Posted on 03/04/2024 3:56:13 PM PST by george76
In a survey, 22 percent of respondents said they knew of at least one vaccinated person who suffered health issues after taking the injections.
People who did not comply with COVID-19 vaccine requirements were hesitant because they knew someone who had experienced a health problem after getting the injection, according to recent research.
“Knowing someone who experienced a health problem following COVID-19 injection reduced the likelihood of injection, the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research reported.
Such people “were more likely to oppose injection mandates and passports.
Conversely, “knowing someone who had health problems following the COVID-19 illness increased the likelihood of injection,” the journal said.
Among those who were aware of at least one individual who experienced COVID-19 injection adverse events, they said they knew about 57 deaths following vaccination.
“The health issues reported ranged from serious problems such as cardiac arrests and other heart-related problems, blood clots and other circulatory problems, to neurological issues, as well as milder effects such as feeling sick, headache, fever, etc.”
The study, published on Feb. 16, investigated the factors that made people support or protest COVID-19 vaccine mandates and passports. Researchers collected information from an online survey completed by 2,840 individuals in December 2021. It found that 22 percent of the respondents knew at least one person who experienced a health issue after getting vaccinated.
The authors cited other studies on vaccine hesitancy in the context of influenza to point out that “vaccination status [in these studies] is influenced by beliefs regarding vaccine safety, effectiveness in infection prevention, and the gravity of the illness that might be prevented.”
“Political identity is also important: Compared to Democrats, those who self-identify as Republicans are more likely to oppose mandates. Those who identify as Independent also tend to oppose injection mandates.”
One of the authors of the study is Mark Skidmore, a professor and Morris Chair in State and Local Government Finance and Policy at Michigan State University (MSU). He has previously published research in several journals like Economic Inquiry, Economics Letters, and the Journal of Urban Economics. The second author, Fernanda Alfaro, is a Ph.D. student at MSU.
Regarding funding and conflicts of interest, researchers said they received funds from an individual donor.
Safety Concerns and Vaccine Hesitancy..
In a recent post at the International Center for Law and Economics, health economist Roger Bate points out that the COVID-19 vaccines “were not as effective as originally claimed, and were effectively forced onto many people in order for them to work, attend school, or travel.”
“There is early evidence that these and other factors may currently be contributing to heightened vaccine hesitancy, with potentially serious consequences for public health.”
A July 2022 analysis published in BMJ Global Health also raised similar concerns. It argued that mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policies were “scientifically questionable” and were more likely to result in harm than good.
“Restricting people’s access to work, education, public transport, and social life based on COVID-19 vaccination status impinges on human rights, promotes stigma and social polarisation, and adversely affects health and well-being,” it said.
The restrictive COVID-19 policies “may lead to a widening of health and economic inequalities, detrimental long-term impacts on trust in government and scientific institutions, and reduce the uptake of future public health measures, including COVID-19 vaccines as well as routine immunizations.”
In an interview with Fox News last year, Dr. Robert Redfield, former head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said that federal officials pushed a “false perception” that the COVID-19 vaccines provided “complete” immunization.
“There was such an attempt to not let anybody get any hint that maybe vaccines weren’t foolproof, which, of course, we now know they have significant limitations,” he stated.
“I always said … my position was just tell the American public the truth: There are side effects to vaccines. Tell them the truth, and don’t try to package it.”
Commenting on the Feb. 16 study, cardiologist Peter A. McCullough said in a Substack post that vaccine hesitancy would be higher in 2024 “as more injuries, disabilities, and deaths have been reported as a result of the novel genetic products” since the 2021 survey. “When it comes to COVID-19 vaccination, hesitancy is a good thing demonstrating the population is concerned about consumer product safety of the mRNA and adenoviral DNA technology,” he wrote. Dr. McCullough also criticized the American Medical Association’s (AMA) view on vaccine hesitancy.
The AMA website has this statement: “While the AMA is a strong advocate for the effectiveness and safety of vaccines, we recognize that some members of the public may have historical, cultural, or religious reasons to distrust the vaccination process.”
The AMA’s views on the factors driving vaccine hesitancy are inapplicable, Dr. McCullough said. “Attempts to overcome vaccine hesitancy are likely to be harmful.”
Some experts have also raised concerns about vaccine hesitancy triggered during COVID-19 extending to other vaccines as well.
Hesitancy? We never had any intention of getting it.
Right. Not hesitantcy, but Hell, NO! And an upraised middle finger.
The VAXX may work for a large number of people in getting them past a first bout of Covid, but there are too many instances of very adverse effects for some - too many for an efficacious vaccine. It, the VAXX, wasn’t subjected to rigorous testing AND true reporting. Couple that with the real possibility that it turned many of the ‘vaxxinate’ into Covid Typhoid Marys who could infect others with Covid and you’ve got a real train wreck. The government lied - many people died.
My vaccine refusal crystalized when Big Pharma was given immunity from liability. If they’re not willing to put their balance sheet behind it, I’m not risking my life on it.
I didn’t consider getting the vaxx to try to avoid the flu. Why people keep getting the warp speed poison after it was proven to be a total bust in protecting you from the flu made no sense at all.
I was just born to rebel, and refusing the vax came natural.
monkey see, monkey not do ...
Are COVID pneumonia and COVID-19 different illnesses?
COVID-19 and COVID pneumonia are best described as
different stages of the same illness. COVID-19 is a
respiratory illness caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus,
and COVID pneumonia is a complication of COVID-19
that causes inflammation and fluid in your lungs.
Aug 10, 2022
Yeah - I did not have to see someone with adverse effects to deter me from taking any shots. Still not sure who in their right mind injects an untested product into their blood to try to save them from a disease that the people who died with/from it had an average age of 82 years old.
Propaganda truly works.
I was never hesitant.
I was hostile!
Meanwhile, many of us were *hesitant* because we didn’t trust the government that couldn’t keep its story straight from Day 1.
Not 10 year long term testing was a BIG red flag for me.
It was too rushed and new technology to boot.
Not to mention that there never had been a vaccine created for a cold, which Covid is, and suddenly with THIS one, it would work?
Nope. No thanks.
Try to force or coerce me, and I dig my heels in.
The open borders policy created a huge hole in the Covid narrative.
If the disease was the nasty killer that was claimed the border would have been sealed tight like a drum.
In addition once the vaccine was available at a minimum they would have arrested and jabbed all illegals with a sense of urgency and determination—to preserve public health.
That did not happen—so I knew they were lying.
My daughter had two miscarriages after the vax.
Long Term Effect remain unknown even today.
Masks had been reimposed on the healthy on December 20 "regardless of vaccination status".
If we had real journalism in Pennsylvania the December headlines would have read:
UPMC declares COVID vaccinations ineffective!
My son and d-i-l lost their baby at about 20 weeks. She had been vaxxed.
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