Trump is a flawed man and not a true conservative. But I don't believe there is anyone better that can take out he elites. I hope he has learned from his mistakes in listening to deep staters and will go outside to get fighters.
But at least 1 pic is required.
“Trump is a flawed man and not a true conservative. “
What, like a “true Christian”, where some idiot thinks they, and they alone, know what a Christian is and no one else could possibly be one?
No one died and left you the judge of what a conservative is. He’s done far more conservative things than you ever have done. I don’t see you sticking your neck out and taking a beating for it, Ms. Anonymous on the Internet.
“Look at my boobies! Look at my boobies! Look at my boobies! I think with them!”
Trump appointed conservative judges across the judiciary, including those who overturned the abomination Roe v. Wade.
His conservative credentials are proven for all time.
I feel sorry for ugly women who have so few tools with which to pursue and then blackmail rich men.
>> prosecutors allege that Trump employed “catch and kill” tactics to keep potential sex scandals — including one with McDougal — from coming to light.
Ooooh. “Catch and kill”. Sounds gruesome. We’re in death penalty territory here!
But when you tell the truth and use the proper terms — “Trump negotiated non-disclosure agreements” — it loses its yellow journalism punch.
Non-disclosure agreements aren’t illegal. This author is using sensationalism to delude the biased ignorant. Don’t fall for it.
You’d almost think McDougal didn’t know that he was DJT, married father of five. She just knew he was rich.
Wonder what most of the American housewives think of her . . .
Tuesday April 4, 2023 didn’t work, and falling quick.
* Signal next try fast. April 5th, 2023
Trump 2024!
Not a TRUE conservative…. WHAT THE HELL is a true conservative????? McCain, McConnell, Graham, Kemp, Christy, Merkowski, Collins????? Trump was the ONLY POTUS to EVER set foot on the stage at the March For Life THE ONLY ONE!! Trump is the ONLY POTUS that REALLY CARED for America and NOT HIMSELF!! Trump is MORE conservative than ANY POTUS in my lifetime and YES that includes Reagan Trump has dealt with FAR MORE hate than Reagan ever did!! YES Trump is a populist a CONSERVATIVE populist!!
Trump accomplished more for America in one 4yr term than any President in your lifetime.
She’s 52 now. I doubt she looks like that anymore.
Stormy has to pay Trump $121k in legal fees.. shxt happens.
The fact that beautiful, voluptuous women with low morals make themselves available to wealthy powerful men and are avidly pursued by such men is not news. This has been happening throughout recorded history and will continue to happen until the crack of doom. It may be hardwired Darwinian behavior. That is not to say that families, children, the women and powerful men do not pay a price. Sometimes it has been a huge price and has affected many, many people, on occasion whole nations and has changed history.
“McDougal is alleged to have received $150,000 in exchange for her agreement not to speak about a “sexual relationship”
Kind of like the “HUSH fund set up for congressional members who got into some “trouble”. From 1997 to 2017, over $18.2 million dollars of taxpayers money was paid out to silence victims at the hands of elected house members. It is now time to demand the release of names, how much and why. IT IS NO DIFFERENT THAN WHAT DJT IS ACCUSED OF DOING EXCEPT IT WAS OUR F’ING MONEY.
“ Trump is a flawed man”
So was King David
That is if there's a skank ranking amongst hookers. She looks like she's slightly less likely to give you a disease anyway.
Any kin to Susan McDougal who spent time in Prison over the Clinton’s Whitewater scam?
Her parents must be proud of her. Making all that money screwing married men with children that are three and four times her age . . .
Be hard to pass that up. Better than Lewinsky.