Imagine the noise here if any of the other candidates got this endorsement. Wow.
Was he supposed to say screw BLM? He’s walking a tight rope.
I wouldn't be.
Trump identifies as a Communist black activist from Havana.
It wasn’t the whole of BLM who endorsed him. It was one guy in the organization and I’m sure that dude is getting flat roasted about now.
He lost me at the Vab.
This should make for an interesting thread!
DC just spent $250,000 to refresh the Black Lives Matter painted over a couple of blocks this week.
Now I guess they will now spend another $250,000 to remove it.
I am very confused. On the BLM website it states they are against the nuclear family, yet Mark Fisher says that democrat policies actually strike at the heart of the Black family and the nuclear family.
Which is it?
Trump always fantasies about getting majority black support and yet at election time he gets screwed.
This fantasy is the reason he pushed for the criminal justice reform
bill along with Kushner.
Little does he realise that Black women hate him and are loyal democrats to the core and black men who have been released are too lazy to bother to vote and their mail in absentee ballots already filled in by community organizers.
I mean he bitch tweeted “LaW AnD OrDeR!1!1! while American cities were burned.
By none other than BLM.
So it makes perfect sense that he is “honored” to be endorsed by them.
Are any of you Trumplettes at least a little embarrassed?
Oh wait, it’s their God king.
Nothing ever embarrasses them.
Ron isn’t going to get the nomination.
This guy was from a different BLM.
Black Labs Matter, a pro Black Labrador Retriever group.
This definitely is not the same Trump who ran in 2016..It had become a running joke in DC that all you had to do was to tell Trump that he was great and had a great personality and he would sign any bill you shoved in front of him. If Charles Manson was still alive and paid a compliment to him, Trump would likely have pardoned him.
Trump ain't fooling nobody. Well, maybe himself.
Thinking you have the support of BLM on the basis of some nobody in Rhode Island?
That does it! I am voting the Nikki Haley/Chris Christie ticket. /s
Trump’s position on law and order issues hasn’t changed. If this particular BLM member’s views have shifted closer to Trump’s then that’s a good thing.
Good move