpayers.
Dumbmocrazy (MOB RULE) sucks. It’s the reason every freeloading “minority” on the plant is sneaking and taking over countries formally run by WHITE PEOPLE. This horses*** isn’t migration, IT’S COLONIZATION by the third world freaky freeloaders.
It’s the Republic at stake. Democracies fail because the voters raid the Treasury or anybody earning more than they do. Republics have a rule of Law that respects private property.
When the Dims refer to “Democracy” they are referring to simple, majority rule Democracy characterized by mob rule, no minority rights, no electoral college and tyranny of the majority. The Constitution, for them, is an antique.