Posted on 04/24/2023 7:45:23 AM PDT by ChicagoConservative27
A new subvariant of COVID-19 is increasing in the US and is now responsible for nearly 10% of all new cases, according to alerts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and World Health Organization.
The CDC estimates that omicron strain XBB.1.16 — more commonly known as “Arcturus” — was the cause of 9.6% of new infections this week. That represents an increase from nearly 6% last week and about 3% the week prior.
Because of the spike in infections, the World Health Organization is warning the public of the possibility that the new strain could become the dominant strain in the US in the near future.
“Due to its estimated growth advantage and immune escape characteristics, XBB.1.16 may spread globally and contribute to an increase in case incidence,” WHO announced in a new report. “However, at present, there is no early signal of an increase in severity.”
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
“However, at present, there is no early signal of an increase in severity.”
I was on my favorite trail out in the hills a couple days ago, a couple miles from the parking lot. The sun was shining, it was 75 degrees, and there was a wonderful fresh air breeze.
A Chinese woman was coming up the steep hill trail toward me. We were the only two people around. So, naturally, he hurriedly grabbed the mask around her neck, pulled it up over her face, held it there with her hand, turned her face away from me, and moved over toward the edge of the trail about the ravine.
I was tempted to help her end it all with a push into the canyon. The remnants of insanity are everywhere.
My son and I went to the San Francisco Giants - NY Mets baseball game in San Fran yesterday and I was very pleasantly surprised to see less than ten people wearing masks! I was shocked.
Two weeks ago I thought I had the flu......after 3 days I was on the mend so I didn’t test for covid.
About the time I started feeling better my wife got sick.
After 4 days of fever we decided we better test her and sure enough she tested positive.
She hasn’t bounced back as quickly as I did. I contribute that to my exercising regularly and apparently in general covid hits females a little harder.
Neither of us has ever even considered getting a covid shot and that hasn’t changed.
Hopefully now we have natural immunity.
Also, her Dr prescribed her paxlovid but the taste side effect was so bad she quit taking it after one dose.
I really believe the only reason we caught it at all is we let our guard down in public.
Still NOPE! 🔬🤔😵🚫😷💉🐎💩
They’re still wearing masks around the Detroit, and Ann Arbor area. Haven’t seen anyone wearing them on trials (at least it since 2020), but I still see people wearing them on the street when out and about.
Been at ocean shores in Washington since Saturday razor clamming and there are still people with masks on, on the beach! Just crazy.
I hope it kills every democrat.
Notice, I did not use a /s tag
Election season is coming up.
Gotta get a good scare into the population so they’ll be too afraid of going to the polls - keep them voting by mail - or have their votes harvested by Democrats.
in time to have mail in voting and drop boxes for the 2024 election cycle...
Wearing masks just identifies their IQ,
The real test involves them getting a booster which will significantly increase their chances in the vaxxxxxxxxine death lottery
I’m betting she will be one of the first in line
Masks scarce at most gyms. Many who wear them are kindly souls with a head cold.
There is no such thing as natural immunity against a non natural virus, produced by the Chinese, in error or otherwise.
Just to revisit some basics, I presume everyone is aware they are replacing cells in their body all the time. Pretty much all of them. Including immunity cells. An immunity learned in some immunity cell isn’t forever. Those cells die and are replaced. The new cells don’t sit down and chat with the old, dying cell about all the things it learned.
Some chatting does happen. Immunity will leap to the next generation of cell, but the leap is never perfect and there is a steady, relentless loss of sensitivity to that old infection by the newly created immunity cells. It’s gradual.
Some loss faster than other loss.
Time is passing. The virus finds new ways to infect. Our defenses relentlessly weaken.
As viruses mutate, they become less pathogenic. This is because it is not good for the virus to kill its host and thus remove a vector from the transmission. Each new variant of covid is less pathogenic. It has now become nothing more than the flu. The crisis is over. It never would have been a crisis if we had of used HCQ and ivermectine as did India.
Utterly insane and totally devoid of common sense, aren’t they? You are outside in the sun, a nice fresh breeze in your face, and you are afraid of a virus particle up your nose, a virus that hardly makes anybody sick anymore? These people have ZERO critical thinking ability.
I was at Rodeo Beach in Marin County at the peak of the pandemic, either summer 2020 or maybe 2021. I never wore a mask outdoors. Ever. I sat down on a bench facing the ocean with a nice gentleman about my age. We were in a stiff breeze, 15-20 mph coming off the Pacific Ocean and having a nice, pleasant conversation when his wife came back from the restroom and just lit into me for not having a mask on and for having the audacity to talk to her husband without a mask. I started toying with her insanity and paranoia. She went absolutely crazy, screaming at me, yelling “Go back where you came from” (which was just 50 miles south). Her husband grabbed her arm and quickly ushered her away before the bulging veins in her neck popped.
I’ve never seen anything like it.
Even if there is a new variant of the Wuhanic Plague, RNA genetics and the Second Law of Thermodynamics dictate that it will be less serious and less deadly than the preceding variant UNLESS human manipulation continues to try and add Gain of Function.
Left alone, the Wuhanic Plague has decayed to the point that whatever is left is just a variant of the original human virus the Chinese chose for their delivery vehicle, without the deadly bolt-on payload virus from some African Fruit Bat and the additional toxins the Chinese attached to it.
I was wondering just the other day, by the time you reach age 70, are there any original cells left you were born with? What about molecules and atoms? Has everything been changed out? How many times?
If nothing of the original you is left, are you still you?
The Vaccine is really only beneficial for high risk individuals, not because it prevents COVID (it does not) but it does seem to have a somewhat beneficial effect in decreasing serious symptoms.
What everyone should know is that COVID is not a joke. Numerous studies now clearly show that COVID can cause heart and lung damage to people even if they had a mild infection. Repeat infections increase the damage and land many in the hospital who had previously easily gotten through earlier infections.
It is looking like the spike protein itself is highly toxic to humans and as it travels through the body it destroys whatever it comes in contact with. In younger healthier people, the effect of this toxicity can remain hidden for years but can become quite serious.
The spike protein toxicity is also present in the vaccine but not as potent as in the virus itself.
Bottom line……be careful, remain realistically vigilant, don’t catch COVID.
Thousands of mules ready to stuff drop boxes with fake ballots, all filled out for Big Brother Joe.
Where is the GOP??
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