We have a plant near Port Clinton. Only place I have ever seen that has to remove mayflies from the roads with snow plows.
Imagine the ridicule received growing up with the last name “Majewski” lol.
Loading planes in Qatar doesn’t seem like exactly a picnic. I’d guess it could be hot, hard work.
So they are getting on a guy who actually served overseas because he’s a Trump supporter.
Yet they run to DaNang Dick Blumenthal with microphone in hand for talking points every time he speaks.
Military documents obtained by The Associated Press through a public records request tell a different story.
It's amazing what the AP can find out when it wants.
I see no proof that his guy claimed Afghanistan service. Anyone know if he did?
I can that that, after 28 years in the USAF, I've been in places that are NOT in my records.
This guy may be a MAGA, but he still appears to be a lout. Because of redistricting there is a good chance to oust Kaptur, so the GOP nominates this unattractive and dimly belligerent individual. This is akin to the Walker nomination in Georgia. Gopers are simply not serious about regular politics.
Just another BS artist
My guess is when deployed to Qatar he made multiple flights to Afghanistan to load and unload. Day trips and even overnighters would not show up on his records. When I was in Iraq we constantly had air crew at the dfac from Qatar. I doubt those trips showed on their records. If that dfac got bombed (i.e. Mosul) they were just as dead.
I find it strange that the so-called “media” maggots finds it no big deal when their “democrats” do this. Phony, lying-ass hypocrites.
His opponent is the incumbent, Marcy Kaptur, a Democrat who has been serving in the House since 1983. When did she served? Any combat experience? Has she ever supported anything that we care about?
Stupid people do stupid things, like voting for Kaptur. Are you going to be one of these?
Wouldn’t it be delicious if he could produce his orders for deployment to Afghanistan?
When I was in the Air Force my promotion records were always screwed up. The only place to always seem to have it right was the pay office. Luckily, I had copies of all of my promotion orders.
Why it is that Republicans think they can lie their way through a campaign and expect the same deferential treatment the “media” give to the dems is a real head-scratcher. The “media” are on the hunt 24/7 for anything to use against GOP candidates. Why in the hell do these people want to make their job so easy?
No matter where you served, you served with a whole bunch of other people who remember you and remember exactly what you did or did not do.
Thankfully, while the Ohio Republicans tend to run complete morons at the state, local and federal levels, the Ohio Democrats run even worse candidates.
Sure he’s not from Connecticut?
Does anyone, ANYONE check these candidates out?
Good grief, what a loser.