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Newsom picks Laphonza Butler as Feinstein replacement
Yahoo ^
| 10/1/2023
| Christopher Cadelago
Posted on 10/01/2023 7:48:51 PM PDT by Alter Kaker
California Gov. Gavin Newsom will appoint EMILY’s List President Laphonza Butler to fill the seat of the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein, elevating the head of a fundraising juggernaut that works to elect Democratic women who support abortion rights, according to a person familiar with the decision.
Newsom is moving swiftly to name the next senator, two days after Feinstein’s death and just as a perilously split Congress narrowly averted a government shutdown. Senate Democrats are in need of every vote in the closely divided chamber.
The announcement was expected to come Monday, and an adviser to the governor, Anthony York, told POLITICO that Newsom is making his appointment without putting limitations or preconditions on his pick running for the seat in 2024. That means Butler could decide to join the sprawling and competitive field of Democratic contenders seeking to succeed Feinstein, with special elections now layered on top of the March primary and November runoff.
Newsom’s selection of Butler comes at a moment of immense change in California’s political establishment, with millions of people still mourning the death of Feinstein, the barrier-breaking Senate lioness. Meanwhile the California governor, who was mentored by Feinstein, has been grappling with his own personal grief and the political ramifications of his choice to succeed her.
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TOPICS: Breaking News; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: California; US: Maryland
KEYWORDS: abortion; babykiller; banglist; barf; blacksupremacy; california; descrimination; eeo; emilyslist; feinstein; gavinnewsom; homosexualagenda; idiocracy; ketanjibrownjackson; laphonza; laphonzabutler; laphonzabutlerbio; laughapaloozabutler; lgbtq; marxist; newsom; obamacare; paulryan; plannedparenthood; politico; pollutico; replacement; righttolife; roevswade; scotus; senate
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To: Alter Kaker
Why was my first internal question “is she black?”
To: Alter Kaker
Does she know how to pull fire alarms? That seems to be important.
posted on
10/01/2023 7:50:43 PM PDT
(A hayseed with no Greek and dam^ proud of it)
To: Alter Kaker
TAM qualified, I presume.
posted on
10/01/2023 7:51:52 PM PDT
(I am a binary Trinitarian. Deal with it!)
To: T. P. Pole
And mine was “is she a REAL ‘she’”?
posted on
10/01/2023 7:53:08 PM PDT
(I am a binary Trinitarian. Deal with it!)
To: Alter Kaker
"Senator Laphonza"
posted on
10/01/2023 7:53:16 PM PDT
(“Occupy your mind with good thoughts or your enemy will fill them with bad ones.” ~ Thomas More)
To: T. P. Pole
posted on
10/01/2023 7:55:36 PM PDT
(Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord. Lord, hear my voice: Psalm 130)
To: Alter Kaker
Harry had better stay away from Meghan for a few days. She’s going to be more than a little upset.
posted on
10/01/2023 7:56:30 PM PDT
Leaning Right
(The steal is real.)
To: Alter Kaker
Laphonza Romanique Butler began her career as a union organizer for nurses in Baltimore and Milwaukee, janitors in Philadelphia and hospital workers in New Haven, Connecticut. In 2009, she moved to California, organizing in home caregivers and nurses, and served as President of SEIU United Long Term Care Workers, SEIU Local 2015.

Butler was elected President of the California SEIU State Council in 2013. She undertook efforts to boost California's minimum wage and raise income taxes on the wealthiest Californians. As President of SEIU Local 2015, Butler endorsed Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Democratic presidential primary.
Butler joined SCRB Strategies as a partner in 2018. At SCRB, she played a central role in Kamala Harris' 2020 presidential campaign. Butler was known as a political ally of Harris since her first run for California Attorney General in 2010, when she helped Harris negotiate a shared SEIU endorsement in the race.
To: Alter Kaker
Emily’s List president. Openly gay. Ticking lots of boxes for Gavin.
To: All
posted on
10/01/2023 7:57:25 PM PDT
(As Robert Louis Stevenson told Dems: “I regard you with an indifference bordering on aversion.")
To: T. P. Pole
Isn’t that what Newsom promised?
To: Polyxene
Is Laphonza like Oprah? Alphonza and Orpah?
To: Alter Kaker
I knew that Gavin Newsom would make this pick, in fact I said it somewhere on FR recently. But he should have picked a Hispanic male because they’re the largest minority in California, if he’s playing identity politics.
To: Liz
That’s her Senate seat for as long as she wants it.
posted on
10/01/2023 7:59:42 PM PDT
(Endut! Hoch Hech!)
To: Alter Kaker
Newsom faced considerable pressure around the decision after first pledging to name a Black woman to the seat. Latinos have gotta be getting sick of this crap.
"Black black blackity black blackity blackity black black!" is all they ever hear from Democrats.
posted on
10/01/2023 8:00:04 PM PDT
(Ron DeSantis for President. A conservative who fights and wins..)
To: Brown Deer
posted on
10/01/2023 8:00:27 PM PDT
(The residents of Iroquois territory may not determine whether Jews may live in Jerusalem.)
To: Alter Kaker
Meghan Markle is going to spit her English Tea out when she hears about this. She was hoping to use it as a stairstep eventually leading to the presidency. Yes. The Presidency!
To: MinorityRepublican
. But he should have picked a Hispanic male because they’re the largest minority in California, if he’s playing identity politics.He already did. He appointed Alex Padilla to fill Harris' seat when she became VP.
posted on
10/01/2023 8:00:40 PM PDT
Alter Kaker
(Gravitation is a theory, not a fact. It should be approached with an open mind...)
To: Drew68
Blaggots! (Black and Gay)
posted on
10/01/2023 8:01:07 PM PDT
(Endut! Hoch Hech!)
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