Posted on 04/10/2023 10:51:48 PM PDT by CFW
The Biden administration’s reaction to being criticized for playing identity politics with the military has been to play identity politics with the military. Are you concerned about our military readiness now that its purpose has been redefined to focus on the national security threats emerging from climate change, white privilege, and abortion bans? Please allow the man claiming to be a woman to explain why you’re undermining military readiness.
As assistant secretary of defense for readiness, Shawn Skelly oversees military preparedness for warfighting, including training programs, equipment safety and munitions supplies.
And Skelly has a message for Republicans accusing the Department of Defense of promoting diversity and inclusion in the armed forces at the expense of military readiness: their campaign is what’s hurting the military’s warfighting capabilities.
“If you want to be ready, then you have to ensure that everybody that is in your force can be their best selves and contribute as a member of a team and be seen as valuable,” said Skelly, speaking at the Pentagon in his first in-depth interview since taking the job in 2021.
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Stalin murdered his Generals and decimated his officer corps in the late 30s, leaving only a few yes men. The Soviet Army paid a brutal price before it could turn into a Wehrmacht crushing force. It’s likely they couldn’t have done so without our Lend Lease.
Now our own military has been gutted of good leaders. It is filled with moral cowards like Milley, Mattis, Berger, the Navy clowns who went after Eddie Gallager, Austin, etc.
With this military finely honed for chasing bandits in the middle east, we are lining up to fight China, Russia and maybe Iran all at the same time.
After our initial defeats, where will our “lend lease” rescue come from? We are alone, these ass clowns better wake up.
There is no consequence to the political leadership for this. If the US falls, they will just fly to New Zealand, or elsewhere, where all the globalists plan to set up their castles and control us remotely.
After our defeats, they will blame the white males and stoke their anger even more. I can easily envision a death spiral that ends very badly before the chit is cleansed from every corner of our society - if our society survives.
meanwhile some wuss will be sitting at a desk typing reports , get a sore wrist, a purple heart and disability benefits and PTSD to boot.
Young men over the next two decades have an opportunity to achieve a lot for themselves and loved ones, if they are willing to work.(Preferably as independents, not controlled by private & public woke management)
The current demographic trends will make essential labor & essential capital a premium for civilization to survive. (Don’t waste this group for “rah rah war” idiots.)
The neocon war machine that sees an enemy ideology “that must be defeated” under every insignificant piece of real estate on the planet, needs to find “new blood” for military recruitment.
The new cannon fodder should be comprised of single women pro abortion kamikazes, fags, dykes, and trannies.
These pour oppressed groups throughout history need to fill the void and win some wars for our nation....... “democracy wants you.” (Sarcasm)
The problem is, mathematically, there simply are fewer white men, particularly of fighting age.
Demographics is destiny.
It’s bad when global thermonuclear war starts to seem like the best option.
The strategic nuclear forces share the same priorities as the rest of the regime military. Drug abuse, cheating, and command incompetence are de rigeur. I wouldn’t expect a win in any case.
Face iStalins socialist totalitarian purges were the reason why russian women HAD to fight in their infantry and devastated sieged places like Leningrad.
The men will revert to protecting themselves, and anyone else they feel the need to protect. We wont protect those who disrepsect and say they dont need us.
I guess with all the volcanoes in the area.
I only know that the elites look at New Zealand as a possible Mount Olympus, where they can rule us mortals without us having physical access to them.
I can’t imagine a better place on earth, because it’s in the middle of absolutely nowhere.
I agree with you, there is no running from God.
Betting on New Zealnd, giving its politics and its xenophobic resistance to immigration unless you have lots of money is a bad bet for globalists. Oh they have money now but when the world’s economics go bust, their paper money will mean nothing...even gold and silver will lose its luster. The few globalists that even make it to New Zealand will find they have control over nothing in lands that have been generally damaged and destroyed as the armies, politicians and control structures have vanished. The local government of New Zealand may well come to regard these former captains of industry as useless eaters with nothing to contribute to New Zealand. It will go very bad for these pompous foreigners!
Nice post… after I watched the Chinese weather balloon, winky wink, I just sat there a few minutes.
As a veteran, the leftists had already been heavy into identity promotions in the late 80s, so I got out after, for a second time I was told you go here, we have to send a female.
That is demeaning, but this all started long before Biden.. it got very bad under Obama. Who wants to be stationed with a bunch of homos?
If there is one thing I learned from military history… it is this: men will fight like lions for the freedom of their wives, children, mom and dad.
Without this Biblical love for family… they are going to turn and run. They have nothing to fight for, nothing to die for. Purposeless narcissists.
Like in Nazi Germany and the persecution and murder of the Jews I’m starting to see the beginnings of government choosing white men and whites in general as the problem for all of Americans problems and the elevation of sick white radicals and their black counterparts within the population that are being programed to agree. This is getting real ugly
I wouldn’t condemn NZ, any more than Hawaii, for having volcanic activity.
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